Saturday, October 30, 2010


I collected Mistress in front of her office building yesterday, a little past noon.  She had just emerged from one long car ride, from Music City, and we were embarking on another: up to Lake Michigan to meet two of our “out west” friends for a little college football weekend action.

Standing on the side walk, as I pulled up, Mistress was a sight for sore and needy eyes: stylish fitted black pants, a black top showing off her buff arms. That long dark flowing hair.

Later in the car, we talked:

“After you’ve been away, and I see you for the first time, I’m always reminded how lucky I am to have you, Mistress. Or to be had.  You are ravishing, you know….”

“Mmmmm. Music to my ears, Slave.”

Mistress was tired from her earlier drive, and napped some as I steered us past the cornfields and back to my old alma mater where we collected our friends.  Then onto the Lake Michigan shore where we had reserved a charming two bedroom apartment in an old Victorian Inn.

Quarters were close, and we had our friends to catch up with, so Mistress had to settle for some quick worship in our bedroom as our guests changed. 

She sprawled back on the bed, caught up with Friday’s blog and your kind comments, and spread her legs for me.

But before I caved to the impulse of falling to my knees and tasting the juices Ihad been denied for TWO WHOLE DAYS …. I had to snap a photo.

“I am sure M will want to know you got here safe and sound, Mistress.”

“Go for it Slave.”

After I had finished my brief but productive feast, the chime on my phone went off. That was quick.

“You’re killing me here, Mick.”

Cruel, I know.

Then there were drinks, chat, dinner. And it was late by the time we got home to break Slave’s fast.

We said quick good nights and adjourned to our chambers. We got naked very fast.

And  there was a veritable frenzy of fucking.

At some point, as I was slowly sliding in and out of her, savoring the taste of her neck, Mistress asked the question that she is allowed to ask….

“What are you thinking, Slave?”

It’s in the contract. Although tempted, I can’t blow it off. So I was honest.

“It was about you and the first M ----(her ‘starter dom’, that guy from last winter / spring before she and the current M became an ‘item’) --- I was thinking about you stripping for him. Allowing him to inspect you, play with your cunt.  Was that a turn on Mistress?”

“Oh…. Well yes, it was Slave…. Pretty hot….”

We talked a little more – her being fed his cock for the first time, being fucked by him with her legs over his shoulders -and Mistress began working herself into a frenzy….

“Can I get on top, Slave….I guess I really don’t have to ask, do I?”

Of course she doesn’t.

Now she was up there, riding my cock, hard, grinding against me, and muttering some dark and enticing fantasies.

We were onto the upcoming play party. And what might happen.

“How would it be to watch me suck off another man, Slave…. Do you think you could handle it?”

“Ummm…. I could, Mistress….”

“Wouldn’t it be humiliating to see your wife, on her knees, submitting that way to another man … and enjoying it?’

“Yes…. But also very very hot, Mistress….”

“You know we’re going to do that someday, don’t you, Slave?”

Mistress was gasping now, getting near her point of no return.

“I suspect so Mistress.”

“I want to have you watch me, seeing you play with your own cock while I take another man on…..”

Then Mistress was crashing hard over the edge, moaning, collapsing onto me, rolling off … breathless.”

“Fuck me slave…. And tell me about it.”

I did my duty. Con mucho gusto.

It’s very good to have her back.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Mick and the Western Corespondent Commiserate in Mistress's Absence

After posting yesterday’s entry I called Mistress down in her hotel in Music City. Waking her in the morning is one of her Slave’s duties and I was happy to do the honors.

Sounds like Mistress has a good evening, ending with some country music at a local honky tonk with her friends.

We signed off after a brief chat. Mistress was going back to sleep. I was heading to the shower, and then to work.

But my instructions were clear.

“Now, Slave…. Don’t forget the cage.”

“Of course, Mistress….”

And to prove my obedience, I snapped this photo of me on my laptop cam, all secured away, then emailed it to Mistress.

(Sorry for the shadows, but it was still pretty dark here in River City when Mick suited up this morning.)

Mistress was a busy lady most of the day. But I did hear from M, our Western Correspondent, who seemed to be missing Mistress almost as much as me. Here’s his email, commenting on Mistress’s letting me out of my cage Wednesday night before bedtime:

“Hey Mick,

Molly said she would let you out if you want.. we are both softies.

Don't want to fuck with you guys’ program

always worry about that ... but

I will if you want me to..

let me know for next switch day..

will get that little slut off big time the next day!!!

I like you both a lot.

Molly and I had very hot phone sex today,, was very hot!!!

She makes me very HOT!!!

I know that turns you on and that is... so cool!!

It is hot to think about your wife getting fucked by another guy!

B has been spinning hot talk about a threesome with some hot young stud fucking her

I understand you are alone tonight.

Molly loves you so much... she tells me that all the time.

