Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"Mr. Wizard" Strikes Out.

Today is my Abstinence Day, which is fitting. Mistress has two acts of Slave misfeasance to consider, based on yesterday’s activities, and every reason to withhold privileges, at least until tomorrow.

Things started nicely. After I diligently slid my steel ring on yesterday morning, I was rewarded with the opportunity to pleasure Mistress’s naked cunt with my tongue and lips, and then make love to her.

She had been under the weather Monday evening (and was still a little sickly), but generously let me have my way with her. Slave gets so much sex that going almost 24 hours without an orgasm seems like a draught. So when I did reach my point of explosion, gripped tightly at the base of my balls by the steel ring….well…zounds.

“Thank, you, Mistress.”

“You’re welcome Slave. That seemed like a big one.”

“Oh yeah….”

Soon I was off to work, cage locked on tight. It was a beautiful day here, so I came home a bit early to fit in a bike ride before family (including grandkids) arrived for dinner.

Once home, Mistress unlocked my cage. (riding a bike with that lump of steel clinging to my crotch is …challenging, to say the least.). We changed onto our biking cloths and off we went.

After our 30 minute ride, I dived into dinner prep. Vegetarian red sauce for the pasta I had planned. Lots of chopping and sautéing. Then, just before our guests were to arrive, I went up to our room to change into something less sweaty.

Well readers, what was missing here?

When I got upstairs, Mistress was dressing too, in black panties and bra. It was 6:25. Guests arriving at 6:30.

I slid out of my biking shorts, reached for my jeans.

“Did you forget something, Slave?”


“Weren’t you going to worship this afternoon?”

“Sorry, Mistress.”

I helped her slide down those silky black panties as she sat on our bed. I slid a pillow under my aging knees, and went to work.

“I probably deserve a punishment, don’t I Mistress?”

“I believe you do.”

I still haven’t taken for granted Mistress’s smooth new look. It seems to make her juices even sweeter. And as I enjoyed her flavors, she soon was bucking against my mouth, satisfied, at least for now.

Later that evening, after the guests were gone and we were in bed, watching the latest episode of “Damages”, I mentioned to Mistress the blog I had read earlier that day from our friend “strivingforpeace” at “Peacefully Submissive.” Here it is, in case you missed it. Peacefully Submissive- M#AF88F8

Her Master, the inventive, if elusive, Mr. C, had used both a crystal cock and a Magic Wand to induce a rather dramatic effect on his devoted (and cleverly eloquent) Sub. And since we had both of those tools of delight and torment (depending on one’s approach) readily available at bed side, it seemed only right to see if we could duplicate their experiment and get the same results.

After the episode was over, I switched off the TV, and turned to Mistress. We engaged in some vanilla-ish foreplay involving some kissing, nipple sucking and fingers exploring between Mistress’s firm, smooth thighs. The pump was primed.

I rolled over, made sure the Magic Wand (aka, power tool, or WMO) was plugged in and ready. Then I pulled the crystal cock out of its elegant box.

“What are you doing, Slave.”

“Remember, the “Wand meets Wand” experiment.”

She groaned.

“You’re crazy.”

“Just trying to find new ways to drive YOU crazy, Mistress.”

She settled back, legs spread (hardly a new pose for Mistress).

I slid down between those legs, using my tongue to very gently tease her clit, while probing with the hard crystal cock to find the proper angle of attack.

“I feel something cold down there, Slave.”

“Oh, it will warm up nicely.”

And it did. Soon the firm glass phallus with its little pink ribs was sliding very smoothly in and out of her damp opening, and her hips were rising to meet the tongue that was still focused on the lightest touch against her tender little nub of flesh.

She was getting close. It was now “Wand meets Wand” time.

I disengaged my tongue, rose a bit and reached to the floor for the motorized wand.

“Uhhhh, unfair. Now what, Slave?”

Mistress was not happy with the temporary hold I had placed on her pleasure.

But I quickly found the next instrument of torment, and switched it on.

Holding the crystal cock in place, buried deep inside. I pressed the churning white ball at the end of the Power Tool against the glass bulb protruding from Mistress’s succulent “tunnel of love”.

The result was supposed to be nirvana-esque, as the vibrations were channeled along and against the glass intruder parked deep inside her.

But, no big surprise here, the subject of my experiment is wired a little differently than our friend “strivingforpeace”.

Mistress was squirming all right, but not exactly writhing with pleasure.

“Not working for me, Slave. It feels like I am stuffed with too many things.”

I took the cue, slid the crystal cock out of her, and went to work with the power tool on her neatly shaved cock.

“Ummmmm. Much better Slave.”

Soon Mistress was coming with a moan of delight, and then reaching for my fleshy and firm human cock.

“Why don’t you fuck me now Slave”, Mistress whispered, her voice clouded with post-orgasmic content.

“Patience, Mistress.”

I have learned that the best orgasms are the ones pried from Mistress when she thinks she is done.

With a little more pressure of the power tool against her squirming hips, Mistress’s grip on me loosened, and soon her head was back against the pillow, and her thighs were squeezing the device for all it was worth.

One more orgasm.


I pretended I did not hear her.

