Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Slave's Day in His Cage

All of that contract review and self-evaluating seems to have reminded Mistress of the benefits of my steel cage.

Yesterday we were headed in different directions, so Mistress (without any prompting from me) told me to wear the cage.

I was in the shower, wiggling and prodding reluctant balls through the steel ring, as Mistress lolled in bed a but – not on the early morning schedule for a rare change – and she mistook all that wriggling and fumbling for something else.

“What were you doing in there, Slave?, she said as I was toweling off.

“Putting the ring on, Mistress ….it was touch and go for a minute there. What did you thing ….that I was breaking rule number one?”

She giggled. She seems to enjoy the mild discomfort that I must endure just to get the damned thing on.

And I always get a little shiver of some dreadful form of pleasure when I present the cage to Mistress for her to close the lock. After all, It’s always a bit of a mystery when the cage might come off.

Soon I was off to a breakfast meeting, and a day at the office, shuffling papers, writing and revising. Kind of dull stuff.

But the cage, and Mistress’s occasional calls or tet messages were occasional reminders that I was under lock and key. That and the fact that when caged, Slave can only pee while sitting down.

My midday, I was beginning to regret that I had not woken Mistress early enough for some morning sex.

We had planned to attend a local political event after work, but Mistress’s day trip had run a bit longer than she had hoped, and the drive had worn her out. So it was decided I would attend solo, make a cameo appearance and head home.

“But the cage stays on Slave. Not sure I can trust you out with all those activist types.”

Well, of course she could. But there was no point in quibbling. That would have been very un-slave like.

“Would you like me to worship first, Mistress?”

“I think that’s a good idea, Slave.”

So there I was kneeling, stripped to my udnerwar, the hard lump of the cage visible to Mistress, as she lay back, luxuriating in the ministrations of my tongue. I licked and suckled her damp and tasty parts through one orgasm, holding on for dear life as her hips bucked against my face.

Then I took it down a notch, letting her cool down before heating things back up again for yet another choice one. By the time I was done, I hoped Mistress had relaxed a bit from her long drive.

Of course, even a well trained cock would be straining against its cage by then, stimulated as I was by the assault of taste, aroma and visual stimulation from Mistress’s lush naked body.

And mine sure was.

But duty called. I threw on some jeans and a polo and headed off to the political cook out I had promised to attend, still in the cage.

“I won’t be long, Mistress.”

“I suspect you won’t Slave, as she brandished her little key.”

Well I wasn’t to long. 90 minutes at max.

When I got home, Mistress was doing her evening beautification rituals, loading up on moisturizer. She had on one of her short, satiny black nighties, that showed off her curves so well, while barely covering her firm rump.

“About time, Slave.”

I filled her in on the chast of characters she had missed, and the evening’s gossip. She took her time prepping for bed.

“Why don’t you strip Slave and wait for me on the bed.”

It seems like I waited along time. I am sure Mistress was amused to see me laying there, naked, ready for her but for the little matter of cage removal.

“I suppose I should take it off now?”

“That’s one option, Mistress. I guess it depends on whether you want a hard cock tonight, or just more worship.”

“How long has it been, Slave? How long since we fucked?”

“Since Sunday morning, Mistress”

A long time for us. 32 whole hours. Not like the Slave in ‘Nilla mom’s continuation of her “Mountain Top “Story this morning. Not sure I could handle three days. But there is only one way to find out.

“Oh, my. Guess we don’t want to push your luck any longer.”

Mercifully, Mistress unlocked me, and she lay back on the bed, spreading her legs. Ready for some more worship. I was left to the task of wiggling the damned thing off and around my swollen and chafed balls.


It was only after I had helped her to another orgasm with my ever so grateful tongue, that she turned her attention to my cock, which had stretched out a bit since the cage was removed.

“Oh, dear, I think he likes his freedom, Slave.”

No doubt.

But that’s when the sweet but maddening torment began.

Her soft tongue and mouth slowly massaged her cock to its full, straining dimensions. Her fingers ever so slightly touching and teasing my balls until I was squirming and moaning and begging to fuck her.

When she finally relented, it was to mount me.

“I want to ride this cock for a while, Slave. So no coming…..”


She rode. And she rode. Driving herself to one powerful, thrashing and groaning orgasms against her cock, then doing it all over again as her fingers slid across my balls.

All the while I knew I dare not ask for permission.

Until she was exhausted from her ride, and rolled over.

“Your turn, Slave.”

So I slid on board, sliding deep into her. And soon I was begging for the release I had been waiting for since she locked me away early yesterday morning.

Afterwards, Mistress made a cany observation.

“Maybe I let you come too often, Slave. I like how desperate you get for me.”

“That’s your call, Mistress.”

“Of course it is.”

Monday, July 19, 2010

Mistress Gets Her Birthday Spanks.

