Sunday, March 21, 2010

Slave Gets A Reprimand

Slave deserved, and received, a bit of punishment yesterday.

It had been a couple of weeks. Mistress is actually pretty easy going with me. Other than the cage locked on my cock most work days, it might be hard to tell my status as her Slave. To the outside world we are a well functioning couple, with demanding jobs, somehow managing to balance it all in a collaborative way.

But Mistress always deserves deference, respect and obedience when she makes it clear what her wishes may be.

Yesterday we went for a long bike ride in warm spring like weather here in River City. Half way through our ride, Mistress spotted a friend out with her new puppy in their front yard. She elected to stop and chat. And chat.

The subject turned from the cute dog to some work related drama, and her friend, who knew some of the dramatists involved, was offering advice.

At some point, I must have gotten a little “bored” looking (well I was bored), dealt with some voice messages, and then suggested we might want to get on our way.

Mistress shot me a look. And somehow the conversation turned to the subject of men always expecting to get their way. Her friend commented that her own husband always expects to be “in charge”.

“Well, Mick likes to be in charge too, don’t you?”

Oh dear. I knew where this was going.

“No. Actually I Molly gets her way most of the time. I live to serve her.”

The tone was light and Mistress’s friend laughed. But I could tell Mistress was not pleased.

“Actually, Mick has been more more co-operative lately.”

She gave me the look that suggested that “I will deal with you later, Slave.”

After a few more minutes of chat, we were off to finish our ride, and after some errands and time in the sun, Mistress suggested that we adjourn to our bedroom. The teens were out so we had some private time.

“You need some ass fucking, don’t you Slave?”

“I guess I do, Mistress.”

“It’s been two weeks. That may explain your bad attitude today.”

Well it probably did. Sometimes a Slave needs to be shown his place in more direct terms, or can get a little full of himself.

Mistress slid into her harness, which neatly clung to that now naked crotch. I stripped.

“Hmmm. It does feel a little differently with the hair gone, Slave.”

We snuggled, kissed and fondled a bit. Mistress made sure my cock was firm and ready before she told me to roll onto my stomach and assume the position that gives her access to me. The lubricant was generously applied.

As she mounted me, Mistress had me beg a bit.

“You want this, don’t you Slave.”

“Yes, Mistress. I do.”

“Why is that Slave?”

Of course, by now I was anxious to get on with it. My cock was pressing against the pillow slid under my hips. I could feel Mistress’s faux cock hovering between my ass cheeks. It was a little hard to focus on the psychological explanation for why some oldster like me enjoys having his hot younger wife take him in this way. So I took the easier path.

“It makes me a better Slave, Mistress.”

“Yes, it does. So why don’t you beg me then, Slave?”

“Please fuck me in the ass, Mistress…”

“Of course, Slave. That’s exactly what I am going to do.”

Mistress quickly found her mark. And when she slid into me, the jolt seemed to extend to the full length of the already hardened cock that pressed against that pillow. Soon I was rising to meet her thrusts. And Mistress was coming once, then twice. I think she likes it every bit as much as I do.

When she had her fill she pulled away, but she was not done with me just yet.

“Stay there, Slave. You need some punishment.”

This was new. By now I was just hoping to fuck mistress and get the release she already had at my ass’s expense.

She stood, and I could hear her reaching for that long wooden shoe horn that is looped over a bedroom chair.

“I did not like your attitude today, Slave. When I am talking to a friend you need to be patient and respectful.”

Thwack. Thwack.


“Yes Mistress. I did act badly. I will be more patient in the future.”


“Yes, you will.”

She was done. Her punishment certainly could have been worse. But her point had been made. Then she had me get up and insert that little white probe.

“I want a very hard cock now, Slave.”

That would not be a problem.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Readers Weigh in on Mistress's "Transgression"

Earlier this week, Mistress got an email from her Dom with some instructions for their St. Patrick’s Day “appointment”.

She normally had sported a generous “bush”. Nothing too wild or wooly. But there was hair there.

In an apparent effort to bend her a bit to his will – leave his mark on her so to speak – her Dom told her to trim that bush. He wanted a V-shaped racing stripe. And nothing more.

When Mistress shared the email with me, and asked me to help her accomplish this assignment, it produced a bit of a mess, and some very hot sex. We were both following his order, I suppose.

Then things got a little more interactive. Our friend M from out west saw our posting (and the photo of Mistress’s fur partially covered with shaving cream). He told us that he and his Domme/Wife get Brazilian waxes on a regular basis and find it oh so sexy.

