Sunday, January 29, 2017

Back to the Grind

Mistress and slave are back in River City again.


It's cold, damp and gray here.  None of that brilliant white snow that we left behind on our mountain.  No lovely sunsets to shorten our late afternoon apres ski naps.

Just duty to family and clients.

Mistress had lunch with the Dowager Domme yesterday, as slave worked on doing the grocery shopping and getting my home office organized.

Mistress did mention being in contact with Jay, her lover, who has been sulking a bit over her long absence. I suppose there are prospects that they will "hook up" sometime soon.

In the meantime, poor Mistress will be left to resort to the pleasures that her slave can provide with his devoted tongue and work-a-day cock.

Maybe today I should dust off her special power tool, which has been languishing in that bag in our closet, awaiting the return of her demanding clean shaven folds.

Somehow, she will survive!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Mistress Mulls Her Cuckolding Options

Here in our little corner of the SW the snow gods have been generous. Our mountain has been buried in a bout 4 new feet of snow over the last week.  Mistress found herself up to her thighs in powder yesterday afternoon -- on a trail that is typically groomed as smooth as silk.  I was proud to see her navigate her way through the morass, a big smile on her frozen face!

Meantime, slave has been doing my duty - morning sex and afternoon worship  - to keep her on "maintenance" satisfaction as she considers how (or whether) to get our new novelist buddy into a status beyond ski companion.

Here are the ideas we received from our readers and some reactions:

1. Slave, with a lame excuse,  begs out of dinner at nice restaurant with Mistress, and suggests that Dirk take her our instead. At dinner Mistress makes her play.  (Mistress seems a little reluctant, at least for now, to be so "forward").

2. Slave shares a beer with Dirk, suggests he has ED, and proposes that Dirk play a therapeutic role in our marriage.  (Not sure this would be credible long term, since it would be hard for us to hide our healthy sex life..... plus slave has an ego, after all!)

3. As an alternative, (proposed by blogger Lapsed Catholic Wife), slave takes Dirk out for a beer, mentions that we have an "open marriage" and mentions that Molly "fancies him" thus opening the door.

Now here are a couple of other ideas I came up with that could also move the ball forward:

4. Slave picks up on Dirk's career as a novelist, and mentions that I am a bit of an amateur writer, with an infamous blog that maintains a world wide reader base.  I offer him a link and see if her bites.  If he reads it, he might figure all this out by himself.

5. As a variation on the ED concept, Slave mentions to Dirk that we have a Femdom relationship, that I routinely wear a cock cage, and that Mistress mistakenly left the key back in River City. She could use a spare cock while I am "indisposed".

6. We invite Dirk over for dinner, Mistress dresses on suggestive lingerie and a skimpy robe, and when he arrives, she greets him at the door and explains that her husband was unexpectedly called away for a family emergency.

Despite all these excellent ideas, I suspect Mistress will want to go slow with this. And she has been receiving and exchanging text messages with him this week re: innocent subjects like snow conditions, etc.

Maybe we just let nature take its course.....

Monday, January 23, 2017

Is Mistress Due For A Spanking?

There was a major snow storm here over the weekend. Mistress and slave hunkered down Saturday to avoid the clouds and the blustery weather – substituting “two a day” sex and a romantic dinner out for a day on crowded, windy slopes.  But yesterday the sun was out, there were 22 inches of fresh powder (Our new POTUS would have called it 5 ft., but who’s counting?); and we were back up the mountain enjoying a winter wonderland.

On the cuckolding front,  Mistress has traded a few texts with Dirk (the novelist) over the last few days. And she and slave are mulling over some of your helpful suggestions on how to best fertilize this potential cuckolding relationship. It turns out we may see him again on the slopes today….. one step at a time. 

In the meantime, our Western Correspondent contributed a little speculation of his own on how Mistress might get a little extracurricular action:

 Well I left a comment for Mick and Molly yesterday and thought I could have some fun with it

And Diane you might like it too!

You see the Scarlet Ranch is actually a very upscale club

They have a very nice property on 5 acres

Nice big back yard with 10 cabanas and many tables

So last night I was "thinking" about what might happen if Mick and Molly went there

Of course Molly being the little show off would strip naked and have Mick go get her a drink as she sat down to talk to everybody

Of course she would be the only one naked....

