Sunday, May 30, 2010

Grace Slick Would Be Proud of Mistress

It’s midnight Saturday.

I am cuddled next to Mistress. 

My now softening cock pressed between Mistress’s smooth ass cheeks, two fingers toying with her right nipple, my palm nestling her breast. I am zoning out, coming down from a lengthy and explosive bout of lovemaking. The type where your cock says “keep going, dude” and the rest of your body says “Hey old guy, you’re almost 60, can’t this wait until morning. You did this twice already today.” 

Mistress is coming down too. Murmuring into the phone with our Western Correspondent. I recall one line:

“I’m not sure how much one cunt can take, M. Three intense encounters with Mick today, two over the phone with you. You guys really have me at your mercy.”

So let me back up 24 hours and give you the “pervy” chronology, as our partner in perv, SFP would put it:

12:15 am – Mistress returns home from seeing “Sex in the City” with surly teen 2 (Surly teen 1 was in the “City” with her boyfriend; my guess is they did not need the movie). 

She strips, takes off the makeup. As she climbs in to bed, tired like me, I tell her that I had finished up the morning blog, and that it had made me a little horny. But we resolve to wait until morning.

But as I spoon against her, the damn friction between cock and her smooth, firm ass cheeks get me twitching.  Soon my hand is sliding between her legs from behind and the soft caress of a single finger has her going too. That finger soon has her coming in soft little shudders, then rolling over to welcome my firm cock.

7:30 am – I am up only briefly, with just the time to post the blog and brew some coffee,  before Mistress pages me from above. The blog, and our talk of her plans for her afternoon “date” with Master M carry us through yet another sexual adventure. Then off for a bike ride in the humid summer air.

11:30 am- Mistress returns from her beauty rituals. I am out in our yard, clipping, mowing and mulching. Guy stuff.  My text message goes off:

“Home. Where are U?”

“In the yard.  Worship?”


Her wish was my command. I came in, stripped off sweaty T and soon found myself on my knees, enjoying the taste and fragrance of that clean shaven cunt.

2:00 pm – We are lounging on our deck. Mistress working on her tan, reading a book. Me paging through the Times in a shady spot. Mistress has been texting with her new Master, as he reports his exploits on the golf course.

Mistress had told me they planned a phone date, and she was getting a little fidgety. When would it be? She did not want it to interfere with our own Saturday afternoon romp. And the girls were now gone, leaving Mom and Dad with an empty house to play in.

“He says I can call him now, Slave.”

“Then go for it, Mistress.”

She leaned over for a kiss as she passed me, I-phone in hand.

“I will want your cock when I’m done, Slave. I’ll text you.”

I settled in with the Times, admittedly distracted by Mistress hi-jinks upstairs. After about 20 minutes. my text went off:

“Still talking Slave.”

Then, a few minutes later:

“He’s giving instructions.”

Hmmm. Twitch. Torture. I asked myself for the 347th time why this concept turns me on so much.

2:45 pm: After about 45 minutes of elapsed time, my cell phone rang.

“I need you up here now, Slave.”

Mistress says she likes a hard cock after coming by Hitachi or other non- penetrative means. And She did not have to ask me twice to provide one.

As we fucked with a certain crazy desperation, I debriefed her on their talk.

“Where was he, Mistress.”

“driving home from golf, Slave. He was hoping to do it with his wife when he got home.”

“No doubt he will be primed.”

“And did he make you beg, Mistress?”

“Yes, Slave. I had to ask permission. He made me say “May I come now M?”

“And did you, Mistress?”

“Yes, Slave. He made me come twice.”

By then my cock had taken command and control, and the answers did not filter back to my memory reserves.

5:30 pm: When we were done, it was time to prepare for one of those obligatory holiday weekend cook outs, at which extended family and my always annoying Mother would be parked on our deck for longer than any norm of hospitality should require.

And Mistress had a special request:

“Slave, M is  home alone tonite. And he wants to know if we can do it again sometime this evening.”

Mistress was not giving orders here. She wanted to know if I would be offended if she abandoned the role of smiling hostess for that of slutty love slave for a bit. And it was a gift of consent I was happy to provide. Molly has soldiered on through way too many of these family evenings. She deserved a little vacation.

“Of course, Mistress. It will make the evening more fun for both of us.”

And it did.

7:30 pm: We arranged a plan that went awry a bit. M was to text my cell phone when he was ready for her. I would inform Molly it was time for the “business call” she had to make. Then Molly would excuse herself. 

AS the evening progressed, she would discretely ask if I had gotten any text messages.  I had nothing to report. She was getting ansty. And maybe a little horny. All that anticipation was building up for the poor Molly. She needed her little break.

“I think I will go check my own phone, Slave.”

“Of course, Mistress.”

She came down moments later as I was feeding plates into the dishwasher and supervising the teens’ cutting  watermelon.