Here in River City, Molly and mick  are coming down  from a weekend of birthday / anniversary celebrations.

Last night we had dinner with family and some close friends, and Moick made dinner of Mistress’s choice: smoked salmon and some mushroom risotto. Yum.

The surly teens were stunningly polite and engaging. Though they passed on the opportunity to sample some “sketchy” home distilled after dinner beverage Surly #2 brought back from her visit with a family in the French Alps.

But what is a birthday without the spanks?

Mistress got hers yesterday morning,  after we paged through the local papers and she helped me piece together what actually did happen when we got home late on Saturday night.

First, her wrists were firmly tied  behind the back. I tried for the box tie, forearms parallel,  but Mistress’s swimmer’s shoulders did not want to co-operate. The goal was getting those arms clear of her lovely bottom, making it accessible for a good spanking without fingers and wrists  impeding my progress.

Someday we will get there, but I need some softer rope so as not to irritate Mistress’s soft, smooth, well preserved skin.

Any ideas on a good rope vendor out there?

AS you can see from the photo, wefinally  did get the wrists tied.

I then helped  Mistress up and out of the bed. A chair was positioned, I sat, and then she was pulled over my knee.

But her position must have seemed precarious to her.

“What if I fall Slave”, she said, wiggling a bit to find her balance.

“Don’t worry Mistress, I have you right where I want you. And I won’t let go until I am done.”

She squirmed a bit as I slid my hand over her smooth cheeks. A finger dipped down between led to an amusing discovery.

“Hmmm…..you’re already wet, Mistress.  You are  just a little slut at heart, aren’t you?”

“I suppose so, Slave….”

Then the spanking began.

The kids were about. One sleeping; one up early, still on Euro time, it seemed. So Mistress knew she would have to “stifle”. I had some music on to temper the sound of the thwacks as my hand met flesh.

But I was keeping count.  And Mistress was squirming, and I could hear that the blows were having their effect from the sharp inhales of breath when I landed a ‘good’ one.

“That was ten, Mistress….”

I took a break, for a little exploration, a finger sliding inside her squishy folds. Making her squirm in a different sort of way. Bringing her close, but we were not going to go there. Not yet.

The spanking resumed. I took her in sets of ten until we had caught up. Then a particularly hard one for “luck”.

By then her cheeks were a nice bright red.

She seemed relieved that her “ordeal” was over.

Her feet were a tad unsteady as I helped her up, then down onto the floor, a pillow under her to help raise that lovely bottom.

And I lay over her a bit, nibbling at her neck, and letting my thickening cock slide between those battered cheeks. Now she was doing a different sort of squirming.

I had plugged the Hitachi in nearby to help her get over the pain of all those spanks.

And so I pulled away my own flesh and switched on the power tool, sliding it between the thighs that seemed happy to accommodate it.

Soon she was  humping away at the little churning ball at the tip of the device, her bottom still red, its muscles flexing and relaxing as she built herself slowly but surely to a powerful cum as I nestled up against her, my right hand pressing the device home, my left hand stroking her long fragrant hair.

And when she was done, face red, quaking with the aftershocks, I let her rest there on the floor, before leading her to our bed to finish the job of celebrating her birthday.

It’s a shame they come but once a year.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Mistress and Slave Celebrate a Three-fer Three Different Ways

Yesterday was a three way celebration for Molly and mick (no, that type of three way, not that we wouldn’t be happy to!)

It was Molly’s birthday, our anniversary, and the day when Slave’s contract rolled over for a full year of subjugation at the hand’s of my Mistress.

And, appropriately enough, it evolved into one of those days when there were three separate sexual escapades to mark the occasions.

The first came early in the morning. Mistress’s sister got a little too earnest in sending a “Happy birthday” text at 6:30 am – waking her from her slumber. It cut into my blogging time, when Mistress called me up to attend to her needs.

So the warm up act was ‘Nilla’s enticing blog continuing her nicely developing fantasy about the adventures of a certain couple at a certain Western Correspondent’s Mountain hideaway.

That was followed by Mistress practicing her oral skills on her “morning penis”. Soon she had me moaning and begging, and begging and moaning before directing me to park my cock to her advantage.

Our plans called for us to head in different directions then: me to collect cute grandson and take him to the market and our swim club; Mistress to hair and nail care errands, then a celebratory lunch with the teens and her mother.

I have been mindful of my contractual obligations, as a result of my recent self evaluation (See Friday’s blog), so I did what was required, without the expectation of an affirmative response:

“Would you like me to wear my cage today, Mistress?”

“Yes, Slave. I think I would.”


“Ahhhh….OK, Mistress.”

She was taking no chances that I might exercise my revocation powers on the one day a year when they arise. I was going to be on a short leash.

I found my cage, slid it over my shriveled cock, still a bit pungent from its earlier use, and gave Mistress her opportunity to snap the lock closed.

