Mistress and slave are safely huddled up at our High Desert Hideaway (HHD) for the next few weeks. We enjoyed a week back in River City with our two Dommes in Training, but, quite frankly, it's a whole lot less stressful and cozy here in our cabin in the shadows of the Sangre de Christo Mountains.
It's also nice to be able to "vocalize" while having sex. After a week of trying to quietly "stifle" during our morning wake-up sex, we can now engage in something more natural. And then there was that "busted" moment, the day after Christmas.
There we are, quietly fucking, my head facing Mistress, her's shadowed by mine. Suddenly there's the sound of our bedroom door opening behind me. A 2 second pause. Then the door slamming closed.
I froze in mid-thrust.
"What was that?", I gasped.
"Not sure", Mistress responded with a moan.
I had been soooo close.
We re-gathered our focus, and resumed. But there in the background was that nagging thought.
Which one of our daughters had their image of their "aging" parents shattered that morning?
Neither one of them confessed, or apologized. I guess we can only speculate. Was it the one who is engaged and was sleeping across the hall with her fiancé? If so, was she wondering whether she and her prospective hubby would be having morning sex when they were ancient like us?
Or was it the daughter who lives in Europe, and relentlessly whines whenever we dare to enter her room without an engraved invitation? If so, pay back is a bitch, I suspect.
Let's just hope the trauma will not last beyond New Year's .
Speaking of which, I noticed this article Celebrating Sexmas! in my email in box. The gist is that the slow week betwixt Christmas and New Year's Day is a good time for "hook ups", those hot but fleeting encounters that can provide some shared bodily warmth for a lonely single (Maybe a daughter lonely in her childhood bedroom forced to listen to her parents trying to stifle their morning sex?) during that visit home for the holidays.
And who says "Sexmas" encounters should be limited to singles? What if you're a "hot wife" with a free pass from your devoted cuckolded hubby?
Here at the HDH, Mistress (so far) does not have a "side dish". But hope springs eternal. We have re-opened her OKCupid account for the holidays and have a few prospects in the Q. Her luck here has been limited. And I doubt anyone will pop up on her dance card before new year's day. But with the temperatures falling, and the slopes untypically brown so far this year, it might be worth making an effort to find her someone to supplement her slave's work-a-day cock until we return to River City at the end of January.
Midwestern Professionals relocated the the High Desert SW add some cuckoldry and submission. But now there's a New BOSS in town
Friday, December 29, 2017
Merry Sexmas!
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Saturday, December 23, 2017
Famous Cuckolds In History

Of course, having the girls at home necessarily cuts off opportunities for any cuckolding action here at the UCTMW World HQ. So we have to live vicariously. And the Crown on Netflix has made that easy to do. In addition to the story line about Princess Margaret's husband Tony, mentioned here earlier this week, there is another starting revelation about the Tory Prime Minister Harold McMillan, who I remembered vaguely as the dry as mud counterpart to President Kennedy in the days of the Cuban Missile Crisis and "Camelot".
It turns out that McMillian was a cuckold for much of his marriage to his wife Dorothy, the posh daughter of the Duke of Devonshire. Her lover was a colorful character named Robert Boothby. Their complicated three way relationship is described in great but tasteful detail in this article: The Prime Minister, his wife and her lover.

It seems Boothby was a randy fellow, who was a member of Parliament, then a TV personality. He fathered one of the McMillian's daughters, and carried on the affair with Dorothy through thirty years, including 1957-63 when Harold served as PM. Boothby was bisexual, and was linked to the notorious Brit mobster, Ronnie Kray. Kray was gay and reputedly had his own relationship with Boothby, when Boothby was not cuckolding Harold.

