Friday, December 16, 2011

Up Too Late.... Out too Early

The (relatively) frantic pace continues here at the UCTMW World HQ....

Mistress was out a little later than normal last night for a Board meeting.

But you can rest assured that she had her worship when she returned home, still in a paid of those tricked out peek-a-boo tights to facilitate the ritual. (Of course, the door had to be closed and the sounds stifled to protect those delicate ears of the sullen teen).

There was another ritual while Slave prepared dinner.... hunting for a cat who somehow escaped into the night. Poor Mistress had to peal off her tights to allow her to crawl under the porch to facilitate the rescue. Would not want to tear those suckers!

We knew there was an early wake-up call this morning for yet another one of those unbearable 8 am meetings, back at the stuffy business club we visited the other night. But alas. at around 1 am the text messages started chiming into Mistress's I-phone in box.

It was sullen teen #2, angsting out over in Europe on matters I won't bore you with. Of course it was morning there. Time for her to go to school. What better time to reach out to sleeping parents and remind them of their obligation to sooth and coddle you?


Of course, after efforts to skype and a brief conversation with her, her feathers were smoothed, while Mistress and her Slave were wide awake (it's 2 am or later by now).

"Should we have sex, Slave?"

That seemed like a very good plan.  and it did get us back to sleep for a while.

But now.... oops. Running out of time, and need to wake Mistress for her early curtain call.

The Slave from River City reserves the right to revise and extend his remarks at a later date.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Empty Nest Goes On Hiatus

Another over-scheduled day here at the UCTMW World HQ.

Fortunately, we had time to break my abstinence "fast" with some particularly fulfilling wake-up sex in our executive suite. 

Then Mistress was off to do a business presentation in our oh so flat state capitol again. That's three trips up there in the last week for her. At this rate, she may need to recruit a lover up there, simply to provide her with a little diversion to keep the trips interesting, and put the peek-a-boo tights she left the house in to good use.

(She did say that one guy in her meeting, a state poobah, gave her the old "Haven't we met somewhere", line.... the reply to which always should be "in your dreams, pal....")

Here in River City slave had a holiday lunch for a group of his clients. It's something I've done each year for the past 20 or so. But this time.... a little flat. Maybe we're just getting old. The absence of my younger brother, who was a regular at these for many years, but who passed away  5 years ago this month, weighs on the room. Maybe it's time to bring this "tradition" to an end.

After the lunch, I was on the road myself to pick up our daughter, who had finished her exams at College. She seemed happy to get back to the house, and the "kitties" she dotes on.

Of course, her presence will put a bit of a damper on things here at the World HQ over the next two weeks. We will have to keep our sport locked away in the executive suite, the volume down and the door closed. Mistress already caught a little shit from her last night, when, as we were getting ready to go to her Company's holiday party, the sullen teen walked in, took one look at Mistress in her black tights and bra, and said "nice look" in that jugmental teen way of hers.

If she had caught sight of the little opening between her mother's firm and muscular thighs, where only moments before I had done a little early evening worship, I suspect she might have been even snarkier.

Over the next two weeks, we may have to rely on more input from our far flung correspondents to keep our readers from forgetting this is a sex blog!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Mistress' s Bad Dream

Well, as promised, Mistress did impose abstinence day on her Slave yesterday.

Because she had to be out the door early, there was only time for some worship before we hit the shower. So the extra hard cock that would have been available to her as a result of that hard steel ring went to waste.  After the shower, I slid the top over the ring, and let Mistress lock things down for the day.

Before she headed to her early meeting, she mentioned a bad dream she had.

"I hate this Slave.... I dreamed that I found you in bed here with that #@!*#! (insert expletive) and it was obvious you wanted me gone...."

"Well you know that's not true, Mistress.... not gonna happen...."

"I believe you Slave, but its obviously still something lurking back there in my mind...."

She was out the door soon thereafter, all foxy in a short dark brown knit dress, brown tights and suede boots.

Muy caliente.

I knew that heads would be turning through her day.

It was a busy day for both of us .... with a little angst thrown in when we heard from our overseas daughter about some horrific act of random violence in a town where she had been with friends only a few weeks ago. Fortunately, she seemed to take it with more perspective than her parents. One more sign that she is maturing through this year away from the nest.

Mistress and Slave met up again after work, at an old and regal business club here in River City for a reception for some newly elected public officials. It's always fun to share this type of an event with Mistress, who is well known and liked by all of our town's poobahs. Slave enjoys reflecting in her glory.

And it was nice to see some old friends, with one generation passing the proverbial torch to another. It's funny how quickly we move from the "Young activist' to "savvy insider" to "old curmudgeon" phase of our lives. Let's hope my next phase is not "annoying crank". As one of our friends said last night, a former Mayor, we're all just "trying to stay relevant".

We were among the last to leave, and Slave even briefly scouted out some of the quieter rooms at the club where I might engage in a little surreptitious worship ---- a high risk but certainly blog-able  activity at this bastion of River City's establishment. But, alas, I could not find a sufficiently secure location for a "quickie".

