Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Comes Early

Thanksgiving Morning

Good morning Mistress,

You were very kind to relieve me of my abstinence obligations last night, after only 24 hours. While I did not deserve such generous treatment, my sense was that you wanted my full effort in fucking you. Though I try to give it my all without coming, its not easy and certainly very frustrating.

Yesterday began with my homework, in which I listed the attributes of the perfect part-time Dom for you. He will not be easy to find, but may be worth the quest. It would be good for you to take some time off from your mistress duties and submit completely. And I would enjoy participating vicariously.

As I was working downstairs, you woke up early and read through the blog I posted by the Discerning Dom.
The essay I liked was the one about making his slave beg for release, and it seems you enjoyed his other essays. Maybe you and he can do a consult someday?

When I cam back to bed, I worshipped your cunt as you read my blog Then you allowed me to penetrate you and make you come again, before we got dressed for work.

When I got out of the shower, you told me you had received a message from E. A surprise since he seemed to have unplugged only a few days ago. And although it was seemingly innocent, it certainly triggered the response in me that had become pavlovian. It was hard for me to put the cage on with my balls still tingling from our earlier, frustrating activities. You seemed particularly smug as you closed the lock.

As we both traveled to work, I texted asking if the message from E had made you wet. And of course you denied it. But I was wondering, to my own frustration.

We had arranged for lunch, and you came to my office at around 1 pm. By then I was anxious to hold and taste you, and I pushed the chair against the door and had you sit, as I knelt before you. First I licked and tasted you through those black tights, then worked them down your firm, shapely thighs before finishing my task, my face covered with your juices.

After lunch we came back to my office, and I had you lean against the window sill and think about running into “Dave” in Taos, who took you into the restroom, leaned you over the sink and worked you with his hand. You came again for me, and left me behind in my office, frustrated in my cage.

By the time I got home, I was particularly anxious to be with you. You were getting the house ready for that big Thanksgiving dinner, and all I wanted to do was pull down your running tights and worship. I finally got my way and slowly brought you off, kneeling between your legs. Then you kindly unlocked me, enjoying the sight of my cock springing out of the cage. You handled it for a while, but I knew abstinence day was not over.

The movie was odd but amusing (certainly nicer than a pre-Thanksgiving family feast). When we got home, you had a warm message from E’s wife. Not sure exactly how to interpret it, but certainly no resentment about your role in the family drama. If anything, she seemed to welcome you into the mix. But maybe that is my “keep hope alive” vibe for you, mistress.

I had promised to make you come one more time before sleep, thinking that I would have to wait until morning for release. But after I made you come again with my mouth, you gently handled my cock and balls until I was so hard I was literally ready to burst. I recall my arm was between your legs, and you came again as you humped against it.

I turned you onto your stomach , and slowly entered you from behind, thinking that it would be easier for me to avoid coming in that position. I told you a story about the possibility of E and his wife visiting us here. Her seeing how much you wanted E, and he wanted you, and him taking you upstairs to our bedroom, where he place you on the bed, flipped up your skirt, and took you this way, making you beg him to fuck you harder and harder and ask for permission to come. You came that way, and again after I turned you over and we made love more gently. And you told me that I was relieved of my abstinence obligations. A relief.

An early Thanksgiving for your humble slave. But I am thinking that with the kids away this a.m. maybe we do a bit of a “switch” this morning downstairs. Could you use a good spanking before the hungry hordes descend?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Casting Call: My Mistress Needs to Submit from Time to Time

We would welcome any comments from reader(s) on where Mistress might find this hypotheetical Dom for occassional training.

Dear Mistress,

It’s the start of my weekly abstinence day. Fortunately you gave me two chances to come yesterday, once in the morning, and again in a very vigorous session last night, that was particularly memorable.

It started with us watching TV, me buried between your legs, enjoying your aroma and taste through those cotton bike tights you wore on our ride. Nice and ripe, the way I like you.

When Californication was over, we both were more than ready. I think David Duchovney is a particular turn on for you. (I bet you could whip him into shape).

We started with some general make out time, and then I rolled you onto your stomach entering you from behind as I got you to consider what E would do to you during a few days alone at our undisclosed location. That seemed to get you going very intensely, as I first slowed, then quickened the pace, asking you to consider how it would feel to beg for his permission to come. I think I counted two orgasms before you asked to turn over.

We did it in a more conventional style for a while (was there one more?), then you indicated you wanted to be on top. Our conversation then explored scenarios which even make me blush (all three of us were in the room, I recall, but you were the center of attention and I was forced to watch). You came again with those tears and sobs that I count as a particular achievement. By then you were like a rag doll, and we rolled over again before I begged and you gave me permission to come.

