Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Selection from the UCTMW Vault

Mistress’s long journey is coming to a close. She should be back to me Saturday evening. Thanks to the staff and the rest of you out there who have kept the ball in the air here with your comments and contributions. And Donna has definitely blossomed, from her normal incisive commentary to investigative reporting. Look at the photo she unearthed from the childhood of the entertaining but underproductive Western Correspondent, playfully evading the digit of his older brother:

While I am sure she can report on her own, it seems like she has had a very compelling trip to places she has studied about for years. And I think it’s very impressive that she stuck to the sometimes painful regimen that her personal trainer laid out for her before they left, despite a less than .500 mark when it came to calling the coin toss.

Yesterday Mistress shared with me a rather “gripping” photo of her poor nipple in the cruel embrace of M’s surrogate pinch. Imagining her getting herself off thrice before she can remove that nasty device is …. Well, maybe I can get her to give me a demonstration when she gets home?

Can we arrange that M?

We have extra cloths pins on hand in case she decides to leave those well worn ones in Prague.

But, for Mistress’s amusement and to entertain the rest of you I thought I would share something found in an old in-box. The date was November 12, 2009. Quite frankly I’m not sure if this is something I wrote before the blog started or right after it began, but it’s an interesting flashback, when my entries were addressed just to Mistress, and when Mistress was engaged via text and phone with her old College lover, E. (E was jettisoned after some rather bogus behavior.)

I hope she and you enjoy


I had a good night's sleep, woke next to you. and began thinking about what to write this am. I know you said I did not have to write this morning, but somehow the process of outlining in my brain some thoughts that might turn you on as you wake up turns me on .

The process is good for me (and hopefully for you too).

Thursday's crazy orgasm score was 12-5 by my count. So yesterday was like a partial day off. 5-2. No wonder we were both a little tired when we got home last night. I got thinking some about our conversation walking home from the game and your fear of giving up control, whether to E or anyone else. And here I have been enjoying my giving up control to you and discovering both its erotic and emotional benefits.

So I decided to make up a "top ten" of my hottest moments from the last week. A theme emerged, but to the moments first (in chronological order):

10. You, tied to and draped over the bed Sunday am, after a nice hard spanking, as I slowly slid my cock inside you, talking about how you (and I ) would feel at the thought of E doing that to you.

9. Me gathering my cloths, as you talked to E on Monday night, then coming down stairs to stew as I heard you pacing above me, charged with sexual energy for another man.

8. Sending you that email begging you to use your strap on that evening, because I was feeling particularly submissive and needed that to validate those feelings.

7. The frustration as you did use the strap on that evening, when I almost but not quite was able to come that way.

6. Was it later that night, that you pulled out the glove, and used it to stroke my balls as you rode me. I remember how hard I came that way , breaking the Monday rule.

5. You gently stroking me through my jeans at the Steely Dan concert. Me knowing that I had no right to ask you to stop. I was there simply for you to toy with. I really could have come that way, though it was better to save it for home.

4. The frustration of being inside you on abstinence day, but unable to come.

3. Waking early Thursday am, hard and frustrated but constrained by your order not to wake you until about 6:45.

2. Sitting on the floor between your legs, rubbing my mouth against you and sensing and tasting and smelling how turned on you were. Wondering if you had been sending an e to E.

1. The thickening of my cock later that night when E's text chime went off, feeling how turned on you were as I reached between your legs from behind, then the wild "too tired to fuck, too horny not to" sex we had, the 5th for me that day after the day of abstinence.

1A. You in my office Friday before lunch. tasting you through your boots and tights, then peeling them away and bringing you to orgasm one more time as you looked out the window. I loved the smile on your face when you explained why you did not bring the key to my cage. your pleasure was our only concern. (it’ making me hard right now to think about that).

The theme seems to be the power of my surrender of control to you. So its not surprising that you would want a taste of the same medicine. That was part of the pull of E for you. Along with the idea that he had accessed and awakened a long , dormant "free spirited" part of your personality.

It’s annoying and hurtful that he seems to drift in and out so easily, even when you are politely asking for his attention. Maybe it’s too much for you to handle. But the idea of surrendering to those feeling he has unleashed still is a powerful one I would think. And you should know I will ALWAYS be here to nurture, protect and catch you if you fall too hard, Mistress., whether for E or someone else.