Within a few hours, Mistress was inspired to make an appointment for said waxing. She clearly was into the game and wanted to please her new Dom. And of course her desire to please gave me a thrill too.

But when I returned home that evening, Mistress was a little sheepish. As I knelt for worship time, and she dropped her panties, I learned why: she was completely bare down there. A very, very sexy look. But no “racing stripe”.


“I told them I wanted the full wax, Slave, like M said.”

“I guess you were supposed to tell them about the racing stripe, Mistress.”

I was on my knees, munching by now. Very tasty and wonderfully accessible. It took a while for us to refocus on our conversation.

When we did, it went like this:

“Do you think you will be in trouble with the Dom, Mistress?”

“Maybe, Slave.”

“You may be punished, you know…”

“Hmmm….not sure what I think about that.”

I wondered if Mistress was actually asking to be punished with this little test. She is one to take a little license. She’s definitely a “Give her an inch, and she will take a mile” type of girl.

When I floated this transgression to M via email, he had his own take on what might happen when her Dom discovered the error of her ways:

Ok I'll put on my top hat (so to speak.) Of course he will be thrilled, but act very displeased. I suspect the conversation will go just about (exactly?) like this...

"Why you shameless little slut. I gave you specific instructions to do a simple task.

Reach down and spread your cunt open.

Wider! What is that? I can see it's your bare private parts. Why are they bare?.

NO it’s bare because you are a undisciplined little slut. You got herself all hot and bothered thinking about bare pussy. Yes-- and you decided to titillate yourself while away from me. How many times did you masturbate thinking about this little stunt?

I'll twist your nipple off unless you tell me the truth.


You horny undisciplined little slut! I'm going to blister your bare bottom.

You think it’s so hot to lock your husband’s cock in a cage. You have 20 times less control than he does. From now on I'm going to control that needy little cunt of yours. Your days of playing with yourself are over. After I finish using your cunt tonight I'm going to lock it up.

Yes you should be scared. I won't tolerate unauthorized masturbation. It's very unlady like. You will need my permission every time you orgasm from now on. Is that clear slave?

Get up on the bed on all fours, and press your tits on the mattress. Reach back and pull your bottom wide open. Look at you..... you should be ashamed of yourself. Yes, that's a stiff, hard, cock rubbing on that bare little cunt and asshole. You should see yourself (you are quite a sight).

Still happy with your little stunt? I'm going to take this belt to your bare bottom until you can't sit down for a week. You can beg all you want I'll will whip your bottom until I am satisfied you have learned your lesson. Then I'm going to use your holes as many times as I like......

Oh look, that makes you wet. How cute.”

As you can tell, M got a bit carried away in his disciplinary measures. Under his wife’s thumb as he is, he clearly needs some time on Top.

We received another message from an anonymous “Domme” who must be a lurker, but who came out of the shadows long enough to share the following:

“So I read your blog today. I would not have been pleased at all about Molly’s not having followed the instructions, had I been the Domme. Slaves do not take it upon themselves to improve upon their instructions in the thought that it might make the dom/me happy. They just follow the instructions. And carelessness in following instructions is equally unacceptable. … I'd have to think of a suitable punishment too.....a spanking is wholly inappropriate for that.”

Another correspondent suggested that Mistress may want to give her Dom a “heads up”, rather than surprise him at her unveiling.

“I don't know her dom --but I recommend a confession prior to the appointment with him -- rather than surprising him

sure -- it'll give him time to come up with something diabolical -- but it will also diffuse the situation

I wonder if he has a sense of humor....”

As it turns out, Mistress says she was reprimanded, and was told to print out the instructions the next time and hand them to her “waxer”. She received a spanking, though she says that it was not too hard to bear. No doubt she was so aroused at the time that her senses may have betrayed her. But her bottom was not red as far as I could tell when she got home that evening.

I am not sure what lesson Mistress has learned from this experience. Will she try to be more scrupulous in following instructions? Or will she test him some more to in hopes of getting the punishment she deserves?

Friday, March 19, 2010

Mistress takes some R & R

Yesterday turned into an Abstinence Day for both Slave and Mistress. Well sort of for Mistress.

I had been let off the hook Wednesday. Both Morning and Evening. Too much sexual tension arising from Mistress’s 2nd “date” with her Dom to abstain on St. Patrick’s Day.