As we watched Larry David and the Sienfeld reunion in a state of exhaustion, you let me play with your compelling bottom, and, truth be told, I would have been delighted to make you come again. But you seemed pretty gone by then and we read for a while before drifting off.

But today’s exercise is something more than just recounting our daily orgasm count (Mistress 6; Slave 2 as I recall).

If E has really vanished for now as a source of amusement in your life, we need to consider finding you someone else with sufficient imagination, physical attributes and commitment who might indulge your occasional need to surrender control better than this humble Slave. Though I do will gladly act as a surrogate as best I can, particularly on our Sunday mornings, its pretty obvious that I can’t be trusted in the full time Dom role in your life. Plus it’s so very nice to be your Slave. Who would want to give up a role of a lifetime? (think Jason Alexander here).

Finding the perfect part-time Dom for you will not be easy. But the effort in itself might be fun. And there is no deadline.
Here are some of the attirbutes to consider, from my observations of your psyche and desires, though I am probably blending in some qualities that would turn me on to hear about or observe should HE be found. You should feel free to edit or add as you see fit:

1. He would be in the 40-60 age range, well educated, handsome, taller than 5’ 10”.
2. He would “get” you, be interesting to talk to, with musical tastes ranging more towards Neil Young or Classical than Prince or Rap.
3. He would be willing and able to interact with you on a regular basis, either by phone, email, or text, and would arrange for you to meet him in person at least every few months, if not more frequently.
4. He would demand your total submission to him when in his presence, requiring you to address him as “Sir” or “Master”, in person or on the phone.
5. He would administer spankings with his hand or a hairbrush to put you in the proper frame of mind for such submission, or to punish you if you get out of hand or impertinent.
6. He would tie your hands, and make you kneel to suck his cock.
7. He would tie you to the bed or other objects, to give him ready access to your delicious body.
8. He would be so attracted to your lovely body and charming personality that you could tell, despite his stern demeanor, that he was dying to take you the moment he laid eyes on you.
9. He would take you whenever and however her desired – whether over his desk, or in the middle of the night, when you were fast asleep.
10. He would make you kneel and play with yourself while he was “working” on more important matters.
11. He would make you beg for the privilege of coming, but not always give you what you beg for.
12. You would be so compelled by his authority that whenever you heard the chime of a text from him, or saw an email pop up from him, your cunt would go liquid.
13. He would establish rules for you when not in his presence, involving times when you could or could not touch yourself. Or requiring you to email him what you were thinking when you touched yourself at his direction.
14. He would call from time to time and demand that you touch yourself during the conversation, though he would not always give you the permission to come.
15. If you please him and he decides to make you his part-time slave, He would want to put his mark on you, either through a discretely placed tattoo or piercing.

Am I missing something? Is anything on the list not what would help you scratch that itch, Mistress?

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Contract

This Blog's title suggests the existence of a Contract. And there is one (see our "back story" posts for the set-up). The original contract was "negotiated" back in October, 2009. To tell the truth, it was the slave who thought this was a good way to make sure he stayed on the right path to please his Mistress and do it in a way that left the Slave content and focused on the things that were important. And I added a few things that probably even my Mistress would not have required. I felt a need to set the proper tone,and give Mistress all the authority she would ever need to keep me in line, and keep her feeling secure in my devotion to her.

Over the last week or so we revisted the contract and made a few tweeks to adjust to how our "under contract" relationship has developed, including our mutual openness to Mistress having other relationship as she deems desirable, even one where she does the submission. You might read this and think we are a bit loony, or not taking this whole D/s thing seriously enough. (I know you are out there!) But hey....its been an enjoyable and loving addition to our lives. Would happily consider any suggestions from our reader(s) about what we should add to this Contract.


THIS AMENDED AGREEMENT IS MADE THIS ____ day of NOVEMBER, 2009 between Mistress Molly, (Mistress and / or Owner), and Slave Mick, (slave).

WHEREAS, having been married for over 16 years and together for 21 years the parties have discovered that their mutual happiness will best be achieved by Mistress taking total control of the Slave, particularly with respect to their sexual relationship.

WHEREAS the Slave desires of his own free will to submit himself to the complete and total control of the Mistress; and

WHEREAS, Mistress is willing to accept the submission of Slave and agrees to exercise complete control over him subject to his agreement to live by certain rules and conditions; and

WHEREAS the parties desire to delineate their duties and responsibilities in said relationship;



1. Slave’s body and particularly his penis and ass belong solely to Mistress. Slave accepts the claim of ownership over his physical body by Mistress. His body is the property of the Mistress and he agrees to be commanded, trained and punished as a slave and is duty bound to fulfill the pleasures and desires of his Mistress to the best of his abilities.

