Friday, October 22, 2010


Because of an early breakfast meeting, Mistress and Slave did not have time for any morning sex on Thursday. 

And maybe because of my early morning perusal of my colleague’s blogs, Slave was a little on edge as I stroked the inside of Mistress’s black tighted thighs on the drive to work.

That little tingle of desire was coursing through my cock…

“I’m a little horny, Mistress …. It’s going to be a long day….”

“Ooh … poor slave…. Its good for you!”

She gave me a little patronizing pat below the belt, then went back to checking her emails on her I-phone.

“Maybe I’ll let you worship me after lunch…. How would that be Slave?

“Lovely, Mistress…..”

AS the morning progresses I reiterated my desire for her by text message.

“Horny, Mistress”

“Good. Maybe I will suck your cock.”

Hmmm… Twitch.

When Mistress strolled into my office around 1:30 pm, she was a delight to see, her perfume filling the room, her long legs and black boots no doubt drawing the attention of my male colleagues.

I efficiently pressed the chair against my door, and spread our little absorbent blanket on the seat for her.

Mistress sat, slid off a boot, and took one leg of her tights off to give me access. Her naked cunt already seemed  to be glistening for me.

With her legs spread and welcoming, I decided I had to capture the moment.

I picked up my cell phone.

“Let’s send a picture o our Western Correspondent, Mistress…. Show him what he is missing.”

Mistress was amused, and approved my little scheme, but only after vetting the shot. She does have a bit of vanity going on, and only wants to be shown in her best light.

After the photo was off to M, I fell to my knees and focused on probing, prodding and sucking through those moist and fragrant folds. And soon Mistress was convulsing against me, one leg slipping over my shoulder to drive me home.


But Mistress was not done with me. She reached for my belt as I obediently knelt before her, unhooked my pants, lowered my zipper, and reached in to grip my firm and needy cock.

“Hmmmm….. you do seem horny slave.”

“Ahhh… yeah.”

I was a little distracted by her fingers sliding up and  down my growing length.

“Would you like me to take me in my mouth and make you come, Slave….”

But that’s where I got a  ittle anxious. We’ve done it in my office after hours before, but not in the middle of the day.

All those folks outside my door wandering around, possibly knocking to ask a question, or give me some of their work product, needed to be considered.

“I hate to say it Mistress …. But probably not a good idea…”

She giggled, gave me a squeeze…. Then released my all the more frustrated cock.  I think she alredy knew what my answer would be.

“Oh dear…. Guess you’re just going to have to wait then Slave.”

Still in a state, I kissed Mistress good bye, walked her to the elevator, and wiped the remnants of her lipstick off my face.

Later, my text message went off. It was M, commiserating.

“Poor Slave…. I hear you passed up your big opportunity.”

News traveled fast.

But at least I knew my prospects would be good when I got home.

And as it turned out, they definitely were.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Love Our Lurkers Day at UCTMW

We are jumping on the bandwagon here at the Collins' household, asking those of you who read but don't come out of the shadows and join the conversation to say hello.

ur stats show that we often usually get about 600 page views a day, and that about 65 of our daily visitors are making a return trip to UCTMW. With 81 "followers" we know that some of you are following our adventures regularly.

What we've found is that there is a community to be found and enjoyed that start with pithy comments and lead ... who knows where.

Just ask our Western Correspondent, who pops up in the strangest places....

And to satisfy Sin's request, here is a bonus: a photo of the infamous cock cage.

The ring goes on first, with much smushing and probing to get the balls and cock through. Then the cage slides on, with the little lock securing all nice and tightly.

Mistress can then rest assured that her Slave can't get into trouble.

and yes, you want to avoid metal detectors with this little sucker.

Looking forward to hearing from you all.

HNT / Focus

Mistress has an early curtain call this morning, dear readers … so just time for a (blog) quickie.

So after stoking Mistress’s flame a bit yesterday with lips and tongue as she read the blog… but denying her an orgasm per our Western Correspondent’s direction, I got her bad news after I climbed from the shower.

“Bad news Slave.  M has to cancel on me this morning. Something about a glitch in his kids’ school schedule”.

By now I was on a work deadline of my own, with no time to come to her wanton rescue.

Poor Mistress.

We would both be heading to work, in separate cars, in a state of anticipation.

(That is if Mistress did not take advantage of her free time for some self-help with her Hitachi. One can only speculate.)

Plus, because of a lunch engagement where a security check would be in place, I could not be asked to wear my steel cage.

We did meet at the lunch. Mistress was one of the organizers. The guest of honor was a rather recognizable world religious and political figure. In the spirit of this blog’s tradition of preserving the anonymity of our characters, let’s just call him “Quatorce”.

AS a Buddhist, he’s clearly big on meditation, and talked about the importance of “focus”: picking one thing to meditate on each morning to clear and focus the brain.

Impressive dude. Plus he had a color coordinated visor to go with those saffron robes.

