Sunday, May 29, 2011

Mistress gets a few in under the wire.

Slave is going to skip over Saturday morning sex…. I don’t want to bore you with too many details today, particularly since Mistress needs to be woken a little earlier than normal to give us proper time to impose the WC’s sentence – 10 rounds of teasing without orgasm -before our vanilla daily schedule kicks in.

So lets pick things up at around 5 pm – after a day of yard work, sunning with the Times (yes, the sun finally came out in River City), and a brisk double loop bike ride in the early summer heat.

Slave was stepping out of the shower…..

“Time to get my equipment out Slave…. you are long overdue for an ass fucking….”

True, it had been awhile. Not since Mistress’s trip to Eastern Europe. That might account for Slave’s occasional lapses into Mr. bossy pants the last few weeks.

“Will do…..”

I gathered up the components of her kit: leather harness; dildo; lube. Then I settled into bed as she took care of a few items.

She’d been texting with the WC… no doubt whining a bit about the “harsh” sentence he had imposed. Mistress does not like teasing and denial, though, you have to admit, darling, its far better than those clothespins… right?

The WC was firm but compassionate.  And no doubt his “sword” of justice will get put to use in his home venue this weekend.

She typed a few more characters, then put down her I-phone.

“I just told M that it’s time to fuck my slave in the ass….”

“I’ll bet he wishes he was on the receiving end, Mistress….”

“I think he might have something else in mind, Slave….”

By now, Mistress had her harness on, the mid-sized dildo in place. She looked very “commanding”, her lovely breasts hanging loose. She coated her tool with some lube and settled into bed next to me….she likes to fondle and kiss a while, making sure my work-a-day cock is already randy even before she begins her assault.

When she was satisfied, and a little randy herself, she rose up.

“Get in position, Slave….”

I did, fitting a pillow under my hips, raising my ass just a bit….then Mistress took over.

Though a few weeks had passed, Mistress’s aim was on the mark. She filled me with her first smooth thrust of her hips. The penetration had Slave quickly into his own little sub-space.

And despite the long bike ride, Mistress seemed particularly energized yesterday afternoon. Her thrusts were firm, swift, and rather effective….It wasn’t long before she was spasming against me, with a rather dramatic, moaning  climax from her exertions.

By now my ass was getting a little tender, and I let it be known that she should feel free to stop at her convenience. (I have a feeling I may hear about that later). She seemed spent herself, so told me to go insert my device and then return to the bed to fuck her properly.

“Of course, Mistress….”

Slave’s attitude properly adjusted, I found my aneros, and used it to replace Mistress’s own “cock”, before returning to the bed to take my own pleasure.

The ultimate result, I must say was impressive….one of those cums that came in a series of waves that seemed to last forever….

It appears that Mistress and Slave do have their rhythm back.

We rested a bit, then ended up watching a movie here… the Pianist, the Polanski film set in Warsaw during WW II. Mistress pointed out sights she had visited only weeks ago.

When we retired to our chambers, I expected we’d be reading a bit before shut-eye. And that’s how things started. But after about 20 minutes or so, Slave had one unexpected request.

“Slave…. I think I may need my Hitachi tonight…”

“Worried that it might be awhile before your next cum, Mistress?”

I was teasing of course. Earlier I had suggested we might want to get a head start on tease and denial, but she was having none of it.

“It’s not Sunday yet, Slave.”

And I knew it would be so very wrong to argue with Mistress.

So I reached under the bed for her trusty Hitachi. Soon she was laying back, that tie-dye nightie pooled at her belly button, as I guided the churning white bulb between those firm thighs.

That sucker does have a rather profound effect, reducing Mistress to a panting, moaning, vibrating little slut in no time.

Of course, she had a rather profound orgasm, in just a few minutes time. And she offered to return the favor.

I demurred. I figured it best to save my energy and juices for this morning’s execution of the WC’s sentence.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

The WC Enters Judgment in the Case of Mick vs. Molly

Aisha, you will be happy to know that Molly and Mick restored the natural order of things yesterday: it was back to our usual two-a-day rhythm. I know you were concerned that maybe we have lost a step. Hopefully with a three day weekend ahead of us, Slave can work his back into shape. With the NFL season in apparent jeopardy, this may be all the entertainment we get this summer and fall.

