Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Slave Gets Extended Cage Time

First off, we want to say thanks to Suzanne at “All Mine” for the very kind shout out to the team here at UCTMW in her blog yesterday. She made a special mention of our Western Correspondent’s recent tutorial on breaking in a Slave to Ass fucking. See her post here:ALL MIne

Slave is not obsessive about blog stats, but I thought I would check this morning to see if Suzanne’s suggestion caused more eyes to find us yesterday. Sure enough, there were more than 257 page views of the WC’s clever tutorial, and more than 1000 page views of UCTMW yesterday, about 20% more than normal.

I’m thinking that there now may be more than a few extra broken in ass’s out there in the blog-o-verse, after their Dom’s or Domme’s decided to play along with M’s “How to” guide.

Of course, I suspect I will soon be hearing from the WC’s union steward, asking for some unwarranted salary increase. Ah well. I guess that’s just the price tag of success.

Suzanne, you should know that we’ve been keeping track and doing a little “Ohh-ing and Ahh-ing” about you, Jay and Tammy. In particular, Molly and the WC have been wondering about how you get Tammy to be so utterly submissive to you….You have a very compelling control over him. And now Jay is into the act too….Yikes.

Maybe you can get some product placement royalties if you promote the diaper brand you’ve been using.

Here at the Collins Household things were a little slow …. At least for Mick yesterday. After all that patting ourselves on the back yesterday about “quantity”, Mistress decided to impose an Abstinence Day on me. And I probably deserved it.

On Monday, Mistress finally received her package from M: One of those clever little insert able eggs that Aisha and Nilla have been writing about of late, but with a controller attached by wire.

I know M has plans for her compulsory use of that little toy. It was my assignment to get her batteries yesterday and …. Well….. Slave forgot.

Mistress already had the upper hand on me, since it was a cage day for me. I had been instructed to lock the little steel contraption on in the morning, since we were driving separately.

And because Mistress had to be out the door unusually early, we did not have time for our normal sexual activity.

Not that Mistress was bereft of sexual pleasure. That would be wrong, wouldn’t it?

As we showered, I embraced her warm, wet body as she rinsed her hair. My fingers dipped between her legs. AS well trained as they’ve become, it took only a few moments for me to have Mistress shuddering in my arms, a quickie orgasm to help brace her for the cold 8 degree River City morning.

I texted Mistress from my office about an hour later, suggesting that she stop by after her breakfast meeting. And sure enough, she popped in at around 9:30 am.

And our regular readers know what happened next. Mistress was soon in her “throne”, Slave was on his knees, and the grazing began. When She was satisfied – I think there were two involved because Slave was still hungry for her after the first one – I took a photo of her smug smile and spread legs and texted it to M:


About an hour later he replied:

“Wow, that’s early.”

And I was back at him:

“She has her needs.”

“Yes…. She certainly does.”

When I got home, around 7 pm, Mistress was still at the gym, to return a bit later as I was fixing dinner for us and the surly teens. The dreaded “stir fry”, in which Slave includes whatever her finds in the fridge.

Mistress knew the teens were hungry, and gave me a little kiss of greetings.

“I guess we will just have to keep the cage on for a while.”

And it stayed on until around 9:30 pm, through dinner and some Christmas Card addressing.

That’s when Mistress asked about her batteries. And I realized my error.

“Well there need to be consequences Slave…. Since I’m rather tired from spinning…. Maybe we cancel sex for this evening…”

She eyed the cage…. Of course I was naked, standing before her as she lounged in bed….

“Maybe you just keep the cage on and we will discuss this in the morning.”

Oh dear. And of coure, my cock gave off that pavlovian twitch when Mistress gets all dommy with me.

But I knew the cage could get a tad uncomfortable through the night…. When the cock inevitably stretches out as a result of who knows what dream activity.

“But how would it feel to have the hard, cold cage pressed up against your soft, warm bottom through the night Mistress….”

I knew I was treading on thin ice here….manipulative behavior could lead to treble damages… or three times the sentence with that dreaded cage.

But to my relief, she relented, apparently favoring her own comfort to my punishment.

“”all right, pitiful Slave… I will unlock you.”

So by now its been a dreadful 36 hours or so since Slave was allowed to come. Demand is more than sufficiently pent up.

So I know you will understand if I quickly post this sad tale and head up stairs to wake my sleeping Mistress.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Quantity vs. Duration

Mistress has an early curtain call this am… so not much time for me to complete my homework and make sure she has a good start for her day.

So how about a few words on something we’ve been discussing with our Western Correspondent of late: quantity vs. quality.

M often suggests to Molly that we have sex than most married couples he knows… well, to add a little hyperbole… he says we do it more often than any couple in America.  Probably a stretch…. But I wonder if there’s a Guiness entry on the subject.

