Thursday, April 14, 2011

Molly and Mick in Manhattan

Despite the dreaded ground delay syndrome, we made it here (barely) in time for my scheduled presentation yesterday afternoon. Nothing like a little rain in the Big Apple to throw the deadbolt on the traditional gridlock.

But with that accomplished, it allowed Molly and Mick to get into a more relaxed mode here in the City we rank among our favorite places to visit.

On the cab ride through Queens, stopping and going at a horse drawn carriage pace, I was checking my emails whole Mistress was exchanging text messages with M about their plans for some “dates” while I am in my meetings.

“He wants to make sure you packed the Hitachi, Slave….”

“All packed, Mistress. Though I forget an extension cord.”

(That could have been a breach of one of those “deadly sub sins”, but fortunately there is a handy plug at bedside for Mistress when she has this morning’s training session with M).

Once we arrived at our hotel – one of those dreaded monsters where my meetings are occurring – Mistress and Mick parted ways. I was up to my conference, and she had some work to do of her own.

Around 5 pm, I finally headed up to our room, where I discovered Mistress prepping for a reception with some of my colleagues. There she was in her boots, and black bra and undies. Yum. It was a shame she had to wear the dress.

She was a little agitated over a conversation she’d had with a fellow worker back at her “shop” – sounds like the lady had a hissy fit at Mistress’s expense – so I offered to provide some soothing worship to cut the edge. Mistress relented to my requests, and soom was lying back on our King sized bed, legs spread, providing me with clear and efficient access from my knees to her neatly shaven parts.

It seemed to work.

At the reception, Mistress was in a very pleasant mood as we chatted up my old friends and colleagues from around the country. (Some had met Mistress before. The others, I suspect, were scratching there heads wondering what this hot young thing was doing with old Mick….I suppose I could have referenced them to our blog, but…. Probably not a good idea).

There was one gentleman from Denver who was more than a little charmed with Mistress, and she did an excellent job of enticing him. I think he was disappointed when he learned we would not be joining him for dinner.

No, we had our own plans. Mistress loves a tiny sushi joint in SoHo, and I had promised her sushi. We hopped in a cab, headed south, and walked around that charming neighborhood for a while before filling up on some of Mistress’s favorite spicy tuna hand rolls and an assortment of sashimi. Mistress enjoyed her Sake. I sipped a Asahi beer as we wallowed in the simple charm of the place.

But Sushi joints are hardly known for their dessert. I suggested we walk around the corner to a romantic little French Canadian bistro, where we sat at the bar, sipped espresso’s and shared two confections – carmelized bananas and chocolate cheesecake – while listening to a classic jazz trio in the little storefront.

Of course, by now it was getting late. Mistress wondered if Mick had it in him for some sex when we finally got back to that large hotel bed.

“I think I have it in me, Mistress….”

Actually, I suspected she thought I would pass. And though it had been a long day for both of us, well, Slave was running on more than 24 hours since the last opportunity. I wasn’t going to defer the chance is Mistress was offering.

As we walked down the long hallway to our room, Mistress asked about my packing foresight.

“Did you pack your device, Slave?”

“I did Mistress…. But now that I think of it, I didn’t pack lube….”


“Not to worry…. There is some hotel moisturizer….”

Fortunately, that worked.

(Suzanne, there’s a tip for you, now that Jay has acquired all those high end butt plugs for you).

By the time I had tended to that task, Mistress was under the covers – quite naked- and ready for her Slave to attend to her needs.

By now she was also a bit tipsy – scotch at the reception, sake with dinner – so she was want to just lay back and let me perform the honors. I did so with tongue and lips first, and she seemed to herk and jerk her way to a nice long cum as I dragged out that process with a certain perverse delight.

But then, once the appetizer was savored, she was ready for the main course.

“Are you ready to fuck me now Slave….” She murmured in her deep and sexy voice.

“I believe I am, Mistress.”

Uhhh, yeah. She quickly learned I was more than ready.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Mick's Seven Deadly Sub Sins

Molly and Mick had one of those exhausting work days yesterday – the kind when you try to cram several days worth of tasks into one – in this case because we are heading to NYC for a few days on a morning flight today.

By the time we got home we were both rather stressed. A nice bike ride in the clear but chilly air helped cut the edge. And later, after dinner, I was allowed to worship Mistress, pealing down her riding tights, as she caught up with M, who was on his own bike ride, heading home.

I felt a little bad – I think Molly was a little too distracted by my tongue prying its way between her clean shaven folds as she talked to M about their respective grooming habits. Hopefully our Western Correspondent does not mind that Mistress was multi-tasking.

“I’m looking forward to our dates M – Thursday and Friday. “

“Slave – M wants to make sure you packed the Hitachi.”

I stopped in my task long enough to assure them both that the power tool had already been tucked away in my bag. It’s good to know Mistress won’t get bored whilst I am at my conference.

But before I wake Mistress for our dash to the airport, I wanted to keep up with Sin, Aisha and some of the other “sub sisters”, who have been listing their Seven Deadly Sub Sins over the last week.

Of course, us aging Irish guys are a little weak on the introspection. But here are the things that can get Slave into trouble here at the UCTMW world HQ, earning a punishment:

7. Leaving bathroom without turning off light. (“Slave, do I have to remind you….”)

6. Failure to promptly handle assigned tasks. (“remember that light bulb, Slave”.)

5. Failure to pack important tools for out-of-town trip. (“What, you left the strap-on at home?”)

4. Being caught admiring another female’s body passing by at a restaurant or on the street. (“I saw that, Slave….”)

3. Complaining about too many pillows on our various beds. (Is that a girl thing, all those pillows?)

2. Not offering to worship at the first opportunity at the end of our work days. (“I was wondering when you might ask, Slave.)

