Saturday, January 23, 2010

Mistress Likes to Tease

Mistress enjoys telling me about the men who flirt with her during the course of her day. It’s a reminder that under our contract she has retained the right to fuck anyone she pleases, with the understanding that she will share the details with me.

For reasons that are hard to articulate, when Mistress talks about her flirtations, or tells me that man she runs into is attractive to her, speculating about how it would be to suck his cock, it’s a huge turn on for me. That humiliation – the thought of my mistress be serviced by or serving other men and enjoying it - reinforces my status as her Slave. And that is a powerful thing.

Yesterday, when Mistress was sitting in her “throne” in my office, and I was on my knees, my face planted between her legs, sucking her juices through those alluring black tights, she talked about the man she had just spent lunch with at a meeting with a client.

“Someone flirted with me today, Slave”.

“Oh…tell me, Mistress” as I looked up briefly, seeing that “cat that ate the canary” look in her eye.

“Yes. The client may have me traveling some with him.”

“Where, Mistress?”, I asked returning to my task.

“Several big cities, possibly. He’s from D.C…said he’d take me to that restaurant we like so much when I come to town.”

By now, the combination of Mistress’s taste and scent, and her teasing words had my cock straining against the hard steel of the cage she had locked on me early that morning.

“What’s he like, Mistress?”

“Very Sophisticated. About my age. Attractice.“

By now Mistress was wet and squirming in the chair pressed against my office door, and I had her slide up a bit to let me pull down her tights to the tops of her black boots.

As we maneuvered her back into position, legs spread just enough for me to slide my mouth into her silky and very wet folds, I asked, “Does he want you Mistress?”

“Maybe, Slave.”

“And you? Did you imagine sucking his cock?”

Mistress’s seemingly affirmative response was a bit indecipherable, because my tongue and lips found the sweet spot that pressed her gently but firmly over the edge. Her hips bucked against me for a long 60 seconds or she tried with apparent success to conceal the sounds of her pleasure from my more industrious colleagues heard just beyond the door, where they were conferring on weighty matters.

Once she was satisfied and more composed, we stood, and her hand pressed against the hard steel of my cage through my navy dress trousers. My eyes shut and I quietly groaned at this frustrating contact . My cock was pressing painfully against its little prison.

“You like it when I can pleasure you here but can’t get anything in return, don’t you, Mistress?

“Of course, Slave. Wish I had the key?”

“Right now? Very much.”

“Would you actually do it in here? During work?

“Right now, I’d do you right across my desk, Mistress. If only….”

“Maybe I will surprise you some day”.

A Slave can only hope.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Mistress Takes What She Wants When She Wants It.

At around 4:00 am, Slave was woken by fingers teasing my flaccid cock.  I faked sleep for a few moments, as Mistress used her well manicured nails to stroke me until my I began to thicken for her, as she knew it would.

“mmmm”, I murmured, signaling that I was now conscious, if not alert.

“Do you mind?”, she asked. As if I would. As if it mattered.

“Of course not, Mistress. It’s your cock, to use when it pleases you. However it pleases you.”

Yes, it is”, she said, renewing her efforts.

By now my cock was hard, but not hard enough to suit Mistress. She likes me desperate. She folded the blanket and sheet back, moving her mouth to me. She’s been practicing this a good deal lately, and I am the beneficiary. Soon she had me squirming and begging. 

Meanwhile my hand had wormed its way between her legs, spending some time on a little teasing of my own. Mistress was wet and ready for me whenever she decided the time had come.

She rolled over, giving my hands better access to her slippery folds, and I worked her with my fingers, building her to a nice one. But she was impatient.

“Fuck me now, Slave.”


I rolled over and onto Mistress. Sliding inside was a joy as always. And soon Mistress was making those little sounds I like, as I held her arms over her head.

Sometimes I wonder where her head goes in these moments. She seems so focused on the rhythm we build together. And as I press hard against her sliding to and fro for the best friction I can build against her, she shudders and quakes with a groan that makes me feel like a worthy slave. Once I have taken her there, I can focus on my own pleasure, and was soon begging for permission. Which she granted generously.

