Monday, May 16, 2011

Our Western Correspondent Is Called on for Justice






As alluded to in yesterday’s blog, I need your considered judgment on how to handle a rather shocking breach of protocol here at the World Headquarters yesterday morning.

You are quite familiar with our contract, and its provision at Section II, paragraph 6 that, “On Sunday mornings for at least 2 hours, and at other times upon agreement of the parties, Mistress will submit completely to the Slave, as if she was the Slave and he was the Master/Owner under the terms of this Agreement.”

Yesterday morning I set out to exercise those rights at around 9 am, before a bike ride we had planned. Actually it had been three weeks since a proper switch day, because Mistress had been traveling (I suppose one mistake I had made, in retrospect, was not requiring some sort of Switch exercise on the  Sunday when she was MIA).

Things started out without a hitch. She meekly allowed me to lock the red cuffs on her slender wrists, and I linked them together with a little metal clip. When I expressed frustration that I could not find the bag of cloths pins, she even helpfully suggested that I look in the drawer of the bed side table. Sure enough they were there, and I removed two new ones, rather than use the two that were sitting next to the bag, where she apparently placed them after returning from her overseas voyage.

“Boy that wasn’t  very smart, was it Slave…. I hate those things.”

“Maybe you are subliminally craving them, Mistress. You certainly had them on enough at M’s direction during your trip.”

I had a rather simple scheme to implement.

Mistress would be on her hands and knees on the bed, her lovely, soft breasts hanging down. I would attach the clothes pins to her nipples. Some thrashes with the riding crop on her vulnerable ass, then her reward by way of the Hitachi, all while she presented her ass to me that way.

Then, of course, Slave would take his reward.

I clipped the pegs to her hanging nipples. Then reached for the camera to record the occasion.

That’s when the complaining began.

“That’s horrid Slave…..”

“I can’t stand it…..

“Take them off right away…..”

You get the picture.

Now I knew that she could take it. She’d worn them for me before. And all that furious masturbating with both nipples clipped should have made this all the more tolerable, correct? (Unless she was yanking both of our chains about that, you may want to consider having her make a video the next time).

I was determined not to succumb to the vociferous whining and wheedling, but I was moved by her “agony”. I chose to skip the cropping part and go straight to the Hitachi.

“How about this your royal whiner, they come off with the first orgasm….”

She was still on hands and knees, her legs spread just enough to accommodate the churning bulb at the business end of the Hitachi.

You would  have been impressed by the way her ass was squirming back and forth, as she seemed to quickly hit her stirde and shudder and quake through a rather impressive cum, all the while moaning and gasping with a combination of pleasure and pain.

Then I looked down under her lovely trunk and what did I see?

Somehow, your little slut had reached up with those bound hands while I was concentrating on pleasuring her, and popped off both of the cloths pins.

I was shocked. Very shocked.

“What the…..”

“I’m sorry Slave…. they were just way too painful.”

“I obviously need to secure those wrists much better the next time.”

Fool that I was, I did let her have another orgasm with the Hitachi, before having her roll over to accept my rigid work-a-day cock. At least that went off as anticipated, Mistress moaning through another cum before I took my own pleasure from her.

But afterwards I cross examined her on her little act of civil disobedience.

“So why did you not let me finish you before you took off the pins, Mistress?”

“They just hurt so much Slave….”

She hypothesized that because they were “new” pins, the springs were particularly tight, causing more pain than normal. This makes me winder if she doctored the pins she had taken to Europe, stretching the springs a bit so that they were looser than specifications would require. Sort of like using a corked bat or one of those new “slice-proof” golf balls.

Maybe there is a lab that checks for such sub transgressions?

I made it clear to her that next Sunday there would be consequences for her misbehavior. I know, justice delayed is justice denied. But in this case, maybe making her dread what is ins tore for a few days will force her to consider the error of her ways.

I understand she gave you a little verbal “preview” of what had happened, lobbying for a reprieve. But now that you know all of the sad and pathetic facts of her inability to comply with her contractual obligations, I do look forward to your advice.

Our contract does not have a clear remedy clause. And I am not sure I want to take the matter to a local Equity Judge, who might not have nuanced view of this type of breach.

So we look you for Justice, M. 