And I suspect Mistress lost count of how many orgasms she had Wednesday, between wake up sex, worship at my office, her extended session with her Dom while I was stuck with the old Irish guys, then me tonguing and fucking her after we both arrived home that evening. What would St. Patrick have said?

So when Mistress woke up Thursday morning, she made it clear that her smooth shaven tunnel of love needed some R & R. I was not permitted my normal morning worship opportunity.

It was a beautiful day here yesterday in River City. So Mistress spent some time working out side, while recharging that long lost tan. She checked in with me during the day. Making sure I was still comfortable with her new adventure. And I assured her that I was. Crazy, maybe. But very comfortable.

When I arrived home, we were determined to take that bike ride we had missed earlier in the week. Who can pass on 70 degrees and the extra daylight?

But I asked Mistress if she would like worship first.

“Yes, Slave, but be gentle.”

And I was. I am still smitten by Mistress’s smooth clean-shaven look. So very smooth and welcoming to tongue and lips. I tossed a pillow on the floor. Mistress lay back, and I gave her delicious parts a thorough tongue massage. No probing fingers, just a light, lengthy and gentle touch.

“How do I taste, Slave. I confess … no shower today. Is that terrible? It was too nice to waste time inside.”

“You’ re Delicious, Mistress”

And of course my taste buds perked up. Searching for the flavors of one man’s fingers and fluids mixing with my own. ….”Interesting”, is the only way I can put it.

I use these opportunities, as I did the evening before, to pursue some un-hostile cross examination of Mistress. She is forthcoming about her encounters. In fact I think she likes to gently taunt me. But sometimes the details need to be pried loose. She may still be a little embarrassed. So I will occasionally lift my tongue away from its mission in order to raise a query or two.

“How did he inspect you Mistress?”

I was referring to her clean-shaven pussy, the one that he had asked to be adorned with a “racing stripe”.

“With his fingers, Slave. It took him a while.”

Were you standing, or on the bed?”

“No he had me. …Over that big ball.” (One of those large exercise balls. Clever.)

“How did that feel, Mistress”?

“A little humiliating, Slave.”

No doubt.

“And did he make you come that way, Mistress?”

“Yes, Slave. But it took … a while.”

Mistress’s breathing was quickening now. It’s hard for her to talk and come, that’s my way of dragging it out, I suppose.

“Did he make you beg, Mistress?”

“Yes, Slave. I had to beg.”

Of course.

I had heard enough for the moment. Returning to my task, I ratcheted up my gentle tongue massage to a level that squeezed a lovely orgasm from my oh so very desirable Mistress.

When she came down from that little mini-high, we dressed for our bike ride. It was a spectacularly warm and sunny evening for it. Then, with the surly teens out and about, we prepared a lovely dinner for two. Gnocchi. Pesto. Mushrooms. Green Beans.

Later, in bed, I asked Mistress if there was any soothing goop available that I could use to moisturize her needy little cunt (I think I was more polite about my language at the time). Frankly, I was looking for a good excuse to touch her there. Can’t get enough.

She seemed happy to accommodate my needs, and pointed me to a jar of cocoa butter cream. I took some time rubbing the slippery, aromatic goo into her skin, making sure that all the little folds were well coated. But when my finger “accidentally” took a few twists around her clit, I was reprimanded.

“Do NOT try to arouse me, Slave. I really have had enough.”

“Yes Mistress.”

My finger behaved itself after that.

But it’s a new day now.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

HNT /Spaired

Only a short posting this am, dear readers. It was a late night here in the heartland, with me stuck with a bunch of rowdy Irishmen in tuxedos, while Mistress displayed and submitted herself wantonly to her Dom.

On my way to the big event I texted Mistress to let her know I was headed out, and added “are you being slutty, Mistress.”

Sometime later I received her response.

“Of course, Slave.” 


Some of you were concerned about how he would handle her failure to follow some rather clear instructions about the trimming of her “bush”. He wanted a racing stripe. Mistress’s waxer took it all off. Oops.

I speculated that Mistress may have been asking for a punishment. And she did receive a bit of a spanking, she reports.  But not too hard.  Or for too long. Instead, he seemed to be taken by the “nary a hair” look. And who wouldn’t be. But he did suggest that she print out the instructions the next time.


I learned of this and other details after I stripped off the tux, and knelt to worship her.

“Do I taste different, Slave.”

She was referring to her well used cunt.

Hmmmm? I savored the flavors, like “chewing” a  musky Cab.

  Well, yes, you do Mistress.”

I listened to her story. My cock growing harder which each twist and turn.

There would be more questions later.