Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Warden Reports on the Imposition of his Prisoner's Sentence

From the Desk of  Warden Mick Collins, Collinsville House of Corrections

To: Governor M (AKA our Western Correspondent)

Re: Imposition of Sentence Imposed on Prisoner Molly Collins.

Governor, first I wanted to confirm receipt of your correspondence sentencing Ms. Molly Collins, our prisoner here at the Collinsville House of Corrections to a term of no less than 24 hours of orgasm denial, coupled with various forms of  tickling, teasing and torment (TTT).

We pride ourselves in our TTT treatment here and went to work bright and early on Sunday morning, as reported in  my earlier memorandum  to you.

As the day progressed it seemed that Ms. Collins was responding well to the prescribed sentence: there was the tell tale labored breathing, squirming, whining and cajoling that comes with the knowledge that her primitive longings would not fulfilled anytime soon. And the scent of her, Governor!  It was an olfactory outrage.

For the record, I wanted to confirm receipt later that day of the following correspondence, which appeared to be from your office, though I must say that I wondered whether the little minx had somehow hired a hacker to hijack your email account:

“Of course as the governor, so to speak,  I may entertain a afternoon plea for clemency,, plea being the operative word, and of course I would never override the warden if he thought the full sentence should be served...  will await a plea or instructions here in the governor’s  mansion.”

In any event, I suspect that Prisoner Collins, if she was not the source of this message, somehow obtained access to it and saw her opening.

I was in the common room, watching a Sunday afternoon football game with other members of our staff and several prisoners when Ms. Collins asked if she might return to her cell for a rest period. Apparently the persistent touch of my fingers sliding through those sopping and aromatic folds had become a little too frustrating for her to handle. And since she had endured this treatment for an hour or so, I figured it would be consistent with our TTT protocol to give her about a 45 minute break for her to consider the folly of her ways before resuming alternative “therapy.”

After the game ended with yet another ignominious defeat for the local team, I went up to Ms. Collins cell to take out a little of my own frustrations on the needy little slut. I figured she could endure some special handling at the end of my cock for a while, before the dinner hour here at the House of Corrections.

When I entered the room, I found to my surprise that the squirmy little slut was on the phone. So much for our ban on cell phones for our prisoners. Another rule honored in the breach.

“I’m talking to the Governor, Warden. He tells me that he will commute my sentence.”

Apparently she had decided to proceed Pro Se, and was making a personal plea for clemency!  You really need to get your Chief of Staff to filter those types of calls, Governor, particularly on Sundays.

I expressed disbelief.

“How do I know that’s really the Governor, slut?  You could be manipulating the system.”

“He’s doubting my word, Governor.  Will you talk to Warden Mick directly and let him know I’m off the hook?”

She handed me the phone.

“Hey Mick….. how’s it going there.  Man…. I can’t believe how badly both our teams sucked today.”

Sure enough, unless she was wily enough to hire a clever impersonator, it seemed to be you, Governor.

“So what do we do with our Mistress / Slave here M?  She seems to be pretty desperate, though I think she might be able to suck it up until tomorrow when her original sentence expires. Do you really want me to commute that sentence?”

“What I told her is that it’s up to you, Mick…. You decide whether to finish the job or let her off the hook.”

Apparently Mistress’s cajoling has softened up the Governor. No big surprise there. Maybe next time she needs one of those Hannibel Lector gag / masks to stifle all that wheedling.

“Yes, sir.  I will proceed at my own discretion.”

I handed the phone back to Mistress. She turned on the charm for you, Governor. As she signed off No doubt she is thinking she can wangle some high level appointment in your next term. A real rags to riches story in the making. From lowly prisoner to Director of Corrections!  Please.

After she signed off, another successful appeal put to bed, she smiled at me.

‘So do I get to come now, Slave?’

She was feeling her oats, having reduced the Governor to her sniveling patsy.