“Somehow he forget your number, Slave. He’s ready for me now.”

“I kissed Mistress, and patted her departing ass as she headed back upstairs for her appointment.

Dessert was served, guests lingered a bit then (at last) announced their departures. I helped with the loading of grandsons and my mother.

All asked about Molly’s whereabouts, wanting to bid adieu. I told her there was a work call she had to take, but that I would pass on their thanks.

9:30 pm: As I finished the clean-up, I could here Mistress above me, pacing. Post-coital chat, no doubt. Cute. And Sexy.

When the guests had cleared away, Mistress came downstairs. That “cat ate the canary” smile on her face yet again.

“How long was I gone, Slave?”

“”Oh, an hour or so. Everyone’s gone.”

I pulled her close, kissing her lightly, but a hand possessively gripping her ass. The teens were still lingering, so I had to ease up on the PDA’s for fear of activating their “gross out” meters.

“Let’s go out to a bar, Slave. M and I were talking about tequila shots. Now I have a real thirst for one.”

So  Tequila shots replaced the post-phone sex cigarette. Healthier, I think.

We drove a few blocks to a seedy biker bar, where exceedingly large people with flannel shirts and dime store cowboy hats were muttering the video screened lyrics of country tunes into microphones. Classic Americana.

I moseyed up to the bar and got a short lady bar tender in a grimy t shirt to pour her a Cuervo double and me a Jamieson on the rocks.

In our corner booth, I asked Mistress to recount her adventures.

“Sorry it took so long, Slave….he could have talked an hour longer.”

“No problem Mistress…things went fine and I wanted you to have your fun.”

I debriefed her a bit. He “made” her come three times with that oh-so-efficient Hitachi. And he came too.

“How does that feel, Mistress….to know he’s playing with his cock and that your voice, what you are putting in his head, is making him hard?”

Mistress did that little blushy, demure look thing for me.

“It’s…very sexy, Slave.”

Mistress had another double. I nursed mine. Then we headed home, after hearing one too many skinny guys try to channel Elvis.

10:30 pm: Back in our bedroom, I stripped away my shorts and T-shirt. I certainly had no expectation or desire for sex at that point. It had been a long day, and my sperm count must have been running on empty, right?

Was it the tequila that caused Mistress to phone M at that point.  We had talked about calling him at some point. But suddenly she was handing the phone to me.

“M wants to say hello”.

We had a brief conversation. He told me how “cool” we are. I thanked him for the bounce he has placed in Mistress’s step. We laughed about some blog comments by SFP on Friday.

I told him I had been thinking about that old Jefferson Airplane song “Triad” in the context of our mutual courtship of Molly.

I turned the phone over to Mistress, who sat lay across the bed next to me, still in her tiedye dress and lacy panties.

I found the song on YouTube, clicked play, and then emailed it to M.

Meanwhile Mistress was chatting on, in her flirtatious way. As if all of this was very natural and comfortable. And, come to think of it, it was.

That’s when I slid my face in between Mistress’s legs, and used a finger to pull away her panties to give my tongue a little access.

“Oh my god, his face is between my legs, M.  I guess I should go….”

But she didn’t go. His voice had enough of a command over her that he made her keep up the narrative. What I heard was like a deviant Bob Newhart monlogue, her on the phone to him, then passing on his comments to me. Here are some of the snippets that stuck out:

“Now he’s pulling off my panties. …..His face is buried there, M.”

“M wants me to keep talking ….he wants to hear me come again.”

“Mick’s addicted to this….he can’t get enough of the taste of my cunt, isn’t that true, Slave?


It is true, and at this moment I could not let go…

“M wants you to suck my clit between your lips ….that’s exactly what he is doing…

By now her free hand had found my cock, and she was squeezing and stroking.

“wow….he’s pretty hard now ….”

“So why isn’t this one of your favorite things….”

“M says he likes fucking better….but Mick’s just hooked on this…he always has been.”

At some point, Mistress lost her focus on the conversation. Her words became moans, her hips bucked against me, but I would not free her from the grip of my lips until she came again.

She had not asked M for permission. For shame.

The conversation continued a bit. But Slave was needy by now, and a little uppity.

“I’d really like to fuck you now, Mistress. But not with you on the phone”.

She agreed it was time to ring off, and they said their endearing good nights. Mistress instructed me to insert my little white probe, as she did her bedtime beauty rituals. My cock kept its interest at a very high level. Which led to the long and crazy love making where this convoluted account began.

As I faded away, I heard Mistress wish her new Master goodnight. Crazy, Huh?

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Fan Mail

Molly and Mick were up a little later than normal Thursday night, watching a sweet, if sappy, movie about Valentine’s Day in LA. And when we finally went to bed, it was not without some sleepy but gratifying love making that put us out, quickly and deeply.