Hope you are not worried ( But she doesn’t ever want you to fuck anyone else again. I’ve told her to lock u up and make sure!!!) Also told her I am sure you won’t.. your blog is a love story.

funny, I was worried about us

6 months ago I was worried about u when she first went with her “starter Dom” (the other M).

But you were a stud, and not worried.

Was fucking hot today though!!!

Will fuck the shit out of her someday

will be fucking hot.

your good friend and blog fan,


What to say? Reading over M’s heartfelt (0r should I say ‘cockfelt’) correspondence does make me realize that our odd little three way relationship is not exactly conventional.

But, as you can tell from M’s effort to reach out to the other guy in the triangle, our Western Correspondent is a stand-up guy who, despite his obviously prurient interest in Molly, also is considerate enough to keep her Slave happy and secure.

Particularly when I am back here in River City, pining for Mistress.

So when I saw this email on my office computer Thursday morning, I had to return the complement:

“Thanks M.... She did spring me from the cage last night. And believe it or not I do appreciate what you have added to Molly's life.

Keep up the good work.

And I hope you do get to fuck her some day. I know she is desperate for it,,,, though she may try not to let it show. You are a very disciplined Dom to resist her charms as long as you have.


It’s true. Mistress clearly enjoys the extra attention that our Western correspondent regales on her. It makes her smile. Makes her squirm. Inspires her to do all sorts of wanton things.

And what makes Mistress happy makes me happy too.

When I got home from work Thursday afternoon, Mistress cut me another break.

“Ahhh…. Can I ask a favor….I’d like to go for a bike ride, but the cage….can I take it off now, Mistress.”

Believe me, you don’t want to hop onto that narrow bike saddle with all that metal surrounding your cock and balls.

“Yes, Slave…. You may take it off now….but remember, no touching. I want you desperate for me tomorrow when I get home.”

“That won’t be a problem, Mistress.”

Well the desperation part won’t be a problem. That’s for sure.

HNT / Better Safe than Sorry

So Mistress is off for two nights. 

She allowed me to fuck her yesterday morning, my cock and balls gripped by the hard ring that makes the base of my cage.  It makes it a tad harder: harder for her; harder to come. But when I do ---- yow. 

Highly recommended, with or without the confinement that comes when the party os over.

And that came for me at around 7:25 am yesterday. Mistress hid the key away.  And it was not at all clear when I would see it again.

“So here’s the deal, Slave.   You’ll be in the cage at my discretion while I am gone. I may consider letting you take it off tonight. We’ll see.”

“Of course, Mistress.”

I dropped her off at work, helped her unload her bag. Kissed her goodbye. We embraced and she gave me a discrete little “cage pat” out on the sidewalk in front of her aging office tower. 

“I’ll miss you, Mistress.”

“Me too, Slave.”

I went about my business of the day: balancing caseload with some political activities gearing up for Mid-term Madness come Tuesday.

Meanwhile Mistress and her 3 colleagues were on the road, heading right through the heart of  head stomping country.

We exchanged a few pithy text messages through the day.

“Stopping at Cracker Barrel.  Fun.”

Mistress is not a Cracker Barrel type. Though she has been known to gnaw on some beef jerky when on a road trip.

“Yum.  Just watch out for the guys in jack boots, Mistress. “

I was doing my best not to focus on what could be a potentially long term cock incarceration.

I also used Mistress absence to perform an annoying filial obligation: taking my aging cranky Mom to dinner with the surly teens. Amazingly, they were all on their best behavior and Mom had take home calzone to show her aging neighbors at the condo when I delivered her home.

I did get a chance to talk briefly with Mistress before picking up my mother.

“Busy here, Slave…. Just got to the hotel…. Will go to my room and rest a bit before dinner…. And I know the Western Correspondent is getting a little antsy to talk to me.”

Ahh.  The guy who wanted to make sure Mistress packed her Hitachi.

“Make sure you fit him in Mistress …. I am sure you could use a little ‘therapy’ after that long drive.”

“I will try, Slave….”

(M and I actually traded a few emails during the day. I could tell he was missing Mistress almost as much as I was.

“Try to keep her entertained, M …. Otherwise she might end up in bed with some
C & W crooner tonight….”

“Good point, Mick…..”)

After dropping off my mother, I was able to reconnect with Mistress before she headed to dinner with her colleagues in Music City.

“So did you track down M…. I know he was concerned about your well being, Mistress”.

“We did connect, Slave.”

“And did you get to use your power tool?”

“Yes, Slave. It was pretty funny. He was driving around and… you know.”

I imagined Mistress splayed on her hotel bed, her legs spread wide,  applying her powerful assistant at M’s directions. But let’s hope he didn’t join in the fun while driving. At least unless he has a hands free telephone.

And of course I was reminded of my cage when my mind drifted to Mistress coming at his command.


“How many, Mistress.?”

“Only two slave….”

