Thursday, January 28, 2010

Mistress Takes Full Advantage of Slave's Abstinence Day / HNT

Wednesday is my Abstinence Day, when it’s my job to pleasure Mistress without a return on my “investment”.

The concept came to us a few months back, when Mistress had to refrain for a few days for medical reasons, when we discovered that desire deferred heightens our sexual experience. (No real surprise there, of course, but we had just been doing it so damn much it was a “rediscovery”).

When Slave suggested that we recreate that experience with a day off once a week to drive us crazy, Mistress concluded that what might work for the Goose was not necessarily required for the Gander.

“Maybe we just let you abstain, Slave. I can’t think of a good reason why I should.”

And since the Slave no longer has a vote on such matters, the course was chosen.

Some weeks Mistress relents in her mercy before the end of Abstinence Day (check out last week’s entry). Yesterday was not one of those days.

It began early, with Slave cramming his goods into the steel ring of his cage. It’s something that needs to get handled almost immediately after I wake up, or the cold morning air will make me contract. When that happens, the job just can’t get done right.

Mistress put me on notice the night before that I would be expected to fuck her with a nice hard cock before heading to work. But I would have to control myself and hold to my vows.

The anticipation of my duty, and the tight grip of the steel ring at the base of my cock and balls had me thick and squirmy by the time it was time to wake Mistress. As I slid into bed beside her, I remembered she still had those lovely stockings on from the night before. Argh. As their fabric rustled against me (and she made sure it did), I became instantly “fuck-worthy” hard.

Mistress picked up her lap top and read my homework. I slid under the covers and pleasured her with enthusiastic tongue and mouth. In the back of my mind, I speculated that if I did a good enough job I might be spared the obligation of fucking her without a “reward”.

Nope. After Mistress came with some nice little moans and thrusts against my mouth, I sidled up next to her for a comforting cuddle.

Her hand quickly snaked down to grasp me. Her fingers teased for a few moments, making me shudder. Already close. And of course the tight grip of the ring made me all the harder.

“Ummmm. Nice. Just the way I like it. Now you can fuck me, Slave.”

I knew my duty called, sliding on top of her, slowly allowing my cock to fill her. I took pride in her moan of delight, and all those little sounds she emits as I began to move more quickly against her open legs.

Now this was not exactly torture. I do enjoy the sensation of being so close and so hard inside Mistress. And I take great pride in reducing her to a panting, moaning, demon when I take her this way. I just knew how hard it would be to stop once she was done.

I took her up and over the mountain once, slowed, then one more time. As we rested a bit, me still hard inside her, I asked her to consider how it would feel to be tied to some would-be Dom’s bed as he fucked her over and over again, all day, all night, relentlessly, while denying her the permission to come.

This story line made Mistress all the hotter and I had her moaning and bucking one more time.

Finally we realized that about 30 minutes had passed. Teens were getting ready to leave for school. It was time for Slave’s exit strategy to be implemented. So, reluctantly, I declared victory and retreated to the shower. Still hard. Very frustrated.

Of course that was not the end of this sad tale of Slave’s denial.

Mistress was downtown for work and planned to pay a visit. She appeared at my office door after lunch, with a local poobah in tow, who wanted to have a word with me. He offered to leave Mistress and I alone for a few minutes to take care of our “business”, though I doubt he contemplated what we had planned. But we demurred, and I advised my old friend on his plans, before sending him on his way.

Soon the door was closed, Mistress was in her throne, dress hiked up, tights pulled down. And her Slave was on his knees worshiping, with my cock pressing against the metal bars of my little cage. Ouch.

Together we went to a reception for a local educator, and it was enjoyable to see several other men strip Mistress out of her lovely black dress with their eyes. I stood close, enjoying the occasional opportunity to lightly caress her bottom.

At home we ate an abbreviated dinner laid out on our bed, enjoying the pre-game coverage of the Hope Monger’s SOTU presentation. Mistress had stripped away her dress and tights, and was in her black bra and panties. Before the main event commenced, I offered to worship one more time, and she gladly accepted. She splayed herself across the bed, me kneeling on a pillow, still caged.

