Friday, December 10, 2010


Mistress has a date this morning with M – let’s call it a conference to go over their mutual goals and objectives for the new year here at UCTMW Enterprises – so certain restrictions have applied over the last 24 hours.

First, she was instructed not to use her new Hitachi since it finally arrived, spit out belatedly from our balky supply chain management “system” – review of that will certainly me covered on Mick’s year end review by our CEO.

And that in itself was not an easy instruction for Molly to follow. I mean, “it’s son new and shiny, Slave.”

I tried my best to make up for it’s absence yesterday morning with lively tongue and hard cock. But…. I think Mistress was still longing for her power tool…..

Then yesterday M told her no orgasms until their conference.

Mistress began to wheedle.

She told me later about it, over the phone.

“Slave…. He’s told me no orgasms, but I explained we were planning to meet at your office before our parties tonight …. And….”

We had two parties to attend: one a group’s annual Holiday event, then an old friend’s retirement celebration.

“And you told him that you expected worship, Mistress?”

She had even worn her black peek-aboo tights for ease of access for me. Wasn’t she considerate?

“Well what I said is that Slave would be really disappointed if he did not get the chance to worship me.”

“I’m happy just to meet you at the Party, Mistress. That way you won’t have to walk all the way over here in the cold.”

“Oh, not necessary… it’s alright Slave…. M laughed about me being so considerate about your chance to worship me….’it’s just for Mick ….. right!’ is what he said. But he said it’s OK.”

Of course, I followed the “trust but verify” mantra of that former actor turned President, sending an email to M to make sure Mistress was allowed that extra orgasm in my office. M responded by email that, yes I could worship Mistress, but it was good of me to check up on her. She can be a little manipulative when it comes to be serviced early and often.

So Mistress found her way over to my office at around 4:45 pm. I pulled the chair over to bar the door. The red blanket was spread for her. She took her throne, not bothering to shed that swanky black Burberry coat, just hiking it and her dress up around her waist and spreading her thighs to give me access.

Her full lips were already a bit full and flushed…. no doubt from the cold walk over. Frost bite could be a concern with these special tights, I suppose.

And from my knees it was very convenient to bend to my purpose. It took a bit to warm Mistress up, sliding her clit between my lips and teasing it with my tongue seemed to help. And soon her tight covered thighs were squeezing my head as she climbed the wall and dropped over the side into her little world of pleasure.


But that’s been it for M’s “little vixen”. We made it home rather late, and she went to sleep with her hips twitching a bit. I could tell she would have been very happy for me to reach for the Hitachi on the floor next to us, and force an orgasm or two from her before she nodded off. But we resisted that naughty impulse.

“Just think how hot you’re going to be for it in the morning Mistress….”

“Just remember to wear your cage Slave….”

We won’t be driving together, so that is my rule for the day. So I get to sit at my desk, consider what Mistress will be up to with M, back in our bed, her Hitachi finally in hand, with my cock on lockdown.

Sounds like this quarantine applies to both of us.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

HNT/ A Tutorial from Our Western Correspondent

Things are looking up here in the Collins Household, particularly after that belated delivery from UPS got me out of the mailroom and back to the Executive Suite (and Mistress’s good graces).

As it turns out, the critical package arrived earlier in the week, but lingered too long in our firm mail room. Maybe Mistress should engage in some executive coaching with the mail room staff, with her handy riding crop.

But I digress….

After work we met the teens at our gym for an hour of exercise, then headed to Chipotle, a favorite feeding venue for them, to cancel the benefits of the hour of exercise. Then it was home, where Molly and Mick promptly retired to our Chambers. I unpacked Mistress’s power tool, plugged it in and left it there where she likes it, just under the bed.

On the drive home, Mistress has shared some of her text message banter with M over when and how she might get to try out her new tool. It was clear Mistress was eager to make sure it was firing on all cylinders…. There was a lot of pent up demand after  a week relying on more “primitive” getting-off techniques.

On the other hand, M was insisting that she save her needs and her new machine until their planned date on Friday morning.

Mistress settled into bed as I pulled together some family Christmas gifts. She was feeling a bit under the weather, so I figured the debate about whether to follow or defy M’s very clear directions was now moot.

But…. Well. I’m saving the denouement of this little story line for tomorrow….

Instead I want to share the following from M, our Western Correspondent.  With a deal in Washington to extend the tax cut, and with year end bonus calculations coming up at UCTMW Enterprises, maybe he decided it was worth his  time to  generate some additional column inches  for our humble publication. In any event, I am sure that some of the sub sisters will be interested in commenting on his proposed technique. I know that in our editorial session on this issue, Mistress seemed to be very squishy and squirmy as she studied and gave me some editorial guidance on M’s latest contribution.

I've added some musical accompaniment with this link.The Doors. "Back Door Man". 