So why does that dynamic turn me (and I think you too) on, whether its for E or Ken L, or just some guy who flirts with you at the Post Office? But whether its cyber, fantasy or real, I do think our openness about the qualities that make other men attractive to you, their desire for you, and your desire/interest for/ in them has added some extra spice to our relationship.

For all those years you have sent the "keep your distance" signal. These last few weeks you have not. No reason to hide your charms, mistress. Whatever you do or feel, I am behind you ready to catch, lick and fuck you when I get your permission.

Love, your slave.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

HNT / Some Favorite Mistress Parts.

Tonight will be my ninth night solo here at the UCTMW World HQ.  You will be happy to know that I’ve been pretty good following Mistress’s instructions.

Cage every day with photos.

Check. (though I did need to be reminded this a.m.…. I sent her a “full staff” cock shot, but forgot the cage shot until I got to work. She says I will be punished for my negligence).

Kids needs tended to.

Check. (Yes, signed up for that campus visit for surly teen #2, and made sure that #1 signed up for her college orientation).

Cat litter changed.


Daily masturbation.


I know that sounds like it should be no chore. But quite frankly, it’s getting a little tedious without Mistress here for the real thing.

Yeah, I am spoiled. Whining about being required to cum daily under my own power. 

I suppose I am a “pampered house Slave”.

Over at All MineAll Mine today, Suzanne made the point rather explicitly, by displaying in response to my request the rather large and scary 8” cock that she slides into  her strap-on when taking  her “wife” Tammy in the "diaper position".

Likewise, two days ago Ms. Marie showed us the rather intimidating “vacu-lock” tool she deploys when she thinks her “sissy” needs a little dose of strap-on therapy. Donna called her managing editor yesterday to make sure he caught that one, for comparison sake.

"Plus she gags him, Mick. So he doesn't make too much noise when that thing sinks into him."


It was only about 10 days ago, that I successfully wheedled  Mistress to back off using on my tender and tight ass that rather intimidating dildo (“The Charmer”) that the folks at had shipped us for testing. (here is that sad episode, entitled "Super Size Me")

With Mistress gone for so long, there’s no doubt I would gladly volunteer right now to take on the Charmer if it was attached to Mistress.

Absence must make my ass grow more accommodating.

In fact, I will confess that this am, when I was "doing my duty", I resorted to using my little white aneros to jump start the process.  It was definitely a very efficient  expedient.

Mistress makes me explain in some detail my prurient imaginings as I “take matters into my own hands” . And I’ve summarized my thoughts for her in our private emails and conversations, which seems to satisfy her.

Well tonight, for a little motivation, I thought I would flip through some of the photos we’ve collected over the last 18 months, for posting on the blog. And since it will shortly be Thursday, I thought I’d share a few of them with all of you.  Feel free to let us know what your favorite parts are.

 Her legs are firm and soft at the same time. and these stockings add to the texture and fun.

Of course, her breasts are pillowy soft, and those fingers always feel so nice when they stroke my neck, or wrap themselves around my cock.
 And I certainly am desperate to once again fall to my knees and bury my self in the sweet, clean shaven folds at the juncture of those firm and muscular thighs.

then there's her ass. I have lots of shots of them. I'm thinking it may get the taste of that crop on Sunday. Mother's Day pampering can wait until I exercise my switch privileges, don't you think?
 Yeah, I think her bottom may be this nice shade of pink before I'm done.  (Is that the little white aneros peeking out?) 

But I'm going to leave those nipple alone.  The WC has put them through quite a lot this week with his rather crafty coin tossing.  Before she went to bed tonight in Prague she sent me a text photo of that sad little nipple pinched by Mike's cloths pin as she worked herself to three consecutive cums before she could pop them off.

Yeah, I guess in comparison, I am a pampered house Slave.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Celebrating Masturbation Week at UCTMW World HQ

A few days ago, Donna reminded me that May is Masturbation Week.Read all about it here.

Sadly, that’s sure the way it’s been here at the UCTMW World HQ for the last week. With Molly gone, and under her direction to “take matters into my own hands”, I’ve been doing my “duty”. But it doesn’t compare to the real thing. And when she texted me a littleCompose photo of her clean shave folds this afternoon, before hitting the sack in her hotel in Krakow… well it certainly made me yearn for the real thing after a week of semi-dry runs.