I came suddenly, gasping, in  a magnitude that seemed as if I had been denied for days, when in fact Mistress had allowed me to take her only hours earlier, before dinner.   Is all this sex building up my sperm volume? Making me need it every 8 hours or so?  Can you be a sex addict to your wife?

As we slid back to sleep, I asked Mistress what provoked this mid-sleep assault. After all, she does like her beauty rest. It’s usually the Slave who wakes up hard and horny.

Already fading back to sleep she said, “I was a little restless and decided I wanted your hard cock. Now go back to sleep, Slave”.

“Yes, Mistress.”

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Very Merciful Mistress / HNT

When we hear from our friend M, as I did yesterday, about how his Mistress lays into him with a wooden paddle, I realize what a merciful Mistress Molly has been these last few months. In fact, she can be a bit of a pushover (don’t tell her I said so!).

While I get an occasional thwacking, it is not sustained or overly painful. In fact, the only real “discipline” I get is our weekly Abstinence Day, when Mistress gets the pleasure and I am supposed to put mine on hold for 24 hours. But as you will see from today’s tale, Mistress sometimes relents before my full 24 hours are over.

Yesterday morning began early. I woke and slid the steel ring around the base of my cock and balls while things were still loose and pliable for the sometimes ouchy smushing required for that task.

After I completed my homework assignment, I crept upstairs at around 7 am, to wake the teens and Mistress. Since it was my abstinence day, I knew that I would have to contain myself, but certainly wanted the chance to worship Mistress. I handed her the laptop, and as she read, I buried myself between her legs, munching and slurping away until she began to squirm, while chuckling a bit at the good and goofy parts. When she was done reading, and the laptop set aside, I went to work in earnest, and soon Mistress was coming in a series of little jerks and moans that I rode out with her, my lips struggling to say secured to that little spot they had latched onto for her pleasure.

When she was fully satisfied, she reached down for me and gently pulled my head up to kiss me, getting a taste of her own juices as a bonus.

She fondled my hardened cock for a few moments, as was her right, then pushed me off for my trip to the shower as she turned her attention to other matters on her computer. After showering, I presented my self to her, and she closed the lock on my cage.

Secured away, I headed off to work. Mistress had business of her own to attend to – a drive to our flat state capitol – but mid-day she sent me a lovely photo of her full and sensual breast, manicured fingers splayed across a nipple, as a bit of a tease. Wish I could share it with you, but Mistress considered it a bit too revealing . (Maybe I can coax her into something else).

As we talked through the day, Mistress asked how my cage felt….she’s impressed with its industrial solidity. And I told her it was tight. Every time she asks, I get that little twinge of arousal, from her reminder that she holds the key.

By the time I arrived home, I was conscious of the fact that it would be a long evening without the chance to fuck mistress to completion.

Mistress was very well dressed for the business meeting she had attended. The Black dress, colorful jacket, tights and boots must have turned a few heads on the streets and in the corridors of the Capitol. I wanted my worship time when I saw her, and she obliged, stripping away her outer garments, reclining on the bed, and letting me feed at her smooth thighs and damp fur.

Once pleased with my work, she offered to unlock my cage, which was her first act of mercy for the evening. My cock was more than content when given the chance to stretch out and breath after a long day on lock down.

“I think I want that cock later tonight, Slave”, Mistress said, reaching to fondle for a few brief seconds.

“But it’s Abstinence Day, Mistress.”

“Yes, of course. But you can still fuck me with it. You just can’t come. Isn’t that right, Slave?”

“Of course. I am ‘up’ for that”, I punned.

I would be more than happy to oblige. The pleasure of having my cock slide inside her, even without going over the edge, is more than worth the frustration.

Once the teens were fed and off to their land of full electronic media emersion, we retired to our bedroom. Mistress found what turned out to be a pretty lame movie to watch (oddly, involving a man conspiring to get his wife to cheat on him) and we settled in for the night.

