Sunday, August 7, 2011

Slave's Comeuppance

It had been a stressful week for Molly and Mick. So with the kids gone for two days, we had made sure to have a very unscheduled Saturday.

Of course, there was time for some morning sex, then Mistress had an appointment for hair maintenance, while I did some yard work. By 11::30 or so, we were back at home together, getting on our bikes and doing a good hill climb before some time at our local swim club.

Mistress swam about 40 laps, as her dutiful Slave read the Times. Then we hopped back on our bikes for the ride home.

That left a good bit of the afternoon for us to loll in bed, before heading to an evening party at some friends’ home.

“I do like the kids being away, Slave…. it almost makes me feel like we are newly weds.”

I agreed, and look forward to their more permanent departures in just two weeks.

I stopped in the kitchen to prepare a snack, and when I got upstairs, Mistress was already in bed, in the buff, chatting with the WC.

He was curious about whether it was one of those Saturday’s when Slave gets a good ass fucking.

“We’re both pretty tired right now, M. But there’s plenty of time.”

She gave me a look as I was stripping off my bathing suit and t-shirt … one of those knowing smiles, laughing with M about my likely “plight”.

Once she signed off, we settled into some books, but were soon snoozing. About an hour or so later we were woken by some text messages from Molly’s sister, and a phone call from our second sullen teen.

The “drama” was about the teen’s apparent unhappiness that her slightly older sister was going on a college wardrobe shopping spree on Michigan Ave., while the younger one was shut out because she had already spent too much on “stuff” during her recent NYC trip.

This provoked the Slave into a bit of a huffy rant about spoiled kids not appreciating what they’ve got…. Yadda … yadda….

Apparently Mistress filed this away for later.

When it came time for is to shift our attention to more carnal pursuits, Mistress asked me to get her “equipment”, her harness,  her faux cock, and the container of lube.

Once I obtained what she was looking for, and placed it on the little table at her side of the bed, I noticed something I’d not gotten out, laying on the sheet next to me.

Her riding crop.

“Uhhhh…. What’s this doing out, Mistress?”

Actually, I thought I’d been a pretty worthy slave this week, not that any particular excuses are required if Mistress chooses to discipline her Slave.

Se told me to get on my stomach on the bed, she picked up her crop, and I could feel it slowly tracing little patterns on my ass.

“save, you were very helpful and supportive this week …. But that rant this afternoon …. You know I don’t like all that complaining and whining, it suggests maybe I’ve been a bad role model for our girls….”

I considered trying  to explain that they are virtual adults, and that when I complain about their behavior it is not intended to criticize their hard working Mom…. But that train had already left the station.

So I simply took my medicine.

Mistress lit into me with a flurry of slaps from that nasty crop. Hard ones, in quick succession. She had me squirming on the bed, my mouth biting into a pillow to squelch my “yeowwls” of discomfort.

She clearly was determined to instruct me on the error of my ways.

And she definitely succeeded.

After a brief pause she said, “Hmmm…. I think those really hurt, don’t they slave….”

“Uhhh….. yeah…. They really do…..”

“Well then just one or two more then.”

They were two particularly hard ones. Mistress is wielding a mean crop these days.

When she finally put down her weapon, I moaned in relief. Her hands rubbed the little stripes she had left behind.

That felt nice.

“Ohhh, my…. Your ass really is  pretty red, Slave. I think I’ll take a picture and send it to M, since he was so curious about what we might be up to today.”

She took up her I-phone and texted it off to M.   And she sent it via email to me.

“Make sure you post this tomorrow, Slave….”

"Of, course, Mistress."

I’m sure M enjoyed seeing the sometimes arrogant Executive Editor get his comeuppance.

By then she was cinching up her harness, applying  some lube and telling me to assume my position.

My ass now just had a warm glow to it, which seemed to warm up the work-a-day cock too. The combination of a firm cropping followed by Mistress’s deployment of her strap-on certainly pushes my buttons, it seems.

And Mistress certainly seemed to relish the moment as well. She seemed to come more than once in little jerks and enthused moans as she pumped into her Slave from behind.

When she had her fill of me, tossing her harness aside for me to clean and tuck away later, she took another look at my ass.

“You know, I think it’s even redder now, Slave.”

She picked up our camera and took another shot --- so you now have another shot, for comparison’s sake. 

And even this morning, I can still feel that glow. An extra motivation, no doubt, for Switch Day…. Kids away edition.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Mistress's Fashion Rules

With the sullen teens off to the Windy city, Mistress and Slave made sure they took the opportunity for some open door sex yesterday, along with some socializing last night.

When I woke her (and after worship of course) Mistress once again enjoyed the extra heft and desperation that comes when my cock and balls have that hard steel ring of my cage in place.

And then, after our playtime was done, and I had slid the cage over her cock, she closed the lock and sent me on my way to work.

At the end of the workday, before we headed off to a birthday party for one of her close friends, there was more time to simply rest in bed, catch up on the blogs, and worship. It was then she remembered that she would have to unlock me if she wanted another dose of her work-a-day cock.

Fortunately for me, she did.

The birthday party was for a woman prominent in the local GLBT community. Her partner was a woman I once described as “ravishing”, earning me a rather severe punishment here at the World HQ.. But you can’t argue with the truth. She’s just ravishing in a different way than Mistress.

The event was out on a veranda of a local botanical garden. It was hot and very humid, but the sweet Prosecco being served let us wet our respective whistles.

Not surprisingly, we were among the few hetero sexual couples there. But the crowd was about equal men and women.

One thing I note when with a group of gay men is that…. Well… Mick can sure lose a few pounds. Not meaning to stereotype, but these guys were almost all in slim trim shape. On the other hand, this Slave is a little too thick in the middle. If there’s an explanation in science, please advise me. (not why I’m paunchy ---it’s because of my Irish penchant for potatoes, you never know when the next famine might start – I want to know why those guys are all so svelte).

The other thing I noticed, and pointed out to Mistress, was that almost every guy in the room other than old Mick had their toes showing. You know, sandals …. The expensive leather kinds, not flip flops.

Slave used to wear sandals back in the 60’s. They went well with Jefferson Airplane and the Dead. And I suppose I do still have a pair of Tevas, for when we go done to the Rio Grande and slip into that rocky river to cool off.

But Mistress has very strict rules about men and sandals at social events.

“Men’s feet just are not attractive, Slave….”

I can’t disagree with her, and it would never be my place to try.

We did get talking to a cute female couple. Mistress knew one of them – a red headed Colleen – from years ago. But we had not met her other half. And the story of how they got together resonated. Like us, one of them was married (to a guy) when they met on a local campus.

But here’s the strange karma part…. While they clearly had the dark, yet to be acknowledged attraction … nothing happened until they found themselves in the funky, mystical community where Mistress and Slave have their mountain hideaway.

They told us about camping at a local hot springs we’ve described on this page and ….. zap.

“It was that Arsenic tub…. We went back to the tent and…. “

Blushes abound.

That was years ago, and we described how the hot springs have now been fancified a bit. We described our own adventures there a year or so ago, when we reserved an intimate private pool with its own tub and keva fireplace….

Remember this picture, of Mistress taking the waters….
I told them how Georgia O’Keefe found her own karma in that little town all those years ago, and recited a line from a local songwriter…. “Where the four winds dance on the mesa, and the spirits come out to play.”

Clearly, those spirits played their part in breaking down those walls of inhibition for this charming couple, despite their old school, catholic backgrounds.

It’s those spirits that keep drawing us back there, year after year.

After the party, Mistress and Slave headed to a downtown jazz club. It was a little late by now, and maybe hot Friday nights in the summer don’t bring out the jazz aficionados. But it turned out we got a private concert from River City’s finest jazz singers (and another one of our close friends) and her small combo of piano and clarinet.

I persuaded Mistress to dance with me to “Moonlight in Vermont”, before we closed the place down.

Muy romantico.

But I did take a photo of the clarinet player for you…. As it turns out he and the piano player both were making a fashion faux pas under Mistress’s rules.

Was I the only guy in River City last night not showing off my toes?

