Friday, December 11, 2009

New Toy

Dear Mistress,

Yesterday was a busy one for you: a command performance with a client early in the morning, which aborted our typical morning rituals. I did not even have the time to pleasure you as you read my homework.

As we scrambled to leave for work, I realized I forgot my cage. I thought maybe you would say “never mind”, because you were in a hurry, but you frowned and told me to move quickly. I bounded upstairs to lock myself away for the day. It made me realize you really do like to know I am caged during the work day, which is a source of satisfaction for me.

You were in your Board room attire: dark hair up, black suit, and your new very sexy uniform of black tights and boots. I was allowed to bury a hand between your thighs as I drove you to work. A real perk to add to my drive time NPR routine.

We both worked through our day, with plans to link up at my office around 4 pm for a political event downtown. I was happy to see you when you arrived a little early. And though my cock was locked tightly away, I was anxious to have you open a Christmas present that had arrived early: one of those Hitachi Magic Wand vibrators (it came along with the replacement ring for my cage, to avoid further security breaches.)

The Magic Wand has gotten some nice reviews in sex blog land, and I was determined to find out if it was all “blog-wash”. I can recall a particular post by a Male Dom Writer who talked about using it to “force” multiple orgasms from his little pet. It seemed like a nice tool to have handy for Sunday mornings. I was also intrigued by the punishment Master S proposes at DomsubLove of affixing the vibrator to Desiree for an extended period. It’s something she dreads, and my curiosity about her fear was piqued.

For our test drive with the new toy, I had you lean over the desk, pushing aside some fragile items to give you room to place your hands down in front of you. I hiked up your skirt, exposing your lovely bottom, covered by the black tights. I first applied the wand to your bottom and you moaned a bit with the relaxing vibes. I moved to your inner thighs, and your undulations in response seemed to pick up a bit of a sexual edge as I verbally speculated about your e mails from S and whether you thought he was keeping up with our little adventures on our blog.

By the time the Wand made contact with your by now juicy cunt, your breathing had gone to gasps, and your ass was thrusting against the broad tip of the wand. You muttered something like “its very powerful” before coming against it, your thighs squeezing it between your legs.

But I was not done just yet. I eased back a bit, letting the wand continue to rest gently against you there for a few moments before pressing it to you with a bit more urgency. Suddenly, you came hard again, head resting against the papers strewn on my desk. “Enough” you groaned, so I showed some mercy and turned our new toy off. But the scent of your arousal hung thick in the air.

After you rearranged your cloths, I helped you settle into a conference room for a bit more work time for us both, and interrupted you only a few minutes before 5 pm, when it was time to go to our event.

Our little diversion from routine had left me missing something: the little jolt of pleasure I get from burying my head in your cunt at my office. So I asked if you would allow that privilege to your Slave. The door was closed, You sat down in my chair, and allowed me to kneel there for a while, between your thighs. My face and mouth caressed you through those black tights,as I absorbed the pheromones you ooze so generously these days. Of course, with my cage on the exercise is a bit frustrating, but I knew that my time for release was only a few hours away.

I took a photo of you there, thighs spread, which I am posting with this entry today.

Our gathering was uneventful but obligatory, and we did enjoy walking through the cold winter air, hand in hand, taking the time to admire and photograph our City’s Christmas tree, and laugh at a local media circus.

By the time we got home and finished dining with our surly teens, it was nearly 8 pm, and I was more than anxious to be released from my cage. But the rules do require me to pleasure you first to earn that privilege. While the tradition is for me to assume my position at your feet, I thought it would be fun to try out our toy again.

You had stripped off the power suit and tights, and were now under the covers in some sexy and revealing sleep attire. I was naked, but for my cage. I cuddled up next to you, wand in hand and began to gently rub it along your muscular thighs and tummy, while studiously avoiding ground zero. We kissed and talked a bit about hypothetical sexual exploits, including a story S had recently written for you involving the surrender of your hose in a public place. As the tension built, you began to thrust against the wand a bit, demanding that I make you come. You were very eager and anxious. Very.

Now I am not sure why I did not immediately respond to your order. I think I have been craving a firmer hand, and some punishment. At some point in all this you threatened to crop me hard for my disobedience tonight before our dinner date. (I write that now, as a not so subtle reminder, Mistress). I was a very bad Slave.