She would rock forward in her chair and press her little clit on the seat

And rock back and forth...

As Mick was returning with her drink three kind of bikers walked in

Kind of because you could tell they were really doctors or  lawyer or something

Clothes were too clean

But they dressed the part

Blue jeans and black leather chaps

Big thick leather belts 

Tee shirts and black leather vests


Molly saw Mick talking to the big one, the best looking one

She thought she saw some money change hands

Then he walked right over to Molly and took her by the hand and stood her up bare naked!

Young lady your husband tells me you are a little trollop who needs a good old fashioned bare bottom spanking 

I do not Molly protested!

But your are a trollop?

No answer......

He ignored her and pulled her over to the nearest cabana and pulled her over his lap

Hard legs under the jeans and chaps

He still had black leather gloves on and pulled her cheeks wide open

Exposing her pretty little bottom hole and labia

He reached down with his left hand and pried her labia open with two fingers

He then roughly pushed a leather clad finger right up her vagina

He pulled it out and smelled it

Then he turned to the crowd and said  

She is soaking wet!

Now Molly      and Diane if you are reading

I will continue if you want me to


I will need a comment telling me why:)

Looking forward to sensing Molly's reaction to this, WC.  It's been a while since I gave her a good "switch day" cropping.  Maybe she is due!

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Slave Finds Mistress A Potential Suitor On the Mountain

Recently Mike, our on again, off again Western Correspondent (should we call him a "stringer" now?) suggested that we might be better off looking for a local "Ski Bum" to satisfy Mistress's need for a little extra sexual attention on our long trips west.

Surely there are guys up on the mountain who wouldn't mind cuckolding old Mick and taking advantage of Mistress's lush, demanding body?

Well, for the most part, the ski bums here in our little corner of the Rockies are an unkempt lot. Think a guy with an untrimmed beard and ponytail, duct tape holding together his ski gloves, who hasn't showered for a week because he sleeps in a van in the ski mountain parking lot to make sure he doesn't miss any of that that early AM powder.

This is not Vail or Aspen, where the "ski bums" are the sons of hedge fund managers or Silicon Valley Barons, with slope side condos to retreat to  after their ski valet stores their skis and boots until morning.

But once in a while you do run into a potential candidate on the mountain. About two weeks ago we shared a lift with a novelist  (let's call him Dirk) who lives an hour north of here, high on an abandoned ski resort.  He seemed interesting, and we shared information, and actually found him on Amazon. We talked about getting together again on the mountain, and although we traded a few texts (I cleverly gave him Mistress's cell number to contact us), we did not "hook up" until yesterday.

It was a blustery snow day on the mountain. Mistress took a few runs and retreated to a fire side lounge at the base, while slave added to his run count.  As I boarded a lift after a run through the trees,  who pops up on the chair next to me next to me but Dirk.  We chatted on the ride up, took 2 more runs together, and I then declared my plan to go meet Molly at the base and take her home for lunch.

"I'll go down with you and say hello."

Mistress was a little surprised that I had Dirk in tow when I found her warming at fireside in her foxy, form fitting black  ski wear. We chatted a bit, then I left the two of them alone with the pretext that I had to change out of my ski boots before heading home.

When I returned, Mistress and Dirk were sitting side by side on a little couch in front of the fire, looking very cozy.  We all talked twenty minutes more, then I took my "matchmaking" thing a little farther.

"If you want, stop by our house for some coffee on your way down the mountain."

He was interested, and we made sure he had our address. He even said he noticed our black Subaru pulling out of our drive on the way up the canyon, so knew exactly where we were located.

Dirk did stop by. I lit a fire, made some coffee. Mistress was stretched out on our couch when he arrived, reading her kindle.  He stayed for more than two hours, and we traded opinions and stories on politics, books, and movies. (He has been an extra in several movies filmed in these parts and had amusing tales about famous and not so famous actors and directors).  He had some interesting (if far out) theories on the Kennedy Assassination and UFO's. But then this is crazy country!

Finally, he took his leave, but not before commenting "I like you guys! You're interesting."

