Friday, April 9, 2010

Slave's Cross-Exam

Mistress’s new downtown job may be cutting into our early morning encounters (still adjusting the body clock here), but it’s made for some more quality time together.

She was able to break away from her Mad(wo)Man activities yesterday around noon for some worship in my office. My cock strained against the cage she had locked on, as I knelt to suck on her clean shaven cunt, her legs wrapping themselves around my neck as I brought her to a nice, writhing climax against my mouth. She commented on how her little bud so clearly swells between her lips when I am done, so obvious and glistening with all that hair gone.

Then we had a pleasant lunch at a nearby café where she regaled me with some more details of her tryst the night before.

“I think he may have been the person who left that comment, Slave?”

“Which one?”

“Oh, about taking my bottom while you watched.”

I remembered the comment. Something to the effect of “have you ever had Molly up the ass, Mick?” and suggesting it might be good for me to watch Molly’s Dom do that, knowing that it was a privilege I have not exercised (or been granted).

It’s not something Molly is into (at least not so far). And her cunt is amply tight for my needs.  But let’s go on with the dialog:

“What makes you think it was him, Mistress?”

“Well …. When he bent me over the bed and took me from behind ….he kind of …well…commented that  he should do it to me that way….”

Mistress (believe it or not) seemed to be blushing now….it’s good she can be open about all this  with me. Actually it would not work at  all with out that openness.

“And what did you say Mistress?”

“Well….that it’s not something I am really into ….and that if my cunt is as tight as he claims it is….what’s the point?”

But I must say it seemed to excite Mistress …. The threat of giving up that piece of virginal territory.

By now, this Slave was getting a little tight inside the cage, and I shifted the  conversation shifted to more vanilla topics.

But the debriefing continued later that evening, when we finally finished our nightly chores and the surly teens were off to bed.

I had worshipped Mistress once with my eager lips before dinner. Now my fingers found my way to her smooth and slick cunt as I sidled up against her, kissing her hard and long.

Breaking the kiss, we went back to my “cross-exam”, enhanced with certain techniques developed over years of experience.

“So lets go back to what happened after your outside dinner, Mistress.”

“Yes, Slave?”

By now Mistress was squirming against my fingers.

“So had you gotten all dressed after your activity in his bedroom.”

“Yes Slave.”

“Even your underwear?”

“Ummm….yes. “

I surmised that Mistress must have thought her sexual activity was done for the night.

“So after your dinner, did he require you to suck his cock, Mistress”.

“Yes, Slave, he did….how does that make you feel?”

“A bit jealous ….but in a constructive way, Mistress.”

“How so?”

Some how I had lost the initiative on this cross-exam. My fingers picked up the pace.

“Well….I guess it makes me competitive…wants me to please you more, and better, Mistress.”

“That’s good…..I hope you don’t mind that I am making you work at this a bit harder than normal, Slave.”

I was working her  hard with my fingers now. Could sense she was getting very close….but resisting the pull of her cunt.

“Did you make him hard with your mouth, Mistress?”

“I suppose so, but he was already pretty hard.”

“Did you like that, Mistress.”

“Oh yes, Slave.”

“You like being his slut, don’t you?”

“Yes….I suppose I do…”

“Did he make you kneel to suck him?”

“No. I was sitting in a chair. He stood. Opened his pants. Came to me…”

“And then, Mistress.”

“Well….that’s when he pushed me over the table….he fucked me again, from behind.”

“And did he make you come, Mistress?”

“Oh, Yes , Slave. I guess that’s why I was a little late coming home …he decided to take me one more time.”

My mind was filled with an image of my elegeant Mistress, panties yanked off, dress flipped up over her ass, panting and begging to come as she is bent over this suburban picnic table. Excruciatingly erotic.

As Mistress finally surrendered to my pumping fingers, she gasped and thrust against my hand, plunging over the edge..

“You’re thinking of him fucking you, aren’t you, Mistress….”

“Yes  …. and you too, Slave. You watching him do it to me.”

By now I was desperate for her, my cock hard without the need for her fingers or mouth. It had been a long day of denial. So as I mounted her, I mentally filed away my cross-examination outline for another day.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

HNT / Mistress is a Bit Tired

Mistress got home from her engagement with her Dom last night with that "I just had some pretty hot sex" bounce in her step.

Fortunately she had a little energy left for her slave.