Soon I really did have you begging, and I was ultimately merciful, applying the wand where you needed it so desperately, and you came with a gusto that rivaled all those other mega-orgasms of late, tears flowing down your face. I think it was because I really did make you beg, as much as the power of our little magic wand. Just imagine what is in store for you when I first tie you down, then spank you on Sunday morning, Mistress.

Of course all of this got gave my cock a mind of its own, and it strained hard against the hard plastic walls of its prison as you writhed against me and my little wand. Truth be told, I would have let you come anyway, begging or not, just to get out of that damn cage.

Once you came, you showed mercy to your disobedient slave, and unlocked me. But its not so easy getting those plastic pieces to disengage when your cock is in rock hard mode. Ultimately I worked it loose, washed off the day’s goo, and you allowed me to enter you. The result was faster than usual, butvery satisfying, Mistress.

Love, your slave.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Mistress Exerts Her Authority at my Office

Dear Mistress,

Today we need to leave the house early: you have a busy work  day with an important client, and I will be your driver to get you there. So today’s homework may be a little brief.

Yesterday was my abstinence day, and though I did some homework for you, we both had early engagements so the time for lingering in bed was brief. Not so bad for me, really, since having to serve you without the chance for mutual fulfillment is no easy task.

I was caged and off to the office, knowing you would also be downtown for work, and looking forward to seeing you. Your meetings were long so our contact during the day was limited to an occasional text or email, just  keeping in touch. But at 4 pm you breezed into my office, just as I was finishing up a project for one of my clients.

You had on that “Domme at work” look: form fitting black dress, black tights and boots, as well as those long black gloves that you use to torment my cock from time to time. Today they were useful in warding off that cold wind that has blown in from the west. But the overall look must have turned more than a few heads as you walked through our downtown.

I knew we had time for some worship before heading to our holiday parties, and I rose with anticipation to greet you for a kiss. Soon I was sliding my office chair against the door for our little ritual.

You asked for the leather sash we sometimes use on these occasions, to re-enforce my submission to you. You then proceeded to tie my hands tightly behind me. You have gotten quite proficient with your knots, Mistress, so I knew as I twisted my wrists that I would not get free unless and until it was your desire to free me.

You then surprised my by pulling out your camera/phone and had me kneel, snapping away. So far we have posted some lovely photos of you for the blog. But you have instructed me to post these photos too, to remind our reader(s) that you are a powerful Mistress with a slave eager to submit.

Bound and kneeling as I was, your camera making that faux snapping sound , my cock twitched against the barrier of my cage, making it pinchy and painful (though nothing like the punishment our friend described at DomsubLove recently. Thank goodness we have no clothespins at home).

Done with your photography, you sat in your throne and spread your legs for me. First I had the chance to slide my face and mouth against your black tights, tasting you through the opaque fabric, fueling my developing fetish. I wonder how I will handle the arrival of spring and the disappearance of your tights for the warm weather months?

Then, when you were anxious for more direct stimulation, you slid your tights down to your boot tops, spreading your legs just enough to fit my head.  With my hands tied, it’s a little uncomfortable to bend my back and get the proper angle of attack with my tongue against your cunt. The discomfort only reminds me of my slave-ish status. And you seemed to enjoy my struggle to please you, taking your time until your hips thrust towards me and you let out that muffled groan that signals your climax when you are trying to be discrete.

I settled back onto my bottom, still at your feet as you composed yourself, smiling down at me with that “look who I have kneeling before me” look you get. The we both stood and you focused on reassembling your professional business woman look for the two events we would be attending with the City’s business and political poo-bahs.

I just stood there, admiring you, pleased to have you in my little realm, looking over the City as the sun started to settle over the distant River. You announced you were heading to the lady’s room. That’s when I had to politely ask you if you would first un-tie me. The thought of being left in my office, wrists bound, with the chance that a colleague or my assistant would wander in  was a tad unnerving. You laughed, teased me a b it about how that would feel, but relented and let me go.

Soon we were back in business mode, chit chatting with the elite of our little town. If only they knew…

Love, your slave.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A security breach

Dear Mistress,

It’s still dark on my abstinence day. The Midwestern gloom and damp has descended on our sleepy little River Town.  I am looking forward to an escape into the sunshine with you and the teens in about 10 days.

