Monday, December 21, 2009

Mistress's Feet Get Special Attention

Dear Mistress,

We had a lovely day skiing with the teens out here to start our Christmas Holidays. And despite the exercise, sunshine, altitude, mountain air, tree trimming and dinner at home with our Texas friends, we still seemed to keep our sexual adventures in overdrive.

I had woken early and hard, my cock having trouble adjusting to the time change. So I adjourned to do my homework for you. By the time you awoke and said you were ready for me to return to bed, the light was just emerging over the mountains. I handed you the computer and you read, as I enjoyed my time to slowly tease your cunt with my tongue. When you finish up and grade my work, it’s typical that I would bring you to orgasm that way, before getting my turn.

But it was Sunday, our normal switch day, so I disengaged my tongue, despite your grunt of disapproval, pulled up a chair, and hauled you over my lap. Stroking you gently at first, I asked you to consider Vanilla Mom’s blog about meeting an imaginary Dom somewhere for his first “inspection”. As the story developed, I  proceeded to batter your delicious bottom with my palm, until you were panting and squirming.

But unlike other spankings, when you might come with my fingers stimulating you, you moaned and begged  “make love to me Slave”.  Your need to switch to a more comfortable and loving position struck a nerve, and of course I always want to obey and please you, even when we switch roles. So I led you back to the bed, where your body was so warm, soft and inviting. The spanking seemed to have made all of your muscles relax, even the ones in your cunt, and you opened and took me with extraordinary ease. I finished you, holding your hands above your head and pumping into you.

After a fine day in the high mountain sun (need to remember suns screen today), we returned to our cottage for our afternoon “rest”. (The girls must think their old, fuddy duddy parents sleep too much).

Truth be told, as much fun as it is to ski our local mountains in the blazing sun, the time of the day I most look forward to is this R & R period after a day outside, and before we jump into our evening activities.

You changed into something “more comfortable”, from your alluring lingerie collection, and I stripped, naked as you like me. As you read for a while, I monitored the progress of our local NFL team. But the day’s discussions about choices and options you were considering had me edgy with desire.

Soon the computer and book were shunted aside, and I was using my fingers to bring you to orgasm as we talked about your decision to submit to Sir. Then you used your hand to bring me to the edge, begging for the chance to fuck you. Ultimately you relented, and I was rewarded with the opportunity to slide inside you again and get the relief I needed so badly by then.

We both napped a bit before it was time to prepare to entertain our guests, bearing pizza from a nearby dive. These are folks we enjoy seeing on our visits here, and as the evening proceeded and more wine was consumed, we adjourned to the seating area in front of our blazing fire to catch up on developments over the last few months.

I had promised to behave more slavishly on this trip, though with discretion. Therefore I enjoy the little opportunities to fit our new lifestyle into everyday activities.  I maneuvered you  into an easy chair, your feet stretched onto a hassock, and me settled in at your feet. You were barefoot, your toes painted a deep red, ankles crossed. I took your left foot and began a slow massage as we talked to our friends.

This causal gesture seemed to have a compelling effect on our friend Joe. Within moments, he had gotten up from the little love seat opposite us, where he had been sitting with his wife, and sat on the edge of the hassock where your feet lay. It was not long before he was handling your right foot, sliding his fingers between her toes, and commenting on their shape and the texture of your skin.  Odd.

You seemed amused. But did nothing to pull away, just thanked Joe for his complement, and the dual massages continued. It was as if you had two slaves now, worshiping your feet.

By now Joe’s wife and 20’s something daughter, and our two surly teens seemed amused by Joe’s foot fixation. (Our girls already think their parents are a little odd).

After a few more moments,  I offered to trade feet with Joe, taking your right foot in hand and handing him your left. And when I kissed your toes and looked to Joe as if he should consider doing the same, that got the “yucks” coming from the girls, and seemed to make Joe realize that he had gotten a bit lost in his frank devotion to your lovely feet. I wonder what his wife had to say about all this as they bedded down for the night.

Through the evening, I noticed you disappear into our bedroom, presumably to go to the girl’s room. But I also wondered whether you were checking to see if there was any message from Sir. It’s the sort of speculation that may be misguided, but turns me on a bit. So what the hell.

But I did know from our talks that you were in the final stages of negotiating the terms of your “part time” surrender to Sir. It reminded me a bit of how we negotiated our contract a few months back. It was not much of a negotiation. You got what you wanted, as any slave owner should. But its important, and rather sexy, to know in advance what rights you are surrendering.