So Slave woke a little later than normal Friday morning, with barely the time to make coffee and retrieve the papers, before Mistress called for me.

“Mick, I’m up….”

Translation: get up here and serve me, pronto, Slave.

In reality, I like that morning “page”. It usually means that Mistress has mischief in mind.

As I came upstairs, I was still a bit sleepy. The coffee had not yet kicked in. But seeing her there, naked, in bed, full breasts, erect nipples, legs askew to show a bit of her fur-less parts, she was overwhelmingly enticing.

And the scent….wow. Mistress was already aroused.

“Did you start without me, Mistress?”

“No, Slave. Why would I do that with your tongue and cock available I paged you for a reason.”

As I settled into bed next to her, the hi-test pheromones she was tossing off quickly shredded my morning malaise. I was almost instantly hard. I could only imagine what had gotten Mistress into such an early morning state of longing. But whatever or whoever, I was happy to exploit it.

“Are you sure you weren’t using the power tool Mistress?”

She laughed.

“No Slave, why don’t you touch it and see if it’s warm. Better yet, smell it.”

I took her word for it, and went to work on her with my mouth. Once that “work” was done, I certainly needed no special handling before plunging in with her permission.

As I exploited my privilege, we talked about how deeply she has fallen under the spell of her new Master, M, fka, our Western Correspondent.

“Well, you gave him the road map, Slave…all the little clues, my weaknesses, there all there for him to pick up in the blog. Why did you do that?”

All of this said through those endearing little gasps and moans…the question was really rhetorical.

“ He does seem to be doing a good job of training you, Mistress.”

Yes, Slave ….. he’s very good at that.”

“I’ll bet you start getting wet when you hear his voice now.”

“Ummm …. Yes, it’s true.”

“He’s conditioning you, Mistress…. Soon you may not be able to come without his permission.”

“Oh…I don’t think so Slave….He wouldn’t do that.”

But as she came for me then, suddenly, and with surprising force, it seemed like there was a slight and very exciting question in her mind about that possibility.

We drove to work together. And between phone calls and some business matters I took the time to write the brief entry in yesterday’s blog.

Later, around lunch time, I received an email from Master M with his comments about the blog, directed at me and his Slave in training:

“Fun blog post again today, Mick. Thanks for the clues, and inspiration. I am going to get around to the begging for orgasm hotness, when we have time, and a leash also sounds like a very good idea,

a very long leash that could be pulled between your legs, Molly.... and held by me hiking behind you. Interesting possibilities there ... don't U think?

And U r right Mick... the sun screen would have to be liberally applied all over Molly ... wouldn't want any burning,,,, better safe than sorry.

Take care U two, M”

It’s good to get some feedback from our biggest “fan”.

But I could imagine Mistress’s reaction at the thought of that leash as she read over his email.

Later, on our ride home, Mistress confessed that she and M had another one of their in the office phone sex encounters. And of course I pumped her for the details.

“I really didn’t think I was in the mood, Slave. I was so busy ….but…”

“Did he require it, Mistress?”

“Yes, Slave. One minute we were just talking about our day….and the next minute he’s telling me he is pulling out his cock and that I should go to that little private bathroom where ….I do it for him.”

“I suppose you could have said ‘No’ Mistress…”

“That’s the thing ….I really didn’t feel that I could say no ,,,.”

“And how does it feel to have to do that….to play with yourself that way because he requires it?”

“Degrading, Slave …. Embarrassing ….”

“But your fingers, Mistress. You really couldn’t stop them once he told you it was time?

“No Slave….I really couldn’t.”

I imagined Mistress in this private bathroom, her knickers dangling from an ankle, skirt hiked up, her fingers desperately rubbing her clit, as she pressed her phone to her ear, hearing his smutty story of her submission and his own lustful sounds.

“Maybe we should finish this conversation at home, Mistress.”

And of course, we did, at length, not long thereafter, back in our bed.

Friday, May 28, 2010

The advantages of car pooling.

These last few weeks, Molly and Mick have done something never experienced over 20 years together: ride to and from work together. In the past we commuted in different directions. And for several years the commute built up a whole lot of frequent flyer miles.

But now we work just a few blocks from one another in River City’s “seen better days” downtown.

As you would expect, Slave drives. Mistress lounges feet up on the dash, checking emails and twitter. Updating her calendar. And more recently, texting our Western correspondent, and her new “Master”, M.

Yesterday, on the way home, Mistress brought me up to date on their latest mutual fantasy. And I guess I share a bit of the blame for planting the seed of this one.

The sequence as this developed went something like this:

Earlier this week, in an effort to entice M and B to meet us over July 4th on our undisclosed Mountain location, Mistress suggested some hiking would be on the agenda.

By email to both of them, I tossed on the following image:

Molly nude, hands tied behind her, leather collar, leash, tevas. M holding the leash.