He's divorced, and shared some interesting opinions on how most of the local ladies are a little too . . . . how shall we say it . . . flannel shirty ..... for his taste. He clearly is looking.  And he prefers a woman who shaves her legs and wears a little make-up to a lady lumber jack.

Mistress clearly falls into the former camp. (In fact, as is well known to our readers, she shaves more than just her legs!)

So what happens next?

"He's interesting slave.  But how do you broach the subject that I am "available". Won't he think that's a little weird?"

Well that is the problem, isn't it?

SO dear readers.... you help us make the call.  How does one introduce the concept of consensual cuckoldry to a guy like Dirk?

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Looking For Love In All the Wrong Places

Mistress and slave have been spending lots of time in bed and on the ski slopes this week.  We even had a couple of “two-a-days”, enabled by a a late afternoon nap that revived both of our energy levels after several hours out in the cold and on our legs. 

Another aid is slave’s faithful “aneros”.

Why not put in your device, slave?”

As phrased, it was a question.  But I considered it an order from a Mistress who doesn’t want to bother with anything other than a firm and steady work-a-day cock if she is going to indulge in some later afternoon nookie.  And she got exactly what she was looking for.  

(BTW, we do not display my aneros on the book shelf as a knick knack....But it sure would be a conversation starter, wouldn't it?)

Sadly, Mistress has been left with only her slave’s attentions these last few weeks. And it seems she may have to “suffer” a little longer, at least until we get back to River City in the next few days.  We clearly struck out with AM here in the high desert, and a study by some grad students at the University of Toledo may explain why.  It seems that male AM users are more likely to me concentrated in affluent areas outside of big cities rather than out here on the edge of the wilderness.  The researchers (who specialize in geography and planning) used data found in the big AM leak of a couple of years ago to probe into the locus of all those male philanderers:

The result was a first-of-its-kind geographical look at internet-facilitated infidelity, and serves as a warning to the wives of affluent Fairfield County, Connecticut, home to tony Greenwich and Stamford.
That area posted the highest rate of male subscribers who paid the website to engage in extramarital affairs.
Researchers found the Fairfield area led the nation with 6.23 Ashley Madison subscriptions per 1,000 people aged 18 to 79, followed by the metropolitan areas of Boulder, Colo., Jacksonville, N.C., and Manchester, N.H.
The metro Toledo area was in the “middle of the pack,” with “nothing unusual going on,” said Mr. Chohaney.

In fact, it turns out that River City has a higher percentage of AM users than “Greater Toledo” (which sounds like an oxymoron, doesn’t it?).

There wasn’t a link to let me drill down into AM users in the SW, but since this is a relatively  less affluent area, it explains the slim pickings for a Mistress with “permission” to acquire a side-dish. The study also explains why she kept getting solicitations from the Boulder / Denver suburbs, even though that area is too many hours away to find a reliable extracurricular lover.
Maybe we need to look on that “” site the next time? I love their slogan “City Folk Just Don’t Get It”. 

Mistress might just take a cotton to a guy who knows his way around livestock. 

Monday, January 16, 2017

Mistress and her Mountain Man

Mistress had a “date” Saturday evening with her long time crush – a guy who’s summited Everest, Dinali (aka McKinley) and a batch of other peaks around the world. When he’s not gallivanting around the world, he’s tossing explosives to trigger avalanches before the slopes open to mere mortals, as part of the ski patrol at our local ski resort. We’ve called him Mountain Man (MM) here over the last few years.

He’s the peak that Mistress would love to bag in her fantasy life. And we all need fantasies, don’t we?

But was it really the “date” she had in mind?  Not really. For one, her slave was along to chaperone. Hard to flirt with me sitting at the table at a local watering hole, slipping a beer. Though hardly impossible. 

And there was a legitimate reason for our meeting with MM. In September we are joining a group to climb Kilimanjaro, and MM is our guide. (Of course, it’s no coincidence that Mistress made sure we signed up for this particular expedition, is it?)

So Mistress reached out to MM to arrange a time to talk over training, equipment and what to expect on the trail to the top.

Of course, “Kili” is a walk in the park for MM. Sure it’s a jaunt up to 20,0000 feet.  But (they say) it’s a relatively easy stroll if you can handle the altitude and all those hours and days on your tootsies. There are lots of bearers and other staff to lighten the load and prepare meals. We just have to show up and endure.