1. Failing to comment to Mistress on how beautiful she is, or how sexy her outfit is, when she announces she is ready to leave for work, or when I first see her after some period of separation during the course of the day.

Of course there are plenty more…. But I thought I was limited to Seven.

The key is to show the respect that Mistress deserves, and make her wishes my priority. If my sometimes slug like and stubborn brain can keep those guiding precepts in mind, I can usually stay on Mistress’s good side.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Name From the Past

Monsoon season seems to have kicked in here in River City.  There was rain all day yesterday. And the sound of even more Hard Rain falling as I type here in the UCTMW commissary kitchen in the pre-dawn darkness.

Because Molly had to be out the door so early yesterday – taking the teens on yet another college visit (and it sounds like a decision has finally been made) –we only had time for some quick worship. Hopefully my oral devotions helped ease her into the day of driving north for an hour in that miserable rain. Mistress is not as addicted to early a.m. caffeine as most if us are. So maybe the endorphins arising from a wake up “O” do the trick for her.

We were headed in opposite direction, me to work, and since she was busy entertaining the kids, our contacts were limited to some occasional text messages. (Apparently the all you can eat cafeteria on campus was a big hit!)

So by the time I got home around 6 pm, to find Mistress stripped to her black panties and bra, catching up with some  work emails on our bed, we had some catching up to do.

It wasn’t long before I was on my knees, Mistress was lying back, legs spread, and her Slave was fulfilling some of that pent up demand.

Since the girls had been grazing early and often, I figured we could delay dinner preparation a bit, and we lay back after Mistress’s little pre-dinner cum to catch up on some of your blogs.

Of course, it came as no surprise to find the WC and our Senior Correspondent moonlighting over at All Mine. The intrigue is building over the circumstances of Suzanne’s rear entrance de-flowering. And since our WC considers himself the most pre-eminent internet expert on this subject - reminding some of us of those “instant expert” talking heads that the cable news channels dredge up in the wee hours to fill the time between all too frequent commercial breaks - well it’s only natural that he should chime in on the techniques that Jay should deploy in the days ahead to prep Suzanne for her little adventure.

And Donna, of course, had to chime in too, not wanting the WC to get a column inch advantage.

I made a note to audit their time sheets this week, to make sure that UCTMW is not being billed for all this moonlighting.

But  then Mistress pointed me  in a different direction.

“Guess who popped up on my facebook page….”

“Who, Mistress?”

“E…. after all these months. Now he claims he’s a “free agent”, and wants to talk….”

(Our more obsessive readers may recall that E is one of Molly’ former college year lovers who got us started on this surprisingly hot cuckold thing in the fall of 2009, but who unceremoniously disappeared on Molly – in rather a rude fashion-  after getting her  wrapped up in his devious web.)

“Hmmm…. That’s a surprise. I don’t know that I would believe him.”

Mistress did have a rather hot infatuation for E, with all his talk of spanking and the things that would happen after her butt was warmed.

Mistress was typing away now.

“I’m telling him that the window has closed, Slave…. That I have two men tending to my needs these days, much to my satisfaction….”

“Good for you Mistress….”

“If I ever did see him it would be to punish him for the way he treated me….”

“Hmmm…. It’s a nice thought, Mistress ….but somehow I think the tables might be quickly turned, and you’d end up over his knee, your skirt up and panties down….he did get you going, as you’ll recall.”

Mistress gave me a look. But I think she had her own doubts. 

We’ll see where this goes.

After I whipped up dinner – a rather tasty Trout Almondine, much to the daughters’ amazement – we adjourned to our “Executive Suite”.

“Are we having sex tonight, Slave?”

“I was hoping…. After all for me, it’s been almost 36 hours.”

I was laying it on thick.  Of course, Mistress had been worshipped a few times in the interim, so she wasn’t feeling my comparative desperation.

And Mistress responded in kind.

“Really, that long?   You poor thing…. Why don’t you go put in your device…. I want a particularly hard cock tonight.”

I was more than happy to comply.

Tomorrow morning, Mistress and Slave head to NYC for a few nights. I have to speak at a conference. Mistress will be meeting some old business colleagues and lolling about. We hope to catch some theatre and have some nice meals.

Of course, I suppose we could have arranged a “meet and greet” with some of our NYC “followers.” We know you are out there. Can you have a “blog signing”?  That sure would be strange.

Watch this page if you are interested, or leave a comment.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Fill in the Blanks for Switch Day.

Mistress requires an early wake up call today. She’s driving our surly teen to hear the final sales pitch at one of the colleges on the short list. They need to be out the door by 7:15….

So let’s just offer up a few images, words and phrases and let you fill in the blanks with imagination or comments to describe how switch day went here yesterday morning at the UCTMW world HQ.


The red leather cuffs and those little locks to secure them to Mistress’s wrists.

The braided leather “rope” and with little clips at the end, good for securing Mistress on her tummy or back, arms spread overhead.

A single feather.

The palm of my hand.

Power Tool.

One Work-a-day Cock.


Feather applied to the sole of Mistress’s feet, and along the inside of calf and thigh, to the very apex of her firm and muscular legs.

Palm firmly landing on squirming ass.

Cock sliding from behind between those reddened cheeks.

Hitachi embraced by clenching thigh and ass muscles.



Muffled laughter.

Desperate squirms, ineffective in avoiding a firm but fair spanking.

Frenzied writhing.

Begging for permission, and, later, to stop after that 2nd Hitachi induced orgasm.

Amusing Dialog:

“Be careful there, Slave, you’re headed for the wrong orifice….”

“Oops… M would be upset if I got there before he did, after all, you’ve promised it to him….”

“At this rate, I may end up a virgin back there, Slave.”