When we finally converged again at home, Mistress seemed to appreciate the worship she was offered before our bike ride. And we adjourned to our chambers for good once the teens were fed.

I was instructed to insert my little white probe.

“I need a very hard one tonight, Slave.”

“Of course, Mistress.”

It does do wonders. Not that I needed much help. It had been almost 24 hours.

And as we settled in for a long siege, Mistress mentioned something M had shared earlier in the day, when they talked on her drive home.

“M mentioned that you are a real specialist when it comes to oral sex, Slave… he thinks it’s amazing how much time you spend down there….”

“Well, like Quatorce said today, Mistress …. It’s all about focus. I could do it for hours, couldn’t I….”

“Ummmm…. Yes, Slave.”

I was helping her slide out of those transparent panties on display above, ready to dive in.

“Doesn’t M like to do that?”

“Well I get the impression he does it some, but it’s not his specialty … like it is yours, Slave.”

“What is his specialty …. Driving the special occasion cock into whatever orifice might be available at the moment, with great force?”

“Yeah …. I suppose that’s it, Slave.”

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mistress Preps for her Date with our Western Correspondent

One thing I forgot to mention in our blog earlier this week – about our switch day and Mistress’s multiplicity of orgasms – was the feedback she got from M, our Western Correspondent.

“He says it really turned him on, Slave…. The thought if me being ‘forced’ to have all those orgasms…. You using the Hitachi on me….That’s one reason why he was masturbating yesterday … despite all that epic sex he had with B.”

Of course, that puts a smile on Slave’s face. I do write the blog primarily to amuse Mistress. To show my love for her. But there is a charge that comes from knowing that some of you readers get a little sexual jolt of your own when you pop open UCTMW out there.

I imagine that there are guys like M who can’t help touching themselves as they ponder our adventures, or gaze at Mistress’s lovely body chunks arranged for your amusement.

(Mistress also told me an interesting tid-bit about what made M get in touch via comments and then emails back in December of 2009, almost a year ago.

“He said it was that photo of me bent over the picnic table, Slave …. He knew we were probably somewhere in his neck of the woods…. It got him curious….”

Here is the link, and the photo. That was an interesting day in the annals of Molly and Mick.
I’ll bet it got M more than curious.)

And I like to imagine some of our female readers squirming a bit over their coffees in the morning, or maybe tucked into bed at night, sliding a finger or two (or maybe an Hitachi?), under the sheets as they put themselves in Mistress’s boots as she toys with her Slave or suffers through the torment of yet another switch day.

And then there maybe some couples – not unlike us – who read about our activities and use them as inspiration for a little fun of their own.

We’ve been there and done that.

Example: Last evening, before our bedtime activities, I suggested that Mistress read Aisha’s little fantasy from her morning post, which seemed to prime the pump nicely.

So it’s nice to think we are passing the smutty favor forward to the rest of you.

Mistress was a little down yesterday morning though. After our morning activities, she scrolled through her calendar, and noticed an entry.

“Damn…. I forgot about that meeting Thursday morning. There goes my date with M….”

“That sucks, Mistress…. Maybe he can reschedule…. You know I don’t mind if you take an hour some evening….”

“That’s usually bad for him, Slave….”

But by our drive home, Mistress was feeling better.

“I’m staying home in the morning Slave…. I’ve rescheduled with M….and he has some rules ….”

“Yes, Mistress….”

“We can fuck tonight, but no orgasms for me in the morning….”

“No problem Mistress…. Are you sure it’s OK for tonight…. We wouldn’t want to have you anything but very desperate for him…. Why don’t you ask?”

“Let’s not tempt him, Slave…”

So Mistress did allow me to worship her when I got home. AS I knelt before those widely spread thighs she shared a bit of M’s day with me.

“It sounds like he and B had epic sex again this morning Slave…. She got all dommy with him… lots of spanking….”

“Wow. That’s not happened in a while…. I wonder if his ass is still sore….”

And later, after Mistress came, hips jerking against my face… she tapped away on her I-phone to ask our question.

It didn’t take long for her to get a response.

“He says it went away. He’s got a pretty tough ass…. But now that he’s on his bike…it’s a little tender.”

Later last night, as we got one more orgasm for her under the wire before her embargo kicked in, I asked Mistress what she thought about her Master getting spanked by his wife.

“I don’t know Slave…. It must really be a turn on for him. And her.”

“Maybe they can both spank you some day, Mistress. Would you like that?”

Mistress seemed confused, befuddled, excited by the thought. Her response was garbled as she came for me, moaning as I pumped into her, a finger stroking her clit to amplify the effect.

So many options.

Such a variety of stimuli.

What’s a Mistress to do?

But now I have a problem. I’ve gotten up. Stoked your imaginations. Read some of your smutty entries of the day: ‘Nilla. Aisha. Yikes.

“No touching, Mick.”

And Mistress is off limits.

It could be a long day.