Sunday, August 28, 2011

From the Desk of Our CEO

Mistress and Slave had a very busy day here at the UCTMW World HQ, including a rather impressive job that Mistress did deploying her strap-on on her Slave’s ass. When she was done, she lay there in peaceful repose, as captured on this photo. But before it was bedtime, she took it upon her self to take well manicured fingers to keyboard to share the following dispatch prompted by the back and forth in our comments section over the last few days:

To Our Devoted Followers and Staff:

It is rare that I write for our vast media enterprise.  My energies re: the written words are usually depleted with my day work. I leave this duty up to Mick.

I have noted that our sex blog seems to have morphed into one with political and sociological content. I suppose Mick and I are masters at discussing those topics that make most folks most uncomfortable: sex, politics, and religion.

 So, gang, this is supposed to be a sex blog – as of today we seem to be deep into a conversation about who does what best in which country and when it is appropriate to claim that so-and-so from somewhere does it best.

My comments:  men…you are all gifted in your own special and unique man sort of ways. While you may hail from widespread geographic locations, aside from some obvious dimensional, height or language differences, you are more similar than different from one- another.

I adore each and every one of you and what you to do me, with me, for me, and  For how you make me feel.

Some of you know that I have tried it with women, but I desperately crave that firm male touch among other things. I crave that firm hand, that rougher skin, that bulging member.

I aim for us to all be filled with harmony and love (can’t help it), I need all of you and your own special brand of Molly Collins adoration. Mick has turned me into a sex super hero on these pages and for that I am grateful.

The older I get the more I love it. Each experience, each compliment and each conquest.



Saturday, August 27, 2011

Mistress Makes Breakfast

Before I get onto today’s tale of adventure in the empty nest that doubles for the UCTMW World HQ,  I wanted to pass on a brief message from our Western Correspondent, apparently written to make amends for a perceived breach of our media empire’s Equal Opportunity rules (see the Thursday edition I all this seems confusing).


As Molly says, you are a good guy.  Let me clarify me position.  

First , I did not call you “Euro Trash”  I called you a pompous, bigoted  European.

For some background,

I taught skiing in the French ski school for five years.

I have a license to teach skiing anywhere in France should I chose to do so,  I have many great friends from France, Italy, Belgium,  and Austria.

But there were some Europeans that just felt superior to Americans.

I am a very liberal person, hard left in fact. 

And I agree with many Europeans’ distain  for America, especially during the Bush years.

But I always told these bigoted people that I was not going to take any of their anti- American bullshit.

I mean I wouldn't move to France and say “I think all French guy are losers”,  and I am the superior American lover  and will fill in the need that these  poor French women have been deprived of all these years.

The answer is, no I would not.

Hey, people are people everywhere. 

Probably you just said it to impress Molly, I'll cut you some slack on that front, as she it s a powerhouse.

So just cut the crap that Europeans are better lovers, and I will be happy.

The has a lot of European friends and hope you can be another one,  


Since our Policy encourages our staff to resolve conflicts of this type at the earliest possible time, I am sure the CEO appreciates the WC’s effort to explain and seek understanding with respect to his comment earlier this week.

Now, speaking of Francois, I am authorized to report the following developments.

With Mistress working from home these last couple of weeks, well it makes her schedule a little more flexible.

After our “wake-up sex”, Slave was up and getting ready for work, and Mistress made sure to close the lock on my cage. But she was also getting dressed too, at an unusually early hour.

“I need to  walk down to the bakery Mistress…. Francois said he would stop by for breakfast, and well…. I thought some pastries might be nice.”

(Yum. How Continental. But was this an unfortunate stereotype too?)

“I’m sure he’ll appreciate your consideration Mistress.”

I made sure Mistress knew how to operate our unnecessarily complex coffee maker (Slave normally handles such drudgery) and left her to her day, with a kiss goodbye.

And as the morning developed, I must confess that my cage cock had some little twitches to suppress when I thought of what Mistress might be up to back here at the World HQ.

In fact, I was able to finish things up a little early, heading home by around 4 pm. Mistress was home, in one of her cute Tie-dye dresses, working on her computer.