But after the third one, I showed some “mercy”, and took up her invitation.

But now I think you understand why Mistress means business on this Abstinence Day.

(As for the experiment, my guess is that we missed a vital part: “strivingforpeace” was tightly bound spread eagle style to the bed in her “Wand meets Wand” scenario. I may have to try this again on our Swtich Day).

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Back in the "Friendly Confines"

My steel cage was back on yesterday after a few days of merciful amnesty.

I worked and mushed my balls, then my cock through the hard steel ring in the morning before climbing back into bed with a waking, slightly groggy, Mistress. She likes the affect she can achieve with the ring gripping me, trapping the blood.

Once she uses her skills to make me hard I stay that way for some time. It fills her cunt more completely. It makes it more difficult for me to come. And when I do? Well the result is rather …. Dramatic.

After we had our way with one another, I was off to the shower. Then I slid the cage over my cock, sliding it onto the short stud protruding from the ring, sliding the pad lock into place, and letting Mistress close the lock. I was safe and secure for the day until she chose to release me.

Later, after lunch, Mistress stopped by for a “visit”. She had some time to kill between meetings, and I was looking forward to my opportunity for some worship, something that is all the more fun with her freshly waxed and delightfully naked cunt.

Mistress had on her winter uniform of black dress, tights and boots, though the tights were a little sheerer than normal. She sat. I knelt. We talked a bit. Then I used my mouth and tongue to taste the insides of Mistress thighs and the crotch of her tights. It’s easy to get into full “slave mode” in that position.

When the scent of Mistress’s arousal became more pronounced, I helped her slide those tights down to her boot tops, then went to work in earnest on her delicious parts, now more accessible than ever, the little pink bud poking out between her full lips.

Mistress’s hands were wound into my hear, fingers kneading my scalp, as my lips sucked that little bud into my mouth, and her hips rose in response. By the time I was done my face and the little blanket she was sitting on were soaked with her juices. And my cock was straining against its tight enclosure.

Mistress arrived home a little later than normal last night, after me. We rested a bit, catching up on the nation’s slow descent into socialism (not) on the evening news. I offered to worship, but Mistress demurred.

“I need to rest a bit Slave. You served me well this afternoon.”

I had no complaint. But I do feel its my obligation to offer. It’s in the contract, after all.

It was not until after dinner that Mistress remembered.

“Your cage. I forgot to unlock it! Is that why you were so anxious to worship me, Slave?”

“No. No problem. It’s not uncomfortable”.

And it wasn’t, though it can be a little tight in the mornings. Hard to figure why there is a time -of -day difference. I think my balls just relax a bit better by midday. They get used to their “surroundings” and settle in.

But Mistress was merciful. She found the key and unlocked me, giving me a little kiss for my “suffering in silence.”

As I slid off the cage and eased my tender balls out of the ring, I felt like her little puppy dog. But who’s to complain. I’m well fed, have a very warm bed to sleep in, and Mistress gladly takes care of my “baser” needs.

That’s why the first thing I did this morning is slide that steel ring back on, ready for Mistress when she calls.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Enjoying Mistress's New Look

Mistress’s submission to her new Dom has provided (at least) one very nice fringe benefit for her Slave: that smooth, hairless look that resulted from his instructions to her last week, and her visit to the waxer.

It can be an endless source of amusement to me, and has increased in a way that I thought was impossible my desire to pleasure her, even to the point where she has been forced to tell me “enough” more than once these last few days.

She requires me to wear no underwear when we are in bed, so lounging about yesterday, obsessed by the goings on in Congress, it was natural for me to press against her, my cock nestling between to hairless crack between her cheeks. It seemed I was almost always throbbing, on the edge of erection.

And my fingers seemed to have a life of their own, always wanting to dip between Mistress’s thighs, to remind myself how smooth she is, and to poke a bit between her folds, teasing at her clit, exploring for some tell tales signs of her arousal.

Yesterday evening, I was reprimanded.

“You can feel all you want, but don’t try to arouse me Slave.”

“Yes, Mistress.” (sulk).

Well it’s not like I had been shut out over the weekend. On Saturday morning, I was allowed to try out the Magic Wand on her clean shaven parts for the first time.

“How’s that, Mistress?”, I asked as I slid the churning white ball between her legs.

“Ahhhh …. It’s even more sensitive Slave.”

Soon I had her thrusting against it, writhing to a lovely, dramatic orgasm.

I already wrote about the nice ass fucking she gave me Saturday afternoon.

Then there was yesterday morning. We had been out late with some new, seemingly vanilla friends, singing along to bad versions of 80’s rock as we closed a local dive. Drinking a tad more than usual for us. So we were both a little groggy when we woke up.

It was my normal switch day, but it seemed neither of us had the energy for anything too elaborate. But I certainly wanted my chance to play with Mistress’s good parts, and their new look.

As she read my blog entry de jour, I buried my head between her legs, enjoying the ready access that her new look gives me, all moist and pink and succulent. And once she put the computer down, she seemed pleased with my efforts, giving me permission to fuck her once she had been thoroughly serviced.

Soon I was off to visit some family members, a weekend duty.