Morning sex was a little brisk, if only because Slave had been in abstinence mode for all of 24 hours. After the blogging was done – with a big assist from our Science Correspondent – I made sure there was plenty of time to worship and then take my own pleasure from my beloved Mistress, who was still snoozing when I climbed the stairs.

She decided to stay home a little later than me – not for a date with the WC, but to get those lovely nails attended to before the holiday weekend – so she reminded me of my duty.

“I think it’s a cage day for you, Slave….”

I guess I was hoping to slip that through, but dutifully got out my apparatus, did the schmushing of balls and cock through the tight ring, and presented the open lock to Mistress to shut me down for the day.

“Good, Slave….now I know you won’t be getting into any trouble.”

No doubt.

Both of us had busy days, so there was no stop-by for worship. But when I got home, that was a different story.

The Sullen teens were there at the garage door, waiting for me. Not to greet their beloved father, but to demand the car keys, with that “what tok you so long” look on their faces.

“We’re going to the mall….”

And I must say I was not too disappointed to learn they would be gone for a while. I waited for Mistress in her “Executive Suite”, and soon she was home too. We aborted plans for a bike ride. Why miss this empty nest window of opportunity?

Mistress made sure she was suitably worshipped before she reached for the key to unlock my cage. I mean, what better way to assure a job well done. She had even been kind enough to toss a pillow on the floor to accommodate my ancient knees.

But then she had some other plans for me.

“Just stand there Slave, while I play with my cock”.

So there I was standing by the side of the bed, as she leaned in, her warm lips and tongue stroking and sucking at my only recently liberated equipment, until I was fidgeting a bit, begging for the chance to fuck her.

“So impatient Slave…. don’t you like this….”

“Ohhh…. I like it Mistress…..very much”

My cock was full, dripping no doubt. But she was in no hurry. She seemed to savor the taste.

Those recently manicured nails were dragging soft tracks along my balls, as my cock filled her mouth.


“I like it when I make you squirm, Slave.”

“ So glad it pleases you Mistress.”

But soon – thankfully - she relented, allowing me to join her in bed.

By now I was a little disoriented. I think I’d forgotten that she had already been pleasured with my tongue and lips, so I settled between her legs for worship, part deaux. She didn’t bother to stop her devoted Slave.

But after she’d come again, she did give me permission to fuck her, and I made sure I used the opportunity to full measure.

It wasn’t until after we had rested a bit that I brought up the topic of today’s headline. The “remedy” that His Honor, the WC had imposed after two weeks of deliberations.

It has been a while since Mistress breached her contractual Switch Day obligations, by removing those nasty clothespins without permission. We were getting close to that “justice delayed is justice denied” tipping point. Part of the delay was my fault, since I was gone last Sunday morning. But I think the WC was enjoying his role as the impartial “decider” in this case that he took his own damn time to draft a decision. Plus he needed to get the official tattoo.

So here it is, hot off the presses back in his high mountain court house, where the black robes are worn “commando”, and need to be dry cleaned frequently to remove those unsightly semen stains:



THE COURT, being fully advised, and after carefully weighing all the evidence, case law and statutes cited by the parties:

Hereby rules as follows:

The Court has previously held that the Defendant Molly Collins was in flagrant violation of the contract she freely entered into with the Plaintiff Mick Collins. The court also ruled that she was guilty of gloating about the fact that she put one over on the Plaintiff.

The Plaintiff, has asked this Court to fashion a remedy in Equity, for the breach of contract. Both parties agree the contract did not contain a remedy for such a flagrant breach. This Court, as a Court of both Law and Equity, having proper authority, hereby makes the following findings of fact.

1) The Defendant, Molly Collins did without permission remove the clothes pins from her nipples on switch day.

2) The Defendant did gloat about the fact that she removed the pins to the Western Correspondent.