“Take off the dress, prisoner. Things are now at my discretion ….”

She was positioned on her back on the bed, her head at it’s foot. The towel strips used on her legs earlier this morning secured her arms, spread wide.

That gave me ready access to her aromatic folds, already squirming in contemplation of her early release. The photograph documents this final stage of her TTT treatment.

“I do get to come now, don’t I Slave?”

“Let’s just see how things, develop….. And how nicely you beg. See if you can be as persuasive with me as you were with the Governor.”

I deployed the feather, one of ‘Nilla’s suggestions. And a useful one. The prisoner squirmed nicely as I let it slide from toe sole of her foot, up her leg and then dip into her sodden valley at the apex of her  thighs.

“Stop…. Slave……that’s just too much……”

I did. After a while. A long while.

I dipped a finger in,  collecting, then tasting those juices. I even gave the prisoner a little taste, dipping a finger into her wanton lips.

“Aren’t you just scrumptious, Mistress?”

She just scowled. 

“Can’t I just come…… ?”

That’s when I deployed the trusty Hitachi. By then she knew that I was not going to drag it our much longer, If only for fear of reprisals once she persuaded you to make her my boss.

She was squirming in earnest.

“Oh God… I really can’t hold back anymore, Slave…. Please may I come…please?”

“Yes, you may…..”

And of course she did: Shaking, jerking, wrapping her legs around that churning device, hugging it to her needy mound, her head thrown back, arms straining against her bonds.

I suspect your voters would like to see these TTT sentences, and their final acts,  shown on the local public access channels, Governor.  The DVR’s would be churning. Think about including that in your platform when you run for your 2nd term.

And since I had only eased up but not shut off the power tool, she quickly was coming again. Ditto the paragraph above.

Afterwards, she did show her gratitude. It’s one of the perks of my job as Warden here, along with the bloated pension and lots of sick days.

“Warden….. would you like to fuck me now.”

Who could resist that sweet, if manipulative, voice.

In summary, just another day of the prisoners running the prison Governor.

“Same as it ever was.”

Monday, October 25, 2010

Mistress's Day of Denial

Some of you were snickering when I reported on last Sunday’s “Switch” activities, when I decided to overload Mistress with a cornucopia of orgasms.

I could hear you. “Wow, that sure was tough on her, Mick.”

So this week, with prompting from our Western Correspondent – who finally earned his lofty monthly retainer and expense check – we tried a completely different approach.

When I came upstairs to let Mistress read the blog, and learn about her sentence, she was one step ahead of me.

“I saw that email from M, Slave…. You aren’t really going to do those things are you?”

She was already resorting to manipulation. Wheedling to get her way. It wouldn’t surprise me if she had already snuck one in under the wire, once she learned of her “sentence”

“And why not, Mistress. Doesn’t it turn you on to have M calling the shots, denying you through his minion here in River City?”


My finger was slowly circling her moist clit, where my tongue had explored while she read the blog. Her hips were already squirmy.

“I suppose it does Slave…”

I went to work at that point.

Her hands were bound in those little red cuffs, then tied off, together at the top of the bed.

Her ankles were tied off to the corners with some long soft strips torn from a beach towel, spreading her legs wide.

You can see her in the photo, the feather ‘Nilla recommended ready for action.

She looked delicious. And the aroma of molten cunt was already filling our room.

As M suggested, she got a good spanking first. Her bottom glowed red. She whined a bit, but took her medicine well.

I suppose she knew it was far better than what was to come.

Then She was tickled.

The feather has a nice squirmy effect on her, particularly when the tip pokes and probes between her juicy folds. Her hips strained against her bindings, in a futile attempt to evade.

“Why don’t you just let me come, Slave….. we don’t have to tell M….”

Oh, the Slave conspiracy theme. I was not falling for it.

“But that would be wrong, Mistress….”

I fed her my cock, kneeling on the bed to allow her access. She did an excellent job of bringing it to full dimensions.

