Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Mistress Makes Plans for her European Trip

Next week, Mistress is off with her mother and sister on a tour of two Eastern European Countries. In total, about 12 days on the road, visiting some places she has always longed to see.

The odd part is that its also the longest Slave and Mistress will have been apart since… well, since we began living together nearly 20 years ago.

Mistress has mixed feelings about that, I know. She looks forward to her journey, but also has some insecurities about what trouble her Slave might get into when left so long to his own devices.

(Not that she has anything to worry about, mind you. I can stay out of “trouble”, and will have work to do and teens to hover too close to while she is gone.)

SO there has been some ongoing chatter here these last few weeks about the protocols that will be followed while she is away. On the drive home yesterday we talked it over some more.

“Slave, I was telling M about what plans we’ve been making….”

“yes.. and what did you share, Mistress?”

“Well…. that you’ve ordered some plastic numbered locks for your cage.”

Yeah… the cage…. I’m supposed to wear it whenever I leave the house, and send her little email photos of me in it at work….. maybe with a newspaper showing the date, like when those Euro-radicals of the 70’s would kidnap some Italian right wing Mayor’s wife.

“I told him that you are supposed to masturbate no more than once a day, and then write about what you were thinking when you do it.”

“That’s pretty indulgent, Mistress.”

“I know, that’s what he said…. He seems to think you should be in the cage the whole time I‘m gone…. That I should take the key with me.”

“Nice…. I’ll remember that for his next annual review….”

“But I think that would be too cruel, Slave….”

“You are very kind, Mistress.”

“No coming for 12 days would drive me insane Mistress…. What’s the use of an insane Slave?”

“I told him I was going to type up a list of tasks for you to do while I’m gone….”

“You mean I’m supposed to do something other than masturbate?”

“Yes…. There will be tasks….but then he said he’s going to prepare a list of protocols for me to follow on the trip, Slave….”

“Oh goody…. The worm turns….I bet that will be interesting, Mistress.”

And it’s also true, that Mistress will be missing M over those 12 days…. After all they are in touch just about every day too. I guess I will need to me a little more empathetic to both of them during this separation.

If M lived near here maybe we could go bowling or something.

It was threatening to storm by the time we got home, so we skipped the bike ride we had planned, and Mistress got some relatively quick worship before it was time to sit down for dinner with the teens.

Mistress had more work to do for a while after dinner, but we also had some plans for bedtime.

During the day, Mistress had texted that she was going to shoot for the reverse cowgirl, to see if it lived up to all the hype we had heard from Donna and M these last few days.

By the time we went upstairs, Slave was a little tired, not too sure that all that potential exertion was in the cards. But Mistress was undaunted.

“Go put in your device Slave (my aneros), and get in bed!”

We cuddled, cajoled, fondled and provoked. Soon Slave had overcome his initial fatigue, and my work-a-day cock was more than ready to be mounted.

Mind you, no props were involved for this first go round. No boots. No cowboy hat. And, thankfully, no spurs.

Mistress had no problem climbing on board. And my cock was not stressed at this unusual angle.

Mistress was squirming and sliding back and forth, looking for the right angle of attack.


No magic.

I mean, the view of Mistress’s bottom was divine. And I could stroke her back and reach around to fondle those lovely breasts. And I was NOT distracted like the guy in the photo.


There was no carnal pizzazz there for either of us.

Soon Mistress had reversed her self, switching to the full frontal cowgirl.

And the magic was back. Mistress was riding my cock to a full gallop, with a few fallen logs to vault along the way. And the cums came, and went , and came again for her. There must have been three in relatively quick succession, until she collapsed onto me, rolling off, then onto her back so that Slave could finish the job.

And when I finally did…. I was in no hurray…. Well, I had my own rather extraordinary explosion that left me gasping for breath on top of her.


Afterwards, as we came down to earth, we rehashed why the vaunted reverse cowboy had not been a big hit for us.

“The eye contact was missing Slave…. I like to see you.”

“Same here, Mistress….”

And the angle that Mistress uses to press herself against me when she rides facing forward may give her just the sort of special friction she needs for those mega-cums.

Ah well, to each his own. Maybe we’ll try it again sometime with the boots and hat and see if that makes a difference.

Oh…. One thing I forgot, Mistress solicits our readers’ input on any other precautions she should take or tasks she should assign her Slave while she is off to Europe….

But please, be kind! Mick is just an over-pampered house Slave.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

MIstress's MIA Slave.

Don’t you love Tax Day?

