Thursday, January 7, 2010

Devoted Slave Not Deterred by Snow Delay / HNT too.

This morning a robo-call from the local School Superintendent woke me at 5:45 am from a deep sleep. Her disembodied voice wanted to let me know in an ominous voice that school for the surly teens was delayed for two hours as they “appraised the situation”. I was not sure what the situation was that had to be appraised – had there been a terrorist attack on a high school somewhere in the heartland? Was the school’s supply of potato chips contaminated? Had astronomers discovered a moon sized asteroid careening towards Earth at 100 miles / second on a deadly trajectory?

A groggy Mistress reminded me that snow had been predicted. But when I looked out the window not a flake had fallen yet. Such is life in river City….Oh to be back in our undisclosed location where Snow = Good, not grounds for “reappraisal”, or to plunder the last remaining gallon of milk or container of cottage cheese from the local grocery store.

But you reader(s) do not come here looking for weather reports or complaints about lazy school administrators. You want to know what’s up in the crazy, kinda kinky life of Mick and Molly. And I’ll damned if I delay that update for even an hour due to the possibility of snow….

Yesterday was my first Abstinence Day since our extended holiday. And after all the sex of the last few weeks, I guess I have no right to complain. My cock took it as if it was simply down for maintenance for 24 hours. Though it was stirring a bit as I cuddled with Mistress after that way-too-early phone call. But I ignored my heightened horniness to give Mistress an extra hour of her beauty rest and do my homework.

What’s nice about abstinence day is that I can simply focus on my Mistress’s pleasure, without considering how and when I will get mine. So yesterday morning, after I did my homework assignment, I came back to bed with her pleasure in mind.

Mistress had a meeting downtown in the morning, so she had an early wake-up call placed with me. But I made sure that she woke with my head buried between her legs, where the climate was so moist, warm and fragrant. Soon her body was quaking and I could hear those little gasps signaling her release. But I just kept going, sucking her little bud between my teeth. And she just kept coming, in a series of little quakes and moans that make a Slave feel very accomplished.

Soon she was in the shower, and getting ready for her day. After my shower, I took on the task of applying my new cock cage, the “Mistress” model from the folks at “Chastity Heaven”. It’s solid stainless steel. I had to bore the two holes a little larger to accommodate our lock, but with that adjustment it fits securely and relatively comfortably.

The trick with this device is that it has a solid, hingeless, stainless steel ring that must contain your balls and cock. The circumference is about 1 7/8 inches, large enough to hold me; tight enough not to fall off. But the problem, particularly in cold weather, when things tend to contract down there, is sliding my “package” through the ring. It’s not pretty, and it can be a bit painful poking those little guys through there one at a time. So once that ring is on, I am in no hurry to get it off.

After the ring is mounted properly, the cage slides over a little post on the ring, the lock is inserted in the mated and now expanded holes, and it’s Mistress’s turn to close the lock and take possession of the key. I relish the twinkle in her eye as she pats me down there with the knowledge that until I return to her that evening, m cock is securely locked away.

Since Mistress was downtown, we had planned a “meet-up” at my office later in the afternoon, but she surprised me with an offer to join me for lunch. When she arrived on my office, dressed in black – dress, tights, boots – I quickly closed my office door and took her in my arms. Soon the chair was pressed against my door, Mistress was seated, legs spread, and I was where I belonged – on my knees.

I particularly enjoy the feel and texture of those black tights against my fingers and mouth. So before peeling them back I took the time to taste and stroke her through those tights until her hips were agitated and I could hear the change in her breathing that signaled she was “on the verge”. Then, with her help, I slid her tights down to her boot tops. Mistress had gone without underwear, so that left me with direct access to those steamy and damp parts. Soon I had her coming against my face, her thighs pressed against the sides of my head, her hips arching out of that chair to press herself even harder against my mouth. I liked the look on her face as she threw her head back with a stifled moan, then relaxed in her gratification.

Mistress asked how my cage felt at that moment. “Tight, Mistress”, was all I could muster.

At lunch in an intimate hotel bar, I was able to sit next to Mistress and fondle her firm thighs through the black tights that had only recently been yanked to her boot tops. I suspect there were other men in that room (including a local federal judge) who wondered how old Mick had landed such a delight, and kept her close at hand for so many years.

Lunch concluded, Mistress and Slave went back to work.