3) The Court finds that the Defendant is as CRAFTY AS THEY COME and is prone to WHINING and WHEEDLING.

The Court in HIS infinite wisdom crafts the following remedy:

This Sunday the 29th day of May in the year 2011,

The Plaintiff, Mick Collins, shall place the Defendant, Molly Collins,

In suitable bondage to accomplish the following punishment:

Plaintiff shall bring the Defendant, to the verge of orgasm as many times as he likes (but no fewer that 10 times.)

The Plaintiff may use any method he likes including, but not limited to, vibrators, fingers, mouth, penis, dildos or butt plugs.

The Plaintiff may have as many orgasms as he likes, but after the Defendant, has been brought to the edge the requisite amount of times,

She will not be permitted to have an orgasm, but rather will have to wait till at least 4.00 PM Eastern standard time on Sunday the 29th day of May, 2001 to gain "relief."

During the switch day tease and denial the Plaintiff may also freely spank, crop, paddle, cane, strap, the Defendant to his heart’s content.

The Court also rules that when switch day is over, Defendant may exact ANY revenge she chooses.

It is Hereby ordered:



Thank you, your honor.

At last, Justice will be done.

And, if I might add, with all due respect, while you may have quite a "special occasion" sword, it is not particularly swift.

Friday, May 27, 2011

A Comment from Ireland and a Dispatch from our Science Correspondent from the Road

Mistress and Slave did not have nearly enough “intimate” time together yesterday in River City. I had to be up and out the door by 6 am for an all day engagement in our state’s flat as a pancake capitol. So I had to leave Mistress behind, snoozing in bed, as I crept out toe door, sans our normal “wake-up” sex.

I know that will have many of you groaning in commiseration.

By the time I got home at 7 pm, the sullen teens were demanding to be taken out to dinner. And by the time that was over, well, Slave was bone tired. I did make sure to fulfill my obligations to Mistress by giving her a long slow worship as she lounged in bed, that new nightie hiked up to her waist as my tongue and lips bobbed and weaved through her clean shaven folds.

Her nectar is rather addictive, so I needed a fix, even if my work-a-day cock was a little too fried for proper service. (Actually it was my brain that was fried, the two need to work together, at least at this stage of an aging pampered Slave’s life). And Mistress seemed to enjoy the fruits of my labor.

We both seemed to sleep very well after that little activity was concluded with Mistress moaning her satisfaction, hips rising to meet my mouth in her final throes of ecstasy.

One thing that thrilled me yesterday as I sat in my long meeting, in  a lull in the action, was seeing an anonymous comment that seemed to come from the Emerald Isle, in response to my posting about our President tipping a pint with some long lost relatives there earlier in the week. If you haven’t seen the video, check it out here: Barack and his Guiness.

This gentleman (I’m assuming that, I guess), noted that his grandfather had fought along side my adopted namesake, Michael Collins, during the 1917 era uprising against British colonial rule, then had been at cross purposes with him during the sad Civil War that followed between the purer “Republicans” and those who were willing to settle for political independence for the southern counties. I felt that a little bit of history was connecting us through this crazy blog. Thanks for the comment, sir! Let’s both lift a pint in memory of your grandfather and his heroism this weekend, which celebrates Memorial Day here in the states.

Now before I am off to break my sad 24 hour abstinence with my lovely, Mistress, I’m happy to share this dispatch from our Senior (and more recently Science) Correspondent Donna, wrapping up some persona leave in her home state of Florida. We’ve missed her, and yes, with this dispatch in the bank, you can consider your leave ended on Thursday, Donna. I will make sure our payroll department is clued in!

As my time in Florida grows to a close, I am so damn anxious to get home to my Dom, my home, and my mountains. While the medical care has been unbelievably positive and amazing, I am in need, real need, of my Bill. I am not vanilla, I am not happy in the vanilla world, and I am only complete, whole and balanced when living my BDSM lifestyle. I find that everything for me is interpreted through that lens.