No, I’m not some cranky Tea Partier, who angrily demands that the government keep its grubby hands off my Medicare. I really don’t mind paying taxes.

What I mind is that no mere mortal can figure out how to fill out those forms these days. I mean, even the Secretary of the Treasury screwed up using some off the shelf software package.

So I have come to rely on the time and talents of a Partner who does this for a living. But the trouble is he always seems to save me for last.

I know, you say, “Beggers can’t be choosers.”

But Don’t you think his feelings would be hurt if I told him I was relying on H & R Block this season . (They do the massive UCTMW returns, though maybe I should see who does GE’s tax planning and prep next year).

So Slave was a little more than stressed out as the time ticked away late yesterday afternoon, and I was still waiting for him to make some final tweeks and print out the state, federal, local, and school district  returns for us and our sullen teens.

Mistress had stopped over for lunch – and some worship – around noon time, hoping to be able to sign off. But, of course, they were no where close to ready by then.

By the time we climbed in the car and headed home – checks finally written, multiple envelopes sealed, and deposited in the building’s mailbox moments before pickup, old Mick was more than a little frazzled.

Now that does not mean to say that Mistress didn’t get another round of worship before we took a bike ride. Of course she did.

But later that evening, after she spoke to M, her “personal trainer”, out on our deck for 15 minutes or so, Slave was probably not the best of submissive sexual companions.

“M was telling me all about that Reverse Cowgirl position, Slave.  He says he first tried it when he was 22 or so….”

‘And what does he have to say, Mistress.”

She was settling into revisions of a work project on her computer, as I caught up on the blogs I had missed during the day.

“It takes a little getting used to, but it sounds like fun…. The man gets a great view of the ass, and the ‘Cowgirl’ has a good view and chance to play with the man’s balls.”

“Sounds like an experiment worth trying, Mistress….”

“But I told him you seemed not up for it tonight Slave….he said it can wait until the morning, then.”

Ahhh. Good plan. I was having trouble thinking I could muster the energy for that sort of “ride”, as enticing as it sounded.

As Mistress did her revisions, I picked up the phone to see if Donna and Bill had survived the crazy tornado situation down in their rural paradise, not far from the Appalachian Trail.

Although the River is high, it seems they were spared the tornado craziness, and will continue to marinate in their own particular brand of crazy. Don't you think it's time she gave us an update?

Donna did share the attached  video link, about the adventures of a crazy New Yawker who goes for the all male “Brazilian”. M has been known to get a partial Brazilian ,  and has even sent Mistress photographic evidence from time to time of his “Special occasion cock” neatly trimmed. But, M, how about going for hairless in all it’s glory.

UCTMW will cover the generous tip in exchange for an action video, M!

Now I better go wake up Mistress, and see if I will be allowed to make up for her MIA slave of last night.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Back in the Saddle Again

Finding ourselves back in our River City bed Sunday morning was a little disconcerting after a lovely few days in NYC. It was a reminder that accumulated duties awaited, here at the house, and certainly back in our offices. But…. The sun was out, blossoms were filling the trees, and we had no place to go anytime soon. So life couldn’t be that bad for Molly and Mick, could it?

I had exercised my switch privileges in our ample suite Saturday morning, so after worshipping Mistress as she read the blog, and some of your clever comments that had already accumulated, she turned her attentions to my burgeoning cock.

“I want to taste my cock, Slave….”

“It’s your to enjoy, Mistress….”

She confirmed that, by slowly engulfing it with her moist, full lips, taunting and teasing it to full capacity, until I was agitated and begging for the chance to fuck her.

“You’re so impatient, Slave….”

And she was right.

“You have only yourself to blame, Mistress….”

But she was merciful and agreed to stop the “torment”.

“I think I’m going to ride it for a while, Slave.”

“Ummm…. Go for it, Mistress….”

And she did. The full frontal Cowgirl position, I suppose, would be the proper terminology. (see this helpful tutorial:"Ride 'Em Cowgirl"..)

She took off at a slow, leisurely gate, eyes screwed shut, as I used my fingers to toy with her firm breasts and hardened nipples.

“Is it hard enough for you today, Mistress.”

“Oh, yes, Slave….. very hard indeed.”

AS she worked herself into a more assertive  post like pace, Mistress / Cowgirl treated herself to several successive cums on my firm “work-a-day” cock, each one a bit more generous than the next, until she collapsed, spent, rolling over to let me finish the job on top.

Very nice, indeed.