But as I drove around I entertained myself with thoughts of Mistress and her new look, and how her friend would inspect her at their next engagement. I pictured her standing, legs spread, hands bound behind her, eyes closed, as he took his time sliding fingers over, across and into her. No doubt he would comment on how deliciously wet and available she was. A needy little slut, indeed.

Those thoughts made me want to get home ASAP.

Later that afternoon, after my family duties were accomplished, we were back in bed, me reading the Times and Mistress napping. When she woke we were planning a bike ride. But before that I had something else in mind.

“Would it be all right if I tasted you again, Mistress.”

She indulged me. And I recall her hands gripping my hair as I sought to please her, as I pondered her description of her master doing this with her 69 style last week.

When Mistress was satisfied, I slid up next to her and her hand reached for my cock, already hard.

“So you like my new look Slave?”

“Of course, Mistress.”

Her fingers were driving me crazy, gripping my balls. Sliding gently along the shaft of my cock.

“Why, Slave?”

It’s hard to articulate all the reasons, Mistress, particularly when you are driving me crazy like that. Can I just fuck you?”

“Aww. Poor Slave. I thought you liked this.”

The fingers kept up their devious work.

“Give me just one reason, and I will consider letting you fuck me.”

“Well…. Because you did it to please him Mistress. Because he required it and you felt a need to comply.”

“Yes, that’s true Slave.”

She released her grip. And then I was allowed my reward.

I really am her Slave. And she knows it.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Slave Gets A Reprimand

Slave deserved, and received, a bit of punishment yesterday.

It had been a couple of weeks. Mistress is actually pretty easy going with me. Other than the cage locked on my cock most work days, it might be hard to tell my status as her Slave. To the outside world we are a well functioning couple, with demanding jobs, somehow managing to balance it all in a collaborative way.

But Mistress always deserves deference, respect and obedience when she makes it clear what her wishes may be.

Yesterday we went for a long bike ride in warm spring like weather here in River City. Half way through our ride, Mistress spotted a friend out with her new puppy in their front yard. She elected to stop and chat. And chat.

The subject turned from the cute dog to some work related drama, and her friend, who knew some of the dramatists involved, was offering advice.

At some point, I must have gotten a little “bored” looking (well I was bored), dealt with some voice messages, and then suggested we might want to get on our way.

Mistress shot me a look. And somehow the conversation turned to the subject of men always expecting to get their way. Her friend commented that her own husband always expects to be “in charge”.

“Well, Mick likes to be in charge too, don’t you?”

Oh dear. I knew where this was going.

“No. Actually I Molly gets her way most of the time. I live to serve her.”

The tone was light and Mistress’s friend laughed. But I could tell Mistress was not pleased.

“Actually, Mick has been more more co-operative lately.”

She gave me the look that suggested that “I will deal with you later, Slave.”

After a few more minutes of chat, we were off to finish our ride, and after some errands and time in the sun, Mistress suggested that we adjourn to our bedroom. The teens were out so we had some private time.

“You need some ass fucking, don’t you Slave?”

“I guess I do, Mistress.”

“It’s been two weeks. That may explain your bad attitude today.”

Well it probably did. Sometimes a Slave needs to be shown his place in more direct terms, or can get a little full of himself.

Mistress slid into her harness, which neatly clung to that now naked crotch. I stripped.

“Hmmm. It does feel a little differently with the hair gone, Slave.”

We snuggled, kissed and fondled a bit. Mistress made sure my cock was firm and ready before she told me to roll onto my stomach and assume the position that gives her access to me. The lubricant was generously applied.

As she mounted me, Mistress had me beg a bit.

“You want this, don’t you Slave.”

“Yes, Mistress. I do.”

“Why is that Slave?”

Of course, by now I was anxious to get on with it. My cock was pressing against the pillow slid under my hips. I could feel Mistress’s faux cock hovering between my ass cheeks. It was a little hard to focus on the psychological explanation for why some oldster like me enjoys having his hot younger wife take him in this way. So I took the easier path.

“It makes me a better Slave, Mistress.”

“Yes, it does. So why don’t you beg me then, Slave?”

“Please fuck me in the ass, Mistress…”

“Of course, Slave. That’s exactly what I am going to do.”

Mistress quickly found her mark. And when she slid into me, the jolt seemed to extend to the full length of the already hardened cock that pressed against that pillow. Soon I was rising to meet her thrusts. And Mistress was coming once, then twice. I think she likes it every bit as much as I do.

When she had her fill she pulled away, but she was not done with me just yet.

“Stay there, Slave. You need some punishment.”

This was new. By now I was just hoping to fuck mistress and get the release she already had at my ass’s expense.

She stood, and I could hear her reaching for that long wooden shoe horn that is looped over a bedroom chair.

“I did not like your attitude today, Slave. When I am talking to a friend you need to be patient and respectful.”

Thwack. Thwack.


“Yes Mistress. I did act badly. I will be more patient in the future.”


“Yes, you will.”

She was done. Her punishment certainly could have been worse. But her point had been made. Then she had me get up and insert that little white probe.

“I want a very hard cock now, Slave.”

That would not be a problem.