Sunday, April 24, 2011

Supersize Me?

With one teen visiting friends in Florida for the weekend, and the other spending the night with a friend in her college dorm (I know, let’s not ask too many questions about that), Mistress and Slave had the luxury of waking to an empty house Saturday morning.

Sleeping in was on the the agenda for Mistress. And of course a bike ride if the monsoon clouds ever parted. But first, there was some rather vigorous activity between the sheets.

“I think I need a particularly hard cock this morning slave…. why don’t you go put in your device (my little white aneros).”

Naturally, I responded to her command, and proceeded to demonstrate exactly how hard my work-a-day cock could get

By the time we were disentangled, Mistress seemed more than pleased.

After our ride, we were off in different directions: me to hang out with my grandson and a visiting older daughter; Mistress on a mission to deal with her nails before her European mission begins.

By the time we were back under the same roof, and I had unpacked the groceries for Easter dinner (yes, Slave and Mistress will be hosting yet another mandatory family gathering tonight), I noticed a package on the front steps.

It was the next installment of our consumer testing consignment from

Now our commitment to these folks is to do a product review with appropriate links when we receive a free toy from them.

This is not that review!!! That will be coming later this week, to provide a little filler while Mistress is overseas.

But the new toy did see a little abortive action yesterday.

You see what we were looking for was a new tool for Mistress’s strap on. Her current “prong” is getting a little shop worn, and, quite frankly, is more the starter size, as you can see from this photo.

It seemed that something a little bigger, and a little spiffier would be something that would be nice to add to our collection. I mentioned this to Kayla, our “handler”, and she sent us about 5 links of products to choose from.

Well, either I wasn’t paying attention to the dimensions of these products, or, like kids in the candy store, our appetites got away from us.

I opened the package, pulled out the nice see through packaging and …. Gulp.

No way was this thing …. About 8 inches long and rather bulbous at the end… was going to fit once Mistress got into her frenzy of pumping her hips against my tender ass.

Of course, this being Saturday afternoon, and with her plans to leave town on Tuesday, Mistress had made it clear that I was due for what she described as a “good ass fucking to remember me by” during our long separation.

I suppose I could have tucked away our new toy, or stuck it back in the box for a return. She might never have known it had even arrived.

But honesty is the best policy, particularly if I want to remain the “pampered house Slave” at UCTMW World HQ.

So when it was time to crawl into bed for our next Saturday round, I meekly displayed to Mistress the new toy.

“Oh my, Slave…. and whatever are we to do with that?”

I politely indicated that it was my mistake…. That there was no way this sucker was going to fit me tight little aperture.

Fortunately, Mistress did not disagree.

Plus as she held it in her hand, feeling its heft, she concluded that it was way too pliant and flexible to force its way into that tight and tiny space.

She had me take a photo of it in her newly manicured fingers, to send off to M via text message.

“Maybe it will make him think of me handling the special occasion cock, Slave.”

And I also took a shot of it attached to her harness, to share with you its rather frightening dimensions.

(Am I off base here, readers? Just a wimp? Suzanne, maybe you can show us a photo of the tool that you use when having your fun with Tammy.)

In any event, after the photo op was concluded, I helped Mistress “reload” with her more conventional weapon.

We spent some time kissing, fondling and stroking until Mistress was ready for the main event.

“Get in position, Slave.”

“As you wish, Mistress.”

And she made sure that we both had an experience to tide us over as she heads on her journey. Can you store up orgasms, like squirrels do nuts for the winter?

She easily found her mark, then, ultimately, came hard twice, while surging into me with a considerable fervor, until she collapsed into to me, spent. Then she had me insert my aneros again, before allowing me to take her hard and long, from above.

When my time had come, and after I made sure she had at least two more cums in the conventional fashion, she generously gave me permission too.

I did tell her that we would try out our new toy on her this morning, when I exercise my switch privileges.

“I guess I have no choice then, Slave.”

As a matter of fact, she doesn’t.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Mistress's Bon Voyage Instructions for her Slave

To our friends, followers, and devoted readers:

As you may be aware, I am leaving the country for a bit of time. on Tuesday As such, I do have specific instructions for Mick.

The Mundane:

1)   If you need to phone the attendance office at the high school, the number is on the side of the fridge.
2)   If our daughter’s new passport arrives, please check out the student VISA instructions that we need to follow for her trip in August.
3)   Please ensure that someone (maybe you) changes the kitty litter and feeds the cats.
4)   The maid comes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please leave her check out (on Thursdays) and remember to move the laundry from the basement shoot to the laundry room.
5)   Please have that light checked on my car.

The important stuff:

Mick does need specific instructions. As a sometimes-needy man, he is prone to letting his prurient needs rule his better judgment. It is this sort of impulsive behavior that has caused him to now hold the title of My Slave (for the rest of his life.) After careful consideration, I do issue the following (non-negotiable) rules:

1)   He is to wear the cage daily with the numbered plastic locks. I expect a photo (with a time stamped reference) to be emailed to me each morning.
2)   He is to email me once per day. This is to include thoughts on how much he misses my presence.
3)   He is permitted to masturbate once per day. He is then to send me an email to tell me what he thought about (yes, ladies. to tell me what he is thinking).
4)   He is to send the WC a daily text to check in. This can be an exchange of one-liners, but should occur none-the-less.
5)   If he is bored, he is NOT permitted to be entertained in our old neighborhood (under any circumstances.)
6)   If certain annoying women attempt to contact him, he is NOT to engage in conversation (even if it means engaging in cruelty.)
7)   He is NOT to post on any of his social networks that I am away. No acts of loneliness or pathetic behavior.
8)   He does not need to make the bed daily, but I do expect our room to be orderly upon my return.