We both cuddled close afterwards, recharging, snoozing a bit, before surrendering to the demands of the day. There was a bike ride, then I was off to do some errands and visit my grumbling mother. Mistress stayed home, digging into a work project on her laptop that she had deferred during our time in NYC.

When I got home at mid-afternoon, Mistress was out on our deck, sunning herself, and also chatting with flirtatious animation with the WC.

It became clear that their subject was Suzanne’s Sunday posting at All Mine on the loss of her back-door virginity. I can’t do it justice here, so make sure you read it. Mistress had been checking her laptop through the day, anxiously awaiting Suzanne’s first dispatch in her big night.

She was not disappointed.

“You need to read it Slave…. M and I both thought it was very hot.”

No doubt it made Mistress all the more anxious to let our WC do the honors with her virgin bottom. And apparently M took note of  the illustration we posted on Saturday evening, snapped at a Lower East Side gallery,  with it’s unsubtle depiction of what Donna correctly reported was the “reverse cowboy” position.

“M says he’s quite familiar with that position, Slave…”

Why doesn’t that surprise me?

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Switch Day Comes Early in the City that Never Sleeps.

Well, here we are, back In River City.

But we did enjoy a nice long day in the Big Apple before catching an evening flight home.

And because we had that nice big penthouse suite, and a bed so conducive to the rope I had conveniently packed in my bag, Mistress consented to moving Switch Day up one day.

After I took a run through Chinatown and Little Italy, and fixed Mistress some coffee down in the hotel’s funky little lobby, I proceeded to pull out that rope, spinning it here there and around until she was in a nice tight spread-eagle, flat on her back. (you can see the balcony in the corner of the photo).

And since she was such a good girl (and there were no clothespins conveniently packed away), Mistress got an overdose of pleasure, rather than any pain on this particular switch-casion.

I did discover that the Hitachi applied to the soles of her feet induces lots of funs struggling and whining, something I have now filed away for future abuse.

And Mistress did have several lovely and increasingly desperate comes once the Hitachi was applied where she likes it.

But for the first one I did play a bit of a cruel game, taking her to the edge three times, making her ask permission, then saying “No, Mistress” and pulling it away just in time.

But the fourth time was the charm.

“Yes, Mistress… you may.”

I loved the way her muscles flex and clench, pulling at the ropes that bound her to the bed.

And then there were two more after that, in relatively quick succession, before I elected to take my prize.

Once we were done, and Mistress was released from her “cruel” bindings, I trundled off to the “Baby Cakes” bakery for her spelt biscuits and jam, a little reward for her being such a compliant slut. 

(Did I mention that there is a "thanks for the muffins" autographed photo of M's hero, Rachel Maddow on the wall of the bakery?  Oops. Sorry if that was a sexy mood dampener.)

And we lolled a bit in our expansive room before a noon checkout time.

I even coaxed Mistress out onto the balcony for a little photo shoot, though her vanity prevents me from posting the resulting shots. Mistress does retain very tight control over the use and abuse of her images.

After that we headed out for a long meandering walk through SoHo.
It was damp and drizzly, and Mistress acquired some rather kinky new rubber boots.

What do you think?

And we took some time perusing our favorite little upscale kink-porium, Kiki de Montparnase.

Jay, we found the perfect Christmas or Birthday gift for Suzanne. A hand carved ebony l chess set, with all the pieces unique little butt plugs or dildos. Check it out here (Chess Set). A lovely conversation piece with some very practical uses on the side.  Only $10,000! But worth every thousand, now that she’s “opened up” to her special Back Door Man.

And we do love the indoor décor at Kiki. There’s this lovely bed in the back, all tricked out with leather restraints at each corner, and pillows that say "Fuck Sleep".. It’s a shame they don’t have a model or two to add some verisimilitude.

Maybe the sub-sisters might want to volunteer on a rotating basis.
Throughout the neighborhood there were more sights ans scenes that would appeal to the UCTMW audience. Even American Apparel is getting into the act.

The day went way too quickly, even as the cold rain began to fall. There was a delicious lunch at Aquagrill, the long walk back to our hotel, dropping by this funky wine bar where creamy rice pudding was on the menu - much to Mistress’s delight -  then the cab ride back to the airport.

So here we are, back with the sullen teens, and the attention needy cats. It was a delight to have those few days away with my lovely Mistress.

As Mistress said in the car on the ride from the airport late last night.

“It was sort of like what life will be like once the kids are off in the fall.”

Staying out a little later than normal. Not worrying about where they are, or how they will be fed and accommodated.

“Somehow I think we will be able to deal with it, Mistress.”