Flirting is optional.

Mistress did a little of that over our drinks with MM. She avidly shared a few climbing stories from her youth that seemed to get MM’s attention. I could detect the glow in her eyes as she and he discussed some mutual friends from her days climbing Mt. Ranier, where MM has guided over the years.  Has she planted some seeds that could sprout in the months to come?  We shall see. But it’s definitely a long term project that I do not think Mistress is prepared to abandon just yet.  At least it might keep her on simmer through our adventure in September!

In the meantime, there is some frustration in our efforts to find her a local “side-dish” here in the high desert now that we plan to spend much more time here. AM has been a bust. Too few fish in the arid, higher altitude pond here. Mostly guys looking to cheat on their wives, which Mistress does not find appealing.  But apparently she’s not the only one with a problem when it comes to looking for some relaxed, unencumbered sex. 

In yesterday’s Washington Post, there was an article by a late 30’s woman titled “I Want A Lover Not a Boyfriend, describing her frustration in finding a "Mr. Right Now" who is happy to provide some sexual attention without the trappings of a traditional “relationship”:

“I’m not looking for a “boyfriend” or a “husband.” I want a lover. I want to have consistently good sex with someone I like and respect, who likes and respects me, without the trappings of domesticity. That might change. Might not. But in this moment of my life, when I’m juggling projects and co-parenting, I simply want good sex on a regular basis with a side of good conversation, the occasional out-of-bed adventure and special-occasion date.”

She describes how single guys actually get insecure when they learn she’s not looking for someone to “put a ring on it”.

So maybe this “first world problem” is not as uncommon as one might tend to think.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Cock Ride Palooza

Mistress and slave have been enjoying our time away - extending now beyond our typical two week stay and heading onto a month. It's beginning to feel more like home here than back in River City. As it should, since at some point down the road we hope to cut all our Heartland ties and become full time residents here in the high desert.

In terms of sexual fun, Mistress has gotten a tad more feisty this week during our morning sex.  Maybe it's the lack of a "deadline" to be up and out of the bed -- after all the ski valley is not going to go away if we show up 30 minutes later, is it?

The result has been a more active role for Mistress, as she "saddles up" on her slave's eager cock following that initial starter cum delivered by my avid and well trained tongue.

Yesterday morning was an example. After a quick inspection and the application of her full and tender lips to assure that her work-a-day cock  was fully prepared, She rolled onto me, her long hair draped over her face. I just laid there as her fingers grabbed hold and guided my eager organ into the close and cozy confines of those clean shaven folds.

She eagerly took charge then, sliding up, then down, impaled on my humble tool, a woman possessed. Or should it be possessing?

Then, with a sudden shock, and to my awe, she came with startling force and fury.

"Wow, Mistress that may have been a record."

"I guess I was horny this morning, slave....."

Apparently.  Was it because she was anticipating her apres ski "date" that evening with the long time object of her fantasies - the mysterious " mountain man" from the local ski patrol?

More on that tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Golden Showers Go Mainstream?

Since we started writing this blog all those years ago, subjects then considered "taboo" have increasingly gone mainstream. So we've had some fun pointing out when "mainstream" media outlets dabble in the kinky --- like all that cuckolding going on at PBS in their "Indian Summers" series; or the Fem Domme wife / psychologist  binding and cropping her prosecutor hubby on Showtime's Billionaire.

But yesterday the media stepped into kinky territory that even Mistress and slave would consider yucky --- the assertion that a certain President elect retained some Moscow Prostitutes to perform an exorcism of sort.

According to a document published at Buzzfeed (Alleged Ties Between Trump and Russia), Russia had collected "compromising" information on Trump during his stays in Moscow for various Beauty Pageants.  Supposedly this includes a time in 2013 when he stayed at the Ritz Moscow in the Presidential Suite where Mr. and Mrs. Obama had once stayed.

The memo quoted by Buzzfeed - part of the opposition research efforts of Trump's GOP opponents -
describes a scene where Trump engaged prostitutes to perform a "golden shower show" on the bed where the Obamas had slept because he "hated" Obama.  The claim was that the Russian Intelligence Service had video/audio evidence of this "show".