Mistress’s proximity, and the knowledge that I would be required to fuck her sometime that evening, but would not be allowed to come, already had my cock and balls tingling, full and on edge. Anticipatory frustration.

As the movie became increasingly tedious (and it’s hard to make a tedious movie about sex and adultery), my hand wandered between Mistress’s legs, gently caressing her through the lacy panties she had slid into before bedtime. I could detect the slightest squirm from Mistress’s hips in response to my gentle caresses, which I took as a sign of encouragement.

Soon my head turned away from the screen and into Mistress right breast, taking a nipple between my teeth and lips for some gentle but persistent sucking. Mistress liked this. When I attempted to turn away to catch a scene from the movie that seemed more “interesting”, her arm captured my head and kept me pressed where she wanted it. Very Mistressy. Her commanding grip sent a jolt through my cock, bringing it to full attention.

In due course, the TV was turned off, and Mistress came with a sudden jerk and moan against the fingers that had been working away at her.

“I want that cock now, Slave”, she directed, her hands gripping what was hers. And I was more than ready.

I slid into her, using my skills and taxed will power to contain myself while working to please her. To throw a little fuel on the fire, I asked her to consider how she would feel if some would be Dom took his pleasure from her but denied her permission to come.

“I wouldn’t like it, Slave”, she mumbled through low moans as I worked at her with my very hard tool.

As my torment mounted, Mistress weakened.

‘What if I let you come, Slave? Would that me bad?”

“ Well I would certainly like that, Mistress,” I responded with understatement. Of course, I was desperate, though I knew a few more hours of denial would not kill me.

After a bit of back and forth in which I conveyed the extent of my desperation, Mistress relented. “OK, Slave. You will be allowed to come. But first I want to be on top.”

We reversed position, Mistress mounted me, letting her soaking cunt slide greedily down my full length. Then she took charge, pressing and pumping hard against me with increased urgency until she had one of those groaning explosions that left her limp and shuddering with little after shocks. Mistress seemed to get her own enjoyment from her decision to show mercy. She rolled off me then in her exhaustion, and murmurred “fuck me now, Slave.”

Happy to oblige, and knowing I had permission, I slid over and into her. I was in no hurry now, and worked my way to the top and backed down again a few times before finally asking for the right to release myself from my abstinence day vows. I came with what seemed like the sound of a bear rudely awoken from a January hibernation, my cocking spitting home made lava. Wow.

I am a very lucky Slave.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Mistress's Trifecta

Yesterday, “UnderContract’s” Western Kinky Affairs Correspondent, M, reported to us on a special event where Masters and Mistresses were recently found hiding in plain sight. We thought we would share some of M’s incisive reportage:

“The rodeo was a blast today. What a kinkster’s delight. There are about 7 different arenas. Huge area. Show horses, jumping, equestrian, western, auctions, everything.

They let the public walk about everywhere in the paddocks, among the livestock, horses running around everywhere. There are beautiful women riding horses everywhere in jodhpurs, black boots, spurs, helmets, riding crops, urging their mounts around, and the horses are incredibly beautiful too.!

Men too Molly, dressed the same, with tight stretch pants, showing their cocks out lined, black boots, spurs and riding crops, riding their mounts with grace and charm, but strictly controlling them. A lot of the riders were British, French or German. Obviously wealthy (to fly their horses from Europe). Lots of D/s dynamics. Both the men and the women had minions tending to their horses. There were horse showers all around and the helpers where washing the horses while the riders lounged on folding chairs with their feet up. One British guy was talking on his cell phone while a very attractive lady shined his boots as he tapped his thigh with a riding crop! Cocky, arrogant, men and women. But HOT.

