Saturday, March 2, 2013

Weekend Update

Yes, friends, we did ultimately make it home from our Southwestern hideaway Monday evening, though we might as well have driven, surfing ahead of that bad-assed blizzard that sloshed through Oklahoma and Kansas early this week, rather than wait on those long security lines for the privilege of riding a crop duster back to the heartland.

And since then, we've been a little too buried in work and family matters to do any proper kink to share with you here.

We warned you there might be weeks like this.

Poor Mistress spent Wednesday on a mad dash via US Air from River City to Long Island and back to meet with a client. With a schedule like that, it's no wonder we've been on a 1 a day regime these last few days.

Though there is hope.

This weekend we are heading up to our cute Sorority girl's little college town. Mistress will be going to a Mom / Daughter sorority event this evening, and we'll be hosting a dinner Sunday evening for some of her friends to celebrate her 21st Birthday.  But in between time, there should be plenty of opportunities for a little "nookie". 

Mistress considered inviting her former consort D (remember "cougar week"?) to join us for a drink, since he lives in said College town. But we will see if there really is time to squeeze him in.

And on the way home last night, she mentioned a text she received from "Mr. Perfect Cock", the other young chunk of eye candy she spent some time with late last year.

"Sounds like he's got girlfriend problems, Slave."

Not surprising. He's the guy with the long distance, cyber originating girlfriend in Oklahoma, who claims she is related to Kristin Chenowith (the person who did the red carpet for the Oscars we watched in our Airport hotel room Sunday night, who my aging Mother asked me about: "Is she a midget or something?"), but , according to the girlfriend, "with a better voice."


Anyway, this chick was so obsessive about Mr. Perfect Cock's whereabouts from 900 miles away that Mistress showed him the door. Now he seems to want more free therapy about how to handle her controlling ways. (And I suspect that's not the only type of "therapy" he's looking for.)

"I told him if he wants to meet for a drink sometime, that would be OK, Slave."

We will keep you posted.

Finally, before Slave heads upstairs to wake Mistress in the manner to which she has become accustomed, let me do a little Blog housekeeping.

For the last several weeks, our UCTMW inbox has been buried on spam "comments". Until now I did not want to create a barrier to your legitimate comments with one of those annoying code boxes.  But the time has come.....

We love your comments.... sorry for the inconvenience.

Monday, February 25, 2013

From the Cock-Pit

As this gets posted, we hope we will be winging East, back in the general direction of River City.

But at least we should share this photo of Mistress's in her replacement panties here in our plush room at the Airport Raddison -
See what you're missing WC?

Fortunately, Mistress is resourceful. If they cancel your flight, then she knows its time to take the controls:

Sunday, February 24, 2013


Mistress and Slave woke up in a charming little western town in Southern Colorado, in the shadow of these "Spanish Peaks", which out cracker jack Western Correspondent helpfully informed us are in the 14,000 ft. category. (We thought he was more familiar with Spanish Fly than Peaks, but I guess we are always surprised by Miguel.)

In fact, we had checked in with the WC on our drive Saturday evening north from New Mexico. We left our cabin after a final gloriously sunny ski day because of reports that snow was heading toward Denver, and we wanted to be on the ride side of that 10,000 foot mountain pass if that was the case.

Miguel assured Mistress that it was nothing to worry about.

"Only a few inches... DIA can sure handle that."

So we stopped for the night in that tiny old mining town at a quaint 130 year old hotel, with a cute little restaurant, planning to finish the drive to Denver this morning. And when we woke up at around 6 am the skies were clear, as you can see from this "on the road" photo.

But north of Colorado Springs the snow began to fall, and we got the word from an airline we will forego in the future that 1) our plane was cancelled;  2) If we are lucky they might be able to squeeze us in on an alternative flight in 3 or 4 days; and 3) there would be an extra charge to fly an earlier flight to a nearby City.

So much for our WC's meteorlogical skills.

I will give the WC credit though: he did invite us to move into his basement suite for the duration of our extended stay in the mountain west.  But work cannot wait for Southwest Airlines to find some room for us.  We braved an exit ramp in heavy wet snow, found a Starbucks, whipped out the laptops,  and made alternative reservations back in Colorado Springs.... for Monday morning.