M has often shared with Mistress the details and impressive length of his “epic” sexual encounters with his wife, B. Two hours seems to be standard issue for them… with lots of position switching, spanking, Hitachi using thrown in. But all this does not necessarily happen on a daily basis in the Western Correspondent’s field office.

 In contrast, the Collins do have frequent sexual encounters here at the Home Office.  But of much briefer durations.

Yesterday alone …. There was some hot conventional sex when I woke Mistress, during and after she read the blog featuring her reddened ass.  Lets say that lasted 15 minutes.

I was told to wear my cage, because Mistress was going to linger at home a little longer than normal – she had arranged for a phone date with M.

Which also turned out to be a “quickie”. On Friday they must have gone on for 75 minutes. Yesterday …. Only 15 or so…. One measly Hitachi induced barn burner for Mistress.

“He had been shut out over the weekend because his in-laws were in town, Slave….So B stayed home a bit longer than normal to perform her maritial duties.”

“Well it was about time, Mistress.”

So after M got Mistress off, B got M off.

There is some symmetry for you.

Of course that was not all for Mistress yesterday.

She stopped by my office for some post lunch worship. I took the attached photo, and sent a more explicit one to M for his entertainment.

After Mistress came, her lugs squeezing my head with her final little burst of lust she commiserated.

“It’s a shame you have the cage on Slave, or I’d give my work-a-day cock some special attention.”

Yes, it was a shame.

And that was another quickie: no more than about 10 minutes from the time Mistress stripped off a black boot and one leg of her black tights, to the point of costume reassembly and she’s kissing me goodbye and heading for the elevator.

Then, at home around 7 pm, she had another worship cum, as I expressed my gratitude for unlocking my cage. Let’s call that 5 minutes of delight, before she served the family dinner – some lovely lasagna she had whipped up that morning while awaiting M’s call.

After some TV, there was some lush and luxuriant good night sex – a little longer this time – let’s say 20 minutes of mutual stimulation. A good time for all.

That’s not an untypical day for us here in the Collins household. Slave got two “permissions to come”.  Mistress gets a few more “bonus” orgasms thrown in, as you might expect due to her status.

But aside from the weekend Switch sessions, and those wonderful Saturday afternoons when Mistress chooses to fuck her Slave in the ass, we rarely hit the 45 minute mark.

Does that make us lazy pretenders to sexual glory?

Wondering what our readers think on the issue of quantity vs. duration.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Mistress Whines On Switch Day

Mistress was a bit recalcitrant yesterday when it came time to submit to my exercise of switch privileges.

The whining began as I collected some tools for her restraint.

She eyed the long towel strips and suspected – as she should have – that my plan was to spread her legs and tie them off to the corners of the bed.

“But it’s so cold, Slave…. I don’t want to be uncovered.”

I rolled my eyes.

I knew this would be a challenge. But, ever the good Slave, even on switch days, I readjusted.

Her hands were linked together with our red cuffs, over head, and tied off to the ring at the center of the head of our bed. But as I shifted to help her, my elbow must have come into contact with her delicate skin just a bit….

“Owww…. Your elbow pinched my nipple, Slave….”

Setting aside the fantastical notion that my conventionally blunt elbow could do ANY pinching, I clucked in faux sympathy.

“Oh dear …. sorry Mistress … maybe I should just get out the nipple clamps and do the job properly?”

“You wouldn’t …. Those hurt so much…..”

Well I should have. But once again Slave was a little too focused on pleasuring Mistress than taking advantage.

We solved the “cold” problem but tying her ankles together, so they could remain safely tucked under the sheets.

And then I cuddled next to her, using my warm hands to softly caress her now squirming body.

I do think she likes the restraint part, and the curiosity about what comes next. She was on her tummy, and her ass was squirming so wantonly against my hand and the bed beneath her. I wondered if she could work herself to an orgasm without any other stimulation.

I’m filing that away for another occasion.

That’s when I began to spank her.

“Ouch … that hurts, Slave.”

“Stop the whining Mistress…. You know you love it …. And that it’s not nearly as bad as if your friend the WC were administering the punishment.”

The thought of that seemed to make her squirm all the more. Was her ass actually rising up to meet my hand?

“You’re probably right, Slave.”

After her bottom was nice and red, I snapped some photos…. Then reached for her new power tool, the one she had broken in with M on Friday morning.

With her legs tied together I had to slide it between her thighs with a little effort…. And it drove her wild.

“Is this what you’ve been waiting for, Mistress?”

“You know it is Slave.”

Her thighs and ass were flexing with abandon, trying to squeeze all the pleasure she could out of the little device.

And as she worked herself into a frenzy, my lips grazed on the delicious surface of her neck and shoulders… Yum.

I could tell she was trying to build slowly…. Not wanting to fall off the cliff too swiftly… getting her money’s worth, so to speak, from my attention.