Soon we found out way up to her Executive Suite.

It didn’t take long for me to shed my work garb, and Mistress quickly shed that dress. I helped her wriggle out of her black undies, she spread herself across the bed and I found myself on my knees exploring those silky folds with my tongue and lips.

As I worshipped, Mistress filled me in on her busy day.

She took her time, filling in a few details in response to my questions. I took my time too, probing and suctioning until she got a little too distracted to finish her story.

Afterwards, she rewarded me by unlocking my cage, helping me to ease the metal container off my semi-hardening “work-a-day” cock.

As I sidled into bed next to her, I did notice something I had not seen in the morning.

“Poor Mistress, there’s a little bruise on your breast.”

“Hmmmm…. I guess you’re right Slave….”

Friday, August 26, 2011

Our Senior Correspondent on Jealousy and Open Relationships

There is much being written on blogs lately concerning a committed partner having sexual BDSM play and/or intercourse with someone other than their partner. I have an open BDSM marriage, so I decided to weigh in. But first, a short little rant. 
For a few out there, as soon as this topic arises, the vocabulary suddenly includes pejoratives, slurs, and words with negative connotations. Frankly, I am a bit surprised by that. Those very same people would be first in line to correct someone who used a slur of any sort to describe a homosexual, lesbian, someone who enjoyed nipple clamps, the giving or receiving of a whipping, the use of sex toys and dildos, on-line BDSM Dom/sub searches or the use of a webcam in a sexual relationship. How is an open relationship, whether cuckolding or not, so different? This is simply another sexual leaning, a preference, a kink.
End of rant and on to my post about our open BDSM marriage.

As Bill was getting ready to leave on a group camping trip for a convention of tree huggers last week, I gave him a good-bye kiss and asked whether he had remembered to pack his flashlight, toilet paper, coffee pot, tent stakes, lube and condoms. Ordinarily I am the person who packs things, but Bill had finished up his packing while I was working on something else and I didn’t want him to forget anything he might need. And yes, even without me along on the camping trip he might need the lube and condoms.
Bill has been working on several projects and presentations with a woman in the camping group, and I know he finds her to be attractive both physically and intellectually. I also know that she has been skirting around the edges of her physical attraction to him. She is a submissive, without a Dom for the last few years, and soon after I met her I could tell she could really use that sort of settling that Bill does so well.  She is not married, she has no children and her job would not be at risk if she and Bill were to be sexually involved over the four day camp. I had read the emails she had sent to Bill, and had spoken with her on the phone just the previous day. She is a sweet person, not looking for a life mate, simply looking for a bit of time with a solid and safe Dom without all the drama of trying to sort through those on-line.
As things turned out, they didn’t get together. While they were certainly busy with meetings, training sessions, presentations, tree sitting and hiking, I suspect the lack of shower facilities in the 90+ degree heat and the hand dug outdoor latrines (that Bill helped shovel out) may have played a part in tamping down thoughts of play and sex. It’s a bit hard to feel really refreshed and sexy when baby wipes are the only available means of washing up. I imagine they will get together before long. She is a wonderful woman with a submissive need, and I have every hope Bill can help her. The bonus for me is that I find it to be a huge turn-on that my Dom is such a stud and that he is so good with submissives. He shares all that happens, and listening to him tell me how things unfolded as he slowly draws circles around my nipples and then repeats with me physically what he did with someone else, is hot and steamy and always ends in powerful orgasms for us both.
Flipping over to things going on with me, I am going to a special place for some submissive training in a few weeks. I will be going alone. There are some things Bill and I both want me to work on with the trainers there. I am over the moon with excitement that I have this opportunity and Bill has been awaiting my chance to get together with these wonderful people with almost as much anticipation as I have. There will be sexual explorations during my time there, and Bill is absolutely okay with that. He is anxious to hear how things go and has made clear to all involved that he would like to be called if there are any problems at all, but other than that, he wants me to have a wonderful time and experience as much as I possibly can.

You may notice that a commonality in those two situations is that we each know what the other is doing. Bill has read all the emails from my trainers and I have read all of his emails from the woman I spoke of earlier. He knows exactly where I will be and who I will be with and they know him, just as I knew about the woman on the camping trip. If either of us felt at all uneasy, we would stop immediately. There is a safe word for either of us to use in just that situation, but we have never felt the need to use it. Our rules revolve around honesty with one another and safety, both physically and psychologically. And those rules are very firm.
The big fear that some have expressed to me is that their partner might find someone else they like better and leave them.  Yes, that could happen, or your partner might find someone she/he likes better at the grocery store or the gym. If you live with that fear then, quite simply, this isn’t your kink.
Do we have sex with new people all the time? No, absolutely not. We have gone for years at a time without anyone new joining us. When the person, the time and the circumstances are right, we know and they know.
Maybe it was our work or maybe it was our childhood years, but we both learned early on that life is short and that things can change forever in the blink of an eye. We choose to live deeply in love, accepting who we are  and enjoying our kinks.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Word from UCTMW Human Resources

From: Mick Collins, Director of Human Resources

To: UCTMW Staff, World Wide.

RE: UCTMW Equal Opportunity Policy.

Our CEO has asked me to remind all of our staff members, from the lowly mail room attendant (sometimes me) to our various far flung correspondents that UCTMW remains an equal employment opportunity media empire, and aspires to the highest standards when it comes to creating a workplace free of unlawful (or even mildly unpleasant) discrimination based on the widely recognized protected classifications, and even a  few that we’ve made up, often without notice to the rest of you.

Here is our policy, in case you need to refresh yourselves after a long evening of “research”:

“UCTMW strives to create a workplace that is free from discrimination and harassment and treats all employees equally. We go so far as to give each of our employees the same compensation and benefit package no matter how lofty or insignificant their spot in the corporate pecking order may be.

We do not discriminate, nor will we tolerate discrimination, based upon race, gender, religion, national origin, age, disability, educational attainment, kink, sexual orientation, physical appearance, work ethic, accent, preference for snow boarding vs. alpine skiing, or white vs. red wine, eye color, garb (with the exception of madras shorts worn by males), fetish, or political affiliation (other than members of the Tea Party).

Our policy not only assures non-discrimination in hiring, promotion and compensation and the abuse of lavish expense accounts, but also protects our staff from harassment based upon any of the above listed classifications or characteristics.

There are two types of harassment we prohibit.

“Quid pro Quo” harassment would be when the CEO says, “if you do a particularly fine job of worshiping my clean shaven folds, there’s a good chance you I can find a replacement for you in the male room, and I will promote you to my personal assistant and traveling secretary”.

(Oops. I forgot, Mistress edited out that part of our policy when we last re-wrote the Employee Handbook. That type of harassment is no longer prohibited.)

We also prohibit “hostile environment” harassment. That’s the kind where conduct of a verbal or physical nature that is “unwelcome” makes an employee or customer uncomfortable, and is based on one of the characteristics listed above.

Of course, “unwelcome” is the key. When the CEO tells me I need to wear a cock cage if we aren’t going to be in close proximity during the day, it’s based on my gender. Only guys have cocks, right? But then, since I’ve agreed to this form of “mistreatment” in my contract, it’s hard to say that wearing that cock cage would be unwelcome. (Unless I had a really good lawyer, and the jury was all male, that is.)

What brings this reminder to the fore?

Well, yesterday we had some salty comments here at UCTMW about the national origin of an emerging member of our team here. A certain “Francois”.

Another staff member called him out as swaggering Euro-trash, based on a comment reported here yesterday that Most American men would not know how to handle our beautiful, smart and oh so sumptuous CEO.

Now I for one do not know whether Francois would consider this comment “unwelcome”. In fact, when Molly asked him whether he minded being portrayed on these pages, the response was something like.

“Sure…. Maybe I will come off like swaggering Euro-trash. Go for it!”

And it could be that his own characterization of American guys as cowering, flaccid and unconfident wimps who don’t know how to properly give American woman what they really want, deep down inside, is a stereotype too.

I suppose that is for Mistress and the rest of our readers to comment on, and is out of the limited expertise of this pampered house Slave.

Now, back to our regular programming.  Did you think I forgot about HNT?