When I got home around 6 pm it was worship time again, and I repeated our little ritual, this time in our bedroom as Mistress stretched across the bed, now in her black tights and bra. (There should be a picture of that for you above). When I had accomplished my task, I could not help sliding onto the bed next to Mistress for some extra kisses and caresses, though my steel cage kept me at bay. Lying next to her, my hand slid between those shapely legs, her tights still on, and I soon had her coming again, with her thighs clutching my hand tightly as her face pressed into my neck.

After we dined with the teens, we returned to our bedroom and Mistress offered to release me from my cage. Naturally, I was ready for my parole, with or without the prospect of satisfaction before dawn. There was some TV on the laptop, and some reading. AS lights went out, I offered to satisfy Mistress again. But she declined, admitting that her needs had been fully satisfied until morning.

And now, with Abstinence Day in the rear view mirror, and the kids on delay, its time for this Slave to return to his prime directive – satisfying Mistress -with a good prospect for a dividend of my own.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Comforting Rituals to Beat Back January's Cold and Gloom

Two weeks away in the sunny mountain west makes for a hard transition back to the frozen, low cloud cover tundra of January in middle America. But thankfully, Mick and Molly have some comforting rituals they can embrace as we hunker down for the two months of the year that absolutely suck in River City.

One ritual is putting this Slave’s cock back in its cage after two weeks of relative freedom. Mistress has every right to make sure it does not wander. And the tight embrace of the cage is a reminder of her love and my status. That’s why I always get a little thrill when she closes the lock in the am before I head to work.

I am making the transition from the CB6000 model, to a stainless steel sucker built to order by the folks at Chastity Heaven. The CB6000 has its utility, but can also be pinchy when little folds of skin or hair get stuck between shifting plastic parts.  Depending on one’s point of view, that can be a blessing or a curse. I think you know my POV.

 I had some initial fitting problems with the new device that arrived while I was out in the mountains, so I used old reliable yesterday. After our morning session -  Mistress reading my entry while I used my mouth to please her – we had some lovely and mutually pleasurable love making. Then I hit the showers, donned my cage and had Mistress shut the lock. Then it was off into the snow and cold.

At work, the cage is not particularly bothersome, other than the need to sit while peeing. A modest sacrifice to assure that Mistress feels secure about her chattel. But it can pinch and squeeze uncomfortably  if you have to lean over to pick up a fallen paper clip or file folder.  “Bend the knees, Mick”, I often remind myself.

The best part is when I get home from work. After some niceties with the surly teens, who seem to wish most days that Dad would vanish (but for his credit cards), it is up to our cozy bedroom where I ask  “may I worship , now, MIstress”. She is usually happy to consent, and lays back on the bed while I take my position on my knees and between her legs.  This is Mistress’s chance to share the details of her day, or question me about my day, as I stroke, suck and lick her inner thighs, before moving to their conjunction.
If I do my job properly, Mistress will graciously offer to unlock my cage and then invite me to make love to her in a more conventional style. Sometimes she will tie my hands behind my back for this little ritual, which is always a treat.

Last night we followed this ritual for the first time in two weeks, making a highlight for what was otherwise a dreary work day for this Slave. It was a pleasure to pop out of the cage, wash off and then sidel up to Mistress in bed where her fondling fingers soon had me begging for entry.

Afterwards, I tinkered with the new cage, got it on, lock secured, ready for its first test drive today. I lay next to Mistress as we watched a movie on PPV. It was one of those “guys in their 30’s acting like frat boy flicks” that tried to shock with outrageous acts of sexual hi-jinks. But compared to this “old married couple”, their adventures seemed pretty bland. Should we offer up the film rights? Michael Caine could play Mick with J Lo as the sultry Molly.

Mistress kindly allowed me to remove the cage before bedtime, and we faded away, pressed against one another. But today is a return to another less pleasant ritual: Abstinence Day; Though it will be accented by a visit from Mistress at work for some mid-day worship. I will report tomorrow on how that goes with the new cage in place.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Back to Basics

A new year has started and Mick and Molly are back to their day jobs. The appeal of the life of itinerant ski bums was not lost on us, but surly teens still need to be educated. So here we are, back in River City, where it is cold, snowing, grim and flat. Our wonderful two weeks in our mountain hideaway are just a lovely, fading memory. But at least we have some pictures and tanned faces to show for it. One of those pictures is attached.

Mistress dropped her Slave off at his office on the way from the airport, where I discovered the typical pile of mail, along with colleagues who seemed surprised that I still worked there. My “assistant” was still in the same seat though, still surfing the internet, looking annoyed when I gave her something to accomplish. SO everything was normal.

There was a box waiting: Slave’s new cage. I will give a further consumer report on that tomorrow. It looks very “secure”, though my current lock will not fit through the hand bored holes in this shiny, stainless steel contraption. New lock must be found today!