I am already regretting the fact that we “only” made love twice yesterday. I was too sleepy last night to take advantage of your generous offer to give me a little pre-abstinence therapy. And the gloomy cold will probably heighten my need today for some shared bodily warmth (and fluids). It will be a long one, caged and needy.

I have gotten a little behind in my entries this week….lets’ remind ourselves and share with our reader(s) what happened on Monday…

Like all of my mornings these days, I woke early to do my homework for you, then returned to bed and used my tongue to pleasure you as you graded my work. You had to get off to a breakfast meeting, so we did not languish in bed, though I can recall a lovely orgasm for both of us before you headed for the shower.  As we dressed your breakfast date called to cancel, intimidated by the dusting of snow that brought our backwater City to its knees (is it the hills or are we just wimps?)

So there you were half dressed, with nowhere to go. You locked my cage, and as I ate breakfast, you worked on your computer, still in the black tights and bra you had put on for your meeting. I wandered into the living room to take advantage, pulling you from your chair, and  pushed you face forward  over the back of the couch.

I had retrieved one of our little vibrators from the bed stand. When I turned it on and slid it between your legs, you reacted with a start, but soon were sliding and pumping your firm ass back against me caged cock as the vibrator did its work .

No doubt your mind was wrapped up in some smutty submissive fantasy that made your climax come quick and hard. Your head dipped into the cushions of the couch and your ass rested high where I had placed in on the back of the couch. I wish I had taken a photo of your bottom in its black tights  for a posting. But caged as I was, it was not for me to take my own pleasure, and it was off to work.

It was flu shot day that afternoon at my office, and you were planning to take advantage. But first, there was something bad to report.

The cold weather can have an odd effect on a man’s scrotum. Those little balls do not like the cold and tend to pull back for shelter and warmth. So whether that was their state when I put on my cage that  morning, or it happened during the course of the day, at some point I noticed a nasty little pinch generated by the cage.

AS I reached into my pants (not to worry, this was in my office, door closed), I found that somehow the cage had worked itself loose. I learned that with the lock closed it was not possible to reattach it (well not possible without radical surgery, and I think you would miss those parts). I felt obligated to report this incident promptly to you. You were surprisingly understanding, though I still await some punishment for my misfeasance. Maybe it was because you would be in the office soon, so it was unlikely I could get into too much trouble un-caged for an hour or two?

The absence of the cage did make me feel somehow less than the perfect slave I aspire to be for you, Mistress.

You arrived and we walked hand in hand to get our shots. Then you came back to my office for the 15 minutes of mutual “observation” the nurse had recommended. (Were we going to grow snouts?) I had planned to use that time for a little cunt worship. You in those black tights and boots would bring most men to their knees, and I wanted to stand in for all of them.

But you had some other ideas, and decided to take full advantage of your un-caged  Slave. 

You sat in the chair I had placed against my office door, told me to stand in front of you, unbuckled my belt, loosened my pants, and took my cock and balls into your hands, fondling and teasing until I was very hard. At some point my pants hit the floor with a thud and we both laughed, wondering if we could be heard by the colleagues passing by outside my wooden door.

Then you took me in your mouth for a while, teasing me with your tongue, you manicured nails still tickling and fondling my balls. I was so close, yet it’s never been my habit to come in your mouth. Just can’t seem to make it happen. And the noise from the hallway was an additional, frustrating distraction. So after a bit of this teasing and torment, and my moaning frustration you released your grip. I knelt between your legs, my pants still around my ankles and worshiped with a zeal that was fueled by my own arousal and frustration. After burying my head in your black tights for a while, you helped me peal them down to your boot tops, giving me ready access to your tasty flowing juices. You soon came with that little bumping of your head against my door that may well make my office mates wonder “what are those two ding in there?”

Well its time to wake you, Mistress. Looking forward to giving, if not receiving today, inthe Holiday spirit. 

(After waking you this am, me between your legs, you reading my homework, I had to jump in the shower, frustrated, then asked you to close the lock on my cage. Now I am in my office, finishing up this post, and thinking of you in bed where I left you, on your computer. maybe working. maybe not. This photo of you in goddess attire comes to mind, and makes me want to be back there with you, for more worship. frustrating.)

Love, your slave.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009