As I waited in line for my herbal brew this morning, I noticed a newspaper opened to a page with an illustration of muscles. Odd. I looked closer, and right off the bat, in bold capital letters in the first paragraph, I saw the word DOMS! Yes, my heart did a dance of joy. If I can’t be with my Dom right now, at least I can live vicariously through someone else. 

Being so very impressed that this particular newspaper would be open-minded enough to include an article on Doms, I snatched that section of the newspaper and started to read, Sadly, I was wrong. It turns out this article is about DOMS as related to sports medicine, an acronym for Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness.

As I sipped the truly difficult to swallow brew of tree bark, herbs and who knows what else that is called tea here, I tried hard to hold onto my positive thoughts and reconsidered what I had just read. I thought about the fact that all subs have been in situations where they were so into what was happening to their pussy, boobs, cock or balls that they didn’t pay attention to how far they were being pulled, filled or stretched or how hard they were being pinched, tugged or bitten and they experienced muscle soreness the following day. There just might be information that would be useful in this article, and it just might be that the person who came up with the acronym DOMS is into the lifestyle and thought this was funny; I know that would be something my Dom would do.

As I continued to read, certain phrases stood up…I mean out. As I scanned the article I saw the phrase “post-workout euphoria can leave you feeling pumped to conquer the world.” Oh, I certainly agree with that, and when my Dom is pumped, or I am pumping him, euphoria is sure to follow.

Then I read “eccentric muscle contraction when the muscle lengthens as it contracts.” And clearly, at that point I could see that this article was for our world. As I play with Bill using some rubbing, a little nibbling and bit of sucking, (he likes a whole lot of sucking) he lengthens and after a while contractions and shudders start. It’s all there!

“Next day soreness is a good thing, forcing the muscles to adapt so next time there is less damage, less soreness and less recovery time – basically you are stronger.” Now that’s what I’m talking about! Our Doms and this lifestyle make us stronger, healthier, able to leap tall buildings…well that may be a bit over the top. Haha, leap buildings-over the top. Yep, it’s a for sure thing that I need more caffeine.

So what is the upshot (I love that word) of the article? It tells the reader to work up and cool down (we call that foreplay and after care in our world), to incorporate massage and a warm bath into the routine (oh, yeah), to vary the pace, fast and slow, hard and easy (oh my, yes!) and participate in activities frequently and regularly to avoid muscle stiffness (preaching to the choir, man).

What an enlightening and timely article considering that I will be back home in the arms of my very own Dom on Saturday. I will be sure to put all this information to good use, and maybe I’ll even write a little note to the author and let him know how his article applies so well to the BDSM world. Won’t he be surprised, or maybe not?

Hugs to all,

P.S. - I will fly home on Saturday. I have just one more medical appointment tomorrow afternoon and then head for the airport early Saturday morning. Should you hear that for some odd reason planes are not flying out of Orlando on Saturday, you can bet the farm that I'll be hitchhiking. One way or another, I'm getting out of Florida and heading home.

While it is working better this evening, I have only been able to access the internet for a few minutes now and then since I arrived. I am looking forward to catching up on this week's UCTMW blogs when I get home. But first, I have some significant
sexual catching up to do with Bill, and I am anxiously looking forward to that!

Great to hear from you Donna. I am sure Bill will like to see this new found knowledge put to use. Safe travels!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

HNT / Mistress's New Nightie

Walking through Capitol Hill's  Eastern Market on Sunday with sullen teen #2,  we found dozens of local artisans and craftsfolk selling their wares. There was furniture. prints, jewelry paintings, and lots of hand made clothing items.

What caught my eye was an older lady who had tie-dyed a variety of vintage slips, tops and bottoms. Now you may have noticed from some of our occasional photos that Mistress is a big tie-dye fan. She has a variety of colorful dresses and tops. But a tie-dye slips, now that was something new.... I couldn't resist, though the sullen ten just rolled her eyes in disgust as I ran throught eh colorful options.

I think Mistress was happy with her little gift when we got home Sunday evening.... and she's worn it every night since.  the texture is smooth and sexy, and makes her all the more cuddly in bed.

Now I wish I had bought several!  What do you think?