Sunday, January 3, 2010

How to Fix a Bad Dream

Yesterday was our last day of skiing  here at our undisclosed location. Slave and Mistress survived their 13th run on their 13th ski day of the holiday season, and decided to quit before the ski gods conspired to throw a boarder in their path.

It’s always hard for us to leave here, with or without surly teens. Our little mountain cabin is a place where the challenges and trials of the real world and all its pressures - work, school, the demands of extended family - go on hiatus. And as our merry band of followers have come to learn, the sex is pretty satisfying too. So we will store away the skis and boots, hang up the bolo tie, pack the snake  skin boots and drive off today, with an early flight to catch tomorrow morning.

But what about the “good parts?”, you ask. Not to worry.

 Mistress wanted to get me in the proper frame of mind for our return to the real world, where she feels the need to exercise some tighter control over her  Slave. While riding a lift yesterday, she put me on notice that I was due for a cropping at the end of the day. “What did I do wrong, Mistress?” I asked, genuinely curious, since I had strived to meet her expectations. “Oh, you’ve been a good Slave this last week….but you need to be reminded every now and then about the consequences of misbehavior.”

Once back to our mini-“spread”, the skis were unloaded and tucked away. Mistress and Slave adjourned to the bedroom, sealing off the teens. After seeing to our correspondence and enjoying some comments and e-mails from a few readers, Mistress directed me to strip and lay on the bed, face down. I knew what was coming.

Mistress took her time at this point, dealing with some packing and teen demands, as I lay there, contemplating my fate. It was a good 5-10 minutes of fruitful mediation for me, that had my cock stirring. Finally, Mistress turned her attention to me, crop in hand.

She was wearing a short black item of lingerie I had gifted to her for Christmas, sans panties. It seemed I could smell her arousal as she wielded the crop and proceeded to slap me with it across the ass.

I asked again, “what is this punishment for Mistress””.

“I don’t really need a reason, do I?”

Of course, she was right. A good cropping from time to time is a reminder to a Slave of his/her submissive state. It reminds me how comforting it is to be under the dominance and control of my loving, and delightfully sexy wife.

Mistress was light handed, gave me about 15 thwacks, and then relented. I could tell that she was not in a full corrective frame of mind. It was not nearly as severe a cropping as I had received after she saw my eyes stray toward a woman at the airport on our trip out here.

Punishment concluded, Mistress had me turn over and proceeded to probe my cock with the tip of her crop. She seemed to enjoy watching it thicken for her, an effect enhanced by the blood flowing to my now tender ass.

Mistress lay down next to me on the bed, using her fingers to bring me to high alert. I asked for permission to lick her, which she granted. After a few minutes of soft and delicate ministrations, she came with her hips thrusting against my mouth. But I decided to keep up my licking and sucking until she demanded that I stop. The result appeared to be a series of delicious mini-orgasms, signaled by the ragged breathing and little moans of ecstasy that are music to a Slave’ ears. Finally Mistress  grabbed me by the hair and pulled me away.

“Are you ready to fuck me now, Slave”, she sighed, the edge of command in her voice having slipped a bit.

Of course, I was more than ready, and mounted her, my cock sliding easily into her. She grunted with the force of my assault, and complemented me on how hard I was.

As I increased the tempo and was approaching my point of begging. She said, “I want to be on top.” And of course I put my own release on hold, rolling off her and letting her mount me.

There is something very special in the way Mistress takes her pleasure this way. She has the control to move her hips against me at just the right pace and intensity to bring herself to one of those special  explosions that make a Slave feel that his cock should get a nomination for best supporting actor.

This time Mistress came writhing against me more quickly than normal. But as she rested against me, catching her breath, I asked her to imagine that she was required to ride the cock of some would be Dom, her hands tied behind her back. This thought got Mistress slowly moving against my still rampant cock one more time, and she slowly built her self into a frenzy, until she was rubbing furiously against me. She erupted again with a stunning intensity before collapsing on me and rolling over and off.

This was my signal to resume the upper position, and she soon was responding affirmatively to my request, “Mistress may I come”.  And of course I did. Both exhausted, we nodded off, to wake as the last light of the sun faded on the mystical mountain outside our window.