But ultimately she succumbed to the inevitable compulsion of the churning Magic Wand…. Moaning, bucking, her hips rising up off the bed, almost (but not quite) trying to avoid the relentless vibrations of her new toy.

But my hand pressed its advantage, bringing the tool up to meet her now satisfied cunt until she was begging me to stop.

“Oh… had enough have we, Mistress….”

But of course I accommodated her, switching it off and tucking it back under the ebd.

“I want my cock now, Slave….”

“I think that can be arranged, Mistress.”

Sunday, December 12, 2010

From the Annals

We were biking in the cold yesterday afternoon – well not too cold. We are in between snow falls here in River City. So we took advantage of that window of opportunity for some out door exercise.

“Slave …. M says if you want you can post some of those stories he sent us when we were first emailing with him … those ones about that girl, his roommate, all that stuff….”

I figured maybe M was trying to leverage his column inches before the end of the year, hoping it would impact his incentive compensation calculation for 2010.

So being a dutiful Slave I started scouring through our in box from early in the year. So far I have yet to find some of those kinky gens, but I did find this… M’s first email to Molly and Mick, nearly a year ago, on Christmas day, 2009:

“I am the man who left the comment on your blog. I usually do not comment but wanted to thank you as we love your blog. As you invited people to email you I am doing so. We are a couple with two kids. I'm 50 and my wife is 48 our kids are 13 and 11. I too am my wife's slave and she is my mistress. I call her Mamm. We love it and our having the time of our lives exploring this lifestyle. If you would like to I would love to email with you.

Yours truly,

M and B”

Well it seems that the M and B relationship has evolved some over the last year. But what is also compelling is how the Molly and M relationship has grown and evolved over the last year too.

They seem well tuned to each other’s rhythms, despite the occasional hiccup or two.

Yesterday afternoon is an example.

Mistress was attending to various beauty rituals in the morning. I was playing with my adorable grandson. And after both of us were done with those activities, and took that brisk bike ride, we reunited in our Chambers with the door closed to wandering teens.

Mistress was already there in bed. Working on a vanilla blog, and her phone was handy too.

“M’s been texting me Slave …. He said that he and B were already to have sex and then his in-laws showed up….”


M and B are much more gracious with Parent time than we are here in River City.

“He says I need to get tougher on you, Slave…. That’d you’d love it…”

“It wouldn’t be my place to disagree, Mistress.”

We settled into bed…. a nap first and then….”

The chime on Mistress’s phone went off…She giggled, and read it to me.

“Are you guys having sex yet?”

“I’m telling him nap first, then sex…..”

And that’s what we did…. I woke Mistress around 4 pm…. We had time for a nice luxuriously slow fuck before it was time for her to begin primping for our evening engagements.

After she showered, and smeared all that moisturizer on her lush body, she looked at her phone.

“Sounds like M is home alone now, Slave…. Do you mind if I call to say hello.”

“Of course not, Mistress.”

So there we were … Mistress lying in bed, chatting with M about his day, me getting dressed for our night out.

To M: “I was too warm in bed to get up to get the equipment to fuck Slave in the ass today, M…. Hate to let you down.”

To me: “Slave, are you sure you want to wear THAT shirt…. At least wear a sport coat with it.”

“Of course Mistress….”

And to both of us: “This is so nice…. To have the two of you sort of here with me together…”

Mistress is there, phone in hand, naked, under the covers. And though it had only been about 30 minutes since her last collection of cums, she somehow seemed … in need. A Slave knows. It’s the smile, the tell tale wriggle that a less devoted consort might not notice.

“Would you like me to worship, Mistress?”

“M, the Slave wants to know if he can worship… now.”

She listens to him a bit more.

I asked again.

“M, I think the Slave really wants to worship me…. Do you mind.”

It was obvious M didn’t mind.

Mistress pulled away the covers. Soon I was on my knees, positioning her, with her legs spread, wide open for me.

“I just cleaned up down there, M…. so Slave’s got a very smooth cunt to worship.”

She was so very smooth, all freshly washed, shaved, moisturized, all ready for my tongue and lips.

And as I devoted myself to this pleasant task, I could tell M was contributing with some inspiring words. But all I could hear was, “Yes… Mike…. I would Mike….”, in that far away voice.

And soon Mistress’s hips were bucking against my eager mouth, a leg wrapping itself around my neck to pull me even closer to her.

“Ummm…. That was nice Slave….”

After, on our drive to a big festive Holiday concert, I asked Mistress what M had been whispering in her ear as I drew that last orgasm from her.

“Oh… I think he was imagining me sucking his cock while you were worshiping my cunt, Slave….”

“That would be hot, wouldn’t it Mistress?”

“Very Hot, Slave. Very hot.”