Saturday, November 6, 2010

Update: Permission Slip for Molly

We are here in AIsha's hometown, downriver from River City.

I am all caged up.

Mistress has slid into these very hot black tights, with a strategic cut out, just in case.

We've packed up our bag of tricks.

The Western Correspondent has kept in touch, and made sure to get Mistress off once we got checked into our hotel.

M, I do like the way you make her beg before she comes with that Hitachi.... even if it means I have to suck her feet a little longer.

And M did send us that permission slip, in case Sir D has some concerns:

"Molly, you can play with anyone you want to, except Slave has a veto for anyone he thinks is an assholre.

Unnecessary, because Molly would think he is an asshole too. but it's important.

Any way, what kind of sex party is it when you can't have sex!

was too much fun talking to Molly on the way home!

Love you 2 studs"


We'll make sure we fill you and him in on the details.


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Friday, November 5, 2010

Mistress Toes the Line for our Western Correspondent

Our Western Correspondent had Mistress on an orgasm embargo yesterday morning, in preparation for their 10 am phone sex “date”. But the problem was that my early morning reading and writing in the morning had her Slave on a sexual edge.

So, when I climbed the stairs, prepared to show my ‘homework’ to Mistress, I was wondering whether I would have to share in her embargo, or simply slink off for the day, all caged up, with thoughts of Mistress waiting for M’s call in my head.

As Mistress read my entry – the first real one of the week  it seemed- I followed M’s direction: teasing her with my tongue and lips until she was all damp and fragrant for me.

When she slid the laptop to the side, she grabbed my hair (gently) and eased me up next to her, expressing her appreciation with a kiss. And her fingers quickly found my firm and throbbing cock.

“Hmmmm…., what to do Slave?”

“Would you mind me fucking you, Mistress. I’ll go easy….. I know you’re not allowed to come, but…..”

“But you’re desperate, aren’t you, Slave?”

“Uhhh, yeah….”

“Then go ahead…”

I proceeded gingerly…. Not wanting to drive Mistress too crazy, but responding to my more primitive needs as you might expect from a lowly Slave who lets his cock do his thinking for him.

When Mistress’s breathing and wanton wriggling signaled to me that I was getting into dangerous territory I backed off a bit.

“Sorry, Mistress…. Is this too challenging …. Having to curb your enthusiasm while I get all the fun….”

“It’s ….  Unusual ….. Slave”, that “just get on with it” tone in her voice.

“But you know your sacrifice will be worth it Mistress….. he’ll be so pleased when he hears how desperate you are when he gets you going with that Hitachi in just a couple of hours.”

Mistress was bighting her tongue at this point, maybe mentally calculating the balance of her checking account, and I was begging fro permission to come.

Not surprisingly, permission was granted.

She is a very considerate Mistress, don’t you all agree? I could hardly complain when she insisted that I wear my cage to work. She took time from perusing her work emails in bed to snick the little lock shut.

“Be good today, Slave.”

As if I had a choice in the matter.

Later, she called me on her drive to work, following that much anticipated date.

“How was it, Mistress?”

“Very good Slave….he had an interesting story he wanted to share….”

“So tell me…..”

“If you are good I will tell you all about it in bed tonight….”

So I suppressed my curiosity, figuring we would catch up in the evening. But at around 2:15 pm I got a text from Mistress.

“Bored with work, Slave.  Can I visit?”

I knew what that meant. Mistress was already horny for more ‘attention’ to her luxuriant folds. And of course, Mistress gets what she wants. She left my office with a contented smirk, leaving me with her taste and aroma to remember her by. And the unsubtle reminder that my steel cage was locked on tight.

Mistress released me at around 8:00 pm or so. We had arranged to talk to Aisha later about our weekend plans with her and Sir D.

But this time Mistress agreed it would be better to get some other ‘business’ taken care of first. We did not want to abruptly end the call to satisfy our baser impulses as we had done to poor Aisha the last time we had talked.

Slave was instructed to insert his little white probe.

We rolled together under the sheets, my cock already stretching out following a long day in its confinement. My finger found it’s way between Mistress’s firm and well exercised thighs. Hers’ were now wrapped around me, toying and teasing.

And she finally shared the details of her morning’s activities.

“So how many, Mistress…”

“Quite a few Slave…. We must have been at it for more than 30 minutes….”

I tried to do the math …. One every 5 minutes or so…. Or more. But Mistress’s fingers somehow distracted me from my multiplication tables.

“and what was the story he told you, Mistress….”

It was very elaborate Slave…. We were at a party in his hometown …. Sort of like the one we are going to Saturday with Aisha and D.  But he was auctioning me off…. “

“And where were to proceeds going, Mistress?”

“I asked him that and he said ‘be quiet Slave, I’m telling the story…. But then later he said, maybe groceries and tequila….funny….”

We were fucking by now, me on top, slowly pumping into Mistress….

“And what did the guys buying you get for their money, Mistress?”

“I was sucking their cocks, Slave….and M was watching.”