Mistress and Slave had a “date night” for our last evening here, dinner at a funky organic restaurant filled with the local bohemian types, then a drink at a local bar listening to a funky blues band.   We came home full and satisfied, drifting off after wading through only a few pages of our books. ( I did take some photos as Mistress undressed and share one with this posting).

But around 4 am, Mistress was awake. I could tell she was troubled and asked her what was up. “A bad dream” she reported. Supposedly Slave told her he was bored with her at some suburban restaurant back home. I reassured her that her Slave was more devoted than ever. And she should have known the dream was bogus, if only because Slave is allergic to suburban restaurants.

Mistress was lying on her stomach, with her Slave pressed against her side. But since our switch day had already arrived I did something a Slave would not ordinarily do: I slid my hand between her legs from behind and began teasing and probing with my fingers until her hips began pressing against my hand with obvious desire. Soon I had her shuddering and moaning for me. She rolled over, apparently ready to be taken. But my fingers were not done yet, and I rubbed and prodded some more, until she came one more time for me with more shudders and moans.

I then rose to take my prize, sliding into her as she gasped. She asked me if I thought she was “sexy”. “Of course, silly one”. “Why”, she demanded.

So I told her how very sexy she was: her delightful body, her wicked mind, her responsiveness and imagination; That she would make someone a lovely “whore” or “slut” if given the opportunity, She is aroused at the slightest provocation. And once  aroused she is inclined to think with her cunt, not her mind. Now that is how this Slave defines sexy.

As this talk proceeded I continued to pump into my Mistress, my hands pressing her arms down over her head, with an intensity that someone described in a far more sober venue as “the fierce urgency of now.” Mistress came again with those little cries and moans. And finally my time had come, and with permission.

So at least there was a dividend from Mistress’s bad dream.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Starting a New Year

Dear Mistress,

Our time away in the Mountains is reaching its end. We have gotten out of some of our Mistress / Slave rituals over these last two weeks – no cage, abstinence days, or end of work day worship. But we have reminded ourselves of the pleasures of more vanilla sex-capades as we been required to modulate our activities to accommodate some too close at hand teens, and the toll our days of skiing take on our energy levels. (As our reader(s) can see, the skiing regime is good for keeping Mistress's delectable bottom firm and shapely).

Yesterday morning we slept in a bit, after celebrating the New Year in a restrained but pleasant style. The extra sleep, and my work on new year’s resolutions for you, had me anxious to take you on by the time you awoke and called for my services. So as you read my resolutions and made your comments, I used my lips and tongue to assure you were particularly aroused.

Once you set down your laptop at the side of the bed, the brilliant light of sunrise streaming into the room, I resumed my assault in earnest. The movement of your hips against my face signaled a more insistent need that I sought to fulfill. I moistened a finger with your juices, and then gently slid it inside your other entry, a move that seemed to catch you by surprise, and soon had you coming for me long and hard, in a series of bucks and gasps that left you momentarily spent.

Of course, my cock was hard by then, and I asked for permission to enter where you were so damp and delicious. First you tested me, using your fingers to assure that my rigidity met your exacting standards, before allowing me the access that I craved. By then I was more than ready for you, and asked you for permission to take you from behind, expecting that Mistress could use a good hard fucking.

You consented, rolled over and I slid a pillow under your hips to avoid too much stress on the muscles in your back. I slid over you, bracing myself with my arms, as I let my cock poke a bit between your soft ass cheeks. You seemed anxious, pressing up against me with increasing frustration. Soon I was probing for my mark and found it wet and ready for me.

As I slowly slid, inch by inch, inside of you, I asked you to consider how it would be for some would be Dom to give you a good hard spanking, then take you this way.

“Would you like that Mistresss”, I asked. “Yes’ Slave”, you confessed, head buried under your dark flowing hair. By then I was buried deep inside you, and began sliding my hips side by side over you, forcing you to grind yourself against the bed for your pleasure. As I did that, you tensed, clenching my cock, and came with a shudder and moan, almost immediately.