“How to Use a Submissive’s  Ass for the First Time”

Hey Mick,

Hope this finds you well

Decided to earn my keep and write another tutorial for UCTMW.

The article is geared toward a male dominant using his female submissive’s ass for the first time.  But there is no reason the same technique's wouldn't work with a femme dom and strap-on.

The two main positions for penetrating the subs anus are doggie style, and missionary, or diaper style.

The submissive should be stripped bare naked. A couple of enemas should be administered at least two hours before use.  I recommend that the dominant administer the enema himself, as it is fun and can be very embarrassing for the submissive.

I then recommend a good hard strapping on the bare bottom. 

A good stout leather strap or belt will do nicely

It works well to apply a few firm strokes, than lecture and proceed to lube up her rectum.

Take you time to assure she is soundly strapped and very well lubricated.

If strapping in the diaper position, some blows can be brought down directly on her anus and/or labia

This will get a wonderful reaction out of her as she tries to retract her labia and anus inward to avoid the blows.

As always, pay no attention to her cries and pleas for mercy and strap her just as hard as you wish.

The other benefit of administering a good sound strapping is that it will nicely stiffen the dominant’s penis for the task ahead.

Now thoroughly lubricate your penis.

Go slowly, you do not want to cause pain here.

Take as much time  as needed for her anus to accommodate your member.

This can take up to 5 minutes, but is very important. 

The larger you are the longer this can take.

The pain of too sudden a penetration is not sexual at all, and may well sour the submissive’s attitude to this pleasurable activity.

Once she can comfortably accommodate you in her rectum, slowly begin to fuck her just as you would in her vagina.

Whether you let her cum is, of course, the Dominant’s choice.

Some submissives can orgasm from anal sex alone.

Some dominants allow the submissive to masturbate herself while she is being used in this fashion.

Some dominants will rub their slave off as they use her from behind.

It is a matter of preference.

After taking your pleasure in her bottom, it is always a good idea to rub your cock clean on her ass and have her thank you for using her.

Hope someone finds this helpful or hot!

The finally a little bit productive.


Thanks, M for this helpful contribution. I am sure our CEO will consider it when she calculates your year end bonus.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Better Late Than Never

At last, Mistress's supplemental Home Office Power Tool arrived. I still can't tell whether the delay was caused by UPS or by the mail room guy at my office doing his own product testing.
Our CEO / Publisher's comment on the subject appears at the end of the blog from two days ago.Mistress's comment on arrival of her new power tool.

I am grateful to have my old job back, though I expect I will be on an extended probation until I can get back in our CEO's good graces.

Of course, the question is whether our Western Correspondent will allow the CEO to take her new tool out of it's box for a test drive before their conference call on Friday morning.

Internet Publishing Powerhouse Seeks Chief Procurement Officer

River City, USA. Molly Collins, CEO and Publisher of the internet publishing conglomerate UCTMW Enterprises, LLC announced a world wide search today to fill the position of Chief Procurement Officer with the organization.

“In these challenging times, aggressive supply chain management is critical as we seek to serve our discerning customers and assure that our investors earn the types of profits they have come to expect. That’s why I have made the difficult decision to accept the resignation of long time CPO Mick Collins in order to upgrade this important role in our growing organization.”

In a job description issued with the announcement, UCTMW set forth the qualifications of a new CPO:

“The successful candidate will demonstrate experience and comprehension of advanced internet purchasing technology, including the ability to track UPS delivery systems in real time, and check the box that says “two day delivery” when necessary to maintain continuous service of key organization functionality.

In addition, the candidate will have demonstrated ability to manage critical supply inventory, and anticipate and prevent shortages of critical components required for timely production and distribution, particularly the types of anecdotes that keep our readers coming back for more, despite competition from more imaginative bloggers, who have been known to resort to stories about sex with barn yard animals to stimulate page views.

The CPO will report directly to the CEO. A preference will be given to candidates with good oral skills, pliable lips and tongue, and with a tolerance for long periods of time spent on the candidate’s knees.

While UCTMW is an equal opportunity employer, there are certain bona fide occupational qualifications that apply to this position, regarding which pre-clearance has been obtained from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. As a result applicants are limited to Males, age 35-55, who are built for comfort, not for speed.

While candidates will be given a preference for advanced degrees and proper command of the English language, spelling ability is not critical, other than as required to fill out a proper on-line order form.

The successful applicant will be subject to a pre-employment physical conducted by the CEO.”

Ms. Collins stated that she hopes that the CPO position can be filled by January 1, 2011. “This is a critical position to fill as UCTMW moves forward into the new year. I can’t be expected to be without the tools needed to get this job done properly”, She said.

Sources that did not want to be identified have told this reporter that former CPO, Mick Collins, has been demoted, and was last seen in the company mail room. He reportedly complained that “One day your tongue is planted between the boss’s thighs, the next day it’s licking stamps. Maybe we need a Union around here.”