2. Slave will submit himself to his Mistress fully and completely. He accepts that his principle concern, goal and purpose in life as a slave will be to enhance the pleasure, happiness and quality of life of his Mistress. To perform any personal services, errands, and sexual services and to accept any training, punishment, humiliation, degradation or other use demanded of him by his Mistress, in private or in public.

3. The slave gives the Mistress the sole and exclusive use of his body. This may include, but is not limited to, the length of his hair, shaving of his body hair, tattooing, body weight and manner of dress and undress.

4.The slave will not allow or permit the use of his body by any other person, to include physical contact or sexual relations.

5. The slave must make himself available to his Owner at all times and to this end must ensure that he carries a telephone with him all day, every day, that the telephone is available to receive calls and the telephone number is known to his Owner. The slave shall report any calls to the Mistress that she would find disturbing. If the slave receives such calls, he shall quickly tell the caller that he is NOT to be contacted under any circumstances. This is enforced for text messages, emails or any contact what so ever.

5. If for any reason the slave learns that he may be unable to respond immediately to an order or call from his Owner (such as a business meeting or a trip which takes the slave out of reasonable traveling distance from his Owner), he must immediately explain his lack of contact to his Owner by email or text message. If he fails to do so, he will be considered to be in breach of this contract (see clause IV/5). Note that this punishment will likely not be of the slave’s liking or meet any desires.

6. The Owner may at any time give, rent, or lend the slave to another Mistress without consulting or giving notice to the slave. The rights and privileges afforded by this contract will be automatically transferred to the new Owner.

7. In order to ensure the slave’s compliance and obedience to his Owner, he will at the direction and sole option of mistress be locked in a chastity device, which he will not be able to remove without permission of the Mistress. The slave should never expect the device to be removed other than by Mistress or with her permission. On such occasions that it is removed (for example, for the device to be cleaned), Mistress has the right to restrain Slave and not release him from such restraints until the chastity device is once again locked in place.

8. The Owner shall have complete and absolute control over the slave and all of her commands shall be swiftly and diligently obeyed. The slave will accept any and all consequences, as outlined under REMEDIAL ACTIONS, for any failures to do so.

9. Even the slave’s thoughts belong to Mistress. He shall fully and completely answer the question “what are you thinking, slave?” whenever asked, without resentment or sarcasm. He will fully disclose to Mistress any thoughts he may have on ways in which she can enhance his submission to her, which she may either accept or reject at her discretion.

10.. The slave may not ask for this contract to be terminated. Only Mistress may terminate it.

11. This contract is made in good faith by both parties and shall be considered binding.

12. The slave gives the Mistress power to interpret this document as she sees fit. The slave gives the Mistress the authority to enforce the agreements made in this contract, using, if she feels necessary, physical punishment (see below).


1. The Mistress has no obligations or duties towards the slave whatsoever, except as noted in this Agreement.

2. The Mistress will have ownership of slave's body, to use and or abuse as she sees fit for whatever purposes she desires.

4. Mistress has the right to engage in other relationships with men or women, of whatever nature, without obtaining additional consent from the Slave. Such relationships may include “vanilla” relationships, her taking or training of additional slaves, or her submission to other men or women.

4. Mistress has the right to disclose to any person her status as the Owner of Slave and the terms of this contract.

5. On Sunday mornings for at least 2 hours, and at other times of the week, upon agreement of the parties, Mistress will submit completely and totally to slave, as if she was the Slave and he was the Master/Owner of her under the terms of this agreement.