I sensed you were not quite ready for me to stop, so slowed the pace a bit, easing out slightly and continued the theme of our conversation. When your body seemed to more insistently demand more from me, I responded, going deeper and harder until you came again, sobbing this time. “Good girl”, I said, before sliding out, helping you roll over, ready to take my reward the more conventional way.

The result left your Slave lying next to you in a state of deep contentment, bordering on the comatose, that made me look forward to the New Year.

We stayed in bed a bit longer, watching the end of a newly released, bootleg movie lent to us. I was required to listen to you fawn over the delights of George Clooney. No doubt you would enjoy making him your Slave, Mistress.

Then it was ritual New Year’s phone calls to family members before moving on to the Mountain for some warm sun and soft snow.

On return in mid-afternoon, I prepared our traditional New Year’s Day feast: Green Chili Stew and Apple Crisp; and you took the teens on a little shopping mission. By the time we had finished up we had only an abbreviated “rest” period available before dinner and a bowl game for the home team. But neither one of us wanted to “pass”. That would not be a good omen for the start for the New Year.

Sensing that I was a bit tired, you told me to insert my little white probe, which you know can lead to a harder cock on a more expedited schedule. Maybe we should call it “Mistress’s Little Helper”.

After following orders, I slid into bed next to you, luxuriating under the warm quilt with your body pressed against mine. As we kissed my hand snaked over your thigh and through your legs from behind, finding my target. Soon my fingers had you coming against me, with a little quake and sigh.

“Fuck me, Slave”, you demanded. But alas, and to your disappointment, I was not quite ready. Maybe it was the long day on my feet? But even with the probe, I needed a little help. I was concerned a punishment was in store, but you were kind and decided this would be a good time to practice your oral skills, which could soon be needed elsewhere. I was treated to a wonderful interlude in which you intermittently used your mouth and fingers to restore my cock to the state you have every right to demand. And the resulting engagement was particularly rewarding, Mistress, still leaving time for a 30 minute nap before “game time”.

A good way to start a New Year that looks assured to beat the angst and uncertainty of 2009.

Friday, January 1, 2010

A Slave's New Year's Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions of a Devoted Slave

Dear Mistress,

Yesterday was our 12th day of skiing out of 13 days. When we got home our legs were tired from pushing around all that new powder sparkling in the high altitude sun. And we had New Year’s Eve activities planned to prepare that squeezed our schedule.
When we returned from the slopes I collapsed into bed next to you and asked for some rest time, which you granted. When I woke the sun was already down and the mountains out our window here had that alpen glow going on, with the full moon yet to rise.

I knew I had to shower quickly for the next excursion for mountain top fireworks, but also knew that you deserved my full sexual attention. Nor did I want to spend the evening with kids and other families in a state of frustration.

So, still drowsy, we embarked on an expedited but torrid encounter. It started with our legs and arms intertwined, and passionate kisses. In that position my hand can snake around your delicious bottom and slide between your legs from behind. That hand found you already wet and welcoming. So as  my mouth focused on one set of sensuous lips, I used my fingers to slide over and through your other set.  Soon your hips were pumping against my hand, and I could feel your gasp and shudder without ever breaking that long, deep kiss.

You then focused on my hardening cock, and your soft, skilled fingers soon had me increasingly desperate to enter you. After some begging on my part, you allowed be to slide on top and inside and I spent the limited time we had enjoying your warm embrace, while touching and tasting   the soft and sensuous breasts that earned some compliments from yesterday’s blog.

With my right leg over your left leg  I gained the leverage that allows me to press firmly against you in that way that makes you squirm,  gasp, and then come for me, mouth open, eyes closed in a vision of concentration that always excites me. And then it was my turn, making sure that when I asked permission at a time when I could still “abort” if required. But this time, it was a “Go”, and I enjoyed a deep and satisfying release that left me ready to go back to that nap.

But that was not to be – teens needed to be delivered to their fireworks show, so it was up and out and away from your warm body too quickly.

As our evening progressed – rather tame by some folks’ standards, but relaxing to be with friends and family – I focused on the resolutions for the New Year you had asked me to compose this morning.