M worked this into a more fully developed fantasy – which I assume had played a role in some of their phone sex, and Mistress’s outrageously horny demeanor these last few days.

On the drive home last night, Mistress scrolled through her emails and summarized some bits of it.

“He would take us to a trail head with no cars.  Then, in the parking lot, he would have me strip, Slave.”

“Yes, that’s how I suggested things would start, Mistress….guess I am a little crazy.”

“No, Slave. Glad you have such a twisted imagination.”

“And then?”

“I told him that it would be fine with me naked. I don’t burn easily.”

It’s true, Mistress has a very dark complexion. She and Barack could be siblings.

“But he would be careful about that. He said he would slather me with sunscreen before we hit the trail.”

I imagined Mistress bent over the hood of the car, M’s fingers smearing a nice coating of Number 15 in places not likely to get too much ultra violet rays. Unless she was staked out in a grassy meadow somewhere.

“And then, Mistress?”

“He’d stash my cloths in a backpack, other than my shoes. I could wear those.”

“Did he mention a leash.”

“No, Slave.  But the thought of that …. Ummmm.”

“What else, Mistress?”

“He said that as we hiked he would use me whenever he wanted. However he wanted. Wherever he wanted.”

“Did that make you horny, Mistress?”

“What do you think, Slave?”

With that she reached across the console, her hand landing between my legs. She liked what she found.

‘Seems like the story has a similar effect on you, Slave.”

The evidence spoke for itself.

She picked up her I-phone and snapped the photo above. Then she texted it off to M.

As previously noted, Mistress is a tease.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

HNT / Mistress Exercises Her Sub Side Impulses

The photo was taken during a pre-Thanksgiving road trip for some early season skiing in southern Colorado. I remember it coming at the height of Mistress’s infatuation with E, the former college lover who popped up one day in her inbox, but turned out to be, shall we say, rather shallow. Entries from last November will bring you up to date with that backstory.

But E did arouse Mistress’s interest in the whole submission thing, which we worked to a mutual sexual lather. And I recall that day, and our night in a low rent road side motel near Pagosa Springs, as a “can you believe this shit” extravaganza. Six times in 24 hours. It may be a record that we will never even try to challenge again.

Well, never say never.

The picture came up last evening after Mistress was paging through her E collection to send some choice shots to our Western correspondent, her new Master, M.

She showed me her selection. This one draped over a picnic table surrounded by fall snow in a high mountain pass; another shot of her tied to lounge chair on the patio at our Western undisclosed location, collecting some rays last summer. She was doing her best to entice M, make him crazy, as crazy as she has become.

How crazy you ask?

Yesterday, we drove to work separately. As she was walking to her car, about to head home, she called me at my office.

“Well you may not approve of this, Slave….but I have an interesting story for you.”

“I can’t imagine that I would not approve, Mistress….but now I am very curious.”

“Do you want to know now, or when we get home?”

“How about a preview, Mistress?”

“Well….let’s just say that I got him off from the office, Slave.”

“And you?”

“Me too, Slave….”


“Well since I have the cage on, and it’s feeling very tight already, maybe you should save the details until later, Mistress.”

As it turns out I got home before she did. She had to make a pit stop for nail maintenance. But my mind had her on the phone with M, debriefing, or maybe even re-enacting their afternoon adventure.

I was up in our room when Mistress climbed the stairs, chatting casually on the phone.

She smiled at me.

“It’s our friend, M”, she said to me, giddy with a certain sexy delight.

Then, back into the phone, “Well I need to tend to my husband, now….. talk to you later. I will look at the map….maybe we can find somewhere in between….”

The door closed, Mistress, had that needy look. My cage was unlocked. (At last).

I heard the additional details on my knees, my face parked between Mistress’s legs. She was already wet and ready for me.

They involved Mistress sequestered in a private loo at her office.

“Did you go there because he required it, Mistress?”

“Yes, Slave…he insisted.”

“And did he ‘handle’ himself too, Mistress?”

“Yes, Slave. I could hear him as he came. He was very vocal.”

I suspect he was.

“He had me take a picture, Slave. And he sent me one too.”

Sure enough. Later she showed me the photos on her I phone, texted back and forth: her open lips; his cock.

She has it bad.

After Mistress came, she wanted my cock.

“Let me suck it Slave.”

She did, with long slow strokes along its hard shaft, as I stood there beside the bed.

I was aching for her.

And it was still Abstinence day.

And all the talk and her warm mouth made me all the more desperate for her.

“Maybe I should make you come in my mouth, if you really want a break from Abstinence Day.”

You may think this is odd, but that’s a hard one for me.

“But wouldn’t you like a hard cock to fuck you, Mistress.”

“Well, If you put it that way, Slave….”

On this occasion, Mistress’s resolve was compromised, no doubt as a result of all that remote foreplay.