Friday, July 22, 2011

Early Morning Muster

Can you see that little shiny smear on Mistress’s oh so delectable cheeks?
That photo was taken only moments ago, up in our executive suite here at the World HQ.

Mistress usually is a very good sleeper. As those of us who follow us here at UCTMW know, it’s usually her Slave that wakes up early, makes some coffee, prepares the daily entry, and then wakes Mistress for some early morning reading, worship, and if I’m lucky, sex. (And as you know, this Slave is a very pampered and lucky guy).

But on occasion, Mistress can be a little restless.

At around 4 am this morning, she began talking --- there were a few work things on her mind, and then the big swim tomorrow. (I’ll cover that later).

“Uhhh… do you want to have sex, Slave….”

Well, against my training Slave was pretty drowsy and mumbled something to that effect. Mistress politely took no for an answer (I am sure there will be a punishment later), tried to go back to sleep, but to no avail.

Then she was heading downstairs to do a little work on our table top computer.

Slave drifted back to sleep. My dream focused on taking the bar exam with Mistress, an unlikely but strange scenario.

It was about an hour later, maybe 5:15 am, that Mistress came back to bed, a noisy coterie of kitties meowing to beat the band in her wake.

Slave was again disrespectful, muttering something about “Grand Central Station” (there was an article about it in the Times yesterday, so it must have been top of mind). But I cuddled back up to Mistress once she slid under the sheet, and somehow the kitties quieted…. Ah, I think I was going back to sleep again.

“Do you want to have sex NOW, Slave…..”

Well I knew that it would be a very big mistake to demur twice in own morning.

“Of course, Mistress….”

Soon I found my face self planted between her luscious thighs, an early morning breakfast of Mistress’s addictive juices before my morning coffee was an unexpected but delicious treat.

When she seemed sated with my attentions, she turned her attention to me.

“I want to suck on my cock, Slave….”

I was more than happy to oblige, rolling over onto my back to give her full access. She wasn’t disappointed.

“Ahhh… the morning cock…. My favorite kind.”

Yes, it had woken up, maybe even more completely than me.

After some of Mistress’s skilled attention, Slave was soon begging for the privilege of fucking her. But Mistress had her own ideas.

“I’m going to ride it for a while, Slave….”

And so she did, to several more moaning cums, until she was exhausted, and let me finish the job she started on top.

That little smear is a remnant of what I left behind.

As we cuddled afterwards, Mistress seemed relaxed and dosed off, finally. And her Slave was ready to for his own morning routine, but made sure to take this photo as an instant record of an early morning here at the UCTMW World HQ.


As to that swim: tomorrow morning will be another early wake up here. Mistress has signed on to join about 100 other crazies for a swim across and back the width of our mighty River. Barge traffic will be stopped for the occasion.

Mistress is a very capable distance swimmer, but most of her swimming is in a pool, not a deep dark river with a strong current and lots of detritus to avoid. It does sound like safety precautions are good though, and she is gung ho for the challenge.

The total distance is about 900 yards across and back (about 9 futball pitches for those of you on the metric system). She estimates it will take her about 45 mintues to get across and back.

While there are no sharks or octo-pussies in our big river, there are reports of giant mutant catfish. Let’s hope they don’t lasso her with one of those long whiskers and drag her down.

On our drive home last night, we called Donna to confirm she can pitch in for the Saturday AM post. She was a little concerned about health and safety concerns. We apologized for the short notice. Otherwise maybe Bill, our director of security international could have come up to personally steer our “Wonder Woman’s” escort skiff, and protect her from logs or scary fishies.

We will report on the outcome in Sunday morning’s blog.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

HNT / Date Night

It was a rather hectic work day for both Mistress and her Slave yesterday. And while we were not denied our early morning wake up sex, there was no time for Mistress to stop by for some office worship. Then, after work, we had dinner downtown with a colleague of the Mistress.

So by the time we got home, maybe around 7:30 pm, we were a little tuckered out.

Of course, that did not stop me from taking the opportunity, once Mistress had stripped away the work costume, to fall to my knees and apply my oral skills for her benefit. And take some photos for HNT too.

Mistress had been talking about leaving for work a little earlier today, in order to have a training session via phone with the WC. But there were issues with that … namely teens who want to have cars at home at  their disposal so as to do what sullen teens do…. Whatever that might be on a hot River City Thursday.

But then… she got a text from the WC. His family was stepping out for a while. Would Mistress like to have a little date with him this very evening?

“Do you mind, Slave….”

“Of course not, Mistress…..”

So when the appointed time came, Slave excused himself and camped out downstairs for the next 45 minutes our so. It was a good chance to catch up with Jon Stewart and Colbert via Hulu. 

And soon enough Mistress was paging me to return to her “executive suite”.

Mistress seemed well taken care of, lying on our bed.  Rachel Maddow was on the TV, yammering on.

“I had to keep it on so the girls wouldn’t overhear, Slave.”

“Pretty impressive if you can come with that voice droning on in the background Mistress…. Amazing focus.”

(It’s not that I disagree with her POV, it’s that  endless rapid fire prattle that drives old Mick insane).

She laughed. I turned off the TV.