Mistress relaxed as my tongue and lips caressed her to a pleasing climax, but I maintained my position waiting for her permission to arise. It was obvious as we talked that Mistress was not done with me just yet, so I reapplied my mouth to her sodden lips, a finger sliding inside to aid me. After a few more minutes of this pleasant duty, Mistress bucked and sighed with pleasure, and allowed me to rise. She asked me to retrieve the key to my cage and released me.

But there was no offer of clemency from my vows. She had enough for one day. I just had to wait until morning.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dress Up

Mistress likes to press my buttons in different ways. She knows what  turns me on, and all those little turn on’s make me all the more devoted to her.  And she has found most of them after more than 20 years “together”.

Most nights she wears a little “costume” for me: some skimpy lingerie that I have bought for her for a birthday or other special occasion. Or something that we have picked out together.  Paging back through this blog, you will find bits and pieces of those costumes.

Now there is nothing like a naked Mistress to play with. It’s like having an “all access” pass.  But I do like unwrapping the package too, sliding off those lacy panties she likes, or shoving the crotch aside to make room for a tongue or finger.

Last night’s costume was particularly fetching, as the photos attached show. Mistress had bought some stockings prior to the big wedding in the Windy City, but time slipped away, and they stayed in their little package.

When I came upstairs after doing my assigned kitchen clean up duties, I found Mistress prepping for bed. She wore A lovely black silk top I had found her for Christmas, along with some smoky gray stockings. Yum.

This Slave has always been a “leg-man”.

My fixation on stockings, and particularly that fleshy space of white where the stockings end, is well known to Mistress. I am old enough to remember the fidgety 8th grade girls in My Catholic elementary school, with hose pulled up to mid thigh, and the large brute of a Nun who had to loudly remind me more than once “eyes where they belong, Mr. Collins.”

“Yes, Sister”, I would stammer, blushing as the girls in class giggled and fidgeted all the more.

And I can remember my high school girlfriend sitting next to me in my Dad’s T-Bird, on our way home from the movies, spreading her thighs just enough to indulge me as my hands slid up over her knee to find that spot where silky nylon ended and warm flesh began.

Mistress learned early on in our relationship to tease and torment me with her lovely and muscular legs and various forms of coverings.

Last night as we slid under the sheets, I sidled up to Mistress and felt the caress of her stockings against my own legs. She tormented me a bit by sliding a knee between my legs so that my thickening cock was caressed by the soft fabric.

I decided to return the torment. We kissed for a long time, clinging to one another, as I used a single finger to very gently stroke her inner thighs and the folds between her legs. The scent of her arousal became all the more apparent with the heightened urgency of her kisses.

When she pressed her hips harder against my finger, I took that as a signal to slow down. No rush. Make her a little more desperate, I thought. Like she does to me.

I knew Abstinence Day was over the horizon, so I wanted to make this last.

But Mistress is crafty. After a few more minutes of gentle teasing she captured my hand between her thighs and pressed her juicy cunt against it, taking  herself over the edge with a moan and shudder.

“Do you want to fuck me now, Slave”, she asked in a voice filled with her  arousal.

“Yes, Mistress”, and I was more than ready. I slid her blue panties off her hips and down her legs and mounted her.  Mistress had instructed me to insert that little white probe, and as I pressed and pumped into her, my ass clenched against the probe, making my cock throb as it plunged away.

The soft texture of her stockings scratching against my balls as I exercised my privilege was all the more stimulating.

I made sure Mistress got a proper return on her investment in those stockings, sliding a finger between her legs to take her over the top one more time. Then it was Slave’s turn, and my cock exploded for her in a way that had Mistress, saying, “My, that was a good one Slave.”

She instructed me to wake her a little early today to pleasure her before we drive downtown together. I have the ring to my cage on already,  and know I will be required to fuck her until she is fully satisfied while stifling my own desire until tomorrow morning.  Duty calls….

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Every Picture Tells a Story

A few months back we started illustrating this page. Pictures seemed to make the page more visually pleasing. Plus, Slave enjoys showing off his Mistress. Mistress must have a bit of an exhibitionist thing going on somewhere inside, and seems flattered by the occasional comments of approval - Like the recent email that describes her bottom as very “spank-able”, and the accompanying offer.

Mistress also enjoys the occasional photo that adds to Slave’s humiliation: like the shot of my rosy bottom with that long hotel shoe horn draped across it. Yes, it is humiliating. Yes, it is a bit of a turn-on for Slave to grovel that way in public.