“And b the way, Slave. ….”, She was cupping my balls as she spoke to me, eyes focused on mine….

“When we get home this afternoon, I’m going to fuck you in the ass.”

Double Argh.

“I will be ready for that Mistress.”

So while the world saw the loving grandpa at our pool, the one where Molly and Mistress were reprimanded for PDA-ing on Father’s Day, underneath, my cock was locked away in my stainless steel cage for Mistress’s later disposition.

Not that any of those dumpy, tedious suburban Mom’s would catch my eye.

Later, when the cute grandson was brought home for his nap time, and the surly teens were off at a movie, Mistress told me to fetch her “supplies”.

That meant strap-on, dildo, and lube.

“Of course, Mistress.”

But she found the riding crop herself. Oops.

“Lay down, Slave, bottom up.”

Mistress looked quite dominant with her strap on neatly cinched on, riding crop ready, wrist twitching it back and forth.

“This is for that un-pleasant conversation we had this week, Slave.”

I knew what she was referring to…. A conversation when she questioned me, and I reacted with an attitude, rather than answered her straight up. She was right to correct me for my insensitivity and failure to know my place.

She gave me 1—15 good stinging ones, laughing as my ass bounced off of the bed.

“Ouch ….that hurts, Mistress.”

“Oh….it won’t hurt for long, Slave.”

It’s actually harder to handle the pain when I am NOT tied down, requiring more mental discipline to passively take my medicine.

“And a few more for you-know-who.”

Ah yes, Someone who was NOT among the many friends and family members sending birthday greeting by text, call, email or facebook posting. I had told Mistress that she had every right to punish me for that person’s transgression too.

“That’s what I am here for, Mistress”, I had told her earlier in the day. Now I was questioning my own judgment. Maybe it wasa bit more foolhardy than magnanimous.

Thwack, Thwack.

Ouch. Ouch.

That sucker stung.

But then she was done. She directed me to roll over, and used the crop to prod my cock to life. Underneath, my bottom was still stinging, but the pain quickly subsided into a tingly glow.

“Get it hard for me Slave…”

I used my fingers to follow her command. She seems to enjoy watching how that is done. And I watched her watch me, though my eyes could not help but linger on the plastic cock bobbing between her legs, ready to take me.

When she was satisfied, she had me roll back over, a pillow under my hips, to give her a nice comfortable angle for her assault.

And her aim was true, the first shot out of the box. Mistress is quite skilled at this way of asserting her control over me.

And it is pretty remarkable how the process effects her too: that delicious shudder and jerk as she comes while thrusting into me makes me tingle even now, here at the keyboard.

When she had her fill, and concluded that I had been placed in the properly slavish frame of mine, she rose up, doffed the harness, and instructed me to insert my white probe, as a continuing reminder that my ass, like my cock, was hers.

And of course it is.

And when I was finally given permission to come inside her, it was with the type of moaning and groaning gusto suitable for an outburst that seemed to come in waves from deep inside me.

At that point, I would have signed a ten year extension. No Lebron style free agency for me. I like being treated as her chattel.

It was nap time then, before heading out to a dinner celebration of Mistress and slave’s big day. And after a lovely feast accompanied by some elegant bubbly, we walked to this lovely, timeless bar with a view from atop River City: One of our favority watering holes.

There we joined the blue haired ladies and bow-tied men on the dance floor as the aging singer covered “Night and Day” to a
latin-on- geritol beat. It’s a Madmen-ish place where folks of our generations can really feel “forever young”, if only by comparison.

And the short, revealing black dress that Mistress was wearing probably sent a few of the gents into their jacket pockets, in search of an extra dose of their blood pressure medicine.

Sitting there, sipping our Ameretto and Jamieson (no not mixed, please), we flashed back over our adventures of the last nine months.

And somehow the notion of a “Mistress sandwich” came up.

“You’d really do that Slave?”

“If you wished, Mistress ….of course, I’m not touching cock….and would not want him, whoever he might be, to touch mine….”

“I agree, Slave….”

“And would you like that Mistress …. Two men, devoted to your pleasure? Maybe my mouth between your legs as he used your mouth? The potential combinations are endless.

‘What woman wouldn’t Slave….”

I reviewed my theory that it’s only natural that a woman would need more than one man to fully please her..

“ I mean …. We men all have limits on how frequently we can do it, Mistress. But you…..you could come all day long, Mistress. It’s just natural that you would want, even need, more than one of us.”

Somehow this brought to mind the tales of those grizzled western adventurers, who needed an extra horse in reserve for those long treks over the mountains and down to the coast.

Mistress, in her way, is always up for adventure too.

Of course all this talk can lead to other consequences.

It was late. We were tired and a little tipsy. But on the ride home, my hand seemed to settle on Mistress’s tight black panties. With some frustration.