1. It is slave’s obligation to determine when his chastity device should be worn, and to offer to put it on whenever he leaves the home. Failure to ask mistress if he should wear his chastity device will be grounds for punishment.
2. When slave returns home from work or any other absence for more than one hour, he will kneel and offer to worship Mistress’ and kiss her feet.
3. Slave shall not sleep in underwear, and may be instructed to strip completely or partially at any time Mistress directs.
4. No more than once per week, typically on Sunday morning unless otherwise agreed, slave may restrain and use a riding crop on mistress to give her pleasure, but must stop if directed to stop.
5. Slave will submit without resistance to any restraints or physical punishment that mistress chooses to impose.
6. Slave will never masturbate or otherwise stimulate his penis without Mistress’s consent.
7. When mistress is out of town, Slave will wear his chastity device as directed, and not remove it unless he receives specific permission from Mistress.
8. Slave will beg for permission to come, and not come unless he receives Mistress’s permission.
9. Mistress may use a strap on or any other device to penetrate Slave to remind him of her control and dominance.
10. Slave will insert any device designated by Mistress as she directs.
11. When having sex, Slave may penetrate mistress only after begging for and receiving her permission, and will withdraw immediately if directed.
12. Slave will report any overtures or solicitations from any female to Mistress, and reject such solicitation with the statement that he is happily married and devoted to his wife/ Mistress.
13. If Mistress leaves the City for any reason, Slave will be available by phone, text or email at all times unless involved in a business meeting or court engagement. Slave will explain in advance any work or social engagements, and get permission from Mistress before attending any engagements.
14. Mistress may deny the Slave the right to attend any social engagement, or spend time with any persons at her sole discretion.
15. When in private, Slave will address Mistress as “Mistress”. Mistress may refer to Slave as “Slave” at any time.
16. At her discretion, Mistress may require Slave to wear a collar indicating his status as Slave.
17. Mistress has the right to declare periods of abstinence at her discretion.
18. Slave will pleasure Mistress whenever requested, to the best of his ability.
19. Mistress may require Slave to masturbate whenever she demands.
20. These rules applicable to slave may be amended and supplemented from time to time as Mistress directs, at her sole discretion.


The slave agrees to submit himself completely to his Mistress, to accept her domination of him and to unquestioningly and without exception obey any and all demands that she may make of him. The Owner has the following means of redress should she deem the slave to be in non-compliance with an order:

1. Without limitation, the Owner may inflict upon the slave any punishment with whatever implements she wishes to use. The slave understands and consents that such punishments may include severe pain and suffering, including pain and suffering of a sexual nature. The duration of such punishments and the level of pain inflicted will be decided solely by the Mistress.

2. The slave has no right to protest his Mistress’s decision in any matter, least of all his own punishment. He shall hold his Mistress blameless for any physical or emotional damage she may inflict upon him and in signing this contract the slave consents, without exception, to any and all punishments, physical or otherwise, that the Owner chooses to inflict upon him.

In agreeing to submit to slavery, the slave is making a genuine commitment to enhance the lifestyle of his Mistress, who may come to rely on the slave’s services. It is therefore essential that the Mistress can rely on the slave’s services for a known and agreed upon duration.

1. This contract will be binding from the moment that it is signed by the slave and will be valid from the date of signing.

2. On July 17 of each year, the slave may give notice provided in person and in writing, that the contract is terminated, or may request amendments of the contract as a condition of its extension. This is the only day each year that the slave may request termination or amendment of the contract. If the slave does not make such a request, the contract will automatically renew for a period of one year. The termination of the contract shall not change the obligations of Mistress and Slave to one another as husband and wife.

3. If the Owner is unable or unwilling to keep the services of the slave, this contract may be either terminated by her without notice at any time or assigned to another Mistress.

4. If the slave attempts to break this contract (i.e. by stopping compliance with any of its terms or by refusing to accept the Mistress’ domination of him), the Mistress may use whatever means she deems necessary to enforce compliance, including but not limited to serving notice of the destruction of the keys to the slave’s chastity device or other locks/shackles attached to the slave, or humiliation of the slave by publicly naming him and/or releasing embarrassing photographs of him.

5. Amendments to this agreement, shall be made in writing, signed by Mistress and Slave. If Mistress elects to impose additional rules on slave as allowed by Section III, they will be added to this agreement and both parties will sign.

In witness whereof, we affix our signatures the day and date first written above:

____________________ (MISTRESS)

I have read and fully understand this contract in its entirety and I agree to henceforth adhere to and be bound by all of the rules and clauses contained herein, henceforth to relinquish my rights to self-determination and free will until such time as the Owner terminates the contract. I understand that I face exceptionally harsh physical and emotional punishment for failing to comply with any clause within this contract.

____________________ (SLAVE)

Mistress's Fantasy Submission

Our Sunday Switch

Dear Mistress,

Our side trip and Saturday activities had us both pretty groggy come Sunday morning. I woke early, did my homework for you, and joined you back in bed when I heard you up and about.

I had in mind for several days the scenario to use for our Sunday morning switch, but as I lay next to you, you wrapped your fingers around my balls and cock and began to rub against me. I suppose Mistresses have the right to manipulate their slaves (but not the other way around). And it seemed you were trying to pre-empt your ordeal by getting me to expend all that sexual energy on a more conventional activity. Sadly, my will power was lacking. I knew I should pull away and restrain you immediately. But you persuaded me with your fingers and mouth, and I was a compliant pleasure slave for the next 20 minutes or so, delivering several orgasms and having a very nice one of my own.