My resolutions are intended to deepen our relationship as Mistress and Slave, and to make you more secure on my love and devotion for you. Some may be a bit frivolous. Others are deadly serious. Here they are in no particular order:

·      Spend more time on my knees, worshiping your cunt.
·      While I am always conscious of how beautiful and attractive you are, make sure I express that appreciation verbally and in writing more often.
·      Do more slavish tasks around the house to make your life more enjoyable and to make more time for you to pursue activities and interests that enhance our personal and sexual relationship.
·      Beg more often and more purposefully for the indulgences you generously grant me.
·      Attend to your comfort and body more often … foot or back massages, washing you in the shower, whatever you desire.
·      Do not presume that Mistress will grant permission to come every time I beg.
·      Do not squirm so much when you crop me. (Unless you enjoy the squirming).
·      Help you fulfill your fantasies.
·      Turn off the lights without you asking me.
·      Anticipate and fulfill your other needs and preferences.
·      More frequently express my love and appreciation for you.

Of course, you are the Mistress. These are the things I think will make me a better Slave in 2010. But our contract allows you to make any rules for me you desire. So let me know if there are some rules you will   set for me that would make you a happier Mistress in the year to come.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Presumptuous Slave / HNT

A Presumptuous Slave

Yesterday was one of those rare days when Mistress and Slave had only one sexual opportunity. Yes, it was my normal abstinence day, but even on those days, Mistress’s deserves to be satisfied in full measure. And she was short changed. Truth be told, it made us both a little edgy and snappish. Can you be sexually addicted to your spouse? If so we were exhibiting withdrawal symptoms by yesterday afternoon.

The day began with some work and a much too long conference call with folks who apparently have different priorities during the Christmas / New Year’s interregnum. But it pays the bills.

By the time my call was done, the teens were up and munching Cap’n Crunch, and we had to get rolling towards our date with the fresh powder that had fallen overnight.

The new fallen snow was a joy, though our legs felt the extra effort by the end of the day. Then Slave had a mission to fuel up and gather provisions at the local organic grocery for our New Year’s Day fest.

By the time I returned, Mistress was tucked into our warm bed reading. I wanted her, badly. She told me to strip, and fetch her black glove, depicted here.

As I crawled under the sheets, I was greeted by Mistress’s toasty and alluring nakedness. My leg slid between hers as we kissed. Finally.
Within seconds, I was ready to enter her, and my fingers discovered that Mistress was ready too.

But Mistress was in no hurry. She directed her Slave to lay back and proceeded to use the soft texture of her black glove to assure that my cock met her demanding standards.

In the meantime, my fingers worked their way inside her and soon had her hips pumping against them. Her first orgasm seemed to relieve the tension of her own nearly 24 hours of abstinence. All the while Mistress worked me with her glove, waiting to hear the desperation in my voice as I begged to fuck her. She was not disappointed.

Finally, Mistress relented and allowed me to enter her. Buried deep inside now, I worked my own hips side to side against her for several minutes, bringing her to the brink again, all the while toying with her nipples with fingers and lips. I asked her if she would like to feel some would be Dom tease and torture those lovely little buds with a more determined purpose. “Yes, Slave”, she sighed, in that desperate voice she uses when so very close to the edge. I then slid back just enough to make some room for my fingers between where we were joined. My fingers teased a shuddering conclusion from her, her head thrown back as she vocalized her pleasure.

My mission done, it was not long before I was begging. And here’s where Mistress threw a change up. She usually relents immediately when I ask “Mistress may I come”, with a generous, “Yes, Slave”.

But yesterday on the Mountain, in some brief moments of solitude, she suggested she might impose abstinence on me after all, because my morning call had interfered with her rights as a Mistress. Maybe, she would not give me the permission I had become too accustomed to enjoying, she suggested with that teasing look on her face.

Of course, in my heated passion, I forgot the warnings I had heard hours earlier. I falsely assumed permission would be granted immediately and waited a tad too long for the begging part. When she responded, “No, Slave. I want to hear you beg some more”, I was a second past the point of no return. And though I did beg some more, and Mistress, within seconds granted permission….

I confess that a good batch of my fluids had already been released on their search and fertilize mission. Sorry, Mistress. I suspect some type of punishment is in order.

Eliminating that presumption needs to be at the top of Slave’s list of New Year’s resolutions.