I might add that there could be some extenuating circumstances that I have not considered. As an example, could it be that with the clips attached with her nipples hanging down they are more painful than with her lying on her back? Maybe our Senior Correspondent, the sub-sisters or other readers can add their perspective before you render your decision.

We look to you for your judgment on this sad matter.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Our CEO and her Personal Trainer Celebrate Masturbation Month

It did turn out to be a very busy day here in River City, but you will be glad to know that Mistress got more than her fair share of cumming , and that her “field Slave” made sure that the plantings she required were done.

Her first opportunity came at around 8 am. I let her sleep in as long as possible, knowing that she still needs to catch up on her ZZZZZ’s following her travels and quick transition back to a work week. When I came up bearing the laptop for her to peruse the blog, we only had time for some quick worship before heading with sullen teen #2 to a morning orientation for her study abroad year.

Mistress gave out a little gasp of pleasure, her hips writhing a bit, as my tongue and lips ultimately found their mark.

“You should have woken me sooner, Slave…. now we don’t have time for real morning sex….”

“I’m sure we will fit it in later, Mistress.”

The parent portion of orientation lasted until a little past noon. We left the teen behind for the rest of the program and headed home, where Slave went into gardening mode: acquiring more geraniums and impatiens at a nearby shop, digging up some perennials at Molly’s mother’s house, where her step-father has a vast excess he offerred to share, then returning home to get to work .

An intermittent rain was falling, and since our yard is hardly private, I passed on my opportunity to celebrate World Naked Gardening Day.

In the meantime, Mistress went for a bike ride. When she returned she complimented me on the progress I had made in expanding the plantings along a fence in our compact yard.

“Come inside when your done, Slave…. you are due an ass fucking.”

My hard and focused work was productive, so by about 3 pm the lion’s share of the work was done, and I gladly succumbed to Mistress’s invitation to join her for some “relaxation” in our chambers.

AS I stepped into our room, Mistress was lying naked across our bed, working on her laptop.

Since I was rather muddy and sweaty from my efforts, I hit the shower first, before presenting myself to her.

So there you had us: naked Mistress and her fresh from the field, Slave.
Both kind of sleepy.

We opted for a luxurious mid-afternoon nap, cuddled next to one another, clinging tightly.

But that still gave us time for some slow and steamy love making when we woke, refreshed, and a bit horny.

The ass fucking would have to wait until later.

Soon we were off again, to collect the teen from her orientation, and then for an early family dinner at an Indian joint the girls like, in our old neighborhood in the University section of town. (We find that they will only really talk to us when we take them out to eat and force them to sit through a meal).

When we got home from dinner, Mistress pulled me aside.

“The WC texted me Slave…. his family is out for a while and he wants to know if we can have a date….”

It had been a while – not since Mistress left for he trip. And I knew there was pent-up demand on Mistress’s part, particularly after their Thursday morning “session” had been aborted.

“Of course, Mistress…got for it.”

She asked me to make sure the ‘land line” phone she prefers to use on suck occasions was in place, and I turned on the radio in our room to muffle any errant cries of delight from our curious teens. Then left her to her own devices.

There was still plenty of daylight left, so Slave opted to complete some additional planting, while Mistress deployed her Hitachi at her “personal trainer’s” direction.

I knew that she was in good cyber-hands. It was nice that they could jointly celebrate Masturbation Month.

About 50 minutes later she found me out in the yard, on my knees, where I belonged. She had that well satisfied smile on her face.

“How many, Mistress?”

“Ohhh…. Three or four, Slave.”

By my count, that left the score for the day at 7 (or 8) for Mistress to 1 for her humble slave.

But since today is Switch Day…..Slave will see if he can do some catching up.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Some Gardening Planned This Weekend

Mistress had some beauty needs to attend to yesterday morning – hair, nails, feet, the full treatment - so we drove separately to work.

And of course that meant Mick has to smoosh some uncooperative balls and cock into the steel ring that is the seat of my cage. It had been since last Saturday that I was required to wear it. Hadn’t missed that sucker at all.

But I made sure I had that ring on before coming upstairs to wake Mistress at around 7 am. She likes the effect that tight steel containment device has on my cock. Once the blood begins to flow in there, making me nice and hard for her, well, it stays hard and takes a little extra effort – both physical and mental – for me to obtain “lift off”.

And Mistress seems to enjoy being on the receiving end of that extra effort.