And anyway, that blasted cage was still on.  It had been pinchy and tight all day!

When we got home at around 8 pm, I immediately offered to worship.

"In a rush are we Slave?  I bet you just want to get the cage off...."

She was teasing me.

But soon she had shed her cloths, stripped away the brown tights. She laid back on the beg, spread her legs, and let Slave take it from there. Knowing that whether the cage came off would depend on the quality of the services provided, I made sure I did my work with gusto.

Fortunately, Mistress seemed pleased, and I was released from the cage for the evening.

It was determined, however, that Slave's own satisfaction would have to wait until morning. I settled into bed next to her, my cock tingling a bit, semi-hard, satisfaction to be deferred.

Before we went to sleep, Mistress brought up the subject of her dream again.

"It was very annoying Slave....."

"If it helps, maybe you should get out the riding crop to purge those bad feelings."

"Well my bad dream isn't really your fault, is it Slave?"

"Maybe not.... but the roots are in my misbehavior...."

Was I really suggesting that she, literally, take it out on my hide?

In my view, better to let it out than allow it to fester, even if it was just a dream.

And maybe a few thwacks on my ass would distract me from that tingling cock.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Stocking "Stuffer" From Our Western Correspondent

Here in River City we're getting ready for the holidays. Out daughter heads home from College on Wednesday, putting a bit of a crimp in Molly and Mick's empty nest "stylings".

But the demands of work remain as well. Mistress was up in our flat state capitol again yesterday, and this morning she has an extra early meeting "off campus". That presents two problems for her Slave.

After I finished worshiping her last evening, following a work out at our gym, she laid out the next days regime.

"Slave, we're going back to Abstinence day tomorrow.... we won't have time for our usual sex in the morning."

Hmmmm. Ok. I guess I can handle a day without a little action. I mean, lots of you guys do, right?

"And I want you in your cage, since we'll be driving to work separately.... no point in worrying about you being tempted. "

So here I am, blogging away, that hard steel ring already in place, but no "wake up sex" action to look forward to. It could be a long day.

Of course, Mistress need not worry. But I know the cage gives her an extra dose of security. It made me wonder though. Yesterday I saw that Newt Gingrich, a few years my elder, has taken the "fidelity pledge". ( See the link here). Of course, that will make married men in America sleep a little easier at night, knowing that Newt is no longer on the prowl and after their wives. 

But do you think Calista keeps him in a cock cage, just to be sure. Does Tiffany have a branded model similar to mine? It would probably be a great stocking stuffer in a lot of homes this holiday season.

In any event. speaking of "stocking stuffers", the WC shared with us this little blast from his ski instructor past, which I thought would put our readers in the holiday mood. It shows how, in his jaded youth, the WC found ways to spread holiday cheer: 


I used to work for a then famous French vacation company

I was a ski instructor

I had a longstanding relationship with a woman called L

She was married and I knew her husband well, they vacationed there several weeks each winter

I guess I was cuckolding him, although I didn't know the term at the time

He would go to bed early and I would be up till all hours with her in the disco and my room

I used to tell her fantasies as we fucked, one was that I should rent her to the French ski instructors for my amusement

There was one American guy named E who she thought was hot, but she didn't like because she thought he was arrogant

She was right!  But he was a friend of mine.  He is now a captain for a major airline.

Mick and Molly have seen pictures of both the individuals in question and I think they would agree that they were both very attractive

One day I told L that I was going to rent her out to E after skiing the next day

“You wouldn't…”, she gasped.

“Yes I would, and I want you to come to my room after skiing tomorrow.”

We had sex for a long time and she was red hot thinking about it

The next day after skiing she came to my room about 4, I told E to come about 4:30.  he was very keen on the idea BTW:)

I had L take off all her ski clothes so she was naked, I remained in my ski instructors uniform

I fondled her and teased her kissing and rubbing her breasts and rubbing and fingering he pussy till she was basically a quivering mass of lust


I didn't let her cum

Around 4:30 I had her assume position number 3 with her ass facing right towards the door

Her pussy was swollen bright red and dripping wet and her bottom was spread wide open showing her pretty little asshole

I had told E that she would be waiting like this and that he should just come in and fuck her

I told L that after her fucked her and left I was going to fuck her in the ass

The door opened and L literally jumped!

I stood over her and pulled her bottom open and told E to take his pleasure

He knelt behind her and pulled his pants down and mounted her fucking her hard and spanking her bottom

L started cumming right away and just kept cumming and cumming

When E was done he wiped his cock off on her ass and just left ... as I had told him to do

After he left L just kept saying over and over again

“I can't believe we just fucking did that!”

I said I know it was crazy!

Was very hot and we often talked of it later, but never did it again

L was a very good friend of mine but,  unfortunately, I strayed on her and we parted

Hope you enjoyed the story .....  I enjoyed the memories

Thanks, WC, for sharing a bit of your sordid past with us. And speaking of pictures, we do have a few of him in his "glory days" to share:

 Nice hat, dude!  And good form too!