One can imagine Mr. Trump and his "companions" chilling in one of the luxe suites at the Ritz, overlooking Lenin's tomb and the Kremlin. No doubt Melania was back in Manhattan, walking her mastifs.

I hope he left a big tip for the staff who had to change the sheets afterwards. Though somehow I doubt he is a big tipper.

So all over America this morning, kids might be asking ...

"Mommy,  what's a golden shower?"

Suggested answer:

"Well honey, you know the President is a very wealthy man. I bet he puts very fancy plumbing into the showers at the White House when he moves in."

Let's hope the kids don't get too curious and start googling it.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

The Dowager Domme Strikes Back

Mistress and slave have been quietly enjoying our extended getaway here in the High Desert. A big snow storm swept through on Thursday night and Friday morning. We were too lazy to fight the crowds and slippery roads on a "powder day". Instead, we hunkered down at home on Friday, walking in the snow, lazing in bed, and enjoying the privacy of our hideaway.

But our extended absence has her mother, "The Dowager Domme" in a manipulative funk.

Like a good daughter, Mistress called her on Saturday afternoon, after we returned from the ski mountain (we couldn't justify another lazy day!).  After the call I heard the fall out:

"It clear she's pissed we are gone for so long, slave....all her friends are sick or dying, it could happen to us (i.e. her) anytime....a friend got shot in an unsafe neighborhood, she goes to work everyday in an unsafe neighborhood, we may all be healthy for  now but that just means our luck will change sooner rather than later.... blah, blah, blah....."

I can see her now, sitting on her throne, pissed that I've stolen her little girl away to a remote time zone where she can't dote on her mommy.

Why can't she take it out on her husband, Mistress's step father, rather than put her daughter on such a passive aggressive  guilt trip?

"You spend more time with her than your sister does, Mistress, even though we go away from time to time. Why doesn't she take it out on her?"

"She claims [Molly's sister, who lives out of town] calls her multiple times a day....whereas I only call her once a week or so...."

"Do you believe that?"

"My sister says it isn't so...."

We had dinner last night with some friends who live in Oklahoma, and travel here often.  Mistress was recounting these stories of Motherly manipulation. Our dinner companions shared some of their own.

"When my mother died I had to clean out her house.... I found two vibrators, a couple of pistols and an assault rifle", Jane recounted.

"The guns were loaded.  I had to call for help from the Sheriff's office to make sure they were unloaded and safe", her husband added.

Well I guess it could be worse.  The Dowager Domme could start packing heat.  Although maybe it wouldn't hurt to buy her an Hitachi (if she doesn't have one already) to atone for Mistress's sins.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Snow Day

Mistress and slave had the best of intentions on Thursday morning when it came to the great outdoors. After our morning wake up sex, we suited up and hopped in the Subaru for the 20 minute drive up the mountain to the local ski area. approaching storm and the high winds associated with it had shut all but the beginner lifts. Something about the wind blowing the chairs into the towers, and then detaching?  Not a great way to (literally) "hit the slopes".

What to do? we were not inclined to stick around on the odd chance that the winds would subside later in the day.  Not when we had a cozy adobe cottage to retreat to, with a fireplace or to to provide us solace.

So our unscheduled snow day featured a walk down to a local "cantina" for a burrito / tamale lunch.

And plenty of time in bed.

Our afternoon session featured some extended cock riding by Mistress, and some bonus cums delivered by slaves avid tongue.  We were too lazy to even go out for dinner, so slave whipped up some gnnochi and we caught up on some stockpiled TV episodes.  Not a bad way to spend an aborted ski day.

BTW, for those of you wondering about the conclusion of Mistress's "interview" on Wednesday was a bust.   Things wound up after about an hour, and the subject was kind enough to pick up the tab on my beer.  But......

"Ugh. Slave.  He was very hard to talk to.   Not too interested in me.  Lots of talk about himself...."

Who needs a guy not willing to learn more about Mistress?

"And he seemed a lot older than advertised....."

"You have to wonder about guys who lie about their you aren't going to find out about it sooner or later....."

Clearly, no chemistry.

"So how did you leave it with him, Mistress?"

"I guess it was an "I'll get back to you' sort of conclusion. But obviously no comittment to get together again...."