When our guests wandered off into the cold air, we buttoned up the house and headed to bed.  As I walked into the room, you were already in some delightfully skimpy sleep wear, perched on the window ledge where you can get the limited cell reception available here. You smiled with a certain delight and said that Sir was texting about your offer to surrender. It seemed he had accepted your few conditions. That gave you an apparent thrill. You have an adventure to look forward to in the New Year when we get back to River City.

You  told me your back was a bit sore, a signal to me not to press my luck for the third time that day. So we read a bit, but the thoughts running through my brain, and our further discussions made me want to slide between your thighs and suck on you a bit. When I asked permission you agreed, though I said I would have no expectations that would require you to strain that back.

Your thighs were creamy soft as I pressed my face against them, and your dripping cunt was creamy too. You seemed highly aroused even before the first touch of my tongue. I slowly took you to the edge of release, backed away a few times, then took you over the edge, which seemed to please and relax you, Mistress.

You reached for my cock, which was frustratingly hard again. “What should we do about this?” You asked. I knew that you had originally nixed making love, so I offered to masturbate for you, which you sometimes enjoy. “Maybe”, you said “but first, the glove”. You reached for the long black, zip up glove, pulled it on and then used it to work me slowly and gently with it, making me even more desperate.

Then you took me in your warm mouth for a while, turning up the temperature, until I was whining “please, Mistress”. Pulling your lips from my cock, you had me stroke myself with my hand while your gloved fingers cupped my balls until I was on the very verge.

It was at that point that you gave me the choice of fucking you, or coming into my own hand.  A no-brainer.

After we were done, I was quite grateful and ready for sleep, but wondered whether my manipulative behavior was worthy of punishment.

Your loving slave.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Time Change Challenge

Time Change Challenge

Dear Mistress,

Why is it that my cock has more trouble with a time shift than the rest of me?

We arrived here just short of midnight Mountain Time, surly teens in tow, for our Christmas Holiday. It was a long travel day, though hardly a sexual draught for us. You let me take you yesterday morning, back home in River City, but only after I took my time worshiping your fragrant cunt as you read my morning homework.

There was packing to do and errands to run, but by noon we had that under control, and still 2 hours before heading to the airport. You napped some, I showered, and when I returned from the shower, all clean for you, I slid under the covers, not sure if you wanted to be wooed or left to rest.

Fortunately for me, you were waking from your slumber and turned to me, reaching for my cock. Its very well trained by now, and even the gentlest touch brings it to life. As you cupped me in your hand, I used my hand to tease your cunt through those soft, lacy undies, colored a soft gray that complements your olive skin.

We murmured about upcoming plans and your wandering curiosity, and soon my finger had you coming against it, gasping and jerking in little tasteful spasms as my mouth buried itself in your neck. You then allowed me to mount you, and we were in no hurry to finish the job. It would be a long day before we could crawl between the sheets again.

Traveling with teens does not allow the sort of physical and verbal interaction that we have come to enjoy, though I did take my opportunities to keep my hand buried possessively between your thighs through most of our flights. And as the cabin darkened on the second leg and we napped, you slid your head into my lap. After a few moments I could feel your fingers and tongue softly probing my crotch through those thick jeans. Unsurprisingly, my cock strained against the fabric, and it was hard for me not to squirm in my seat.

After 10 minutes or so of this treatment, a reminder that you have full title to all parts of me, you sat up and gave me a look of triumph, knowing how frustrated I had become, and that we still had 5 hours to go before I could expect to do anything about it. I suppose this was the sort of punishment a Slave deserves from time to time.

By the time we reached our little cabin on the edge of the mountains, it had been a long day. The teens headed straight to bed, I performed Sherpa duties fitting my slavish status, and you adjourned to our cozy wood trimmed bedroom. When I joined you, you had on some sexy nightwear that had been left in your stocking at an earlier Christmas. You told me it was time to strip, and insert that little white probe.

The probe reminds me of your power over me, Mistress. Being penetrated at your command re-enforces that submissive impulse you have used to bring me to heel these last few months. And of course there are certain physical effects when it slides inside me. As I stood next to the bed, you commented on how my cock was getting fuller before your eyes, even without a touch. So true. Then you reached out to handle it, using your fingers to prompt it further. Soon it was more than ready for you.

But it seemed only fair that I take to my knees and worship you first. You shifted your body around, and extended your legs so that they wrapped around my neck and I plunged into the task. I like to draw the orgasm out of you, and so between nibbles and suck I questioned you further about your reactions to your recent “interview”, a subject which seems to get both of our motors running.