(Boothby on right above right; Kray on left)
To show his innate comfort with the role of cuckold, McMillian named Boothby as a "Life Peer" in 1957, making him Lord Boothby, a member of the House of Lords, where apparently they have some pretty cool members' only bars and dining establishments!
Amazingly, all of this was well known to the British media at the time but discretion prevailed, just as the US media kept JFK's notorious womanizing hush hush on this side of the "pond". Those were the days!
Maybe with a few more years of Trump, we can Make Cuckolding (and Womanizing) Great Again! Wouldn't it be entertaining to learn that both Melania and Ivanka were cuckolding Donald and Jerad. If so who would be a good candidate for cuckolder: General Flynn? Paul Ryan? Sean Hannity? Or just some low profile Secret Service agent with big hands and a bigger "sidearm"?
"The Crown",
Harold McMillian
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Cuckolding Comes to Netflix
Here at the UCTMW World HQ we have been getting ready for the holidays. Two daughters (and a prospective son in law) are headed here by the end of the week. The tree is trimmed, and the presents are wrapped. The only downside is that Mistress and slave will have to go into "stealth mode" when it comes to our daily couplings once our daughters are back in residence.
Mistress was hoping that before our girls arrived there might be one more opportunity for some extramarital fun with her one and off lover, Jay.
"Jay seems to be pulling another disappearing act, slave...."
"Here we go again....."
Unfortunately, Jay seems uncomfortable as a "role player" in our little threesome. He seems to resent "sharing" Mistress, and therefore pulls these occasional sulking routines. I suppose that means we will need to go "christmas shopping" again for another lover for Mistress. Sadly, our conventional avenues seem to have dried up. The OK Cupid candidates were pretty mediocre this time around. And all the would be "doms" on Collarspace seems to be height challenged, married, or both.
But at least we found a little video inspiration over the weekend. We have been plowing through episodes of "The Crown", the Netflix series documenting the reign of Britain's current Queen. She and her hubby Phillip are as dry as a cactus in the Mojave desert. It makes you wonder about the viability of virgin births in the royal family.
But then the attention passes to Margaret, the younger and darker sister, who clearly had appetites that her more dutiful older sister was spared.
As season two unfolds, she's hooked up with an artsy photographer named Tony, who seduces her with his lenses, motorcycle and snappy uppercrust patter.
But what Margaret doesn't know before their posh wedding at Westminster Abbey is that Tony has more "catholic" tastes, including a hot oriental dancer, and a couple he cavorts when Margaret is tending to her princessly duties. The plot twist is that Tony appears to be the "Bull" in the threeway dynamic, and apparently impregnated the pretty blonde wife on the eve of the big royal wedding. Horrors!
Considering how boring the Queen and her Prince have become as they age in Buckingham Palace, I for one am hoping that the series focuses more of its attention on Margaret, Tony and his assorted lovers in the final episodes this season.
Better yet, maybe they deserve a spin-off series. Sort of like "The Mary Tyler Moore" show begat "Rhoda" and ""Lou Grant", but with more three-ways. If so, that will help Mistress and slave make it through the current cuckolding dry spell.
Mistress was hoping that before our girls arrived there might be one more opportunity for some extramarital fun with her one and off lover, Jay.
"Jay seems to be pulling another disappearing act, slave...."
"Here we go again....."
Unfortunately, Jay seems uncomfortable as a "role player" in our little threesome. He seems to resent "sharing" Mistress, and therefore pulls these occasional sulking routines. I suppose that means we will need to go "christmas shopping" again for another lover for Mistress. Sadly, our conventional avenues seem to have dried up. The OK Cupid candidates were pretty mediocre this time around. And all the would be "doms" on Collarspace seems to be height challenged, married, or both.

But then the attention passes to Margaret, the younger and darker sister, who clearly had appetites that her more dutiful older sister was spared.