I was lying on our bed, reviewing the Times, having already wasted enought time on frivolous postings. I was anxious to se, hear, smell and taste her.

She did not put me off too long, and I soon found myself between her legs.

Is it just my imagination, or is there a different smell, taste, texture after Mistress's little adventures.  No, I don't think so. Her pussy had been used, well used as it turns out, and a well trained Slave like me can sense the difference.

As she unwound the plot line and the night's activities - his hands under her dress, making her come over a welcoming drink, her mouth hardening his cock on command, then his taking her from behind while she bent over the bed - I devoted myself to worshiping her. And the poor dear had to come one more time.

I caught up on the rest of her adventure as we made love, my cock hard and desperate for her by then. The part about the al fresco sex in his back yard was particularly poignant.

Mistress does express concern about how I am handling her little adventures with Sir M.. I know she cares about me and my feelings.

But all I can say is that my cock is more than ready for her when she returns home to me. I guess that's the key - she comes up and seems happy to be there, as well as happy with the time with her "friend".

I like having a happy Mistress.

SO this morning, waking at our new earlier hour, Mistress said that her cunt had had enough for the moment. She did suggest that I wear my cage today. She had been lenient earlier this week, but does not want to get too loosey goosey with me.  So instead of a morning reward, it was the steel ring, the cage and the lock for me. Mistress seemed to enjoy the snap of the lock.

She's walking over to my office soon for  lunch with me. Wonder if she is recovered enough for some mid-day worship?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Irish Curse

What a Slave does when his Mistress is out with her Dom, being forced to do things that drive her crazy and make her beg to come. A Reflection on some dialog from the night before:

Scene: A inner ring suburb, somewhere in the midwest. A Slave laying on bed, watching Madow, paging through the Times, while his Mistress tends to removing her face paint and preparing for bed.

"Interesting theatre review in the Times today, Mistress?"

"What about, Slave?"

"A play based on the theme that Irish guys Like me have smaller penises, it's called "The Irish Curse"."


"Hmmm. Really?"

"Yeah. it's about a support group for guys dealing with this problem. Supposed to be kind of funny, if predictable."


"Have you noticed this, Mistress? I mean, with all your ....experience."

"Noticed what, Slave?"

"That Irish guys have smaller cocks?"

"Well, yours is the only Irish penis I've inspected, Slave."

"Well, then how does it compare to other ethnic groups, Mistress?"

"Hmmm .... I suppose it's somewhere in the middle, truth be told."

"Well, I know it's not as big as that Polish lobbyist you used to do, all those years ago."

"Oh god....that was way too big."

"Well I guess I am not 'cursed' then?"

"No, Slave. You'll do. Particularly when you are very very hard. Now go be useful and get that white thing and insert it, Slave."

"Yes, Mistress."

Mistress's Night Out

Sorry dear readers for my sketchy posting schedule this week. The combination of Molly’s earlier wake and primp schedule, and adjusting to the time shift after a week out west has this Slave a bit too groggy in the am for early morning writing assignments. And when you blow off work for a week or so….well things pile up. Just not enough time for smutty distractions.

It is nice to have Mistress downtown and in closer proximity for several reasons. As an example, we had a nice lunch on our quant public square yesterday, along with a chance for Mistress to forage for post-easter chocolate eggs for dessert. And riding to and from work is also a lovely change of pace.

Another benefit of our closer proximity is that Mistress has been a bit more trusting, giving me a pass on my cage this week. Not sure what you readers think of that, but all I know is that it makes life a bit more convenient for me. I guess I should not take my new (relative) freedom for granted though.

Yesterday, we went to a political event, and had a chance to chat up a rumpled U.S. Senator, a man Mistress worked for when we first met, about the health care wars. Then it was home for a bike ride. After a brief dinner, we were under the sheets, doing what we do best.

Thankfully, Mistress gave me “permission” last night, because today is my abstinence day.

And we could not drive to work today because Mistress has an “engagement” with Sir M. No doubt he is looking forward to inspecting her smoothly shaven parts, as I did this morning, before Mistress donned her Mad(Wo)Man power suit.

She laid back on the bed, legs spread. I kneeled on our hard wooden floor. It was a tad frustrating that the next hands to touch this smooth and lovely treasure would be some other guy.

And now I am home, where I will feed the teens, with my mind on Mistress’s submission to her friend.

I wonder if Abstinence Day will continue to be enforced through this evening, as Mistress gives me her post action debriefing.