This old slave realized that it's been since April that we updated our vast array of followers about the ongoing adventures of Mick and Molly.
We are now ensconced in our SW hideaway for a long summer respite, enjoying the sunshine, cool temperatures and, of course, lots of sex. Rest assured that we have not broken our ongoing record of daily sexual antics while out here all by our lonesome in the land of enchantment.
But, sort of sadly, there have been no kinky, cuckoldy activities to report. Maybe a few nibbles via collarspace, but nothing that we can mark on the calendar as even a prospect. This got Mistress reflecting yesterday on whether the days of "side dishes" are really behind us.
"It's been a while you think I'll ever have a side dish again?"
"Not sure Mistress. You can't force these things. And you do have high standards....."
"I do, don't I?"
"And you have the right to high standards."
So while we haven't given up all together, we haven't been forcing the issue either. Maybe when we get back to River City in August we can resume our search in a more active fashion.
But there is an amusing story to share about a tag line in some advertising for a local saloon. It's something we've heard on the radio and at a local concert series sponsored by the saloon.

It goes this way:
"The Motherlode Saloon. Where you get lucky when you go home alone....."
It's a catchy and thought provoking phrase. And the general response among our friends has been ....WTF? What does that mean?
One explanation...... the crowd at this saloon is so notoriously scruffy and outlaw that you don't want to take the risk of going home with one of its clientele.
Not particularly enticing, but certainly clever and contrarian.
But could it have a different and kinkier connotation, a theory I've not shared with any of our friends who might be put off by the connotation. It's a theory I can share here.
If a cuckold couple went to the Motherlode, and the "hot wife" hooked up with one of those scruffy outlaw types ..... then the cuck husband, going home alone, might actually feel "lucky". Right?
I wonder how to get in touch with the Motherlode's ad agency to confirm my theory.