Friday, October 15, 2010

Taking One for the Team

Mistress stopped by my office for some worship yesterday after her lunch hour. She had her new, over the knee boots on, with those  sexy black tights underneath.


Since we were in a bit of a hurry – I had a conference call approaching in about 10 minutes – we were very efficient.

She had me pull off one boot, then she pulled down one leg’s worth of those delicious tights, giving me all the space I needed to lavish her with my tongue. Soon she was bucking against me, one naked leg and one booted leg draped over my shoulders, pulling my face to her until she had her fill.

Afterwards, I took this photo of her on her “throne”, so you can see the boots. I think they will be well received at the play party, don’t you?

And then I emailed a copy of the photo off to our Western Correspondent, just to give him a preview, and let him know that his little cyber slave had been taken care off here in River City, at least for the time being.

Cruel of me?  Or simply keeping M up to date? You be the judge.

Later, at home, we jumped on our bikes to catch the last of the Indian summer sunlight. As we rode,  Mistress shared some of her conversation with our Western Correspondent that afternoon.

“He’s very curious about the munch and play party, Slave.  I think he’s a little jealous…”

“Well of course, Mistress .  I am sure he’d love to join in … maybe tie you to some piece of furniture and toy with you for all to see…..”

“And he’s been thinking about what I should wear…. He thinks leather would be good….”

I can see this could involve a shopping trip.

Later, as I was preparing some green beans and trout for dinner, Mistress was sitting at the kitchen counter, laptop in front of her and her little I-phone there too. The repeated chimes told me that M was chatting back and forth with her via text.

I raised an eyebrow. Curious, but not nosey is the way I like to play it under those circumstances.

“He says you must be very good with that tongue of yours’ slave.”

“I do enjoy using it to please you, Mistress….”

It’s true. It’s both a pleasure for me,  and an acquired skill that can always be honed with practice and imagination. I do think that despite my advanced age, and maybe because of the patience that comes with it, I have gotten better at reducing Mistress to a puddle of vibrating female flesh using my lips and tongue.

Of course, my skills may not be able to replicate the intensity and efficiency of the trusty Hitachi, but at least I am more reliable away from a power source.

“M is wondering if we should try to get all four of us together – you, me, M and B [M’s mysterious wife]. He says she could Dom you, make you feed on her pussy for hours, while M and I …. Well….you know.”

“You can tell M that I am happy to take one for the team, Mistress….”

As I think I have mentioned here before, M is a little trigger shy when it comes to getting together with Mistress in the flesh.  While he has had invitations and opportunities, and while Mistress has a blanket free pass from me, her loving husband and slave, he has…. Concerns.

Spontaneous human combustion?

Falling irreparably under Mistress’s compelling spell?

Paranoia that B will use M’s adventure as license to engage in some adventures of her own?

There is that old goose and gander rule.

Sounds like all of those issues are bubbling up on M’s head. Maybe that explains the writer’s block.

In any event. If Slave has to throw himself at the feet of the voracious B and deploy my acquired oral skills as a tactical diversion, I am prepared to give it my best.

Of course, Mistress would also have to decide if she is willing to share my tongue in order to comsummate her burning passion for M’s special occasion cock.

It is a quandary.

Under these circumstances, it is so much better to be the one who simply takes the orders.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

HNT / Command Performance

Mistress asked “what are you doing, Slave”, as I took this picture of her perky nipple peeking out from beneath her lacy nighttime confection.

It was Sunday morning. She was staked out on our bed, spread eagle style, waiting for the feather.

“Just stocking up on some photos for your many fans, Mistress.”

I hope you readers in Abu Dabi, Germany, France, England, New Zealand like these little glimpses of My Mistress’s physical charms.

I knew I was due some form of punishment for several unfortunate and impertinent comments I made Monday evening. Mistress is really pretty easy on me, but what’s the point in having a Slave who gives you “back sass”, as my grandmother used to put it.

There have to be consequences.

I had a hint of what they might be by Tuesday evening.

“Slave… tomorrow wake me around 6:45…. You can lick me when I read the blog. But no sex for you. We’ll be going on a morning bike ride instead.

“Of course, Mistress.”

So Mistress was worshiped. Then we were off in the pre-dawn glow. It was great for my body and my head to get the heart pumping so early, and watch the sun come up and light those glorious fall leaves.

So the denial of my normal morning sexual release was hardly frustrating.

Yesterday, Mistress dressed the part for fall. Black mid-thigh dress, black tights, And these new over the knee black boots that was an addition to her fall/winter wardrobe.


I must share some pictures of those soon.

I knew she would be getting some jaw dropping looks as she strode about downtown.

And, on the commute to work, as I let my fingers slide across the soft fabric containing her recently exercised thighs, I already was regretting not getting that morning release.