“Why don’t you slide them down, Mistress…..I can’t really touch you this way.”

She was accommodating.

So there we were, heading up the highway, Mistress ankles crossed on the dash, her panties tangled at her knees, my fingers kneading her damp, squishy flesh, the aroma of her crowding out the cool processed air of our little steel and glass capsule.

“I want the Hitachi again tonight, Slave”, she murmured to me her head back, eyes closed, cunt squirming against my damp devious digits.

And that’s how we found ourselves back in bed, after midnight, Mistress coming and coming, then sobbing in release as the power tool had its way with her.

I love those big ones.

And I did fuck her a quite a while afterwards, but somehow we seemed to fall asleep before it was time for me to beg for permission. Maybe this morning we can piece those events together if we compare notes.

But there are really more important things to do. After all, it’s Switch day for me. And Mistress has not had her birthday spanks yet.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


First off, those of you who follow the adventures of  Molly and mick need to check out Vanilla Mom’s blog this morning, a little birthday gift for Mistress.

It continues the adventures of a vaguely familiar threesome at a remote mountain cabin. Very compelling for those of us who have been following their travels.

Now for an update from our somewhat tamer adventures in River City …..

Our surly teen number 2 came home Thursday evening from her month on the continent. The poor dear has the life of a refugee from an F. Scott Fitzgerald novel, updated for text messaging and facebooking. But it was good to see her safe and sound.

But her return to the nest means that  Mistress and her Slave are back to a more furtive life style, hunkered down in our bedroom for unseemly periods of time, rather than wandering naked through the kitchen, or hanging from rafters in our rambling home here in River City.

But that’s not to say that we have pulled our horns in.

Yesterday gave me ample opportunities to savor and satisfy my addiction to Mistress’s natural juices – something ‘Nilla references in her posting this morning.

We left work a little early, determined to take a pre-dinner bike ride despite the  oppressive river valley heat and humidity.

Mistress had stripped off her work cloths, and was lounging on our bed, naked, handling some final emails of her work day. But first things first….

“Would you like me to worship, Mistress?”

“Yes, Slave.  I was wondering if you would ask.”

I was already in some riding shorts, and tossed a pillow on the floor to accommodate my knarly knees.

Mistress spread her legs, and lay back, arms over her head, in sort of a kinky yoga pose, eyes screwed shut, ready to accept my tongue’s homage.

Yum.   Without  her patch of fur, Mistress serves up her pure erotic essence for me. It’s maddeningly addictive, feeding so many of my senses.

Can’t get enough.

Mistress was not in a hurry. As I applied my tongue and lips to their task, she let herself  build to a slow but steady boil. And, as the pot bubbled over, I felt her thighs squeeze my head for all it was worth as she thrashed about, losing that Zen like composure with which she had begun this exercise.

“Nice, Slave.  Very nice.”

“Always proud to be of service, Mistress”.

And to satisfy my own addicted senses.

Of course, my baser needs would be deferred until later, after we took to the hills of our neighborhood, exposing our lungs to the hot and sordid air as we pumped up and down our neighborhood hills.

The deer we encountered along the way looked like she needed a gas mask.

When we returned, the shower called us both

Then Mistress called my damp but clean body to bed. Sex before our little picnic dinner was in order.

“I think I want to use the Hitachi on you, Mistress. It’s been a while….”

“Hmmm…. I guess you are right. There was that date I had with M on Tuesday evening, but that was just a quicky….”

This was not going to be a “quicky”.

After a bit of warm up smooching, I reached for the handy power tool, all ready and plugged in next to our bed, and Mistress laid back, legs spread wide.

(It seems that is a recurring motif in today’s entry, doesn’t it?)

Then I began our little dance.

“You’re all over with that thing , Slave….”

Was that a little mew of frustration?

“What’s the rush, Mistress?”

“Uhhh… no rush…it’s just that….”

I slid the device a little closer to the special place she likes. Suddenly the whining stopped. At least for a moment.

As I teased her with the device, Mistress’s body began to focus on how to maximize contact between churning white ball and little needy nub. She was bobbing, weaving, muscles flexing, then relaxing.  As we progressed, Mistress’s breathing became more ragged.

But soon the tool was taking its relentless toll, and Mistress’s body began to surrender to it’s demands  …  suddenly with a sob and a gasp, her head thrown back, Mistress was the one doing the churning, her legs hugging that little device for all that it was worth.

Wonder how the folks at Hitachi do their product safety testing to make sure the clever tool can handle this sort of abuse?

As the aftershocks began to subside, Mistress pushed the device away.

“Please, fuck me now, Slave”.

Ah, that voice.  Deep, Needy. A sound from her soul.

Her body was still shaking a bit, face red with some tears as I mounted her.

“That was a big one, Slave….” She murmured as I filled her.

That’s what a Slave likes to hear.