Somewhere in midsentence you paused, groaned and let your hips ride a bit harder against my mouth, then relaxed your legs down around my neck and back. Mission accomplished.

With that, I was allowed to join you in bed, and made love with the passion that always has come to us out here, in our little mountain hideaway.

We read a bit, but soon I faded away into to a deep sleep. But when I woke around 5:30 Mountain time it was my hard cock that kept me from rolling over and drifting off again. It was too frustrating to press against you, knowing that you needed a few hours more sleep before we head up to the Ski Mountain. So here I am at my keyboard, the soft light of dawn lighting up the snow on the ground.

Lets hope my cock clock adjusts quickly.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Mistress Joins Slave at Business Lunch

One afternoon this week, I hosted an annual Holiday lunch for some clients and colleagues. It’s an event that has been on my calendar for more than 10 years. It’s always a convivial affair, a chance to say thanks, network, reconnect and celebrate the year’s accomplishments. Sometimes my lunch is at our home; other times at a local restaurant. This year I picked the restaurant option: upstairs in a private dining room in an old German stube, with rich wood paneling, on a hill overlooking our big river.

Mistress (well she was “just” Molly then) would often act as my congenial co-host. And it was always good to have her there. But because of our crazy, nomadic existence  until January 2009, Mistress had gone missing at these events in recent years. So it was very nice to have her at my side, greeting my clients and their staff, 25 or so, as they entered, ordered drinks, milled about, and dug into the potato pancakes  appetizers.

Of course, the last time Mistress co-hosted one of these events, she was my younger beautiful wife. Today she was my younger, beautiful Mistress. And though I was not collared or leashed, I did have my cage locked on tight underneath my stuffy business suit and tie.

Mistress was dressed conservatively, but with style and a certain sexy flair: long hair down and full. Black form fitting dress wrapped around her, ending just above her knees, finished with the black tights and boots that make me want to fall to my knees when she enters the room. You have seen bits and pieces of that look in our pictures.

So how do the dynamics change at a business-y social event, after signing a contract to become my wife’s Slave?

My behavior is evolving, I suppose. And this was an event where I had to appear the Type A, in charge professional, to be trusted with my clients’ most important problems. Groveling probably would not enhance their confidence in me.

But I did noticed that I hovered more closely to her, made sure her drink was fresh, and assuring that she got first dibs on those potato pancakes she loves.  Where in the past we might have circulated separately, talking to clumps of guests, we did more of our circulating together, and I found myself keeping a hand on her somewhere. An arm, shoulder, and when our backs were to the wall, her lovely bottom. Gentle caresses were the order of the day.

 Molly always has made me look better, more accomplished and confident when she is at my side. She is a tall, young, confident knockout compared to her older, stuffier and now balding husband/slave. I can’t help notice men (and a few women) appraise her body, head to toe, with more than passing interest.

My friends and clients surely must wonder how she settled for me all those years ago. And I suspect some say to themselves: “If Mick landed her, he must have something going on….” Well there is something going on. But I doubt any of them suspect what our readers know about how this relationship has evolved.

As we sat for lunch, I made sure my chair was right next to Mistress, and we enjoyed chatting with the folks to our right and left. They were curious about Mistress’s work exploits these days, and she shared some common experiences with our lunch companions in her clever, competent manner.

What they did not see, was how my right hand had burrowed between her thighs, possessively, obsessively stroking the fabric of her back tights. You see there was something else driving Slave a bit crazy.

Mistress told me late that morning that she had arranged her initial, in person interview with her prospective Sir, to commence when our lunch concluded. An escalation in their interaction that took me a bit by surprise, but that I welcomed. This development had me on edge, driving me a bit crazy actually, with those confused emotions I have written about.

 Mistress was a bit anxious too about her “date”.  But she is a person of action, and was committed now to satisfying her curiosity about this fellow who had vowed to “own” her.

As my hand stroked her thigh, I thought about whether someone else might be handling her that way before the day was out. That thought made my cock twitch and strain inside that little cage.

Soon it was time for Mistress to go. I walked her to her car. Kissed her goodbye with a ferocity that fit the occasion, and wished her well. I had been tempted to slide her off into an adjoining room to give her a quick orgasm, but did not want to take the edge off her building sexual tension. We promised to stay in touch by text to assure all went well. And we did. And she came back safe and sound and interested in what the next step might be.

But what, if anything, happens next between Sir and Mistress is between them, and not for this correspondent to tell.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Mistress Gets her Gloves Out

Cold day here in River City. Mistress's gloves have many uses.