“Makes me want to worship, Mistress.”

“I long for it Slave.”

It’s been a week now…. Argh.

My 8th evening at home without Mistress tonight.

I know, some of the sub-sisters have been enduring somewhat longer dry spells. But I am spoiled. Self-Help is not a very satisfying substitute for the real thing.

Do you think I need to invest on some of that high end, overpriced lubricant that the WC depends on?

But apparently there is a little humor in my sad plight, to be fully exploited by this dispatch from our Senior Correspondent, received this evening after I grilled some burgers for my sullen teens.

Our Executive Editor has been without his Mistress Molly for a week now and has been required to take matters into his own hands on a once-a-day basis. This cake, spotted at the local grocery, brought his sad situation to mind. Notice the faked smile, the eyes staring blankly into space, the hands in the pants rather than properly grasping his cock. It’s just so sad. Let’s call this the Mick cake…at least for a few more days.

While Mick is permitted (correction, Donna…. Required.) to relieve pent up anxieties on a daily basis, it is an enormous drop from the usual levels of sexual activity in which he and Molly normally engage on a daily basis. There are signs this is taking an emotional toll on the poor guy.

Just today, a report was filed by office security guards stating that other office workers are refusing to get on the elevator with Mick.

It seems that while Mick waited for the Otis lift, he had inappropriate verbal interaction with a fellow employee. The following drawing was stapled to the report as a representation of what took place.

There are concerns on the home front, too. It seems that plumbers are being called to the house on a daily basis. Mick has been masturbating in the shower and, as we all know from research conducted at the University of Michigan, that just isn’t good for the plumbing.

Readers have also expressed concerns about Molly’s forced masturbation while traveling, which is wholly based on the toss of a coin by the WC.
I, too, was concerned until I received this photo of Molly taken just yesterday. I think she’s doing okay, but for some tender nipples. (note the strategic covering to hide those swollen buds).

Respectfully submitted (well, almost respectfully)
Donna, Senior Correspondent UCTMW

Monday, May 2, 2011

Missing Mistress on an Historic Day

I am missing Mistress even more these last 24 hours.

As you may have picked up from these pages, we were brought together not just by an electric sexual connection, but also by our mutual interest in political and civic affairs. I always joked that I could never relate to or be with  a woman who was born after the Kennedy Assassination, and sure enough, Mistress just made it under the wire.

After our second “date”, we had connected so profoundly that we talked about how nice it would be to have a child named after JFK’s daughter. Maybe it was the pheromones talking? But, sure enough, about 4 years later, we did.

So sitting here in front of the TV, or buried in the internet coverage and newspapers these last hours, wallowing in the historic , cathartic news coverage about events in that villa on Pakistan, and the gutsy call of our President, its almost painful not to have Molly hear with me to share the moment.

We had shared the horror of 9-11 together, shielding as best we could our young girls, then 7 and 8, from the horror unfolding on our TV screen.

So it seemed particularly sad not to share the events of Sunday evening with Mistress.

As the news broke, I texted her, though I knew she was fast asleep, phone off at 5 am or so in Krakow, still processing her experience at Auschwitz. I knew she’d want to know what had broken while she slept.

And, quite frankly, I am a little worried about what might transpire in Europe these next few days, as Osama’s vile sycophants contemplate retaliation.

We did get some chance to talk today.  And after she filled me in on her visit to Oscar Schindler’s Enamel wear factory, I covered some of the coverage and nuances of what had transpired. Later, after she was snoozing, I sent her an email with this photo, showing the President and his senior advisors, following the raid “real time”.

What a window into history.

But lest you think the UCTMW Enterprises has gone all vanilla on you, I need to add something else.

As our regular readers know, while Mistress is away, I’m required to wear my cage daily. And Mistress has asked me to send  a photo daily, with some timely cue or insert that reassures her that I’m not recycling photos just to avoid the discomfort that  the hard steel cage and its tight steel ring can have on my “equipment”.

Well I am a little modest about showing off my work-a-day cock, but figure on this historic occasion an exception can be justified. This is the photo Mistress got to see around her lunch time today: