Sunday, April 10, 2011

Flash Back, and Forward

We had a rather busy day here in River City yesterday, though things started out very well with some wake up sex for Mistress, before she and surly teen #2 were off to a hair care engagement.

At lunch time, I collected a relative visiting here from Japan, in flight to spend time with family in the states following the disruption in her native country. She’s in this country only for a few weeks, before heading back. All of us took her to lunch, and then Mistress and I took her to the airport for the next phase of her visit to the states.

But before the airport drive, we sat about the house for a while, and showed our guest from Tokyo the “Molly and Mick wedding video”, shot on a Saturday afternoon nearly 18 years ago in River City,  by my since deceased younger brother. Our visitor from Japan was in it, along with my father, who has also left us in the years that have passed.

It was a “surprise” wedding for our guests, very informal, coinciding with what they thought was going to be a birthday party for Molly. The location was in our yard, next to a little pond. The ceremony was performed by a local Judge.

Surly teen #1 was just a cute toddler in a navy dress, much to her embarrassment, since her boyfriend was sitting there watching the video too.

Watching our younger selves in that summer almost 18 year ago was a reminder of how far we’ve come: Mick with his full head of hair. Molly, preggers with surly teen 2, who is now a few inches taller than her Mom. Our family and friends were around us, witnesses to our love. And of course, the video remains a  vivid memory of those who have been lost to us since then.

Of course, Molly is as beautiful now as she was then, though considerably thinner.

Watching that old video  reminds me how lucky old Mick is that we’ve figured a way to keep it together through some years of challenge, and all this sometimes confounding child rearing.

The other day, Donna sent me a photo, which reminded me of what things will be like here in the Fall, with one surly teen off the college and the other, who, in theory has another year of high school ahead, but will off to study abroad for a year.

There will be no one left but us and the cats. 

And there will be so much more freedom than what we have been used to over the last 19 years.

I have a good feeling we will put all that private time to good use.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Quantum Physic(ality).

Aisha was right in her comment yesterday – when she was leaving that comment, Molly and Mick were engaged in their typical wake up “activities”.

And, Suzanne was probably right too: with our burgeoning staff, who knows when some member of the UCTMW media empire is NOT getting it on one way or another. Though it certainly might help if we could acquire some European or Asian correspondents, to cover the darkest hours here in the Western Hemisphere.

You will also be happy to know that Mick has finally got his energy level readjusted to the rigors of the work week and the Eastern time zone, after some struggles earlier this week following our late night Monday return from our Mountain Hideaway.

Last night, after meeting up with Mistress at a swanky local hotel lobby, where she was enjoying some end of the week cocktails with some female business associates, we headed home with nothing more planned than an evening of solitary bliss.

Mistress was texting with M as we headed up the highway.

“He says he’s horny, Slave…. B hasn’t taken care of him for a few days….”

“Well he did have that date with you yesterday morning…. He got off then, didn’t he?”

“He did Slave…. But now it’s been more than 30 hours… poor dear.”

I detected a little sarcasm.

We stopped off for some “picnic” supplies at our little neighborhood grocery: tomato, mozzarella and fresh bread for me. Mistress got some of her gluten free crackers for use with cheese we had at home.

But our first stop once at home was our chambers. We laid out on our bed and caught up on some of your blogs first.

“Hmmmm…. What do you think Jay and Tammy will do while Suzanne is away this weekend, Slave….”

“I was more curious about what Suzanne will do at Carol’s, and whether she packed the Hitachi…. “

(Yes, folks, we really do sit around and speculate about how your little soap operas will unfold…. It’s so much more entertaining than sit-coms. Plus there are no repeats.)

By now I was in a state of complete undress, and was anxious to worship, Mistress.

AS I mentioned, my energy level was back.

As I peeled off her black panties, her text chime went off.

Was it M, wanting to join in the fun? That could be hot.

Mistress giggled.

“It’s our daughter (she was just down the hall)…. She wants to know ‘what are you doing….”

Apparently it wasn’t obvious.

“Resting” was the response.

As I began the slow and deliberate process to draw a starter cum from Mistress with my mouth and tongue, the subject of M’s horniness came back up.

“If he was here, I’d be happy to take care of his problem, Slave…. But alas….”

“This is probably why you need at least two men, Mistress…. You would be more than capable of keeping us both well satisfied….”

“Oh… I don’t know…. It might be hard to please you both all the time….”

That led to a bit of discussion about how much is enough.

It’s certainly nice for Slave when he gets these “two-a-days” from Mistress. But some days, for this guy half way into his 60th year, sometimes the body has trouble mustering the energy for that 2nd time. It depends on how the rest of my day went. Is that unusual, or am I starting to deteriorate?

My reading suggests that there are two types of Domme-ish approaches to this issue: some like to “flood the zone” with orgasms for their submissive men, making them nice and passive.

Others go for long periods of denial, often in the cage for days at a time.

We seem to have found a sweet spot in the middle, that certainly keeps me very content.

But sometimes I worry that Mistress finds me not “desperate enough” for her if I am not chomping at the bit for that 2nd come of the day after a busy and exhausting day.

Of course, if it’s about her own satisfaction, I am always available for worship. And there are other …. Options …. for her …. under the terms of our contract.

I would be curious about our readers’ perspective on this horny, errr… thorny, issue.

Mistress laid back then, wallowing in my attentions, until she came with a nice little shudder and moan of delight. At that point she turned her attention to my cock, which was beginning to come to life on its own.