We attended a political event that evening after work, and we enjoyed each other's company as we chatted up the crowd. I appreciated the looks that Mistress and her shiny high boots were getting, There may have been a few potential applicants for Slave2 on hand.

By the time we got home, I was hoping that my sentence would be commuted. And it seemed that way as we spread ourselves across the bed and talked for a while with Aisha.

It’s always a surprise to hear the voice of someone you’ve come to know through the written word. Her voice is a bit deeper than you might think, with a knowing and open laugh. And she comes with a soft, regional twang that came, for no good reason, as a bit of a surprise. She could be cast in the kink remake of “Gone With the Wind”, topping Rhett from below. Tara will come with a dungeon this time.

We can’t wait to meet her and Sir D as they guide us through what is sure to me an “interesting” experience.

It’s nice to have even more fodder for our kinky fantasies, and inspiration for our own experiments.

As we talked, Mistress was pointed north on the bed, and me south, with our speaker phone in the middle. It gave me the chance to suck on her toes, her tights already peeled off, and, from time to time, slide my fingers up her legs to tease at those soft, damp folds.

Mistress’s sweet, musky aroma was part of the conversation, at least to me. And it was telling me “soon, Slave, soon.”

As a consequence, I probably terminated our chat a little prematurely.

“Well, Aisha, this was fun. But we have some things to take care of here…..Let’s talk again soon.”

I’m not sure she understood what I had in mind, but I do apologize if it seemed abrupt.

But as I tucked the phone a way. Mistress gave me the bad news.

“Slave, I think I’m a little tired tonight. You will have to wait until morning.”


A stealth abstinence day.

“That’s only fair Mistress…. After how I handled things the other night.”

“Yes…. It is Slave.”

But there is a “happy ending”. Or was.

Around 3:35 am, I was woken by a little whisper from Mistress.

A woke to realize that my arm was draped between her legs. I could feel those subtle undulations already, her hips discretely moving against me.

“You are now allowed to fuck me slave….”

Well I was a little groggy, true. But I shook myself out of that middle of the night lethargy,

I was not going to make that mistake again.

“Thank you, Mistress….”

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Out of the Tunnel

I didn’t mention it yesterday – probably because I was not sure exactly how it would turn out.  But Tuesday night Mistress and Slave hit one of those little emotional bumps in the road. Unsurprisingly, it revolved around that other person Mick mistakenly got involved with some time ago (check out our first blog “Election night”, last 11/14 for more details).

It’s a painful  subject that sometimes rears it’s ugly head. Thankfully, not too frequently in recent months. No need to go into the details here. But it continues to be a challenge for Mistress.


In any event, there were tears, harsh words, and in the end, as we cuddled in bed, Slave was very wrung out. It was one of those nights (rare) when there was no sex in the Collins bed.

And that was an issue too.  Mistress would have preferred some tender, passionate make-up sex to put us back on track. Slave was emotionally exhausted. I really don’t think I could have made it happen, even if I had tried, which could have made Mistress feel even worse.

So we tossed and turned a bit. Mistress took her laptop outside for a while. Hopefully she  vented a bit to our Western Correspondent via email.  He is a good and supportive resource for her at moments like this.

Mistress did rally a bit before we drifted off.

“Tomorrow you’re wearing the cage, Slave.”

“Of course, Mistress.”

It was a sign of light at the end of our dark evening in the tunnel.

By morning, the angst had passed for me. I was up, as you loyal readers know, typing away.  And when I went upstairs to present Mistress with my morning assignment, she seemed pleased to see me too.

We’ve learned – from experience -  that in times of darkness, the only course is to move forward. Together.

“I have the ring on already, Mistress.”

She reached down, fondled my cock and balls, felt for the hard steel ring that captured my balls and cock as a foundation for my cage.


“Ummm…. Good Slave.  Although I’m not sure I’m going to let you come this morning after you turned me down last night.”

And of course, that just made me harder.

As she read, I used my lips and tongue to please her.

Then, laptop pushed aside, she deployed her well manicured finger tips to drive me crazy.

“Are you sure you wouldn’t like me to fuck you, Mistress?”

“I just might, Slave…. But I’ll decide whether you get to come… don’t get ahead of yourself.”

She slid on top of me.

“I do like what that ring does to your cock Slave …. So hard.”

No fooling. The harder I get, the tighter it squeezes, capturing all that blood in the “work-a-day” cock  she was riding so enthusiastically  for her own pleasure.

And her fingernails, reaching back, taunting my balls….it all conjures up a cunning mixture of intense pleasure spiced with  a certain degree of pain as the ring’s grip inexorably tightens.

I’m squeezing her nipples.  She’s riding me more furiously.

Somehow, during all this the subject of that upcoming play party with Aisha and Sir D comes up.