Mistress requires that she approve each photo of her that is posted. In my view, she has a very hot body. But she is vain, as any good Domme is I suppose, and wants to make sure the photos present her in the most flattering light. No surprise there. Plus, she guards certain key “parts” from public display. The private stash is much more explicit.

With both of us owning phones with cameras, and also a lovely Canon digital camera at our disposal, it’s easy to suggest a stop in the action occasionally to take a shot or two to share with our reader(s).

Yesterday, Mistress stopped by the office for some worship after lunch. She had called earlier to tell me she was particularly horny for me. That advance notice had me anticipating my chance to discharge a bit of that sexual energy.

We kissed chastely in order to avoid mussing her deep red lipstick. Then Slave pulled the chair over to the door, draped a blanket across it, and helped Mistress hike up her the dress, exposing those lovely black tights. Just then the chime on Mistress’s phone went off. A text message? Who could it be? Her would be Dom? She crossed the room to see who was messaging. Leaning over to check the message and showing me that wonderful bottom wrapped in tights, sans panties. I had to get that photo. Here it is.

Having resolved the matter, Mistress was back in the chair, Slave between her legs. We had a pleasant conversation about her lunch and our plans for the evening as I used my lips and tongue to please her. But since I had my stainless steel cage securely locked on, I knew that my own pleasure would be deferred until evening. No matter. It’s good to serve. Though I was more than a little frustrated when the taste of Mistress lingered on face and hands for the rest of the day.

On the way home that evening I called Mistress to give her my ETA, as she requires. She told me she was in a bit of a grumpy mood and had decided to have her feet “done”. All those days on heeled black boots can take their toll. A little pampering was in store. (Yes, Desiree, I know a good Slave should have learned to perform that simple task by now. I need to find an on line “how to” guide).

When Mistress returned, her feet were in her opened toe sandals, with freshly polished toes in dark red. She was wearing very tight jeans that showed off her curves nicely, with a black T-shirt.

“Would you like me to worship, Mistress.”

“Well, yes, Slave, of course. But there is a problem. I can’t take off my jeans until they dry”, pointing to her toes.

The jeans were too tight for me to properly fit my mouth between her legs, even if pulled to below her knees. So I suggested that Mistress slide them down a bit and lay on the bed. I retrieved our Magic Wand and lay next to her. As we talked through the afternoon’s developments, I gently applied the wand to her, through the lovely blue panties she was wearing. At some point, in mid sentence, Mistress came with a sudden jerk and moan.

“That’s a very efficient machine, Slave.”

The photo I took as her breathing steadied is below:

Mistress was still a bit annoyed (not at Slave…it’s a long story), and I understood. I offered to be punished if it would help her vent a bit. (Heck, she needs no excuse and it’s good therapy for me). But she passed on the cropping, deciding to leave me in my cage a little longer.

So we fed the teens, trying to draw them out on college choices to no avail. Once the dishes were done we retired to our room. Mistress worked on a blog for her business, I helped edit, and read the Times. Only after her work was done did she offer to unlock me. And who was I to say no.

Lights off, we made love passionately for some time to our mutual satisfaction. At some point, as I was using my lips on her lovely wet folds I reached for our crystal cock. But Mistress demurred.

“You don’t always need a gimmick, Slave.”

It’s nice to know that sometimes Slave au natural works just fine.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Slave Takes Charge For a While

With a wedding and travel, Mistress and Slave have gotten a little off schedule with our Sunday switch  – the day when the Slave gets to lord it over his loving Mistress for a change.

Quite frankly, the more I have adapted to my role as Slave, the less compelling I have been in my roll as the occasional Master. I can’t help but show my deference, and Mistress can’t help but call me Slave, even when she is tied to the bed and at my mercy.

On Saturday night, Mistress and I had been out late with friends. On the way home we had to stop at one of those sad suburban multiplexes parked in a sea of slow food franchise restaurants, where Surly teen two had gone to seem that bloated sequel to Titanic with a friend. Naturally, the movie was still lumbering on when we arrived, so Mick and Molly parked next to some SUV’s to await the teen’s text announcing her availability to be taxied home. We used the time to review and answer some emails (some from our adventurous friend M) but Mistress’s low cut top was a bit too tempting to her Slave. And since Sunday had already arrived, I took the liberty to help myself to Mistress’s lovely and generous breasts.

