Sunday, March 28, 2010

Another Good Part

Molly, Mick and the surly teens had a great day skiing in some fresh powder here yesterday. The fresh foot of snow was a  treat this late in the season. And though it was not a full sun day, the clouds and snow showers kept the snow fresh and light. Now the clouds have blown off and it’s time to smear on the sun screen.

But back to my accounting of Mistress many lovely attributes ….

Another good part to mention is Mistress’s bottom: firm from all that bike riding, yet delightfully soft and smooth to the touch. No droops or sags. Flawless skin. It’s definitely one of her premier attributes.

“Sweet ass” is a phrase used by one of you in a recent comment. Mistress blushed a bit when I read that one to her. She knows it is a desirable feature, but never minds a little outside affirmation.

And Mistress’s recent waxing makes it all the more alluring. The photo above is a “before” shot, from one of our switch moments, after Mistress had a good spanking that reddened her ass a bit. You can detect just a bit of soft downy fur, sprouting between her legs.

No more. Now when she directs me to sidle up against her at bed time, my naked cock slides between her cheeks to discover a smooth, soft little piece of heaven. Sometimes it’s hard to just nod off under those taxing circumstances.

Her bottom takes a spanking, or cropping well too. Of course it’s best to tie her down for those “switch” moments. When I do she squirms sensuously  as I discipline her, with only a bit of whining thrown in.

So far, Mistress has reported only one spanking at the hands of Sir M. She was “punished” for failing to follow her explicit directions when it came to the removal of all that pubic fur.

“Did he punish you, Mistress.”

“Yes, Slave. He spanked me a little. I think he liked me naked that way, but said I was bad for not following his instructions.”

“How did it feel to be spanked by someone other than me, Mistress.”

“Humiliating, Slave.”

“Did it hurt?”

“Yes….but I think you have spanked me harder.”

“Did it turn you on, Mistress.”

“Yes, very much, Slave.”

(Of course, that’s when Slave’s imagination takes off. Argh.)

I suspect it won’t be the last time Sir M will have to give Mistress a good spanking. She will be a challenging student when it comes to   teaching obedience and submission.

All this reflection on Mistress’s bottom and spanking may be good timing. Today is our traditional switch day.  I feel a spanking coming on.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Some of the Good Parts

Mick and Molly arrived with the surly teens to a gentle spring snow storm here at our undisclosed location on the edge of the Sangre de Christo Mountains. The scene was more White Christmas than Spring Break, but very lovely.

This week I am going to kick back a bit from blogging. But I know our faithful followers will expect occassional updates. And I don't want to disapoint.

This week's focus will be on Mistress's delicious body. Like the overworked football coach pouring over the video tape before a big game, I will try to "break it down" into all the wonderful component parts, with appropriate illustraions, of course.

Let's start with those full and firm breasts, depicted to the right.

Mistress sometimes complains that I do not appreciate them enough.

"You don't mention my breasts much in the blog, Slave. Don't you like them?"

Well of course I do. I like their soft, creamy texture. Even when she was a bit overly tanned during our Florida days, her breasts were usually spared and remained very soft and smooth.

When I press my face against them, or use my lips and tongue to stimulate those firm nipples, the taste and scent can drive me crazy with desire for her.

And if properly stimulated, those breasts can create some delicious effects.

We were making gentle, no rush, love here last night in our cozy bedroom, after a long day of work and travel. I was atop  mistress, slowly sliding into her, pressing myself against the apex of those strong sexy thighs (oops, need to focus here....breasts, Mick, breasts!). I used my fingers to gently, then more firmly squeze both nipples simultaneaously. I could swear that Mistress breathing quickened,  and, much sooner than I had expected, she had one of those slow motion orgasms that suddenly had her thrusting against me and moaning into my ear.

"Did you like that, Mistress."

"Of course, Slave."

"There's more to come..."

And there was. High altitude sex (it's 7500 ft. here) requires pacing.

Of course, when (gently) cross examined, Mistress readily confirms that her Dom, Sir M, is also quite taken by her breasts.

"He went crazy on them Slave. Sqeezing, pinching."

"Did you like that Mistress"

"Oh...Yes, Slave", this was said in a dreamy, langorous voice one evening as we were fucking hard, making me wonder what thoughts, memories I had triggered.

Oh yes, I do like your breasts, Mistress. And apparently I am not the only one.

Friday, March 26, 2010


This afternoon Mick and Molly are taking their surly teens on a spring break ski trip to our undisclosed location out West. Over the enxt week, my posts may be fewer and more abbreviated, But rest assured we will be doing our best to live up to the standards our readers have come to expect. I have already packed away a bag of goodies, the kind you hope airport security will not take an interest in, particularly in front of the kids.