It fell upon Mistress's corresponding secretary to deal with this bust.  In response to his Thursday morning email gushing about how much fun it was to meet, and suggesting another get together soon, I had to send the "sorry, Charlie. But there's no chemistry here" response.  Another prospect bites the dust.

But there is this rather macho looking author we met on a chair lift earlier in the week.

More on that later.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Live Blogging Mistress's AM Interview

Mistress and slave are (at this very moment) at a local watering hole here in the high desert.  It's an odd combination of radio station, concert venue, bar and grill with big views.  The DJ is warning listeners of an impending "snow emergency".

It's happy hour!  But what really brought us here are not cheap drinks but Mistress's interview with a dude she met via Ashley Madison. Slave came along as "security". Now I'm parked at a table in the back (watching the DJ), while Mistress chit chats with this new "prospect". Fortunately, I made sure to bring my lap top and mobile wifi device.

You can tell I was a cracker jack boy scout: "Be Prepared!" The wifi and a milk stout have me entertained as I scope out Mistress chit chatting with her prospect across the room.

On paper, this guy fits the bill.  Ivy League Degree. A certain rugged individuality that suits the backwaters of the SW, and that appeals to Mistress.

He was probably a bit taken aback when I walked in the door with Mistress and humbly introduced myself, then took a table on the far side of the room.

So is there face to face chemistry?

He's appears to be a  little older and shorter than advertised.

A little pudgier than advertised.

Will Mistress find a hidden appeal that slave has overlooked?

Not sure.  At least the conversation has not died (it's been going on for 40 minutes or so). And the worst that can come of this is that we find a guy who might be able to help us design an irrigation system to become more sustainable out here. Or maybe he can build us a garage with a big closet that can store some of Mistress's out of season wardrobe.

Believe me, we could use some extra closet space!

Monday, January 2, 2017

The World Turned Upside Down

Yesterday’s Blog comparing our New Year’s Eve Shindig to the party scene from The Poseidon Adventure had Mistress reminiscing about seeing the 1972 movie with her parents when she was barely 9 yrs. old.  It was the same year that her dirty old man of a slave was graduating from college. Maybe my concern about not going to Vietnam (I got a lucky lottery number) and getting married (for the first time) that year kept me away from the theatre. 

In any event, she found this Poseidon Adventure Trailer from the movie. The chaos that ensues as the boat rolls over  seems like a good metaphor for what our nation may be facing these next few months as we settle into regime change. That's a subject that our long retired Western Correspondent visited in this dispatch we received from him on Saturday night (unedited to give you the true flavor of his literary license):


At least Mick and Molly are safely hidden away in their SW love nest

Basking in the heat of December

Sunning on the deck

Wishing for some fresh powder

I have never been to their hide away but by accident I was close last year

B (my lovely bride) and I were rolling around southern Colorado last year

And we ended up in their town

I have been there a few times before but years ago


You blog friends will not be surprised that their house is in the best part of that old west town

I took pictures and sent them to Molly

"Oh my god" you were only two blocks from our house!

Not surprised,  I said

You guys need to know Mick and Molly know everybody

Debbie Reynolds is only the tip of the iceberg

I have seen pictures of them with:


Clinton (who BTW tried to hit on Molly)




Many Senators (many)

Mayors .....  (several)

Movie stars (many)

Redford, to name just one

But you two nuts need a picture with Trump

No maybe not............

Please don't do it although I know you could!

A Trump wife or daughter  maybe?

I can't tell the difference....

But they are beautiful immigrants (legal  or not) 

I wish they spoke better English

But they would be great in porn movies

Grab them by the pussy baby!!!! 

What the fuck have we done?

The party of the Russians and .01%'s will fuck us all

I never thought Americans were that stupid

Oh well, nothing we can do about it for 4 years

And maybe never in my life time

Oh well     Tune out and turn on

Move to  Colorado

I think the blue states will maybe save us

California is the 7th larges economy in the world

I don't think Jerry Brown is going to put up with this shit

He said we will jus launch our own weather and communication satellites

Fuck the morons in the red states 

Health care?

Fuck we have some of worst health care in the world (and pay the most for it)

Oh well that is my rant

Maybe a mountain climbing ski patrolman would suffice for a cuckolder?

Just asking!

Rock on My friends

Your Amigo always