Then I slid onto her back. She was so wet and eager that I found my mark immediately, sliding deep inside. But taking it slow and easy to keep Mistress on the edge.

I’ll give her credit. I know she was struggling to resist coming as I fucked her from behind. Usually the friction of her clit against the bed, and the pumping from my hard cock makes it easy for her to tip over the edge. Her labored breathing told me how hard she was working at staying under control.

“Good girl, Mistress.”

I was getting a little close to the edge myself, so slid out and picked up Mistress’s trusty Hitachi, lying next to the bed.

She saw what I was doing.

“That is completely unfair, Slave…..”

I laughed at her trepidation.

“Oh Mistress….. suck it up…..”

I learned that the Hitachi is not just a one trick pony. It also makes a lovely tickling implement, if slid along the soles of a restrained slut’s feet, or under her arms. Lots of struggling and squirming ensued, making our old wooden bed groan.

But when I slid it under those squirming hips, letting it come into contact with her sopping folds it was a different song that Mistress sang.

Her hips were doing their best to pull away, but there was very little range of motion for her.

“You’ve really got to let me come, Slave…. Or take that thing away. I really can’t take it anymore without coming.”

I decided to show her mercy. The Hitachi was parked. Her legs were untied. I rolled her over.

Then I fucked her.

I was not on denial, after all. I made sure I took it slow and easy until I was ready to come. And I did ask for permission. It’s hard to break that habit.

I almost felt guilty taking my own pleasure while Mistress was denied hers’.


“You really are doing this, Slave?”

I think she thought M and I were just pulling her leg. That I would drag things out but ultimately relent.

“Let’s go for a bike ride, Mistress, that will distract you from your plight”

We went biking. When we got home I was off to do some maintenance at a rental property we own closer to downtown. But first I had some orders to fulfill.

“Come here Mistress….”

I was sitting on the bed.

“And pull those riding shorts down to your knees.”

She gave me the “you’ve got to be kidding me look”.

But she was a good little slut, and complied. Maybe she thought I would relent.

Instead, I pulled her over my lap for that nice bare bottom spanking M had prescribed for her. She does squirm nicely.

And when I asked her to spread those delicious thighs a bit, to allow more access, she greedily complied.

But when my fingers began to do what they have been trained to do, she began to object.

“You’re driving me crazy, Slave….. why don’t you just let me come.”

“But it’s not even noon, Mistress….. just think of our friends who have had to endure so much more denial that a mere few hours…..”

“But they don’t have someone teasing and fucking them when they are on denial, do they?”

She had a point. So I stopped my fingering of her aromatic folds, and let her off the hook.

Later in the day, she lay next to me on the couch as I read the Times and watched our miserable NFL team.

She had not gone the multiple layers of riding shorts root. Instead she elected the naked cunt under black cotton dress route. That gave me easy access to finger and taunt her every ten minutes or so.

“You know you’re driving me crazy, don’t you Slave….”

“But you taste so good, Mistress,” I said, as I licked her juices from my fingers.

And she does have a lovely pout.

Unfortunately, dear readers, my deadline has approached. Time for me to go upstairs and wake Mistress…..So I will leave you waiting for the conclusion of this little tale of frustration.

Until tomorrow, Mick

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Mistress's Collection

Friday evening, Mistress was lying next to me in bed, laptop on her tummy, scrolling through her digital photo collection. She was pulling out some scenic photos of our Mountain Hideaway and environs to assemble a slideshow or her office computer. And I was watching…

But it was hard not to notice as she sorted through all those photos a certain body part.

Mistress giggled.

“He does send me a lot of cock pictures, Slave.”

Apparently he does.

Various angles.

Various states.

But mostly rigid, veined, angry, needy.

“I think you like it Mistress …. I think it speaks to you …. About what you do to him …. What you make him want to do.”

“I suppose it does, Slave.”