I watched one lady ride in a practice arena for about 10 minutes. She was stunning, riding a huge stallion with a big swinging cock. She was a haughty, arrogant woman, and controlled that horse completely. Very cool, very hot. I got several looks from B for ogling the sexy asses of some of the female riders. However, B liked it too, very much. She liked the cowboys with their tight jeans and chaps. They had big bulges by their crotches where the chaps pushed them out! Very kinky. B and I like the Renaissance Fair (kinky people there too) but this was much better. If you guys ever get the chance to go to a top flight equestrian show you should do it. Molly you could definitely find your type of Dom there. Very classy, dominant men there.”

(Mick and Molly welcome other guest reporters lurking out there. Share your experiences. We do not pay Newspaper Guild wages though.)

While M was enjoying the kinky world of equestrian Doms and Dommes, and fantasizing about what might be done with all those riding crops, back in the Midwest, Molly did not have a large mammal between her legs, unless you count me.

Molly was showered with a trifecta of attention from her Slave yesterday…..

At mid-afternoon she strolled into my office for some worship. As she say in her “throne” she recounted the business meeting she attended while I knelt before her, head buried between her legs, enjoying the taste of the juices that flowed through those black tights. Once I pulled them down to her boot tops, there was just enough room for my mouth between spread thighs. When she came with a stifled moan, her head clunked back against the door, making me wonder what my neighboring colleagues thought Mick and Molly were doing. Because I had on my steel cage, I could only contemplate what it would be like for Molly to return the favor.

I got home after work to find Molly dutifully preparing dinner. Once the chili was simmering in the pot, we adjourned to our bedroom. Mistress let me help her out of her dress, and I was soon on my knees again, making sure that Mistress was pleased enough with my attention to earn release from my cage. But Mistress had some emails to answer. Though my cock was now free, I was told that my pleasure would have to wait until after dinner.

Once the teens were fed, Slave was relegated to assisting the senior surly with a take home American History exam. I had to reacquaint myself with the reconstruction era, and the grounds for Andrew Johnson’s impeachment (firing War Secretary Stanton), before finally being able to join Mistress in bed.

Since she had already had the benefit of my tongue twice today, she deserved something more to make me worthy of my own release. I asked for permission to insert my little white probe, that assures a particularly hard cock. Then I pulled out our “Magic Wand”, which seemed to make Mistress’s eyes light up. We cuddled and kissed for a while until both of us were more than in the mood. Then the Wand was switched to the low position. Mistress commented on how loud that sucker is, but I noted that the sound is deadened a bit when it is squeezed between two anxious thighs.

I held Mistress close to me, kissing her, as my hand snaked behind her, sliding the wand between her cheeks so that it rested somewhere between her two little orifices. Its deep vibrations were more than enough to make my owner squirm and twist against me, and her frustration began to build as it became clear that I was in no hurray. When her fingers tried to find my hardened cock I was able to evade them. I wanted to see how desperate I could make her, not the reverse.

“Are you deliberately trying to frustrate me, Slave?”, she asked, mounting impatience in her voice.

“Of course”, I responded. One has to be honest with his Mistress.

As her hips began to squirm even more to find better contact with the tool resting between her thighs, I decided to be merciful and turned her over, face up on the bed, giving me better access to her hard nipples. They tasted so good between my lips and teeth.

With her head thrown back, and her sounds turning all the more animalistic and demanding, I asked her to imagine what it would be like tied to a suitable Dom’s bed, with him teasing/torturing her like this, but withholding permission to come. Making her beg for it. This only seemed to drive Mistress to further distraction.

Varying the pressure of the Wand on the junction between her thighs, I brought Mistress to the verge and back several times. By now her hands had found my cock and her gentle squeezes and caresses began to take their toll. So I expedited the process by applying the churning tool more firmly against her, to Mistress’s gratification. I pressed her against the bed with the weight of my body as she came with sobs and tears, then begged me to fuck her.

By now I was more than desperate myself, and she seemed pleased with how hard my cock was as I held it deep inside her, letting our hips do the work that led Mistress over the top one more time. When I finally was given permission to come it was with an with the special intensity that comes only after a full day of denial and devotion.

Today is Slave’s Abstinence Day. So I will keep last night’s explosion in mind as I “offer it up” for the next 24 hours.