After I pleasured her with my tongue and lips, giving her that delectable wake up cum, her fingers drifted to my cock, already firming up and just about ready for her.

“Hmmmm…. I love that ring, Slave…. does it hurt?”

Not really…. But…. When you do that with your fingers…. It … gets… very…. Tight….So can I fuck you now?”

She ran those fingers along my shaft a little longer. This can me, literally, excruciating pleasure….

“So impatient Slave…. but yes… since you have to go to work… you may fuck me now….”

Ahhhh…..I mounted her. Made sure her pleasure came before mine… then rallied to one of those mind numbing comes through that tight ring that seems to come in a series of crashing waves as my fluids force their way through that narrow constriction.

“Wow, Slave…. that seemed like a good one.”

No Foolin’.

By the time I was done, I sort of collapsed there on the bed for a while, clinging to Mistress, annoyed that it was time to hit the shower.

Mistress was busy handling some work emails from our bed when I presented myself to her, the cage now covering my cock, lock in place, ready for her to snap it shut.

She did so with a little smile, making sure I was all safe and secure.

“Does that make you feel better, Mistress… knowing that your cock is locked away for the day?”

“It does, My Slave.”

So it was not until the end of our workday that Mistress released me, only after I had worshipped her from my knees in our bedroom.

M had been texting her as we both undressed, and Mistress encouraged me to take a shot of her spread legs and clean shaven folds to taunt him a bit.

After that, a bike ride squeezed between some thunder showers, and .... back to bed.

The sullen teens were out for dinner and a movie, so Mistress had arranged for a little “picnic” while we watched a movie via Netflix. But my day in the cage encouraged me to go for the option she offered of sex before food.

But this time Mistress had another idea for enhancing her work-a-day cock.

“Please go insert your device now, Slave….”

She meant the aneros, which I was happy to slide home for her, after ample lube was applied. It had been a while since that little sucker had been deployed. And it always seems to make my cock all the more desperate for her.

Mistress seemed very pleased with the result. And I don’t think we found our way out of bed until after 8:30 or so.  By then the sun was going down here, and we sat in the dark, munching on an array of fruit and cheese, sipping some wine, watching “Amadeus”, with Mistress sprawled across my lap.

The scent of her drying sexual juices were wafting up to tease me through the movie, reminding me of my addiction to her, though I was far more than spent to press the point. It was just … comforting.

Ultimately, my relaxed Mistress nodded off, and we headed up to bed. we needed to get a good nights sleep because we have a very busy weekend planned here in River City.

First, an orientation for sullen teen #2 for her study abroad program that begins in August. And also an assortment of family activities.

But one task on the schedule is some additional planting, assigned to me by Mistress. (It sounds like Sissy over at  Ms. Marie will also be a field Slave this weekend). As it turns out, our Senior Correspondent, Donna, reports that this is World Naked Gardening Day. Her burgeoning skills as an investigative reporter event turned up this photos from a previous WNGD. That’s our WC, just left of center, holding the red rake. 

Glad to see M out there doing a little community service under the UCTMW banner. That’s bound to help our corporate image.

So be sure to get out there today. Apply a generous layer of sunscreen. And, like M, remember to wear a hat.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Finishing off our Week, and Input from our Senior Correspondent

Well, Blogger is finally back up.... so here is the dispatch I prepared for you this morning. Hope none have you have resorted to radically alternative forms of amusement in our absence -- you know, like going for a walk or reading a book. Hate to see you adopting bad habits on our account.

Wow. We’ve made it to the fifth day of a full work week together here in River City. It seems like a rare one, with Mistress traveling, other trips we’ve taken, or holidays that intrude.

And this one has been nice because, at least until today, we’ve been able to drive to work together. Mistress has even stopped by for three days in a row for a little worship from her Slave.

Yesterday morning we had some very hot wake up sex here at the World HQ, and Mistress was even over her cough, so there was no dilemma about easing back or pushing on. (We know what the WC’s answer would have been). Later I dropped Mistress off at work, and headed onto my office, figuring I would not see her until the end of the day.

But then, just before lunch time, I got a call from her.

She was rather blunt.

“Good… you’re there. I’ve had an annoying meeting and I’m coming over…..”

I was going to say something reassuring but she was already off the phone, clearly in a bit of a huff. But I was glad she felt she could stop by for some talk or other form of therapy.

