Thursday, July 23, 2020

Cuckold Meme of the Day - Roadhouse Cowboy

I could tell Mistress was intrigued. 

The guy at the bar, dark cowboy hat.  Worn jeans. Scuffed boots.  Flashy beltbuckle with just a tad of tarnish.

Not the all hat and no cattle sort.

He was eyeing Mistress as we sat at a table a little closer to the stage.  And it was apparent Mistress was eyeing him back.  Trying to be subtle about it, but not doing all that well. 

"I think someone likes you, Mistress.....", I commented with a bit of a laugh.

"Oh slave.....there you go again.  Imagining  me with some big brawny guy like him, she whispered under her breath.

Just then the waitress approached our table - Vodka and soda for Mistress in hand.

"We didn't order another round", Mistress says to her.

"On the guy at the bar over there", she gestured with her head.

The cowboy.

Mistress blushed.  Then looked over at the bar.  He was lifting his glass to her with an inviting smile .  She responded in kind, the blush deepening.

"You could go over and thank him, Mistress....."

"Really..... that would be kind of slutty, wouldn't it?"

About then the band kicked into a familiar waltz.  The Cowboy climbed off his stool.....

"Would the lady like to dance?", he asked.  Looking into her eyes. Ignoring her husband sitting next to her.

She looked at me, confused, for some assurance.....

I just gave her a little nod of consent, absolution for what might come to pass....

"Why not", she said, looking to him, raising her hand which he took possessively.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Cuckold Meme of the Day -- Flirting

It was a warm early evening at a road house not far down the highway from our SW hideaway. We had stopped in for dinner and music. Maybe some dancing later on. The place had only primitive table service. If you were thirsty, or hungry, you had to order at the bar. Once seated at a high top not far from the stage, I went off  to retrieve drinks for the two of us.

It took a while to get a bar tender's attention, and a few more minutes as he mixed Mistress's vodka and soda and drew a beer for me.  But as I turned back to the table, I found Mistress engaged in conversation with a tall, hulking cowboy type, all boots and hat. 

I hesitated, taking the two of them in: she in her black dress, extending only to mid thigh, long  dark hair, and her own more polished black cowboy boots. He was clearly enjoying her company, eyeing her appreciatively. She was smiling, laughing at something he had said.

It was a mutual flirt.

Mistress noticed as I approached the table..... and did the introductions.

"Mick, this is Johnny.  He's new to town....Johnny, my husband Mick....."

We exchanged nods, and a tepid handshake.  Who was this guy?

I put our drinks down on the table.

"Johnny....why not join us.  She pointed to the third stool."

He did not hesitate, taking a seat next to Molly.

"Mick..... don't be rude.....why not go get Johnny a drink?"

I almost said "Yes Mistress", but caught myself.