Mistress was off to dinner. I was home, catching up on old Jon Stewart episodes, paging through the Times. Avoiding incendiary sex blogs.

At around 11 pm, Mistress called.

“Still out to dinner Slave…. And next we are going to some club with a group of folks….How’s the cage?”

“Tight, Mistress….”

“Well…. I will let you out for sleeping, as long as you agree to ut it back on in the morning.  Word of honor?”

“Of course, Mistress.”

“But remember…. No touching….”

“Of course, Mistress.”

She is a tender hearted, Mistress.

And even when I woke up last night with a raging hard-on, well, I followed the rule…. Thought of mortgage payments and stock portfolios… all the things that can divert one’s brain from the desire to touch.

I figure if the sub-sisters can do it, so can I.

But seeing the photo I took the other day in my office, remembering the silky touch of Mistress’s succulent folds against my tongue…. The intoxicating aroma of her flowing juices, her addictive taste….

Maybe I should go put my cage back on now, even before I give her my morning wake up call.

Better safe than sorry.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Caged Slave While Mistress Is on a Road Trip

So I am sitting down here in our kitchen, coffee made, Mistress snoozing upstairs in our Chambers, trying to figure the best way to catch up with all of you after two blog days devoted to Mistress’s sad Sunday “ordeal”.

The hard steel ring of my cock cage is already gripping the base of my balls and cock …. This is the day Mistress is heading off to her little work trip to the Capitol of Country Music, and I am to be caged in her absence.

“Trust but verify” is her watchword for her Slave, and who could blame her. Who knew she had a Ronald Reagan streak in her. “Spank one for the Gipper?”

So, catching up….

There was early Monday morning sex here at the Collins House of Corrections. Mistress still had some excess sexual energy to discharge, and I was happy to be of assistance before we headed for work.

And Monday was a long cage day for me too: We drove separately and our regular readers know what that means. Extra security required. And I was out later than normal: teaching a class at a local graduate school, a cameo appearance that had me dusting off some of my performance art skills. Well, the performance art that does not involve kneeling and lapping.

As I strode about the room, trying to engage and amuse while relying on the crutch of my power point presentation, I wondered what my earnest audience would think if they knew their confident, cocky speaker was sporting a stainless steel cock cage.

I got home to Mistress at about 8:30 pm, worshipped her succulent folds, then crashed. The performance art thing is fun, but takes some energy out of the old guy.

Tuesday morning was an early rise for us. Mistress had one of those annoying breakfast meetings that need to be scheduled at inhuman hours here in River City so as to cultivate the macho: “gotta’ be at my desk bright and early culture”, even though most of them are probably surfing sex blogs and facebook at those desks for a good chunk of their days.

So she had the benefit of my tongue and lips as she read my report to Warden M, but Slave’s twitching cock was placed on hold.

“Oh well, Slave…. You had your chance last night…. You will just have to wait until this evening.”

Can you blame her after Sunday’s treatment.

(By the way, make sure you check out the Governor’s comment on my report at the end of yesterday’s blog. Maybe his writer’s block is lifting?).

Fortunately, Mistress did have time to stop by after her early meeting yesterday for some early morning worship (round two for her that morning if you are keeping track).

She had broken her fashion mold, skipping the black for some sexily tactile brown suede boots, with deep brown tights. And you know both drove me crazy, particularly since it had been a “cruel” 24 hours now since Slave had his chance to come.

The photo above shows her as she begins the process of shedding her boot and one leg of her tights for a quicky worship opportunity. And she left me twitching in my office, the taste of her delicious juices smeared across my enraptured mouth.

Damn. Why was I so tired Monday evening.

On the drive home, Mistress talked about our protocol for her trip.

“Of course, you will be caged, Slave. I will hide the key where I can have you find it in an emergency… and, if you’re lucky, maybe there will be some video chat sex of there is time.”

“And what about M, Mistress? Do you have some plans with him?”

“I know he wants to have me go to my room in the afternoons for some of our “dates”…. But I just don’t know what the schedule will be like….”

“And I am sure you will be keeping your eye out for stud-ly country music stars too, Mistress….”

“We’ll see about that, Slave.”

Mistress does have carte blanche on such things. It’s always interesting to see who might flirt with her.

Some crazy storms and wind had cleared by the time we made it home. So there was a brisk bike ride in the chilly air that the passing front brought us.

Nice recharge opportunity for both of us.

And after the surly teens were fed, we had some catching up to do in our Chambers.

“Why don’t you insert your device, Slave.”

I did, and Mistress made sure that my cock had her full attention for the next 30 minutes or so….

“That seemed like a big one, Slave”, she commented, after I had exploded into her in the final throws of our tangle.

“Yes, it was Mistress.”

“One thing you need to do Slave, before you go to sleep….”

“and that would be?”

“Go pack the Hitachi in my bag, Slave…. Don’t want to forget that.”

No. I am sure she and M would be disappointed if her power tool got left behind.