When she waltzed into my office, she already seemed to have calmed some. We talked about where we might go to have lunch.

“But first, some worship, Mistress….”

I went through my usual routine, pulling the door closed, and the chair up against it. The blanket was spread. Our regular readers know the drill, as illustrated in yesterday’s posting. It seemed that by the time I was done, and Mistress was quaking through her little mid-day treat, her juices coating my lips and cheeks, that Mistress had already begun to calm down a bit… putting a dispute with a colleague in perspective.

At lunch at a local dive, we talked through her concerns, and I hope my perspective helped. We find that the combination of physical and talk therapy usually works for both of us….

On the way home I talked to Donna. She is anticipating a trip to Florida next week, and said she planned to author something before then. As a good executive editor, always looking for someone else to do the heavy lifting, I was thrilled to find what follows in my in-box this morning. So, enjoy as much as I did.

Did you know that according to one survey, there are more doctors and nurses involved in BDSM than any other career group? If you’ve ever had a colonoscopy, this may not come as a complete surprise to you.

Between my career and my personal life, I have spent a great deal of time associating with medical people. For the most part, I have been extremely fortunate to know fabulous doctors and nurses, but there have been a few that were not so great.

Many years ago when we lived in another state, I had a wonderful gynecologist. At one memorable visit, Dr. Wonderful’s nurse helped me transfer onto the exam table, pushed my wheelchair out of the way and then handed me the two paper napkins so generously provided to cover (?) my body, and said the doctor would be right in. As an aside, I have never understood whether correct procedure is one napkin for each breast and leave the lower latitudes uncovered, or place one napkin not quite covering either nipple (since my breasts tend to fall to the side when I am flat on my back) and then place the other napkin in position to cover the center of my lap.

Anyway, after some length of time the nurse returned with a sad look on her face to say that Dr. Wonderful had been called away on an emergency and her partner, Dr. Piss-ant would be taking over my exam. Dr. Piss-ant was gloomy and dismal, I never saw him laugh and I avoided him like the plague, but I was already there and the napkins were somewhat in place, so I agreed.

Right then Dr. Piss-ant burst into the room in a huff and bother, and with one glance my direction became angry that I wasn’t already in the stirrups. The nurse attempted to explain the situation, but he snapped at her to, “Just do it!”, so while he gloved up, the nurse got me in place and held my knees in position as she always did for me. The doctor turned around and yelled at her to get out of his way. She looked at me and I shrugged, smiled and nodded. So, just as the doctor was leaning forward a bit to reach back with his foot to bring the stool into position for sitting, she let go and stepped back. Well, my knees slammed together, smacking and trapping his head. I had to speak, since the nurse was trying so very hard not to laugh out loud, and I sweetly shared with him that the nurse always has to hold my legs in position.

Dr. Piss-ant ordered the nurse to come over and hold my legs and then completed the exam in record time. News spreads fast in small offices, and there were many smiles and a couple of thumbs ups from the staff as I left the office that day.

I wanted to share that event because it always makes me smile, and I have something else today to share with you and smile about. Last week I had a call from our son, the one in medical school (I love to say that) and he has arranged for me to spend some time with doctors from China who will be in the US later this month. I will fly to their location on the 21st, and will have the great opportunity to see how they might be able to assist me with some medical issues.

I can’t adequately express how proud I am of our son, that while having received his medical training in the United States he has remained open minded enough to accept that there is much to learn from other medical traditions. I am totally jazzed. I will have my trusty laptop and will probably have more time for blogging than I do now because Bill won’t be able to go with me. That part is a real downer, but that’s just the way it has to be.

And that’s why Bill has ramped up our sex program. It’s beginning to feel like the Sex Olympics around here. He has an ever growing list taped to the refrigerator with ideas about positions, activities and locations that he wants to complete before the 21st. Being his (mostly) cooperative and extremely horny sub, I have added a few little suggestions of my own. Should I be a bit slow in responding to emails this coming week, I am still at home - just extremely busy. Use your imagination and you’ll know what I mean!

Donna, could it be that Bill wants to get all those “items” off the agenda by May 21 because some folks are claiming that the world will come to an end that day? That does sound like the sort of “worst case” contingency planning we would expect from our Cirector of Security – International.