But at least Slave had one pleasant ritual to return to: worship time. When I got home, Mistress had dinner on the stove, the comforting aroma of her copyrighted chili recipe. The teens were watching TV rather than working on their holiday reading assignments.

All quiet, we adjourned to the bedroom and I asked Mistress if I had permission to worship. She was in her riding leggings. I assumed my position at her feet as she laid back on the bed. As I massaged her inner thighs and their apex with my mouth and tongue, we talked through the events of her abbreviated day. Soon I was peeling back the tights to get a full taste of her. Of course, by now she was quite damp, and gave off a little sigh as my tongue and fingers spread her and poked about, taking her to the edge a few times before setting her off into those lovely little spasms and moans that say to me “good job, slave.”

Mistress enquired whether I would like to fuck her. And despite the long flights and sad return to my office, I was a “go”. She instructed me to insert my little white probe, apparently concerned that my cock au natural would be hard enough for her exacting standards. Once I did, and slid under the covers with her warm body, a few deft strokes from her devilish fingers gave her the tool that she prefers. With permission to proceed, we had our way with one another, and she generously gave me permission to come once she was satisfied, interrupted only by a gray hairy cat who seems to have devised a way to open our seemingly closed door. (I will look for a hook to go with that lock, Mistress).

Our kids were fed, we returned to our bed to page through some accumulated newspapers, read our books, and dodged for at least one more night the nagginf talking heads on MSNBC, pretending we were not really back at all.

But here I am again, up early, reporting to Mistress and our reader(s), planning to clear the snow off my car, after heading up to Mistress to worship once more before another work day begins.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Headed Home with some Good Observations from a Blog "Follower"

It’s a travel day for Mick, Molly and three sleepy and surly teens. Naturally, our flight leaves from the slummier portion of the airport, where I can over hear Texans comment on how Sarah Palin is more qualified to be President than Barack Obama, since she was a Mayor and Governor and the President “never had a real job”. Yikes.

Last night we spent in one of those Hyatt Hotels parked near an airport, and the teens got their own room. That gave Mistress and Slave an opportunity to chill and engage on some last night of the vacation sex, which was more on the comfortable rather than kinky side. But very nice. Slave particularly enjoyed tasting Mistress through some lacy black undies, under the Hyatt covers, and Mistress’s generous use of her lascivious mouth to make sure my cock was hard and ready to take her.

Over our holiday, we struck up an email dialog with M, a fellow skier and Slave to his wife, who follows our blog and generously shared some of his own experiences with us. With his permission, Slave is sharing some comments he gave us on the nature of the FemDom relationship for old married couples like us (well I am actually a decade or so older than M, but the thoughts make sense to me too):

"I would never presume to give advice to another couple, especially you guys who have such a great relationship. Hey. You guys know what works for you. But if it were me I would prefer,(I'm not sure aggressive is the right word), a more strict, dominant, no nonsense approach. I always like it when B just grabs my hair, looks me right in the eye, and tells me something. Or if she looks me in the eye (and says with a dominate look in her eye) "I will tend to you later". Or when she was ordering me around today. I asked her if she knew she knew she was ordering me around (she said of course she did) (men are kind of stupid especially when horny). I told her that was making me hot. She said I know that. She used to be submissive to me and I think that makes her a better Domme. She knows the little things that turn a sub on.

At this stage of my life I think it is more normal for woman to be dominant. After all, women control sex. Absent rape they are the ones to say yes or no. So male dominants are always trying to please the submissive woman. With dominant women the males are trying to please them to gain access to their sex. Different dynamic.

But my view is obviously wrong. Look at how many more submissive women blogs there are out there, compared to male sub blogs. Romance novels, need I say more. (I think women like to have fantasies about being submissive, but the action is always exactly the way they want!) But the submissive female still controls the action. Sub males, not so much. Anyway, its all HOT so who cares? At my age whatever gets B and I HOT is fine with me!

Mick and I are are obviously both alpha males. As for me I do not think any woman under 40 could dominate me. Young girls are just that, young girls. Hot yes, but not to me any more. I suspect Mick will tell you the same. At my age there is something very hot about giving up control to a woman you respect. I don't need to show anyone how great I am any more. With me it's not a game I want B to control me. Very different from when I was younger and still had a big ego. Now I have true confidence and don't care what other people think, except for B."

Hate to sound like a Rush Limbaugh fan, but all I can say is “ditto”.

Now its back to the work-a-day routine for Mick and Molly. Wondering whether that new cage will be waiting for