Sunday, April 8, 2012

Last Call

It's the last day of ski season here in our little corner of paradise, and also the last day for Mistress and Slave's little getaway. A busy work week awaits after we arrive in River City on Monday evening.  We've had a glorious time, aided by that 20 inches of fresh snow Monday and Tuesday that brought back the white, and the smiles to the faces of the hearty few who made it all the way to the end of the season.

Our routine has not been tedious: wake-up sex, some reading (or work), heading up to the mountain around 9:30 or so, to give the snow a chance to soften up, then bailing out at around 2 pm, as the snow gets slushy and hard to push around for  Mick's aging quads. 

And of course, that gives us time for what Mistress describes as her favorite part of the day:
After the sun lowers and the breeze picks up, it's time for Mistress and Slave to adjourn to the remote executive suite here for some napping and nooky, in no particular order.

So I hope you will excuse me, as I cut these remarks short. Our full moon is setting in the front of the house, and Mistress has given me notice that it is time to start our day!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Strange Rituals Department

Mistress and Slave are in their final days of vacation here, though I am not ure our respective work places give a rat's ass.  Over the next few days we may minimize the blogging to maximize the relaxation.  But it's worth posting a little Good Friday update about some of our "neighbors" here in the edge of the Mountains.

About 150 yards behind our house is a Penitente "Morada", that get's hopping on Good Friday.  Here's a  link explaining this Catholic "cult" that specializes in rituals that involve faux crucifixtions and self-flagellation.

And here's a photo of the Morada yesterday afternoon. There were plenty of cars parked nearby, but the rituals were taking place inside.
While we've seen members of this "brotherhood" hauling full sized crosses down the highway, things were rather low key at the Morada yesterday. If there was any self-flagelating going on, the guys were stifling their cries of agony quite efficiently.

Hopefully, when I exercise my switch privileges tomorrow out on the patio after skiing, we will be equally good neighbors.

Friday, April 6, 2012

The Dutiful Mistress

In lieu of wake-up sex here at the UCTMW Mountain Hideaway, Mistress is now sitting in our bed, attired in a rather skimpy green undie and top set, and awaiting a 6:30 am conference call for the continuation of her "Senior Managment Strategic Summit" (or something equally pretentious) that kept her in River City last Saturday. 

As you can imagine, she's not thrilled, either about the early wake-up time, or the need to set aside precious time here in our private paradise to the sniping and posturing that is sure to unfold over the phone for the next 3 hours.  I've offered to worship while the call proceeds, but so thinks that might make her sound a little too "disengaged". Let's hope so!

On the other hand, if you have to be part of a tedious 3 hour conference call, you might as well do it with a view like the one above.

Both of us have learned how to put in our hours out here in the Sangre de Christo Mountains. And sometimes I think we can be more efficient out here. While she is on the phone, I will also be grinding away to prepare for some events at work next week, after finishing this blog, of course.

Yesterday involved more efforts to balance work and leisure here, while also giving Mistress a chance to work on her tan. There was an early conference call for her, but not so early as to cramp our sexual stylings after Mistress was primed with that first cup of coffee, and the attentions of my lips and tongue.

We spent a few hours on the mountain, the sun at full blast getting things a little too slushy by 1:30 pm or so, all the while checking our work emails on the chair lifts.

The slush gave us a good excuse to come back to the UCTMW "compound" for lunch and a little more sunning.  And here you can see Mistress responding to more work email messages in her preferred uniform. Fortunately, there was no Fed Express delivery yesterday.

I sent this photo via text to J, who later told Mistress that it popped up on his Droid device as he was sitting down to dinner with his parents for their Holy Thursday meal.  Gee, J, sorry for the distraction.

(My apologies Suzanne. I know you didn't want me to put up anything that would give your Jay any "carrot cuffing" provocations while he is away from you, but without this photo this would be kind of a crappy post, don't you think?)

Speaking of Mistress's J, they did spend some time talking as I made dinner last night. It seems they have missed one another, and were comparing schedules to see when they can get together for some "quality time" next week.  They've even talked about a "dinner date" for the three of us next weekend, though I do think J thinks that idea is a little "out there". But as a practical matter, who would take notice of three friends out to dinner. Where two of the three (and which two) bed down after that would be a private matter, wouldn't it?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

HNT / More Sun and a Little Less Snow

Life slides by quickly here at our hideaway, and, sadly, duty back at home calls too, leaving not a whole lot of time for blogging this morning.

I do want to thank Harry and Petunia for their acknowledgment in comments yesterday that the truth should be a defense when it comes to punishable comments for this pampered house Slave. As for the rest of you.... well, I was not too surprised by your heartless lack of sympathy for my bony ass.

As for yesterday....Let's just say that our day started with some fancy cock riding by Mistress, developed into a lovely day on the slopes, as the sun came out to slowly warm soft and fluffy new snow into a more soupy concoction that had had our thighs burning my mid-afternoon. 

It seemed a  good time to adjourn back to our patio, where the snow from the day before had already melted in the warm sun.  Mistress does love her tanning time, so it was only moments after she slid out of her trendy stretchy ski pants that she was completely naked, giving those clean shaven folds a nice exposure to the sun. (The photo above is from Sunday afternoon. Slave was given strict instructions that there would be no photography yesterday).

Fortunately, she had a blanket to pull over her quickly when the Fed Express van rumbled up the driveway. I think our driver has gotten an eyeful on more than one occasion when he makes the turn at the end of our driveway, but not yesterday.

Slave joined Mistress with a book out on the patio too, and soon was drifting off after our "tough day". At some point the phone rang and I picked it up.  It was J, calling to chat with his FWB. (You don't have to tell me your full name when I pick up, J -- there is only one J on Mistress's list of callers).  I had to inform him that Mistress was out on the deck, completely naked, collecting rays to give herself a little color before their next rendezvous back in River City.

I think the only thing that surprised him about that scenario was that the snow we described on Tuesday had already melted. So it goes in the Land of Enchantment.  He did obtain assurances that sun screen had been applied to some of his favorite parts.

By around  5 pm the sun was sinking lower and a cool breeze had picked up. We adjourned to our bed, with plans for a nap before dinner. But somehow the nap got hijacked by some work calls, and then the temptation of the recently aerated clean shaven folds took hold.

I will leave the rest to your imagination.