But what Margaret doesn't know before their posh wedding at Westminster Abbey is that Tony has more "catholic" tastes, including a hot oriental dancer, and a couple he cavorts when Margaret is tending to her princessly duties. The plot twist is that Tony appears to be the "Bull" in the threeway dynamic, and apparently impregnated the pretty blonde wife on the eve of the big royal wedding. Horrors!
Considering how boring the Queen and her Prince have become as they age in Buckingham Palace, I for one am hoping that the series focuses more of its attention on Margaret, Tony and his assorted lovers in the final episodes this season.
Better yet, maybe they deserve a spin-off series. Sort of like "The Mary Tyler Moore" show begat "Rhoda" and ""Lou Grant", but with more three-ways. If so, that will help Mistress and slave make it through the current cuckolding dry spell.
"The Crown",
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Sunday, December 3, 2017
Friday Night Date Night With Mistress's Lover
Mistress had a date with her lover Jay on Friday night.
It was slave's job to provide the two lovebirds with some cover on a night when they went out in public together. That made me a chaperone, or a "Beard" for their "date night". And for good reason: River City is actually a small town with two major league teams. It's rare when you don't see someone you know at a bar or restaurant on a Friday night. And, sure enough, after the three of us ordered our meals at a Japanese restaurant in the hipster section of downtown, we noticed two friends, a prominent politician and her boyfriend, on the other side of the long counter where we were seated.
Mistress went down the bar to say hi, while Jay and I continued our discussion of the ongoing apocalypse in DC, as well as his alma mater's prospects in the Big 10 Championship game scheduled for Saturday night. Our friends (no doubt) did not take note that Mistress was accompanied by both her husband and her lover. Instead, it must have seemed that we were simply enjoying dinner with a male friend or colleague.
What they missed was later on that evening. When we got home we lingered over an additional drink. Then Mistress preemptorily announced "I think it's time for bed, Jay......"
Soon they were headed upstairs together. Slave slept in one of our daughter's rooms.
In the morning I was up early, and therefore missed the wake-up sex action that apparently transpired out of my earshot.
I did get a text from Mistress:
"We're going to have sex now, slave.....then you and I can go for a bike ride after Jay leaves....."
Mistress never likes to miss her morning sex or her daily exercise.
As for slave, I was happy to brew Jay some coffee, served in that "bull" mug again. He was heading home as we hopped on our bikes. On our return, Mistress gave me a chance to worship her clean shaven folds, nice and sticky from her morning's activities.
And later in the day, slave even had a chance to partake in some post-nap sex.
"But you're going to have to do the work, slave.....my body is still a little sore from all that aggressive sex with Jay....."
I was happy to oblige.
It was slave's job to provide the two lovebirds with some cover on a night when they went out in public together. That made me a chaperone, or a "Beard" for their "date night". And for good reason: River City is actually a small town with two major league teams. It's rare when you don't see someone you know at a bar or restaurant on a Friday night. And, sure enough, after the three of us ordered our meals at a Japanese restaurant in the hipster section of downtown, we noticed two friends, a prominent politician and her boyfriend, on the other side of the long counter where we were seated.
Mistress went down the bar to say hi, while Jay and I continued our discussion of the ongoing apocalypse in DC, as well as his alma mater's prospects in the Big 10 Championship game scheduled for Saturday night. Our friends (no doubt) did not take note that Mistress was accompanied by both her husband and her lover. Instead, it must have seemed that we were simply enjoying dinner with a male friend or colleague.
What they missed was later on that evening. When we got home we lingered over an additional drink. Then Mistress preemptorily announced "I think it's time for bed, Jay......"
Soon they were headed upstairs together. Slave slept in one of our daughter's rooms.
In the morning I was up early, and therefore missed the wake-up sex action that apparently transpired out of my earshot.
I did get a text from Mistress:
"We're going to have sex now, slave.....then you and I can go for a bike ride after Jay leaves....."
Mistress never likes to miss her morning sex or her daily exercise.
As for slave, I was happy to brew Jay some coffee, served in that "bull" mug again. He was heading home as we hopped on our bikes. On our return, Mistress gave me a chance to worship her clean shaven folds, nice and sticky from her morning's activities.
And later in the day, slave even had a chance to partake in some post-nap sex.
"But you're going to have to do the work, slave.....my body is still a little sore from all that aggressive sex with Jay....."
I was happy to oblige.
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Friday, December 1, 2017
Back to the Grind

Of course, we have had the solace of our daily sexual rituals here. And Mistress slept last night in her black tights, which is always a delightful tease for her slave.
At least for the holiday season, we've given up the search for another lover for Mistress. The four guys Mistress "interviewed" were all washouts for one reason or another.
Two were simply not macho enough for her taste. One we met for drinks seemed to have some potential, but his "back story" did not seem to hold up, making us wonder if he really was who he claimed to be. Another just seemed to vanish after a first meeting.
But then there still is Jay. He and Mistress have had a bit of a renaissance in recent weeks. And he'll be joining us here tonight.
"Jay's coming at around 6:30 tonight slave....."
It will be another one of those three-way dates. We will share some beverages. Go to dinner, then the two lovebirds will be left to their own sexy devices.
I promise to provide a full update over the weekend for those of you with a prurient interest in all of this. For those of you who don't, maybe we need another weather report?
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
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