And of course, Mistress could delete them when they pop up on a text message at the most surprising times.

At the office.  At a lunch meeting. In a client presentation. Or the grocery store.

But she doesn’t slide them into the trash.  She collects them. They end up on her laptop, with photos of the more mundane and prosaic parts of our lives.

Horses. Fall foliage. Teens. Mountains. Cocks.

“When you glance at these photos, does it make you wet, Mistress? Does it fuel your fantasy about being on your knees, worshiping M’s special occasion cock?”

“Mmmmm….. I guess it does, Slave.”

The laptop was finding it’s way to the desk next to our bed. Mistress was sliding out of her gauzy, transparent panties.

Her hand found it’s way to my cock.

I don’t think she was surprised to find it hard and ready for her.

“I’m going to ride it, Slave….”

I knew what to do. Lay back. Let Mistress impale her sopping cunt on my workaday cock.

And if in her mind she was riding the angry one in those photos, if it was our Western Correspondent pinching her nipples, or pulling her ass down onto him with his strong hands, well, who was I to complain.

Mistress worked herself into a state, then came crashing down onto me, moaning, face flushed, her fingers reaching behind, stroking my balls.

Apparently that collection can inspire all sorts of things.

Mistress was in a feisty mode Saturday afternoon.

After a bike ride and some leaf raking, We settled into an afternoon of leisure.  Mistress took a nap, and I joined her after suffering through a dismal college football game.

When she woke it was time for her to remind me who is in charge.

“Get out the strap-on slave…. It’s time.”

She slid into her gear. Made sure I had the lube on hand, but first there was some business to take care of.

“I can’t recall now why you deserve a spanking, but we might as well take care of that too.”

I remembered. But chose not to remind her. It might only get worse.

My bottom was appropriately tenderized with her long wooden shoe horn. Stingy blows rained down on me, making me squirm and whine into the pillow.

But I think we both felt better when it was done. And I know the spanking made my bottom particularly receptive to her faux cock as she pumped into me.

Mistress comes in an altogether different way when she fucks me  from behind this way. Her body jerks hard against me as her clit frictions against my ass and the leather of her harness. It seems to take her by surprise as she gasps her pleasure then collapses onto me before pulling out.

She gives me a little pat on the butt. As if I had been a good boy for her. And I had. Then she slides out of her harness. She leaves it on the floor for me to clean and put away for it’s next deployment.

“Go insert your device now Slave…. Then get back here and fuck me.”

“Of course, Mistress.”

Last evening we went to some friends’ home for dinner. It was a nice evening, sitting out back on their deck, under a full moon and stars. Mistress was allowed to “indulge”, while I went easier as the designated driver.

AS always, Mistress looked delicious: those high boots, black tights, swishy dress.

On the drive home, I had the pleasure of sliding my hands up under the dress. Mistress was a tad tipsy, but seemed to enjoy the friction of my fingers sliding along those smooth tights to the apex of her thighs, her legs spread, undulating a bit in response.

“Remember, tomorrow is switch day, Mistress …. And we’re following the regime that M proposed for you last week: tickling, teasing, but no cumming.”

She looked at me, a bit surprised.

“Ohhh…. You wouldn’t would you, Slave?”

“After all those orgasms last Sunday, I think you could handle it.  But maybe we should ask M how long you should be expected to go without an O.”

“Good idea, Slave…. Let’s see what he has to say.”

So after we got home, and Mistress got a little pre-switch orgasm from my devoted tongue, I whipped off an email to our Western Correspondent, reading it to Mistress first:

M- I've told Mistress that she's going to endure what you suggested for last sunday....tickling , teasing but not cumming ,   But how long do you think I should make her wait? Sunday night?  Monday?  Tuesday?  

She thinks if I ask you now it might hasten the time she will have to suffer without  a cum.

(I did just lick her to a midnight O, so she shouldn't have too much to complain about....)