Fortunately, we had no schedule or kids to deal with here in our undisclosed location. And we slept a bit before I woke again, with the resolve of carrying out my plan.

Sometime in the midst of this you received a disturbing email from E, who is off to his own world again. And though he’s been a fun source of inspiration to both of us, there is no need for us to dwell on him for our little fantasies about your desires and my interest in hearing about them. While it may be hard for you to so swiftly disconnect from someone who intrigued and fascinated you these last few weeks, there are more men out there who are more than interested in you Mistress, if that’s where your nasty little desires take you.

So as I locked the cuffs and collar on you (they make for some nice photos), I altered the scenario and pulled a chair with no arms into the bedroom. I had you lay across my lap and created a story about you meeting a handsome, dominant mountain climber out here, during a week when I was back in the City working. He met you at a local bar, and the evening ended with an invitation that you join him at his home the next night at 5 p.m. sharp. Later he emailed you with a direction that you wear a loose fitting dress, and no underwear.

Despite your misgivings, you had a strange compulsion to do exactly what he said. All seemed rather conventional at first. Wine. Dinner. Small talk. But after dinner he told you that he had some dark plans for you. That they would include calling him “Sir”, submitting to a spanking, and whatever else pleased him. He gave you the chance to leave as he cleaned up from dinner. But though your heart was racing, and you feared losing your tight sense of self control, your legs would not lift you from your seat.

All the while I was telling you this story I was softly caressing your lovely bottom. Such soft skin. Yet such wonderful firmness. I need to worship it more. And you were squirming against my lap as I rubbed you, in anticipation, no doubt, of where this story would lead us.

“Dave” returned from the kitchen, pleased to find you sitting there. He asked you to stand and remove your dress. You hesitated. But the look of “don’t mess with me” in his eyes had you quickly standing and pulling your dress over your head. He reached into a drawer and removed a black leather collar and some matching cuffs, which he gently placed on you, linking the cuffs in front. He used a small lock to secure the collar around your neck. He directed you to place your linked hands on your head. Your cunt was already wet, which he confirmed as he inspected you carefully, touching you where he pleased.

Then he pulled you over to a chair and yanked you over his knee. You squirmed there on his lap as he told you some of his rules, reminding you to call him “Sir”.

As he proceeded to use his hand to spank you in the story, I began spanking you myself. I increased the intensity of my blows, and asked you the questions Dave was asking – about whether you had ever been spanked before, etc. . You surprised me when I heard your sobs and could feel your tears against my leg. I wondered whether it was my story, the spanks, the whole scenario, or, in part, your grief about E. Probably the whole mix, but it was the first time I got that response from you with a spanking. Good job of ceding control, Mistress.

When I heard those sobs, I stopped the spanking and reached between your legs for what I intended to be a gentle preliminary caress before I resumed spanking with your hairbrush. But you came hard, moaning and shuddering against my fingers, almost instantly. You were very stoked. “Dave” had not even explained the need to ask him for permission yet.

I helped you up, and we got onto the bed. After resting I resumed the story, with you on your stomach. Tied there by Dave. He (and I) proceeded to take you from behind, and you came one more time, with more tears.

Turning you over, it was Dave’s turn and as I fucked you hard I spun the story on. By the time we both were done, it was time for another nap before I released you.

I like these Sunday mornings, Mistress.

After a nice bike ride, breakfast that you made for us, and reading out on the patio, you announced it was time for you to use your strap-on with me. I suppose this was your way of restoring the Mistress/slave equilibrium. We lay in bed for a while, you with your plastic cock pressing against me. Me growing hard, and feeling particularly submissive as I anticipated what was to come. You finally told me to take the proper position. As You entered me, I suggested that you think how nice it would be to turn the tables on E, to have him bound face down on the bed before you where you could take him this way. Your orgasm was particularly dramatic, and you seemed to thrust more deeply into me at that point, forcing me to beg you to stop, which you generously did. You directed me to insert my device then, and we made love on the bed until we both came one more time.

Later that afternoon, I printed out the amended contract which we had tweeked a bit to adjust to our experience over this last month or so. I may post it later today for the amusement of any readers there may be out there. I do think our contract has helped put us in the very close position we now share.

Sad we are traveling back to reality today, Mistress. But the trip has been a great one. And the adventure will go on.

Love, Your Slave.