She moved close to me, her palm covering both my cock and balls with a snug embrace. It was all the attention it needed to grow and grow until…. Well….

“Would you like me to fuck you now, Mistress?”

“I’m not sure, Slave….”


“I do like it when you beg, Slave…. I love that desperate sound in your voice….”

On that occasion, the desperation was quickly rising, as her grip on my cock grew tighter.

And the begging began…. And went on for what seemed like a very long time.

But I suspect you know where this little tale “comes” out.

Mistress does have a soft spot for a hard cock.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Mistress Gets a Morning Work-Out

At least Mistress got back into a proper sexual groove yesterday, on our third day back to the grindstone here in River City.

And consider my general slacker-liness, Slave can’t complain either.

I had spent all day Wednesday in my cage, a nice reminder of my status around here. Then, after what Suzanne aptly dubbed the “Last Supper”, 14 extended family members, most of whom arrived fashionably late after I rushed home to prepare them the meal they apparently expected from us, I barely had the energy left to ask Mistress to unlock that little sucker.

By the morning I was sufficiently revived, and horny, so as to exploit my “morning fuck” privileges. And since M was unclear on any pre-training session embargo for Mistress, I made sure she had a couple of acceptable cums too.

Then I was off to work, while Mistress took a morning bike ride and awaited her call from our WC/PTTTCEO.

At about 10:45 I got the call from Mistress for her brief report on how that training session went. But, sadly, I was with the family member who was on the lam from trembling Tokyo, helping her with some financial planning. So I had to discretely suggest to Mistress that she might want to wait a little while before her taunt …. Errr… report.

Later, as I was heading back up the elevator to my perch, I got through to Mistress. She seemed relaxed and satisfied.

“So how many, Mistress….”

“Ohhh. Three or four, Slave.”

“Good…. I know I’ve been a little dull this week. Glad to hear that M is picking up some of the slack.  And did he get off too?”

“Yes, Slave…. He did.”

I know that always is a special treat for Mistress, knowing that the sexual energy is running both ways across the phone signals during those intimate little training sessions.

At the end of the day, Slave was pretty burnt out again. Mistress did shame me into a bike ride with her, after she and the surly teens returned from their manicure / pedicure session.

(I think I had fallen asleep listening to Chris Matthews drone on about the government shut-down machinations. I’m having trouble understanding how folks who can’t pass a budget on time can treat themselves to paychecks while other folks doing their jobs get stiffed, but I digress).

After we fed the girls, it was up to our chambers. I settled in with my Times, and Mistress discovered a text from M.

“Do you mind if I give him a call, Slave.”

“Of course not, Mistress….”

I laid there next to Mistress as the chatted a bit, exchanging a little re-cap on the hot-ness of their morning encounter.  And I was feeling a little guilty that I had not offered to worship yet, at the end of the day.  Bt after they hung up, I made up for it.

Mistress was in a cute nightie, sans bottoms.

“Mistress, we may be too exhausted for regular sex this morning, but can I at least have a taste?”

“Why of course, Slave…. “

She generously spread her legs a bit for me, as I buried myself there enjoying her sweet nectar.  I savored slowly, filling my lips with her tender folds, sipping so to speak from this lovely nightcap of a cocktail.

And although I may not have started with the intent of taking my Mistress to a good-night climax, well that’s where we ended up, as she shuddered and let loose a gentle moan in response to my attention.

Slave is finally feeling a bit revived after a good night’s sleep. So I think I’d better shut down here and head upstairs to finish the job I started last night.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

HNT / Our Staff Illustrated.

Molly and Mick made it through their forced feeding of the extended family last night .... barely. Of course, someone had left the grill gas knobs in the on position (I know it couldn't have been this fool!), forcing me to improvise the cooking of all those well marinated chicken breasts in our broiler....but somehow the masses were fed and they made their way to the exits by around 10 pm. At that point we collapsed in bed and finally had the chance to read all your crazy comments from yesterday.

(And Mistress remembered that I had been wearing my cage all day.  Sliding that sucker off was certainly a relief.)

As I commented yesterday, it seems our comments are funnier and more compelling in inverse proportion to the lameness of the blog itself.

So since I slept a little later than normal, and I really would like to exploit my chance to fuck Mistress before heading out for an early opportunity to give some blood in the interests of measuring my good vs. bad cholesterol, I am going to leave you with some illustrations of or from our earnest staff.
The first is of our CEO, catching up on early morning reports. I think you can imagine what happens once I put the camera down.

 This one depicts our Donna, Senior Correspondent and Bill, our Director of Security, International, "working" out during their college days. I am told Miami Hurricane Coach Jimmy Johnson acted as their personal trainer.

Here is a more contemporary shot of Bill, ready to stand watch at our UCTMW World HQ. Or was this on his way to express a contrarian view recent Tea Party Rally?

And finally, although our WC&PTCEO Miguel's brother is not a formal member of our staff, he seems to live here in spirit. I was able to track down this shot of him as a young high school wrestler:

 Sadly, my time has expired..... need to go visit Mistress before my window of opportunity closes.

Fortunately for her, she has a personal training session scheduled with the aforementioned WC&PTCEO this morning.... so she plans a bike ride before dusting off the Hitachi and sliding back into bed. 

Wish her well! ( I am a little concerned about whether I am allowed to give her an orgasm this morning though... apparently M's instructions must have been ambiguous).