Our legs were wound around one another’s by now, and I was sliding my hips left to right, pressing down hard against Mistress’s clit, her breathing was ragged, she was close. And I had no reason to hold back now.

“How did that feel, Mistress? … sucking all those anonymous cocks because M told you to do it?”

“It was humiliating, Slave…. But….”

Mistress was coming now, burying her mouth in my neck. And soon I was asking for permission to come as well.

We lay there, spent. Clinging to one another for a while.

Then we remembered our call…..

I was planning to tell you about that this morning, but time is short, Mistress awaits. Guess I got carried away…. So we will cover our conversation and plans with the charming Aisha and the commanding D tomorrow.

Have a good Friday, all.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

What's Better than"Make-Up" Sex?

Here in the Collins household we are still licking our wounds from a virtual head stomping on election night. After a long campaign, helping some friends run for state and local office, it all came crashing down for them Tuesday night. And we had ring side seats at the scene of the disaster(s).

Of course, losing an election is hardly like a hastily arranged appointment with the guillotine, or being left for dead in a roadside ditch, as political conflict has been resolved in centuries past.

But it can still hurt,

And have consequences.

Fortunately, some are sexual.

Mick and Molly got together in an election season long ago, working together for that short Greek guy who made the mistake of putting on a combat helmet and riding in a tank. With video cameras running.

We discovered something that others have known for as long as there were election (or coup) night parties: politics can be a powerful aphrodisiac.

A win calls for reckless, celebratory carnal excess.

Just ask (if you could) Jack and Marilyn.

A loss calls for reckless, “all is lost so please sooth my pain” carnal excess.

Just ask Bill and Monica.

On election day, after rising at 5 am, I actually slid away from my duties for an hour or so to meet up with Mistress at my office.

I closed the door.  She slid out of her boots and tights long enough for me to kneel before her and suction her little red bud with my lips. Soon she was quaking and softly moaning for me. When she was content, I was rewarded  with a long shoulder rub as my head rested between her thighs..


When she left, I actually crashed on my floor for 30 minutes. The maroon blanket that normally serves rests on her “throne” made a nice pillow. And I was comforted by the scent of her juices it has been marinating in for all these months.

On election night, after absorbing all that  cruel Tea Party kick ass, we got home way late. Numb and in denial, we actually slid into bed and passed out.

But when I woke the need was there. My cock was full and longing to bury itself in Mistress’s comforting folds.

I gave our readers short shrift, returning early to bed to wake Mistress and exchange the comforting fluids that we needed to share.

After nearly 36 hours without release, the explosion was, shall we say, considerable. And Mistress seemed to be particularly pleased as I lavished her cunt with attention from lips and tongue as a prelude.

It was a long day of catch-up and commiseration yesterday. (What do you say to a candidate who thinks overly fatigued donors will respond to a request to help pay off his foolishly incurred debt?) But when I got home, Mistress was clearly in need.

“Time for worship, Slave.”

“Of course, Mistress….”

After dinner, as we sat on the couch, forcing ourselves to watch talking heads itemize the carnage, Mistress had some news.

“Bad news Slave….we can’t drive together tomorrow…. I have a date with M in the morning.”

“Errrr…. That’s OK, Mistress …. I am sure M needs some solace too….”

“And I have rules to follow …. I can cum tonight, but no cumming in the morning….. though you are allowed to tease me.”

“Well then let’s make the most of it, before your embargo begins, Mistress…..”

We soon found ourselves locked away in our chambers.  I was instructed to insert my little white probe…. Mistress wanted a very hard one. Not that it would be a problem.

I lavished Mistress’s cunt with more attention from lips and tongue. She was patient, dragging out her orgasm until she was thrashing about on the bed, forcing me to pin her thighs with my arms as I brought her over the edge.

Then she was toying with my cock, teasing it with those magical fingers, taking me to the very edge before she relented to my pleas to fuck her.

“Yes… Slave,,,, you can fuck me…. But I’m going to ride your cock tonight.”

Oh… and she did. Relentlessly.  With a cold determination to drag as much pleasure from my firm appendage as possible.

Of course I was throwing some fuel on her fire.”

“How does it feel to give up the right to come Mistress….”

“It’s hot, Slave….”

“When he lays down the law, Mistress…. Says you are cut off, does that make your cunt get all wet, Mistress?’

She’s close now. Moaning. Frantic as she rides me.

“Yes, Slave…. It’s kind of humiliating isn’t it….”

I imagine her talking to him in her office, or maybe on her drive home, and her hips getting all twitchy as she contemplates her denial, and what is in store for her when in the morning.

And then she comes crashing down on me, groaning through a mighty one, then abruptly rolling off me, so I can mount her and take my own pleasure.

Which I gladly did, begging, of course, when it was finally time for me to come.

Spent, holding her, I thought we were done. But no….

After all those losses, and contemplating her upcoming embargo, Mistress still needed more.

“I think I want the Hitachi, Slave.   But I’m going to use it on myself while you watch.”

“Are you sure M would approve, Mistress? I mean …. Haven’t you had enough?”

“That’s for me to decide, Slave….”

Mistress is always right.