This morning, when I woke up and slid out of bed, I found M’s response:


since she intends to keep you chaste for three days..

I would recommend Monday morning...

 but with plenty of teasing in between... 

i think an hourly teasing, 

as much as possible, 

would be in order... 

feather on the clit...  

each hour sounds good to me...

maybe a home made chastity device in between.... 

3 pairs of bike shorts?  

with a sock tucked in between her legs...

 just to suck up the juice and keep her from stimulating herself ?"

  and strict observation... 

she can be a devious little slut, might slip away and cheat!

  AND I would pull down those shorts every hour or so and give her a good sound bare bottom spanking... 

will jiggle her clit,

  you will need to keep a very close watch on her at night...  

might try to go for the quick rub off in the bathroom... 

be very observant!!!

and/or bind her hands!!!

she is very smart will try to out fox U

good luck

the lazy ... but always entertained  WC 

M, thanks for your directive. I will do my best to fulfill the letter and spirit of your sentence for our beloved Mistress/Slave.

 I suspect this plan of action may drive Mistress to distraction today. MAbe she thought M would give her a reprieve. Not.

And I suspect contemplating this plan of action for Switch Day could distract a few of our readers too.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Question: How to Best Secure a Slave During a Business Trip?

Mistress and Slave left work a little early Friday.

The bright fall sunshine and warm air demanded an early start to the weekend with a brisk bike ride before the sun went down.

But there was still some time for worship.

Mistress stripped away her work cloths ( I did get this photo before that task was done. I figure those   pantyhose fetishists out there will enjoy this one. and don't you like those green undies?).

But as I was putting a pillow on the floor for my aging knees, her text message chime went off.

I handed her the I-phone.

“Is that your boyfriend, Mistress?”

“He’s really not a ‘boyfriend’, Slave….but yes it is…. He wants to know what I am up to….”

“Well tell him you are about to be worshipped, Mistress…”

“Better yet, a photo….”

She positioned the camera just so, showing me positioned to serve her, her clean shaven pussy lips smiling at the base of the shot.

She sent it off to him as I dove into that welcoming valley, exploring with my tongue, suckling on her little bud.

I could barely hear the chime as he replied.

“He says, “VERY HOT”, Slave.

Yes, M, she is.

On our ride Mistress brought up her trip to Nashville next week – a two night business foray with some colleagues.

“The Western Correspondent is very curious about what I’m going to do with you Slave….”

“As in?”

“He thinks I should lock you in the cage while I’m gone.”

“That’s up to you, Mistress….”

“Of course, we will have to figure what to do with the key, in case there is an emergency.”

“Yes, I suppose there’s always a chance I might have to go to some building with a metal detector.”

“Maybe we can keep one key in a secret location in the house, and another that you cold collect at my office from my assistant if I give the OK.”

Somehow this was getting to me. Those little twitches were back, even as I pedaled up hill. Mistress knows how to drive her Slave to distraction.

“So why does M find this to be such a good idea, Mistress?”

“He likes the idea of me having phone sex with him on my trip, while you are locked away… waiting for me to return. Getting increasingly desperate…. He says it’s a very HOT idea.”

“And what do you think, Mistress.”

“You know how much I like you desperate for me Slave…. What Mistress wouldn’t.”

I was getting there.

“Will you be packing the Hitachi, Mistress.”

“Of course, Slave… you won’t have any use for it here.”

I was imagining Mistress at M’s “disposal” on her trip…. Retreating to her hotel room to strip and writhe for him on demand.


“Maybe we should ask your sub-sisters what they think, Slave…. Should I lock you up while I’m gone…. Not just when you are at work…. That’s a no-brainer … but for the whole time. Make you sleep in the cage?”

“I’ll float the question to them Mistress….”

Would it surprise you to learn that when we got home, stripped away the sweaty riding clothes, we found ourselves deferring our Friday evening picnic, and sliding between the sheets?