As in, "M'am, can you explain what these red leather cuffs and padlocks are for?"

"Just jewelry, Officer."

After my whining yesterday, it's only proper to report that Mistress did allow me to break my abstinence yesterday morning. When I came upstairs to wake her, I discovered she was already awake, emersed in  her laptop.

"Where have you been Slave? I thought you would be particularly horny this morning?"

"Just finishing up this morning's essay, Mistress. But if I had known you were up, I would have revised and extended my remarks later today."

(As you can see, there's been too much CPSAN on our TV this week. Thank God that's behind us.)

"And yes, I am very horny. Could not even get the ring on this morning."

(Better to get the bad news out first, before she has to discover it herself, with those curious fingers of hers).

"Aw. Poor Slave."

(Good. SHe was feeling merciful).

I slid into bed, my head bobbing beneath the covers, finding that lovely shaved cunt to which I have become even more addicted. Thank you, Dom.

AS she chuckled over my entry de jour, I used my fingers to spread those clean shaven lips and expose her sensitive parts to my tongue. She rewarded me with delightful little squirms and the sweet taste of her juices.

Once I had pleased her, the computer was set aside, and she used those skilled fingers to make sure I was more than ready to break my abstinence.

'Why don't you fuck me now Slave."

"Gladly, Mistress."

When finally given permission to come, well... it was a very nice reward.

I was given a pass on my cage yesterday. Very merciful. I made a note to show my gratitude when the opportunity arose.

 Mistress came down to my office late in the afternoon to join me at a political function. She arrived early enough for some worship, which I was anxious to provide to give thanks  for a cageless work day.

Spring has officially arrived, and though you could not tell from yesterday's cold rain, Mistress has abandoned her fall/winter uniform of black tights and boots. Yesterday afternoon she arrived in a foxy black dress, bare legs and black sandals with heels and sexy straps. (I know I should have taken a picture).

So once I pressed the chair against the door, and had her sit on her throne, from my knees I could slide my face and hands up those firm, shapely thighs, and press  my lips against her black panties. Mistress's dress was hiked up to her hips, legs spread, giving me ample access.

Soon I was coaxing those black panties down her legs, leaving them draped around an ankle. Before me was Mistress's cleanly shaved cunt, her pink bud rosier than the rest, peeking out for her audience.

"I cleaned it up a bit for you today, Slave."

"Nice Mistress."

Very smooth. Crazy driving smooth.

My lips devoured her. Her hands gripped my hair, She churned against me, until she finally said:

"Enough, Slave."

And while she may have had enough for the moment, It seems I never get enough of her.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

HNT/ Denied for the Day

Those of you out there who get locked in a cage for a few days or even weeks at a time (or who claim that you do to fascinate your readers) will have no sympathy for my whining about a day of denial.

But keep in mind that the last few weeks Mistress has been rather permissive with respect to my Abstinence Days. Part of it may be that her "engagements" with her new Dom landed on a Tuesday or Wednesday, and she probably was feeling a need to sooth me a bit. Or just wanted yet another hard cock. But this week their schedules got twisted, so no "date". And on Tuesday (as reported here) I messed up a bit.

So Mistress was determined to hold me to my vow of chastity for the day. And she taunted a bit along the way.

When I came up our bedroom in the morning, steel ring already at the base of my cock and balls, Mistress allowed me to worship her after my shower. And she gave my cock a nice stroking, before suggesting it was time for me to put the cage on and get to work. Argh. Hard to pull away and face the day in that state.

When I got home, a little late, from a political fundraiser, we had time for me to worship her before we prepared dinner. And I did some of my best work, kneeling and sucking, her parts teased out between my teeth. I flattered her with comments about how sweet she tasted without all that fur to obstruct her juices or my acces to them.

AS I tried to please her, She seemed distracted by the voice of her old boss, now a U.S. Senator, who was whining on Olberman about mean GOP tactics in the Senate. But I finally was able to distract her with some skillful use of my lips and tongue long enough for her to have a pleasant little orgasm. Then another one.

But when I was done, and queried about the removal of my cage?

"We can do that later Slave."


Around 10 pm as we were fading away, I rose from the bed and she noticed that my cage was still on.

"Oh, dear. I guess I forgot about that, didn't I, Slave."

I think her symparthy was ALMOST sincere.

I walked over to her side of the bed and she picked up her little key and unlocked me.

'Thank you, Mistress."

I was allowed to service her once more before sleep, this time with fingers sliding between thighs squeezed tightly together.

Was I to be rewarded?

She rolled over, instructed me to press my cock between her ass cheeks, now so very smooth and tempting after her waxing.

"Good night, Slave."


Hope she is not too disappointed when she learns there was no way I could get that ring over tightly contracted balls this morning. That's what happens after a day of denial.