Did I miss anything?

Friday, April 22, 2011

Long Day in the Cage

I guess I need to get used to it.

It was a long day in my little steel cage.

As predicted, the answer was yes when I went upstairs yesterday, and asked Mistress if it would be a cage day. Before we started our Thursday morning session between the sheets, I scrunched and wiggled by balls into the hard steel ring – always a bit of a challenge. And the result was pleasing for both of us.

A very hard and long lasting cock for Mistress.

And a rather explosive cum for her “pampered house slave”, a phrase that I may have been a little too clever to come up with earlier this week. Now it’s starting to stick.

At that point it was time for Slave to fit the cover on the cage, confining my now satisfied cock, and give Mistress the privilege of snapping the lock shut.

I kissed her goodbye as she was getting ready for a breakfast in the neighborhood with an old high school friend. Then she’d be coming back home for her training session with M.

I resisted the temptation of hiding the Hitachi.

That would be grounds for punishment, and while her “punishments” are usually pretty enjoyable in the end, I was not going to tempt fate.

Around 11 am I called her to see how things had gone, but she did not pick up.

Hmmmm. Overtime?

But not long after that she did call, on her way into work.

“How’s. the cage, Slave.”

“Tight, Mistress.”

“Sorry, but when you called M and I were just finishing up…”

“No problem, Mistress. How many?”

“Four, Slave.”

Not bad. It wasn’t noon yet and she was up to at least six, as far as I could tell.

Of course the thought of it gave my cock a little twitch in its close quarters.

“And M… did he get off too, Mistress.”

“He did, Slave…. It was very impressive.”

“did he get another one of those doubles in today.”

She giggled. No. Just one today, Slave.

Somehow, I suspect M made the most of that opportunity.

We finally got together again at around 6 pm, to attend a little party for a friend who is leaving her old job and going to work with Mistress. It was a lively gathering, and we ended up staying there for a few beverages, then joining some old acquaintances for dinner.

A couple of times as our evening progressed, Mistress discretely asked me how I was doing in the cage.

“It’s tight, Mistress…. But OK.”

“Poor Slave…. I guess you’re going to have to get used to it while I’m gone.”

Somehow I didn’t detect a whole lot of sympathy.

By the time we were finally home, it was nearly 11 pm. Late for a Thursday night here at the UCTMW World HQ.

“Would you like me to worship, Mistress.”

“Really Slave…. It’s so late.”

“Well I was hoping if I did a good job, you’d unlock the cage.”

“Oh dear…. I almost forgot.”

She laid back, spread her legs nicely for me, and let me get down to business. She knew I’d apply myself, particularly with that little key in the palm of her hand.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

HNT / Photo Shoot

If you missed them, stop by to check out some of the comments left yesterday, in response to my request for any ideas you might have for how Mistress’s “pampered house Slave” should be handled while Mistress is across the pond, starting next week.

Suzanne, was on the mark: I should be very grateful for the kid glove treatment I get around here. Thankfully, Mistress does not seem inclined to follow M’s rather cruel suggestion that she simply lock my cage and literally take the key with her on her 10 day excursion with her mother and sister.

Donna was thinking ahead, noting that ample usage of my equipment will keep it in good working order so that when Mistress returns she can be serviced in the manner (and frequency) which she has come to expect.

 Suzanne’s suggestion that I “fall to my knees” at the first opportunity available to express my appreciation for Mistress’s mercy brought to mind a little episode I forgot to mention earlier this week.

This was on Monday, the dreaded tax day.  Mistress had been worshiped once already, in my office, when she had come over to sign our returns, only to learn that they still had not been finalized. At least there was a consolation prize for her inconvenience.

On the way home, Mistress shared a bit of her conversation with M from earlier in the day.

“He says he and B had ‘epic’ sex this morning Slave.”

“Well that’s good, Mistress….”

“Yes, I suppose it is, Slave.”

But I did feel a little bad about it, since, although we had some rather primo sex in NYC over the weekend, now that we had gotten back in River City, we were focused on work, kids, blah, blah.

I wondered if Mistress was concerned that we had been somehow less than “epic” in the preceding 24 hours.  Was there a little competition brewing here?

By now we were back at home, and Mistress graciously accepted my offer for some additional worship before we took a pre-dinner bike ride. 

She slid off  her dress and black undies, spreading her legs.

I was about to “chow down”, so to speak.

But then Mistress had an idea.

“Hand me my phone, Slave…. Maybe we should send M a photo to demonstrate that we can do ‘epic’ too.”

“Of course, Mistress… always happy to accommodate….”

She handed me the phone, as I was kneeling between her firm and luscious thighs, her clean shaven folds spreading before me.

I clicked one shot, handed it to her for approval.

“Try again, Slave…. There’s a little too much body…. Let’s give him a little more beaver….”

Well, in this case, since Mistress is completely fur-less, I wasn’t sure that “beaver” was really the right term, but a Slave should not quibble, right?

“Of course, Mistress.”

She seemed pleased with my next effort, then texted it off to her “personal trainer”.

“Let’s hope that he wasn’t riding his bike in traffic when that popped up, Mistress.”

“It would server him right, Slave.”

Mistress was really in an uppity mood, I suppose.

At that point, I returned to my primary directive, pleasing Mistress.

So here we are, Thursday morning. Mistress and M have a training session scheduled later this morning, which means I will be headed to work without her. I guess that also means I better ask if I should wear my cage.

And after she reads this blog, I think I know what Mistress’s answer will be.

But at least M has not imposed a pre-training embargo on Mistress.