Friday, August 5, 2011

Back in His Cage

Molly worked from home yesterday, and took the kids to lunch before we put them on a fancy bus for a trip to the Windy City for the weekend.

Dare I say it: good riddance!!!!  They’ve been a little too close to home the last two weeks. It is their interregnum between their summer activities and their “new lives” – one off to college and the other off to a year of study abroad. But for some reason they seem unable over these last two weeks to get their asses…. Errr….pert little tushes, off the couch and do something productive, or even amusing.

I ask myself --- what would Mick have done on a summer day with car keys and some money in my pocket at age 18 or 19. There are an unlimited number of answers (including Woodstock). One of them is definitely not: stay at home and complain to Mommy and Daddy that I’m bored.

When 18 and 19 year olds constantly remind you that they are “bored”, and it seems our plates are way overloaded, I want to say “get a job”, or “pitch in”…. but enough of this rant.

The good news is that they are gone for a 3 nights leaving Molly and Mick alone at home.

Now, since we did not drive to work together, Mistress insisted that I wear my cage yesterday. She’s been pretty easy on me of late, mostly because we have been going to work together, and the heat has been stifling.

“I don’t want to be too cruel, Slave….”

But yesterday, and today as well are different stories.

“I think it’s time to get you used to that cage again, Slave.”

I made sure the hard steel ring was containing my cock and balls before I went up to serve Mistress yesterday morning. And after she finished my abbreviated blog, and after I had pleasured her with lips and tongue, she turned her attention to the work-a-day dick, already growing within the containment of that steel ring.

“Ummmm…. I’ve missed what this thing does to my cock….”

Sure enough, with some slight attention from those well manicured fingers, Mistress had at her disposal something that was rock hard and pointing directly at her.

The result generated several more cums for her, and a rather explosive one for me, despite some sleep deprivation, and the excellent treatment I had received just a few hours earlier.

Last evening, after we put the girls on the “Megabus”, (actually an upgrade from Greyhound with free wifi, that our little princesses found all too demeaning), we had the luxury of returning to our empty house.

Mistress released her cock from it’s cage. We rode our bikes over to a local comfort food restaurant for dinner and a beverage, then came home to that empty house once more.

At last, we could leave our bedroom door open for a change as we luxuriated in our privacy.

Of course, there was some blog catching up to do --- particularly amusing was a special guest appearance of Jay over at ALL Mine. You know, the guy with Suzanne’s trophy cock. He did an excellent job at explaining how Suzanne introduced him to the pleasures of his interactions with Tammy.

And then…. After that long day in the cage…. Well, I bet you get  the picture.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

After Midnight....

It was a stressful day for both Molly and Mick here in River City. Job related stress. We did go for our evening bike ride, and then did some work on our perspective computers.

Mistress was worshipped, of course, after dinner, but by around 11 it seemed too late and we were too tired for sex…. wait until morning was the plan. At least then it was.

But all that stress…. All the issues popping through our brains made it impossible for us to sleep.

Tossing and turning. Picking up threads of conversations from earlier in the day. Sleep was not happening…..

Slave decided to take matters into his own hands…. Or, in this case, lips.

My head dipped between the firm and tanned thighs depicted above. I sucked and lapped until Mistress was rising up to meet my mouth and churning and moaning through a multi-wave cum.

But I made it clear I was not done yet, if Mistress was in the mood for further diversion.

“Would Mistress like to suck her cock?”

“Of course, I would, Slave….”

And so she did until it was firm and longing for that velvety touch of those well exercised muscles (See yesterday’s entry). I was begging to fuck her, but knew that she might need something more than a conventional methodology to ready her for sleep.

“Would Mistress like to ride her cock?”

“Excellent idea, Slave.”

I egged her on with some fantasy material from deep in the recesses of my filthy mind. I will spare you the details. Suffice it to say Mistress definitely seemed amused, and was moaning through one dramatic orgasm after another until she was exhausted, collapsing onto her Slave.

“Would you like me to get on top now, Mistress….”

I was hoping she still had enough energy left to let me take my own satisfaction.

Fortunately for me, she did.