“So how many, Mistress?”

“”Four or five, Slave….”


“So do you want to fuck me now, Slave….”

Hmmm.  I had written that off for the evening. But somehow, all those pheremones unleashed by Molly, her Hitachi and the verbal promptings of the WC had overcome the fatigue.

“Are you really up to it…. It turns out you’ve had a lot of unanticipated action tonight, Mistress….”

“Just go put in your device, Slave” (my little white aneros).

I like it when Mistress gets all bossy like that. And, of course, followed her orders. What else would a good, if pampered house Slave do?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Clock is Ticking

Sullen teen # 1 returned home yesterday from a trip to equatorial climes with her grandmother. A Lovely high school graduation present, which I suspect that grandmother enjoyed every bit as much as the teen.

It was good to have her back, and Slave made a nice dinner - grilled salmon, roasted potatoes, green beans – for the four of us.

Sitting down for dinner, it brought up the ticking clock: in almost exactly 30 days, both of them will have de-nested: # 1 off to college; #2 off to Europe for a year of study abroad.


Sure, we will miss them, and while #1 will only be about an hour away and is likely to show up on our doorstep with dirty laundry and to visit her cats more often than we may come to like, #2 really will be gone for about 11 months. There certainly will be gulps and red eyes when we see her off at the airport on August 17.

But … Can you imagine the “trouble” Mistress and Slave can get into if left to their own devices?

Naked Sundays?

For sure.

Finding various nooks and cranies of the house to “break in”, or maybe adapt for kinkier purposes.


Maybe even some special guest stars to add to our Blog.

Camp Molly and Mick anyone?

Kinky Kooking Klasses?

It will be a small consolation prize, I suspect, even as we miss the little ladies that seem to have grown up so quickly.

In the meantime, we will be spending a little more time than normal with the teens, to the extent they will allow it, knowing that opportunities to build on the O count are just around the corner.

And that’s not to say that Slave will not continue to do his duty around here. Last night, after we greeted our long lost teen, and I slid the potatoes into the oven, I made sure that Mistress was given some devoted worship, sucking away until she’d had at least two orgasms, her hips rising off the bed and those little muffled sighs emitting from her lips.


Makes me want to shut down here and go upstairs for more, before it’s time to head to work.

Oh, and here’s an extra reading assignment. Apparently one of our female Presidential candidates has a submissive streak – but only because the bible says it’s the right thing to do. Check it out here (a submissive President?).

Do you think Margaret Thatcher submitted to dottering Dennis?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hot, Humid Weather Forces Indoor Exercise

Mistress and Slave must have gotten over their post vacation lethargy, based on yesterday’s O count. There was our usual wake-up sex, commenced with the traditional “Slave licks, Mistress reads”, as she perused our blog.

Then, shortly after her lunch with a business colleague,  Mistress breezed into my office for a little “apertif” courtesy of my devoted lips and tongue. It’s  a routine that Slave can’t get enough of and that Mistress seems to enjoy as well. And it is so remediating to rest my head against her inner thigh, her hands sliding across my scalp for a minute or two after Mistress has her fill with my oral attention.
That little break always recharges me for the rest of my busy day.

We had driven together, so Mistress met me in the lobby of my office tower around 5:15 for the drive home. She as chatting with the WC as I stepped out of the elevator, and told him she would call back once we were on the road.

Mistress was wearing a short, brownish cotton dress, and I could tell that she had been ogled a bit on her walk across town. She had that sexy glow she gets when talking to her distant “boyfriend”, and her mood was infectious.  I was already wondering of I could somehow dodge that scheduled bike ride in this oppressive humidity and heat, and get some more intimate exercise once we got home.

On our drive, Mistress got the WC back on the line. Of course I could only hear one side of the conversation, but she filled me in on the rest once she signed off.

There was some talk about the cock picture he had sent her for her birthday….

“You told me about your 2 hours of epic sex with B…. but when did you have the time to send that picture….”

(He claims that he took it during the “epic sex”, when B had something else to do….)

“How did you do that , say …. Hold on honey…. I need to take a picture of my cock before it gets deflated….”

I did forget to mention that Mistress and the WC also had a brief “date” on Sunday afternoon, as Slave was rooting for the ladies’ soccer team …. They covered that subject too, as Slave negotiated through stop and go expressway traffic on the way home, catching occasional glimpses of Mistress’s buff and tanned thighs, spread next to me.

“Where did you get that story you told me from, M….. I figured it was just a continuation of your morning sex with B.”

(She later shared a bit of the story…. “I was in bed with the two of them Slave…. sucking her tits as he fucked me… you know, that whole thing._)

Whatever the theme, it seemed to help put a nice little exclamation point on Mistress’s birthday on Sunday.

By the time we got home, and Mistress realized that the hazy, mid-90’s air was ardly hospitable to a post work bike ride, I was anle to pitch some pre-dinner “relaxation” time.

And you can imagine where that led. Mistress was worshipped as she read your comments, as well as some of the other hot entries that popped up yesterday. She seemed a little surprised though when I suggested some pre-dinner fucking after she had been suitably serviced.

“Why Slave…. you surprise me….”

It’s good to know I still have that capablility.