“I should make you wear the cage, Slave…. But what else?”

“Up to you, Mistress.”

“A leash?”

“Maybe, or some handcuffs…. We need to talk to Aisha about the protocols….”

“I suppose….”

“But what if you catch the eye of some enticing Dom, Mistress … you might end up on the end of his leash….”

That interesting juxtaposition seemed to appeal to Mistress. She came with a shudder and moan that shook the bed, collapsing onto me.

I was concerned that this might be the abrupt ending for our morning’s encounter.

But Mistress was merciful.

“That was nice Slave”, she murmured into my ear, chest still heaving as she caught her breath. 

“I’m going to roll over now, and let you fuck me. Just remember to ask permission before you come”


For those of you keeping track of such things, she snapped the lock on my cage before I headed to work.  Mistress was headed to our flat state capitol with one of her minions. So we were out of touch most of the day.

I was allowed to worship her when we both found our ways back home at around 6 pm.

“I suppose I could unlock the cage now, Slave …. But since you are going to that meeting, maybe I will just leave you safe and secure until you get home.”

I went to the meeting, safe and secure for her.

The cage didn’t come off until about 9 pm last night.

Another “Ahhh”  moment.

And yes, moving forward, the darkness of the tunnel in the rear view mirror for now, there was sex in the Collins bed last night.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Making Plans

First off – today’s illustration. I was on deadline yesterday morning, and did not have the time to download a photo of Mistress with her new friend: the black turkey feather. Thanks to ‘Nilla and our Western Correspondent for their inspiration.

I plan to make sure that high priced (29 cent) feather gets put to good use.

One thing I haven’t mentioned, so far, are some plans that Molly and Mick are making: a few weekends hence we will be traveling down river to meet up with Aisha and her Sir D for one of those munch / play party extravaganza’s she has been writing about to great erotic effect these last few weeks.

Of course, the thought of blog world colliding with reality brings a certain sense of excitement, mingled with danger. But, all in all, Aisha and her friends don’t seem too dangerous.

Molly and Mick are semi-notorious in our Vanilla identities here in River City, so we have steered clear of any “community” activities hereabouts, though there seem to be plenty. We have jobs, kids, families, reputations to guard.

But the thought of quietly slinking into another community, where we can be good old Mick and Molly, has mucho allure.

When Aisha gave us the upcoming date over the weekend, Mistress was quick to remind me of a wedding (the third) for a female friend on our social calendar that same eveing. But then she quickly blew it off:

“We can always go to the next one, Slave…. Meeting Aisha and her friends sounds like so much more fun.”

So we were quickly on the computer, looking for chambers in one of the charming B & B’s down Aisha’s way. Alas. There is some big event there that weekend. So we made a reservation at a more generic spot, not far from the evening’s venues.

Yesterday, after some end of the day worship, we went on a sunset bike ride. The leaves here in River City are in their full vivid fall colors now, and the low sun lit them up with a brilliant flare. Beautiful.

As we coasted down the backside of the long hill we had climbed, Mistress mentioned that she had talked earlier in the day with M about our upcoming plans. Sounds like he was a little envious.

“ I told him we couldn’t find a romantic B & B Slave…. We had to settle for the vanilla variety. But he said that’s probably a good thing …. “

“Why’s that Mistress?”

“ He said it’s hard to have raucous sex in a romantic B & B…. once he and B had some scene going at some rustic Inn in Nova Scotia … he spanked her and apparently made lots of noise doing it…. The next day the folks at breakfast gave him some pretty nasty looks….”

“Hmmmm …. Hadn’t thought if that…. But then I bet you and I are a bit quieter than the Western Correspondent might be.”

They also talked about how a couple presents themselves at one of these kinky soirées.

“M wondered whether we’d go as Mistress and Slave?”

“What are you thinking, Mistress?”

“I don’t know … maybe we just go as “normal””.

“Wouldn’t that be a little rude? They might think we were just gawkers… rather than part of their crowd. It would sort of be like us showing up as Mistress and Slave at that wedding when everyone else came as straight … except for the bridesmaids in drag, of course….”

Yeah. It was going to be that type of wedding.

It was clear Mistress was now running through her wardrobe options. There is no advice column on what to wear to your first “Play Party” is there?

“I don’t think I’m going to wear one of those rope dresses, Slave”

“You don’t wear that Mistress …. You take your cloths off and someone ties it on you….”

She obviously had not been reading Aisha’s blog with sufficient attention to the prurient detail.

This could all get very complicated.

“So how do you think we go should, Slave?”

“Let’s check with Aisha …. But I am assuming I go as your Slave…. Unless you want it to be Switch Day 12 hours earlier than normal?”

Yes. That could be fun.

Mistress said she needed to think about that.