We hopped back in the rental car, reversed course, dodged spinning pick-ups on I-25, and now find ourselves safely and warmly ensconced in a hotel near the airport. Sadly, the WC was unable to accept our invitation to join us for dinner. Nor would his Executive Editor expect him to risk the company car in this weather.

Mistress did complain to him over the phone that her Slave was unwilling to pull off the snow slicked, whited out  highway in search of a lingerie stores so she could acquire an extra set of undies for this unexpected stay. The WC advised that she "go commando" tomorrow, but she whined about the potential chafe involving jeans and tight airport seating.

But there was a happy ending of sorts.

The snow abated by the time we hit the Springs.

And Slave spotted a suburban mall with a Kohl's.  That would have to do.  Mistress selected the following from the meager selection:

"You like polka dots, don't you Slave?"

And we did find a cozy hotel room.  We've already had some nice "between the sheets" time, though Mistress expressed surprise when, after I gave her a nice cum with my hungry lips and tongue, I directed her to suck her "work-a-day" cock.

"You're getting a little 'take charge' aren't you Slave?"

"Remember Mistress.... it is switch day."

Fortunately, Mistress did remember.

And tonight, while Mistress is watching the Oscars, maybe I can find some time to further organize the budding "Tammy Liberation" Movement.

Saturday, February 23, 2013


Mistress and Slave are winding down our week at our SW hideaway. Over the last few days the snow gods have smiled on us here, giving us back to back Powder Days with the groomers unable to keep up with the dump.  Both Mistress and I took photos of ourselves knee deep in the light fluffy stuff yesterday.

But you will be relieved to know that we've also been able to keep up the sexual hijinks too.  Of course, Wake-up sex is never a problem. After a good night's sleep we are always "good to go", and the time change always gives us a little head start on the day. Early to bed and Mistress's work-a-day cock is locked, loaded and ready to discharge on command.

Yesterday afternoon, our legs were shot by around 1:30, so we came down the hill a little early. We had friends coming over for dinner, so Slave went into town to buy some provisions while Mistress set the table and tidied up. When I arrived home Mistress was ready for a lay down, with about 3 hours to go before our guests arrived.

She mentioned how sore her legs were, and I noted that she still had her black skiing tights on. Slave took this as a signal that Mistress was too tuckered for some afternoon delight, and I must say I was a little sleepy too. So after a little reading we both dozed off as the sun began its slow descent reflecting off the mountains through our cabin window.

But after about 30 minutes I noted some tell tale motion  next to me. Mistress was snuggling close, and her leg was draping over mine. I quickly got the message.

"Slave, I want you to make love to me now...."

No problem, Mistress, I thought you were tuckered out and  taking a pass."

"let me do the thinking, Slave."

She slithered out of those tights, and instructed her slave to insert "your device", assuring a particularly cock.  And by the time I slid back into bed I was more than anxious to graze her clean shaven folds as a little "starter" course before moving onto the main event.

Mistress indulgence of her pampered house Slave is a contrast to what's going on over in the realm of Suzanne at  All Mine . She and Jay are off somewhere in the West, where she is combining business with mucho pleasure this week. In the meantime, Tammy has been relegated to his cock cage, with no apparent possibility of parole until his Mistress's return.

Now I know some of you fans of forced chastity relish the thought of extended denial. But all I know is the cock cage I wear can get damned uncomfortable after 24 hour. I can't begin to imagine the pinchy pain and discomfort of a week of containment.  Yikes!

It sounds that Tammy's regular babysitter, Sherry, who typically enjoys "keyholder" status (as well as other privilges) will be checking up on Tammy this weekend. Couldn't she be allowed to at least take Tammy's "clitty cock" out for a weekend stroll before Suzanne returns next week?

Now maybe this cry for justice is impertinent coming from a lowly, and oft  pampered house Slave. Last night Mistress threatened me with a spanking in front of our guests when I inconsiderately gave her some instructions as we were putting dinner on the table.  (One of the female guests snickered at the thought, though I suspect she thought Mistress was only joking with me). It may be this blog posting will be interpreted as too "uppity" and make her follow through on her warning. If so, I am prepared to face the medicine for showing solidarity for a fellow sub.

But of you agree with me that its time to give Tammy at least a brief parole this weekend, with supervision by Suzanne's well experienced sister Tammy, please stop by All Mine today and add your voice to mine.