Those breasts seem more responsive than ever these days, and as I prodded and squeezed Mistress’s nipples became firm and hard and she turned to kiss me with a passion that seemed to have already spread to her squirming hips. While my mouth turned to work her nipples, my fingers found my way betweens the legs of her soft velvet pants. An I think I had Mistress close to the edge just as some high beams shined through our windshield, killing the mood.

“Guess the movie’s out”, I muttered, and Mistress moaned a bit in frustration, her thighs squeezing the hand that lingered between her legs, before letting go to let me turn the ignition key.

Soon the teen’s text was chiming and we were called to duty. We made our pick-up and arrived home long after midnight, normally past this seemingly boring couple’s bedtime. But the sparks kindled in the parking lot were not quite damped. 

Mistress’s lower back had been tender, due to all that spinning and biking. So I volunteered to apply the magic wand, for medicinal purposes only, of course.

I soothed her back at low speed, and Mistress seemed content. And we had agreed in advance that we would hold further “activity” until morning. So the “power tool” was shut down, the lights out, and Mistress and Slave settled into bed. But Slave was still a bit on edge. And it was Sunday…

Pressed against Mistress’s bottom, my cock would just not settle down. Lord knows I sort’a tried to get sleepy. But my fingers could not help but find their way between Mistress’s thighs. And she was still wet there. I plucked and prodded a bit, and Mistress’s lovely bottom was soon pressing more aggressively back against my by now very hard cock. 

I guess Mistress had stored up the memory of her near orgasm in the parking lot, so it seemed like only moments before she was bucking against my hand and gasping into her pillow.  And she was generous enough to let me take her then, before we finally fell asleep.

Sunday morning came, and I was up early, working on my homework, and enjoying the last episode of the comic now in exile via Hulu. I let Mistress sleep in (that was my prerogative on switch day). And when I finally heard her stirring, I brought up the papers, made us some coffee.

When Mistress finally indicated that she was ready to take her Sunday morning medicine, I know I would be a pushover Temp Master. I found out bag of goodies and locked the red wrist cuffs on her, using some rope to tie them, joined together to the little eyebolt screwed into our bed head.  Other leather cuffs joined her ankles together.

I rolled my little “Slave” for the morning, and proceeded to massage her firm and fleshy bottom until she was beginning to squirm just a bit. Then I proceeded with a relatively mild hand spanking, hardly enough to bring tears. Just enough to get the blood flowing to Mistress’s bottom.

As I administered the spanking, we talked about her on again, off again quest for a part-time Dom who could train and discipline her the right way, for real, not the pretend ministrations of her full time Slave. This always seems to get Mistress flowing all the quicker.

I interrupted the spanking from time to time with some gentler touches, and then cranked up the Magic Wand, still handy at bedside for further back therapy, before finally allowing Mistress to roll over onto her back.

To get better access to her, I un-cuffed her ankles, and then used my fingers  and lips to further arouse her, until my squirming little Slave was on the verge.  As I pulled away, she whined her frustration. But I had more in store.

I attached the large blue phallic attachment to the wand and pressed its head to Mistress’s rather juicy opening. It’s a big, full phallus and I took the time necessary to work it’s vibrating head into her inch by inch.

I enjoyed watching Mistress’s well exercised leg and stomach muscles strain and churn as she tried to get a better angle on the device that was driving her crazy. By now the large blue head had slid almost all the way inside  her,  but her clit was just barely missing out on the fun.

Mistress was pulling against her restraints over head, and straining with all her might to make the contact that she needed. And her Slave was toying with her. Delightful fun.

As I finally allowed her the contact that her body was desperate for, Mistress’s head was thrown back, her body churning, a deep and breathless moan sounding from deep in her chest. Oh, I got her good.

As she lay there panting in the afterglow, I turned off my tool and took my prize. Though she was still restrained, it seemed that the power dynamics had already shifted back where they belonged. And I was careful to ask her permission before I came with a roar of my own.

At her request I released Mistress. But through the day my mind kept coming back to the image of that desperate Slave straining for release. Some lucky Dom may have his hands full someday.