Nothing too kinky. And no cuckolding action....but certainly doing well by most couple's standards. While we skipped one day of skiing on this trip -- high winds threatened to shut down the lifts - we haven't missed a day of hot, steamy copulation in our sun lit bedroom.
But a recent article in the Washington Post suggested that we are becoming the out-est of outliers when it comes to sexual frequency.
The decline and fall of our fellow country-mens' (and women's) sex lives is reflected in one chart that shows 23% of American adults have not had sex IN THE LAST YEAR? Huh? This choice of seemingly permanent celibacy flies in the face of reports that the Catholic Church has had trouble recruiting new priests who do not have a "thing" for little boys or girls.
About 38% report having sex once a month or less frequently, which put them at risk of simply forgetting how to do it. We are clearly in the top end of that remaining 39% who report having sex weekly or more.
Sadly, trend lines are going in the wrong direction, with frequency sloping consistently downward since 1989, the end of the Reagan era.
So what's driving this emerging sexual desert? Is climate change impacting our sex drives? Has President Trump's creepy take on the propriety of "pussy grabbing" turned off an entire generation on sex? Looking a little deeper at the stats, there seem to be two sources of the problem,
1) Some of us are getting older. Apparently aging baby boomers (yours truly excepted) aren't "doing it" as much as they did in the 1960's and 70's. Now I suppose that's not big surprise.
2) But the real anomaly is that youngsters in the 18-29 bracket are leading the new celibacy movement.

As shown by the chart above, a whopping 23% of 18-29 year olds are "just saying no" when it comes to sex. Has screen time and video games replaced a roll in the hay as the "go to" activity for young people these days? Or are they just more particular when it comes to finding a sexual partner, despite all the buzz about the instant coupling on apps like Tinder?
In any event. here at the UCTMW World HQ, we plan to simply move forward with our daily game plan. Some of us have to pitch into reverse those ugly trend lines!